No sound except character voices in WvW
it seems that a game restart fixed it..nevermind I suppose
I posted mine in bugs, but I will tell my story of this same problem here too.
Playing WvW, sound will seem to give up, unless back at starting area. Now and then you will hear the odd sound, but for the most part no sounds will play at all. Sometimes the sounds even crash and loop, lightning especially I noticed.
My hardware is pretty high end, so it isnt processing. I have a 7.1 set up and that, for a modern game really should not be the reason. Especially as 7.1 headsets are fast growing in popularity.
Restarting does fix it, but when your server has 2 hour que times to get in to wvw, that isnt an answer IMO, and it is happening frequently.
Yet again it strikes! Log in this morning to do some gathering, ran about on my warrior, nothing wrong.
Log in to my engineer, see an event, join in, sound vanishes partially. No footsteps, jump sounds, or shots from pistols. Soon enough, no music, no enemy sounds only the very rare character dialogue.
This has honestly become irritating to the point I dont want to play the game! Please fix this bug soon, I have tried everything my end.
Sorry for tripple posting, but just to confirm, this is fixed with the latest patch.
Sound Designer
Thanks for the follow-up, Bish. This is a rare occurrence issue that we made efforts to eliminate in the last patch through a series of engine optimizations. There are many variables that cause this problem, but the most significant culprit should be out of the running now. If you experience it again, please let us know!