There is a lot of Repetition

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: paultimate.8790


First off I want to say I generally enjoy the amount of speech in the game. I much rather listen than read. It has enhanced my gaming experience. However certain things are starting to grate on my sanity..

  • shut up Shut Up SHUT UP
    Often when I’m crafting away for 20min to an hour, no matter where I am, their are always certain dialog audio on some sort of random loop. If I hear some trainer chick tell some trainee to ’train in the ring, or not at all" one more time, I might have to kill every NPC in Claypool. I dont want to turn dialog off. I just want it to stop happening so often. It literally loops every 2~min. Extent it to 15~ or lower the radius or something anything!
    Silence, you salad sloot. Although my char is a human female guardian, the amount of time Ive heard her scream PAIN FOR PAIN or RETREAT or SAVE YOURSELVES makes me want to smack her with a trout <><. I like hearing her, but the same phrase over and over is… horrible. Especially considering how much dialog this game has in it, youd think these short phrase would have a few variations per skill that has a voiced audio attached. It would be awesome to get a few different versions. Think of the trout.

Thanks for the great game.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Beast.9516


How about the surly charr banker in L.A. “What do YOU want.” Ahhhh!

Beast [Beastess Isdottir][Meilikki Isdottir][Kaunista Illusio][Savant Bixxie]
Aspiring Brotherhood [PACT]
Fort Aspenwood

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Vargs.6234


Sometimes I’m glad that I don’t really have much in the way of boons on my thief, because I don’t have to hear how well I could outrun a centaur every few seconds. My engineer does not have such luck.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: spoodigity.4321


Vendors seem to do their little quips every time a player interacts with them. I’d much rather hear it only when I interact with them. I don’t need to hear the same lines over and over while I’m looking through the goods as other players come up to them.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: RamenNoodles.7568


“FEEL MY WRATH!” is the quote that is heard too much when spamming the 1 key with the Tome of Wrath. Some skill quotes do get annoying and adding an interval before hearing another would be great, but as for town I do not mind it as much.

Hearing the hustle and bustle of a town or busy area kind of gives an ambiance that other mmo’s just don’t do.

This is the first mmo I’ve played in a long time, so I’m not sure how more recent one work, but the ones I’ve experienced usually use ambient sounds of incoherent words in the background for the town.

Also hearing random conversations as you pass by npcs is a really nice touch to the whole town/city experience in Guild Wars. Granted that you would probably hear that same conversation more than you really want, but it’s nice to have real town ambiance than fake ones.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Jaana.7613


I would love an option to simply mute my character (outside of dialogue).
The ever repeating lines and the constant squeaking and grunting do diminish my otherwise great enjoyment of the game.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


I’m always noticing the contradiction when I’m trying to get away from someone who stuns me. My guardian shouts, “Retreat!” and “Stand your ground!” or vice versa.

Oh, and remember, it’s a bad day to buy wine. But it’s a great day to drink it!

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: BobbyStein


Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead

The chatter system that handles things like greets and combat VO needs some frequency tweaking. It’s relatively simple to do, and it’s on our radar for polish stuff.

If there are scenes triggering near certain vendor NPCs, we should probably move them farther away.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I’ll be in some area alone and yet I’l hear other races right next to me.
Which is kind of jarring when I’m a Charr guy climbing a jumping puzzle and I hear “I could outrun a Centaur!” but no one is there.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


The chatter system that handles things like greets and combat VO needs some frequency tweaking. It’s relatively simple to do, and it’s on our radar for polish stuff.

If there are scenes triggering near certain vendor NPCs, we should probably move them farther away.


While you’re moving things farther away, be aware that there are issues causing the dialogue to be really loud when the speaking NPC is out of view but still in earshot.

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: paultimate.8790


Thanks BobbyStein. This is one of the best things about this game; a more direct feel to whats going on. I have faith more than any other game Ive played that things like this will get improved in the comping weeks.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Pietoro.2014


Vendors seem to do their little quips every time a player interacts with them. I’d much rather hear it only when I interact with them. I don’t need to hear the same lines over and over while I’m looking through the goods as other players come up to them.

Yeah, this is really annoying if you spend any time hanging out near the bank or trading post NPCs. They never shut up, and frankly I don’t want to hear them greet every other person who happens to click them.

+Gaura Havocshot – Engineer
+Felzza – Elementalist
+Roienna – Guardian

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Oh sweet Eternal Alchemy, yes! I never ever want to hear about raptor eggs ever again.

At the very very least, let me turn OFF the attack/combat comments, hearing them every few seconds makes me want to fling my characters off cliffs.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


I heft hammers bigger than you!

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: JemL.3501


i love all the voices, i love save yourselves too, dont remove it

I took an arrow to the knee

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


I really want to leave a wrong to rippen into evil, and strangle that Sylvari in the cooking area of Lion’s Arch.

Also.. that Norn lady that shouts about how she hasn’t taken leave of her senses every. single. time. I. walk. across. Hoelbrak. Can we please make her take leave of her vocal cords.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Oh sweet Eternal Alchemy, yes! I never ever want to hear about raptor eggs ever again.

Any plan involving raptors is fool proof! I am an umitigated genuis!

How many of you read that in the Asura’s voice? Be honest

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


I really enjoy all the voices in the game for the most part. I really find it odd that Sylvari say “thorns!” as an expletive. That’s like a Char saying “horns!” or a human saying “fingernails!” I get it, they are plants, but it really doesn’t make any sense.


Please give me an option to silence myself and no one else. My character is a battle-hardened blood legion charrdian. She does not need to tell me how fast she is going every time I use a speed boost. >_<

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


i get tired of hearing my ranger say “eat my dust” all the time. i wish each character had like 10 random different things for every thing they say like that so it wouldnt be so repetitive and stuff.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


The chatter system that handles things like greets and combat VO needs some frequency tweaking. It’s relatively simple to do, and it’s on our radar for polish stuff.

Good to hear. Mostly, I’m not bothered by combat VO, but there’s one thing that drives me insane. It’s the comments from the necromancer when a minion dies. I know there’s more than one response and they were funny the first time, but anyone with Death magic in their build hears them with ridiculous frequency because of the quick-dying Jagged Horror. The Jagged Horror itself needs tweaking because it’s pointless at present, but I guess that will not be such a simple task as altering the VO frequency.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Aefion.8719


yeah I agree, some of the dialogue loops far too frequently. I personally am sick of hearing the sylvari say ‘I know your face from my dream’ and when my own character says all this arrogant stuff like ’I’m amazing.’ I mean seriously? Do they want us to play characters who are totally up themselves?

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Oh sweet Eternal Alchemy, yes! I never ever want to hear about raptor eggs ever again.

Any plan involving raptors is fool proof! I am an umitigated genuis!

How many of you read that in the Asura’s voice? Be honest

Utterly. Gah. He sounds almost-but-not-quite familiar, too.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


In Aion your toon would speak out spells and shouts on actions too and always the exact same one on attached to specific spells but this could be turned of in the options menu.

this would be nice to have.

Also as mentioned already the voices in our heads that belong to other players and npc’s that do not seem to be anywhere near us should really be fixed. This is not polish this should have a higher priority then that since it is down right irritating people to hell.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Just adding my voice in agreement. Most of the comments and background convos are really good, and I do want to hear them, it’s all just that they’re all a bit too frequent. I’d say make the gap about 150% or 160% more, or something like that.

And one’s character’s ability calls are great atmosphere too, but again, they need to be triggered less often; probably about half the frequency they have.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: DakimDragco.4519


Sound sofar, especialy dialog is good, but i too get cringy when an npc, sometimes 2 or 3 time right after not even finishing the sentence the first time say the exact same line again, much like that taking leave of my senses nord woman who i could litterly shoot by now.

Its like watching die hard and hearing bruce willis saying yipie kayee ….. the whole movie long. Fun at first but at the third time it gets anoying.

Some things to stop this are indeed decreasing the frequincy with which these dialogs are used, and stopping npc from saying stuff when ever a random player talks to them, instead making them speak only if you talk to them. Not easy im sure, but for the better of the game it is nessesary too get people less anoyed while they are in town.

To be honest i avoid staying in any town or market area long due to these repetitive conversations.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: DarkDawg.2538


The most annoying to me i think is near the bank the child asura and the guard charr.
“Your face looks funny all flat and squished.”
“No YOUR face looks funny, like a little raisen.”

*edit for typo >.>

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Daigotsu.3258


Well, it’s not as bad as hearing “I will destroy you!” over and over again when you’re assaulting mercenaries. >.> <.<

“This is the tech support! Step away from the
complex and delicate electronic entertainment
device! NOW!”

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Darkstorne.6348


Well, it’s not as bad as hearing “I will destroy you!” over and over again when you’re assaulting mercenaries. >.> <.<

“Enemy is everywhere!”

I agree with the OP. Overall this is a fantastic game, and the audio is usually superb. I love hearing townsfolk chatter about random goings on, or guards taking a break under a tree and saying how it’s a great place for lunch between patrols.

But certainly, variety for these one-liners our own characters say would be greatly appreciated. I don’t know how feasible it would be to get those core actors back in to record some more lines, but hearing exactly the same lines for each little action (buffs, achievements, adrenaline build-up for warriors, etc) is a little odd given how much emphasis has been placed on voice actor variety in the world around us.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Zii The Mad.2563

Zii The Mad.2563

Hey Leatherworkers, does this sound familiar:
“Did you see what she was wearing? No I was busy looking at him!!”

“kills puppies, bunnies, kittens”

I hope they tone it down. And make more varied dialoge.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

For me the most annoying line is: “More people should learn to barter”. Lets see what’s wrong with it:
– Barter is a horrible system for trade. That’s why currencies exist, to avoid the problems of barter.
– These lines are usually said by merchant NPCs. They don’t allow any form of negotiation, you either accept their set price or not trade with them. Meaning these are the worst NPCs to say this line.
– Barter isn’t even an option in GW2, because the trading post requires currency, and mail trading is just insecure.

So this line was annoyingly stupid the first time I heard it. On top of the annoyances of it being constantly repeated.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Punter.7648


When I am in town crafting I turn the audio option to German language and this silences the npc’s.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Rainshine.5493



If there are scenes triggering near certain vendor NPCs, we should probably move them farther away.

While you’re at it, can you please make bank tellers not have any lines? Standing at the bank in Lion’s Arch for more than a couple of minutes should show you why I’d request that.

Same thing for crafting vendors, especially the cooking one (since people seem to run back and forth a lot for that craft in particular). I often turn off my sound completely while in town at the bank or crafters because I can’t stand it.

Also, please look at frequency of elementalist chatter again. Putting 10 points into Arcane for Elemental Attunement has the chance for the following to trigger on every attunement swap:

  • Something attunement related
  • Something related to the boon you gain for that attunement
  • Something related to the fury you gain on attunement

I actually like the audio cues for conditions on me. I do not, however, need my character reminding me what boon I just gave myself or what attunement I’m in, because I already know.

You guys seem to have made the effort to vary them up, but there should be some system of suppressing the chatter entirely so that it doesn’t trigger more than once every 5 minutes or so.

She’s not repeating the exact same things over and over … she just won’t ever shut up.

“I can outrun a centaur!”
“Feelin’ hot!”
“You’ll have to hit harder than that.”

etc. etc.

Just shut up, Ruse. Shut up.

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: phamtrinli.6425


ya every time I hear someone say “I could outrun a centaur” I want to kill their character.

Also, and I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet but, the speech loops of the NPC’s outside dungeons is maddening. It needs to be on a 5-10 minute timer.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Tad.4109


i would like to add to the list the amount of laughing and yawning that goes on in Divinity’s Reach – it’s everywhere, especially near the crafting station. i try to tune it out, but it can be a challenge sometimes. in particular, there is one male laughing voice (one that i find a bit annoying i might add) that loops way too much.

that said, the fact that my quibble is with laughing and yawning should tell you just how awesome i think this game is overall! thanks for an amazing game A-Net!

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Blaine.1263


My favourite repetition comes from attempting to hold a point in sPvP when playing Guardian w/ Tome of Courage:


Blaine – Warrior – Greatsword & Longbow
Sir Byren – Guardian – Mace/Shield & Scepter/Focus
Zaldoras – Necromancer – Staff & Scepter/Dagger

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Taari.5280


Worst for me is the constant repetition of voice action at the Trading Post. I am one of those players who spends a lot of time there in Hoelbrak and the NPC talking every few seconds is driving me nuts.

I don’t want to mute the ingame sounds only to re-activate them when I am somewhere else and I don’t want to put off my headphones – I just please please please please want the Trade Post NPCs to shut up

Maybe there could be an option to tick / untick these kind of NPC voice actions?

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: placeboing.3896


The biggest problem with this for me is the sounds repeating near areas that you will stay in for extended periods of time. For example, the crafting tables at Divinity’s Reach – you have to listen to endless “YEAAHH!!! YA-HA-HA!!!”, this was one of the only times that I’ve had to take my headphones off in the game. Another one is the trading post in Cursed Shore – this girl right next to the trading post repeats this conversation about someone being “covered in ooze and gore” like once a minute, so that is another place where I take my headphones off.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Verteiron.8734


“My ears! How are you?” twitch

It’s like the woman in OfficeSpace saying “JUST a momENT!”

As for the Sylvari’s Rose/Thorns line, I actually reported this as a bug in beta, not just because she says it so often, but because the line would be much more effective with just the first half. “This rose has THORNS!” wallop

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


some options to disable them would be nice.
for example i hate hearing the same npc dailogues over and over in cities.
but i find in-combat dialogue helpful.

hey guys… did you see what she was wearing?
btw.. did you know about the sewer system of Lion’s Arch? :P xD
and.. did that quagan finally get his weed so the traders in the TP can stop talking about it?

(edited by Trismegistos.3046)

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


The chatter system that handles things like greets and combat VO needs some frequency tweaking. It’s relatively simple to do, and it’s on our radar for polish stuff.

If there are scenes triggering near certain vendor NPCs, we should probably move them farther away.

please give us these two options:

turn off npc dialogues
turn off combat dialogues


There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Adzy.8370


my most hated quote.

Death??? Good!

hearing that from lvl 40-80 content.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Aevic.9675


You could turn off Dialog if you don’t care for it the things you complain about are really silly imo. If you don’t care to hear it turn it off. I for one love the sound effects for abilities and npcs. Makes it feel real.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Minibiskit.6158


Simple fix really. Just lower the frequency of the npc chatter near crafting stations, banks, and trading posts.

still twitching from the “egotistical blather” repetitions

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: GuyWithCake.5146


I don’t have a problem with most voice overs. Just don’t like short loops in trading post area of major cities. Especially that annoying kid in Divinity Reach that goes “AAAAH HAHAA” laughing at something, I can’t even see this kid around me but as I am crafting Tailoring – I hear him.

If you shut down everything the world feels dead.

Here’s my suggestion you just have some NPCs that wondered around walking and talking so if I am stationary I only hear them once every hour or something. Even if they say the same thing on other side of map I don’t care because they aren’t near me constantly saying the same thing.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: jovian.2805


I feel like turning off the voices completely would make the game feel too lonely to me. How about a frequency slider? The levels of repetition now could be 100% or something, and maybe default is 50%.

teachers live in schools, garbage men live in garbage, and firemen live in fire.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Azeures.9251


I would like to express how much I agree with this post. I’m not sure if anything has been done since 3 months ago, but I feel that the VO is still as repetitive as ever.

I’m not exactly a hardcore MMO gamer, but I play lots of MMOs. I was really excited about guild wars 2, got the deluxe edition and played it during the headstart and beta. I didn’t really progress much into the game, perhaps due to commitments from work, and never really got back to the game when I was free. I thought that it was perhaps I couldn’t grasp the new MMO concept of this game.

Recently I logged in to give it another try and perhaps see what Christmas event was going on. I managed my way to the winter airship where I attempted the quest. There, I kept hearing..

“I’m not having a brain storm, I’m having.. A.. Brain hurricane!”
“Now who stole all the mistletoes!”
(or something along that line..)

After an hour listening to that so many times, I decided to log off. Doing some research an looking back, perhaps it was the VO in the game that really put me off.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Yshaar.4921


I absolutely agree! There needs to be something done about the Character audio cues, too.

Unfortunately the devs think everything is fine there as the audio cues for abilities are unchanged since beta.

German rp/pvx guild on Drakkar’s Lake
Join us :

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


“Have you ever been with Caith on her Wylde Hunt?”

I know how mind-numbingly awesome I’m supposed to think the Sylvari are, now stop trying to ram it down my throat.

This reppetition is an issue with FX too.. when we hit things there should be pitch variation, not the SAME…. EXACT…. pling!pling!pling!

& for the love of all the it Holy TONE DOWN THE NECRO STAFF.. holy CRAP that thing is annoying. I can’t believe it’s been 4 months & not a tweak for something that is so annoying people don’t even use the weapon.

there was even an article pre-launch that talked about how they were supposed to have a system to make things non-repetitive.. guess that got scrapped.

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Deano.7913


This is not the result of NPCs but it is very repetitive. Doing anything in Lion’s Arch, especially at the bank or Black Lion Trading Post:

About about 18-20 seconds apart or so into infinity and beyond.

I love a lot of the audio in this game but this is one of the most repetitive things I hear. Please ArenaNet can we have auto-attack turned off in noncombat areas like Lion’s Arch? I am assuming auto-attack is what is causing this.

[WP] Wisenheimer Prime | Guild Leader
Polyhistor Serpente – lvl 80 Elementalist | Crystal Desert

(edited by Deano.7913)

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: Sandbenders.5027


“We’ve cleared the entrance of the Citadel of Flame!”