Trahearne's Voice Acting

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Anjeel.4076


I was really enjoying my questline until Trahearne took the place of Tybalt. Don’t get me wrong, I understand why Tybalt had to be replaced, but not only do I have no emotional connection whatsoever to Trahearne, his voice is so bad that I want to push him off the nearest cliff. He has absolutely no depth to his acting. An excited Trahearne reminds me of a bored school teacher. I don’t quite understand why such an important character’s voice is so terrible. How could anyone have actually said, “that’s great”.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: deSade.9437


When he… tries to put some emotion in his acting, I find it both hilarious and depressing, in equal parts. Trahearne just makes me feel like noone else in this game can: and that’s a… good thing… aye? No, maybe not.
I guess they had a little problem with the budget. Ever heard of the voiceover for Tonn? God, that guy’s amazing. Can’t remember which quest it was.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Ridley.3691


Most asura have amazing voices, especially the males, Zott’s voice is awesome.

But Trehearne, yes, dullest voice I’ve ever heard in a video game.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Phira.3970


Trahearne voice works early on when he’s a scholar but his transition from a scholar to the Pact leader required a big transition. But no, he just stayed in his scholarly voice.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Maxzero.4032


“We must bring the fight to Zhaitan, He is a big dragon. The fight will be hard. I will lead you. I am a good leader. I think.”

I feel inspired at least.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: StarsLife.7320


He shouldn’t sound like he’s reading the script but he totally does..

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


He’s a very Eeyore kind of character. I can understand him, but I don’t see how he ended up leader. He should’ve been head advisor to someone else, maybe divinity’s edge, if we could’ve gotten them to come together earlier in the story.

The biggest thing that bugs me is how he always says something to the effect of “This won’t go well” when you enter combat… So inspiring, Marshall… you’re lucky I’m a vigil warrior, formerly of the blood legion. I’m trained from birth, I’ll lead the charge, Trahearne, you hang back and wring your hands like the lil eeyore twig you are.


Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Hearing Trahearnes voice makes me sleepy. He is SO BORING!

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: ZoiN.4280


He reminds me a lot about Komir from GW1 – If I didden’t knew better I’d say that the person had undergone a gender shift due to the lack of “spirit” or “engagement” that goes into voice acting. Not that Koss was much better, though a little.

Really though Trehearnes voice acting is pretty bad indeed. He really sounds more like a robot who’s mood has been set to neutral.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Aequitas.6402


Trahearne’s ‘inspiring’ speech in A Light in the Darkness always cracks me up a little, to be honest.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Ramei.2715


The biggest thing that bugs me is how he always says something to the effect of “This won’t go well” when you enter combat… So inspiring, Marshall… you’re lucky I’m a vigil warrior, formerly of the blood legion. I’m trained from birth, I’ll lead the charge, Trahearne, you hang back and wring your hands like the lil eeyore twig you are.


You still are in blood legion, you’re were just assigned to work with an order, which led to you working with pact. What doesn’t make sense to me is my ash legion thief being under the command of blood legion tribune. Ash legion tribune should tell ash legion charr to go to an Order and iron legion tribune an iron legion charr, not Rytlock. Personally, I’d like to be able to tell that fool what he can do withhimself. The only reasonable member of Destiny’s Edge is Garm.

As for Trahearne, my sylvari’s “mentor” shouldn’t act like I don’t know who Trahearne is. Makes sense other races might need an introduction but sylvari doesn’t.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Tyloric.7520


Trahearne is Kormir reincarnated.

True story.

Casteless Wind [Guild Wars 2]
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Dastion.3106


As for Trahearne, my sylvari’s “mentor” shouldn’t act like I don’t know who Trahearne is. Makes sense other races might need an introduction but sylvari doesn’t.

I know. They treat you like you were born yesterday or something…

…oh wait

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: the moidart.3612

the moidart.3612

Trahearne is Kormir reincarnated.

True story.

Hey at least Kormir lost her eyes. Sure she gets to be a god, but at least we got credit for killing the previous one!

In GW2 its the player character who does all the sacrificing, losing nifty NPC’s of various voice acting qualities along the way, while Trehearne has nothing, and so loses nothing. He’s only got his life and his shiny sword, and loses neither.

Oh dear, this is becoming a rant.

Anyway, yes, Trehearne’s voice acting was indeed disappointing considering his main role, inferior in its delivered form to those of Destiny’s Edge, who for all their problems, were at least earnest. Caithe is how you do emotionally controlled. Trehearne is how you do it wrong.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


If Garm piss on Trahearne foot, kill him and assume as a Marshal I will give credits for doing the right thing.

Argh, Trahearne looks like a generic old teacher, not someone who needs to be strong and inspiring and captivating. Why did you need to kill Tybalt just to put this log with a speaker?

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Psyke.6279


Here’s a showreel of the voiceactor:

So apparently he can put some emotion into his lines. It’s still nothing amazing, but compared to what he delivered for GW2 it’s surprisingly good*.

*"good" in the loosest sense of the word

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: evolverzilla.2359


When I imagined Trahearne saying to my azura.

“You’re a good guy, commander. You haven’t kittened me in the kitten…yet,”


Seriously, close your eyes, imagine saladhead and listen to the vídeo.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Zeefa.3915


What is with all this Trahearne hate? Am I really the only one that likes him?

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: synk.6907


What is with all this Trahearne hate? Am I really the only one that likes him?

There are seemingly very few of you folks who do like him around, for sure.

I totally wanted to be happy for him when I helped him complete his Wyld Hunt, but it’s Trahearne, so I just kind of shrugged. I’ve honestly come to appreciate his concept, but the execution is so disappointing, uninspiring, and credit-stealing.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Moeto.1503


I actually like him a lot. And I like his acting. I think the idea of the scholar who never expected or wanted this leadership role, but who ends up taking it to fulfill his Wyld Hunt, is a cool one, and I think underplaying the acting is a legitimate way to go with it.

I see a lot of people comparing Trahearne to Kormir (unfavorably), but I think there’s a lot of difference. Kormir was set up from the beginning as a great leader, so when she ended up just tagging after you, it was a huge letdown. Trahearne never was much of a fighter, so it’s fine with me that I end up shouldering a lot of the heavy lifting.

My main is sylvari, though, and I’m fascinated with the sylvari lore and culture, so that may inform my opinion on the matter.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: cannedflame.3597


Almost as bad as the harpies.


Human Necromancer Marrow Doomherald – Charr Guardian Karn Aegispaw
Norn Warrior Teun Vallensson – Human Thief Roland Whelan
Guild Creator of Born of Ice and Fire [BIF]

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Beet.5768


The problem I have with Trahearne is that isn’t the writing, because it is reasonable writing, he’s an obvious plot crux/Mary Sue type character, but it’s acceptable because of the lore surrounding it (how Sylvari work etc).

It’s not that he specifically sounds boring, or bored, I can understand him perhaps being used to the horrors because of his work on Orrian history and the Dragons already.

It’s that he sounds like a voice actor. He sounds like a cheap and bad voice actor who’s doing a job they don’t specifically like, but it gets them money so he puts up with it. He isn’t a character, he’s lines being read by someone who doesn’t care for them.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: HighCAT.5924


The voice acting is some of the worst for this character, very dull and boring and almost sounds like someone pretends to voice act but is very shy and inexpierenced and they never project their voice.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Trahearne’s voice acting you say?

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I really don’t get everyone’s hate for Trahearn. yes there’s certain spots in the story he needs to have a fire lit under his kitten to get some more emotion into it, but I thought overall the acting was pretty decent. Also not sure why everyone rages over him having such a crucial part in the main story. Now if he continues to be the spotlight of each dragon battle, then yeah I might call foul on that one. He and everyone else knew who was running the show in the Pact, he just had the title so we could be freed up to pursue other endeavors too lol.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


I mentioned this in the other voice-acting complaint thread, but my issue with Trahearne is twofold. First, yes, he has a very dull voice (though after being spoiled by all the awesome asura voices with my first character, many people do feel a little vocally dull.)

Second, I first encountered him as my sylvari thief, where I had every reason to expect he came into the sylvari plotline as an eventual traitor. He was introduced at a time where it’s been established that everything in Orr is evil, that at least one of the Firstborn have gone bad, and something fishy is going on. So here’s a Firstborn that’s spent significant time away from anyone, in the center of all evil of all places, and he ISN’T the guy I’m watching out for?
Now everytime he shows up and apparently turns out to be the Marty Stu hero of the entire story, I get totally bummed out that the plot twist where he’s Zhaitan’s sleeper agent will never come to pass.

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: Doghouse.1562


Sorry to those people who feel otherwise, but, whilst I have nothing against the Trahearne character itself, I ended up here after a search because I, too, loathe the voice acting. “Wooden” really doesn’t do it justice. No, folks, it’s not the voice of a mild scholar pushed into being a military type. Would that it had been.

Sadly, there’s only one thing it sounds like, and that’s exactly like what it is: someone reading words off a page, with instructions to E-NUN-CI-ATE clearly (With audible. Pauses. After important. Words. Presumably because “The storyline is important, and we don’t want anyone not understanding what he’s saying, do we?”).

Unfortunately, no human being alive – with the possible exception of Stephen Hawking – actually speaks like that (nor do the other Sylvari actors in their deliveries, so even the excuse that Trahearne isn’t human can’t be used). So not only does the result often sound hideously artificial and unconvincing – but it also frequently robs the actor’s delivery of such meagre characterisation as he seems capable of. I really cannot overstate how badly I feel the result lets down the personal storyline.

(edited by Doghouse.1562)

Trahearne's Voice Acting

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Posted by: synk.6907


Yeah, I’ve described him as a text-to-speech program to most of my friends.

Now that I’ve finally gotten around to playing my sylvari past the intro stuff, it bugs me even more, and not just due to his poor line delivery compared to, say, the Pale Tree and Caithe or, really, any of the sylvari NPCs.