Music in this game is incredible
I haven’t heard many speak of the music. Indeed, the Guild Wars OST composition is incredible.
The immersion it adds… is wonderful.
I must agree, the music is incredible! There are many games you never notice the music, but here the music just adds directly to the game, making it amazing! =D
Paige Starpetal – Human Elementalist
What? Music by Jeremy Soule? Music that sounds all the same no matter what game he works on unless you throw money at him to actually use real instruments? Composer that made prophecies music that is completely indistinguishable from TES4: Oblivion music?
Yeah, nah the music is kittens. The atmospheric tracks are good though! They probably should of hired a talented composer; or gave Soule some instruments.
Indeed it is, but it feels to me that in order to fully enjoy it I have to listen to the tracks separately in a player…which is what I do. Music tracks in GW2 are just not varied enough even tho there is a lot of it. Thus I added my own music to the mix, and thankfully removed those boring GW1 songs nobody wants to listen over and over.
IMO Soule’s high-point was Skyrim, GW2’s music is quite a disappointment to me.
Custom playlists are a god-send.