The Sound of Maguuma

The Sound of Maguuma

in Audio

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


The music used in this new zone and in these new story instances are amazing.
- For the music to be played by a live orchestra instead of being artificially made (even though there are tools to make artificially created music sound almost as good as the live equivalent of the instruments there would’ve been used) it gives the music a more organic feel to the game and it most certainly elevates the gaming experience as a whole.

- A great many thanks to Maclaine Diemer for contributing this great score, which helped me reach a level of immersion today, as I tried the new content and ventured into the unknown yet again.

I’m currently studying myself to become a composer for both games and audience.
- As such, I have great love for music wherever and whenever I might encounter it.
Jeremy Soule have composed a lot of great and iconic tunes to the GW universe, but I am of the impression that the new music does the game justice.

Thank you again, Mr. Diemer, for the wonderful soundtrack I got to experience today.
- I’m looking forward to hearing more of your work later on in Season 2.