Quip not only makes fun noises!

Quip not only makes fun noises!

in Audio

Posted by: Wuffles.5319


It also makes clown music play in the backround when you’re fighting monsters! I just found this out wth XD

This isnt in the wiki, someone should put it in.

Quip not only makes fun noises!

in Audio

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


One of several reasons I don’t want a legendary.

Not sure which it is, but one sounds like someone punching a chicken.

Quip not only makes fun noises!

in Audio

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Yeah, the day they start releasing serious legendaries will be the day I’ll think about getting one. For the time being, some of them like Quip and The Moot are what I consider joke weapons.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Quip not only makes fun noises!

in Audio

Posted by: Starscream.6498


Personally, if they intend to do this, they should have 2 legendaries for each weapon, one on the serious side and the “joker” version. Twilight, Sunrise, The Predator, all amazing imo, and each weapon should have a side like this. The Dreamer, Quip and others sometimes really ruin the ambient.