Post 2/26 patch pulsing audio bug is back?

Post 2/26 patch pulsing audio bug is back?

in Audio

Posted by: Ketto.6508


Not my video, but this is the bug I’m talking about:

Just happened to me while doing the Maw event. I had this bug around launch but it was fixed around when the Halloween update went up. Now it’s back

I use on-board Realtek HD audio, if it matters.

Post 2/26 patch pulsing audio bug is back?

in Audio

Posted by: Rika.7249


It never left. Thus it’s not back.

This hasn’t been fixed ever. It’s been made less likely to happen, but it’s been happening nearly every week for me.

Post 2/26 patch pulsing audio bug is back?

in Audio

Posted by: John Madden.3569

John Madden.3569

I just got this bug as well, also during Maw, then crashed before the final event.

Prosecco – Ele; Sweet Genius – Mesmer
Sissy Boys [sB]

Post 2/26 patch pulsing audio bug is back?

in Audio

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

There is a big thread about this in the Game Bugs subforum already. The team is aware of this and still working on it, thanks to all your reports. We now close this thread.

Thanks for your understanding.