Senbonzakura (flute gw2)
Hi Arivel,
i got no experience with the flute yet but what i can hear is that there are not really many accidentals on the first 2/3 of the song on the upper melody, so this would work on the ingame instrument!
E F G A B C D E are your notes on 1-8 but you got only 2 octaves hmm maybe someone who plays it can answer you this better!
Hum okay thanks Nathanael
Now i have to find some who can play flute ..
I’ve found a sheet version for piano:
And you can download sheet for flute here:!lM8Q1L6T!YCKCyHZ2_1YBNIQ_nxYl5h7631N7qAnKFo_tdfC1h00
Sorry i can’t post a pdf here
Please help me
Ok problem:
In the second line there is a note which cannot be played with the flute:
The flute has 2 octaves Emajor E F G A B C D E so it is
(E F G A B C D e) (e f g a b c d e’)
The song goes like this: (1st part works fine)
(up) 34 (down) 7676 (up) 34 (down) 7676
(up) 34 (down) 7676 (up) 121(down)76
(up) 34 (down) 7676 (up) 34 (down) 7676
but now it comes..
(up) 346?8?8765
g a c f’ e’ f’ e’ d c b
the flute is e f g a b c d e’ and i need the next higher f’ after the last e’.
e f g a b c d e f’<— this
Here is my thread about enhancing the music instruments, so 1 more octave for the flute maybe and it works!
Edit: But it works on the harp and lute if you start it all 1 octave lower, they got 3 octaves. Then it doesn’t sound accurate but you can listen to it.
(edited by Nathanael.4398)
Hum ok i understand, Thank you Nathanael
So i try to play what is written, but it doent sound like the song,
What would the chorus sounds like with the gw2’s flute? or harp?
Well i don’t own a flute so i couldn’t test it but for harp it is:
starting on middle octave and
() = highest octave
If you want to do this on flute then you just have to convert these to flute notes:
Harp: 12345678: CDEFGabc(cdefga’b’c’)
Flute: 12345678: EFGabcde(efga’b’c’d’e’)
So for example: the first note on the harp is middle octave 6 so its “a” —> flute’s a is on first octave 4 and so on
I hope i could help you!
Edit: To do this faster on flute just watch the first step i did. 6 on harp = 4 on flute so you can take all of my notes and just subtract 2 on every note and voilá!
(edited by Nathanael.4398)
Ahhh okay thank you, now i undersand better,
i’m gonna give it a try