Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Seraskus.6810


The idea comes from the old siege games (Jedi Academy game :>).

The idea is: You press voice chat button, you enter 2-number code and your character shouts out a message.


1.1. Assistance
1.2 .Heal

2.1. Roger
2.2. Negative
2.3. Comming

3.1. Follow
3.2. Wait
3.3. Advance
3.4. Spread out
3.5. Retreat

This way in the heat of the battle players were able to shout out messages from the pre-prepared list, even running and fighting. Shouting out a command takes just 1 second and makes the battlefield much more…. living and belivable. And it is simply cool after all

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: BobbyStein


Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead

This is a neat idea, and one that we briefly talked about when the game was in early development. It reminds me of the chatter presets from Day of Defeat and/or Counter-strike. I’ll bring it up in a meeting. No guarantees, though.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: indelible.5928


Surely with the combat system being so reliant on key pushes, especially the 1-0 keys, a system like this really wouldn’t work?

It’s OK for FPS and TPS games because they’re not so reliant on the 1-0 keys, but with a game like Guild Wars 2, where the 1-0 keys are always in use, it seems that it would add an extra layer of commands that would simply work to complicate affairs for the player.

Just my thoughts ;s

I suppose the system could work if we key bind the commands somewhere else, or if they were on an alternative key toggle. Being able to hit shift, then 1 (or another key), to throw out a heal command (or the like) would be quite useful.

TKT | European Gaming Clan | Aurora Glade | http://www.tktclan.net

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: doxxx.9206


How about a mic-based voice chat system that alters your voice to sound like your characters?

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: dragoonsilver.2134


This is a really neat idea and it doesn’t have to be bound to 1-0 and anet could come up with some key combinations for it. Even better is to allow users to custom-bind these.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: SwiftChocobo.3781


Key binds, multiple digit codes, and complicated combinations are the wrong way to go about this kind of system in such an action oriented game. If implemented, it should be more similar to valve titles like Left 4 Dead, where you press a single key and then the direction you move your mouse next determines what you say.
I can’t find any examples on yewtewb but it’s like, you press and hold X, a popup would show the directional chatter options, nudge the mouse ever so slightly in any direction to choose what to say, then release X to say it.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Freyar.3254


Give me a reason to use my G-keys? That or just map them to some unused keys on the keyboard. I’ve had a few times where I’ve wanted to yell at people to “keep fighting, I’ll be up in a second” in the middle of a frantic boss fight, but lo-and-behold someone tries to help me up causing the boss to pay attention to me just as I’m about to rally.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


If you want an example of a really well done system for quick messaging, look no further than Tribes Ascend. I’ve never used/seen a better voice menu system. (I wish CS/TF2/Etc. used it instead of having 3-4 different voice menu options…)

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Seraskus.6810


Well, the way of implementing it is discussable of course
For me personally using numbers wont be much of a problem…

“How about a mic-based voice chat system that alters your voice to sound like your characters?”
About multiple voices there can always be something like “Asurian Battle Shouting Voicaniser” which will change your character voice in the battle xD This would make it belivable :j

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Surely with the combat system being so reliant on key pushes, especially the 1-0 keys, a system like this really wouldn’t work?

It’s OK for FPS and TPS games because they’re not so reliant on the 1-0 keys, but with a game like Guild Wars 2, where the 1-0 keys are always in use, it seems that it would add an extra layer of commands that would simply work to complicate affairs for the player.

Just my thoughts ;s

I suppose the system could work if we key bind the commands somewhere else, or if they were on an alternative key toggle. Being able to hit shift, then 1 (or another key), to throw out a heal command (or the like) would be quite useful.

Tera has this feature and worked just fine , it was easy to use and effective.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

I like this idea. What comes mind for me is how they did it in Call of Duty: press V to initiate, then 1-<number> for category and 1-<number> for command. Could be done very quickly if you knew the combinations.
There’s prolly a multitude of ways to do it effectively though.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Eki.9841


Gold please.
Wood please.
Mooonk! I need a moooonk!
Long time, no seige.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg ooooooooffffffffffff ttttttttthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee lllllllllllllllloooooooooosssssssseeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss

Anyone? No?

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Mister Facepalm.8350

Mister Facepalm.8350

Gold please.
Wood please.
Mooonk! I need a moooonk!
Long time, no seige.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg ooooooooffffffffffff ttttttttthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee lllllllllllllllloooooooooosssssssseeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss

Anyone? No?

Good times… :’)

I can imagine people running around spamming it all day long, if something like this was added :P

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: RvLeshrac.2673


This would result in spamming. So much spamming. Constant spamming.

It would eventually have to be locked down to the point where it would be useless.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

Phantasy Star Online handled it with the alt key and any key on the keyboard that was a character. It only did emotes though, but the same concept could be applied for this.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: SunRain.8972


Gold please.
Wood please.
Mooonk! I need a moooonk!
Long time, no seige.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg ooooooooffffffffffff ttttttttthhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee lllllllllllllllloooooooooosssssssseeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss

Anyone? No?

Good times… :’)

I can imagine people running around spamming it all day long, if something like this was added :P

TF2 – put dispencer here or spy or Yes\No to the left\to the right spams.
anyone? anyone?

“From the place where we are right
Flowers will never grow
In the spring.” – Yehuda Amichai

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: one of them.7509

one of them.7509

How about a mic-based voice chat system that alters your voice to sound like your characters?

Oh man, I know this isn’t really possible but just imagining it makes me excited. This would be a hilarious feature.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: Mazhurg.5720


You want to make those character speech a result of voice, not keypress!

It would be more interesting to have the client synthesize the emotes commands voiced by the player and have those results in the character /acting or voicing sets/ – not as a pass through but as commands. The in game character is still limited to the in game sets of emotes.

Now, the only problem how to be able to use this while having connections to voice servers…

(edited by Mazhurg.5720)

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

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Posted by: Sinovera.1048


Interesting and good idea… but I can see this becoming very very annoying and perhaps even confusing in WvW.
“RETREAT” “NEGATIVE” “CHARGE” “ADVANCE” “WAIT” “RETREAT” “HEAL” “SPREAD OUT” … in the space of one second.

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: Salt.4621


Great idea! I’d like to see some features like this in game.

“Your face is funny. All squished and weird.”

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: Salt.4621


How about a mic-based voice chat system that alters your voice to sound like your characters?

Oh man, I know this isn’t really possible but just imagining it makes me excited. This would be a hilarious feature.

It is absolutely possible!

“Your face is funny. All squished and weird.”

Voice Chat: Characters speaking for you

in Audio

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


Instead of keybinds they could add another small menu to the gamescreen with some options there. Example they could add a small menu under the party list that you click on to open it up and then choose what you want to say.

As for the spamming of this, simple fixes – have it so it only works while in a party or team and/or give options to filter out other peoples chat commands.

Good ideas either way, lets make it happen!

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?