Victory or death!!

Victory or death!!

in Audio

Posted by: PCanineBrigade.4916


I’ve always loved this line from our characters. But it seems all it ever plays is when I’m unsheathing in Lion’s Arch or hitting a random bunny.
Can something be done to make this line play when engaging a STRONG enemy? Just for the epicness! (More enjoyable experience!)

And please check the critical hit voices. They seem to play when PLAYERS got CRITICALLY hit by the enemy. I think it’s supposed to be other way around or my Charr is actually a sadist. (enemy deals 80% dmg of health + knock back Oooh. That gotta hurt!)

Victory or death!!

in Audio

Posted by: Alaric.6125


“Sticks and stones will break your bones” one of my favourite lines said by my Asura Elementalists as well as “Severe weather warning.”

Victory or death!!

in Audio

Posted by: Hermes.7014


When my Norn female gets hits by something that does alot of damage she says something along the lines of “Now you’ll suffer!” or “I’ll be alright… soon.”. They sound about right to me.
While entering battle sometimes she says either “Death before defeat!” or “Die!!”, and that’s very Norn-like so nothing wrong about the battle cries.

The only line I don’t like pretty much is “I’m dying!” as she gets to low HP. Well, duh. Something like “It’s… not over yet!” would have sounded more like a Norn.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.