Retro log-in music is great!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Calsifer.6079


I could not believe my ears when I heard the retro log-in music! It was great! Props to the ANet audio team for making me laugh the moment I got into the char select screen!

Ninja Stokk – Thief. CD.

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: dennie.9237


need this track. Anet, upload it, please!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Mathog.3157


Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I love the MIDI tune.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


It’s awesome! Total nostalgia moment.

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I just logged out my char and suddenly heard this tune Realy neat!
I was so suprised and had to write about it here, some of you beat me to it but wow that track is awesome!

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: SlaYer.2138


This is hilarious! I was totally freaked and thought my account got hacked or something. Then, I realized it’s April Fool!

i recored it in my channel:

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: MolleaFauss.6078


Yep, absolute stroke of genius. I was puzzled for a couple minutes, thinking if there was something wrong with my audio setup…

Oscura Simmetria – Gunnar’s Hold
[Phastidio, Thief]

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Avain.1653


Well, I can honestly say that this was not something I was expecting to get for April 1.. I really hope that Anet gives us the option to keep using this track over the default one by adding a launch option or something similar.

Just…. Awesome.

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Lord Azazel.8703

Lord Azazel.8703

Omg I was worried when I heard this music. I started asking my guild if they had the same problem only to learn just now that Anet is the one that put the music in.

Way to go Anet.. You gave so many people a scare but you fooled us good

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Elric Of Melnibone.4781

Elric Of Melnibone.4781

I also considered rebooting thinking my sound card was fragged. I hope it goes back soon as the normal music still thrills me.

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Lord Inskipp.9486

Lord Inskipp.9486

I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to fix it. I had installed a new video driver since it changed, and thought that was it. I checked every setting, and even did a system restore. I was really starting to get upset so I checked here….

Good one Anet… you got me. Well played.

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Daenji.5280


Complete genius! I also LOVED the song! Thank you so much for the amusement and the good music! The music has definitely been a highlight for the whole game and this totally made my day as soon as it started!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Avelan.1923


Great surprise! I love it! Now give me a download link. I’ll pay you for it!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Agreed, I know that some fans will no doubt record this but I want Arenanet to provide us a copy in which I can throw money at them.

I must acquire this!

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Wulf.5431


I. Need. This.

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: Ceaphyrel.1638


I. Need. This.

You are not alone…

Anyway… wouldn’t mind paying for it… it’s brilliant…

Retro log-in music is great!

in Audio

Posted by: ElenaDragon.8401


You can download all the tracks here: