Possible to Disable One Track?

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: TactualRain.7109



Is it possible to disable one music track?

Most of the audio in the game is great, but there’s one audio track that seems to get stuck on loop. I don’t know what it’s called, but it seems to play almost 100% of the time when I’m in Ascalon on my Charr, and at random other times on other characters.

I suspect it’s a combat music or other effect, but it lasts for ever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever. It is jarring, it is annoying, it does not enhance my inner calm when trying to play.

Quick fix: disable all music in game. This is sad, because the other music is good! Is it possible to remove an audio track in some way?

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: TactualRain.7109



I’ll take that as a, “No,” then. Music off for all eternity it is!

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: Jigain.8231


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If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the custom playlist lowers the volume for some reason, music i normally have at a certain volume is lower in-game even with music on 100%.

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: Hermes.7014


You can get the original soundtrack and put the tracks from GW2 that you like in the custom playlists.

the custom playlist lowers the volume for some reason, music i normally have at a certain volume is lower in-game even with music on 100%.

You can work around this by lowering the sound effect volume and keeping music volume high and then turning up your PC audio output volume.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Possible to Disable One Track?

in Audio

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Disable? Not possible.
Trick it? Hell yeah!

There is a way to override the game soundtracks with your own .MEU playlists.
(for more info, GW2Wiki)

Get the OST from somewhere (legaly for sure:), then do not put that one track in the selected playlist.

This will work at least.

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