Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Hi all, due to my college induced insomnia, I have decided to right a post summarizing my frustrations with this game as I slowly break up with it while I study for the GRE and wait for SSB4 and pokemon ORAS (ironically far better e-sports than this crap is made by nintendo).

Anyway the big thing for me is that the suspense for the feature patch tired me out. 2 months ago near the end of July or whatever, we got the engi and ranger skill bar previews, and they recieved so many great buffs, reworks, and changes to underused or ineffective weapons/traits/skills/kits that I was genuinely excited to see what they’d do with the other classes I play (I’ve been playing mainly necro, ele, and ranger as of late). As the weeks went on I was glad for the adrenaline nerf, as one of my pet peeves of this game was how blatantly amazing warriors were in every part of this game compared to necromancer, the class I main. When the mesmer/ele changes came out, I noticed something was terribly amiss, I realized anet was buffing cancerous cheese to whole new levels, such condition mesmer, while doing nothing to make elementalists drop their daggers and water/arcane specs with celestial perfection. As a necromancer main, I’m honestly jealous of the buffs that mesmers got, because so many of them actually fix mesmer’s issues in WvW/GvGs.

When we saw the necromancer changes, it was the last kittening straw for me. The class that I main, the class that I made howler for, did not get any changes that would open up new playstyles, or give me any other reason to play necro in pvp without cheap fear spam and nightmare runes. In fact the one different, subpar but fun build in the form or zerker power necro was nerfed to the kittening ground. Sure people abused lich, but without it theres no reason to run that spec. And two dirt tier necro skills/traits: Unholy Sanctuary, and Signet of Vampirism are still utter garbage.

ANET, why does Unholy Sanctuary heal for a pathetic 1/3rd of a Warrior’s healing signet (and doesn’t even scale with healing power) when its not even active all the time? And do you devs even know that SoV’s passive will never be able to keep up with any reasonable damage source on hit except for maybe a cleric scepter ele spamming arc lightning? Why do you want us to play the cheesiest, most skilless, most AI spamming, most random rune proc dependent, most perma regen, most boonspam, most mightspam, most stealthspam, most condition spam builds? Are you afraid of driving away new players with actual fluid and complex gameplay?

Anyway, on top of that, the lack of meaningful new content is another huge factor. You aren’t working on new dungeons. You even kittened up the dungeon community even further by kitten the ranger frost spirit in the kitten , and lets be real… that 2-target necro cleave is a paltry rotting bandage excuse of a fix for necromancers in PvE. I could handle the FGS/all elite forms/all wall intagib skills being nerfed but whatever.

In addition, WvW is still static as hell, real GvGs don’t exist so I feel like I’m bringing my guild down if I don’t have full ascended/infusions, and spvp desperately needs new game modes and something other than CHEESE. BUCKETS AND BUCKETS OF NACHO CHEESE.

Anyway, it was a great summer of playing GW2 again, maybe even a little too much, and I’m honestly grateful for all my friends in this game, both in game and on the forums. I will proably come back again, when theres new stuff to do, if that ever happens, but right now, school, tap dancing, the GREs, and nintendo games are more meaningful to me than the cheesestorm that this game’s “balance” has turned into.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bran.7425


Can I have your stuff?

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nearlight.3064


Can I have your stuff?

No I owe a friend some gold and I might come back in 6+months.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


he’s not wrong.

the balance pass schedule is embarrassingly slow and arbitrary in terms of small shaves/crazy changes.

…and then you wait 6-8 months for these things to be corrected/bug-fixed/shaved again.

if i played pvp/wvw much, i’d have quit long ago.

pve is pve…anything can work and any class can play any part of it as long as you have 4 other friends/guildies to party with.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Relshdan.6854)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Fanta.8049


he’s not wrong.

the balance pass schedule is embarrassingly slow and arbitrary in terms of small shaves/crazy changes.

…and then you wait 6-8 months for these things to be corrected/bug-fixed/shaved again.

if i played pvp/wvw much, i’d have quit long ago.

pve is pve…anything can work and any class can play any part of it as long as you have 4 other friends/guildies to party with.

^ So true.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Vermillion.4061


Slow updates, “Secret” changes, lack of “Why we are changing this skill” type of information and lack of GvG support.. It’s GUILD Wars.

I don’t know anymore… 6 months per “Major” balance patch is stupid.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


Archeage release is really really soon

Commander Soundless Death, Necro 80 – IoJ
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: woeye.2753


Archeage release is really really soon

Yeah, to be honest, even though I like the game itself I am very suspicious about Trion and their Cash Shop thing. Smells too much like milk the cow while we can.

What I really like about AA, though, is the way classes work and the freedom you have. Reminds me of GW1.

I really prefer the art style of GW2. I really do. But the incredible dumbing down of the game makes me really sad.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


We don’t always agree, but +1. How can they buff Mesmer to be so cheesy?

I don’t know. They’ve got staffing issues.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ara.4569


I’m fed up with the lack of care for necromancers as well, so I tried ArcheAge during open beta:

+ class system seems interesting, for now…
= can’t tell how balance is handled yet.
- no combat mobility (where is my evade key ? almost all spellcasting requires to stand still…)
- PvP efficiency seems mostly based on gear…
- realistic crafting system is very tedious !
- at end of beta I was at 123 / 10 000 to reach 2nd tier (out of 6) on herbalism, my most advanced crafting skill…
- F2P = trial mode, if you really want to play, you need to subscribe.

If you don’t subscribe:
- You can’t sell anything to merchants.
- To put ONE item on TP you first need to BUY one from TP…
- To generate Labor points (LP) you need to stay in game but the game kicks you if you’re AFK, forcing you to live dangerously, using anti AFK scripts.
- If you run out of LP you can’t even open a coin purse, so don’t even try to craft.
- your only way to gear decently is to buy crafts on TP because you will never be able to craft yourself without LP and protected fields.
- You can’t increase bag space.

I will probably play casually at release to better gauge how much grind this game requires for non subscribers.

All that to say I’m still looking at another profession I could enjoy instead of necro ..
I already tried but didn’t liked: thief, warrior, mesmer, ele and guardian. There’s only ranger and hobo left .

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I just love the way way posters make a complaint list as they “claim they are leaving.”. I can see they are clear cries for attention, otherwise you would just leave. Particularly when the changes you are complaining about changes that made warriors less gravy.

Yet after you swear your leaving and demand folks take you seriously as you do, you both continue to post on the forums and also logged into the game. (Anyone can use your forums name to see when you lie, and log in after you say you quit)

We already have balance discussion threads on all the subject matter you covered. If you genuinely cared about it, you would have covered it there. Yet you feel you “leaving” demands its own special balance thread. Well it doesn’t.

It is so droll and repetitive that we see these threads after every update (yawn), could we have some originality?

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Calm down. HS is required for Warr sustain now.

I don’t think Necros should be able to heal that much while in death shroud. They’d just keep resetting their lifebar, especially with auto-shroud now being a thing.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


ANET, why does Unholy Sanctuary heal for a pathetic 1/3rd of a Warrior’s healing signet (and doesn’t even scale with healing power) when its not even active all the time?

While unholy sanctuary is not that great, i am sure it scales with healing power and that scaling is like the regeneration boon.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jayce.5632


While it may scale with healing power you would need around 1600+ just to match the base output of healing signet.

i7-6700K – M.2 PCIe 512GB R/W:2500/1500MB/s
GTX 980M – SSD 512GB R/W:550/520MB/s
17.3" 1080p – 32GB 2400MHz DDR4

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


While it may scale with healing power you would need around 1600+ just to match the base output of healing signet.

As i said it is like the regeneration boon. But i wouldnt compare it to healing signet. One is a healing skill the other is a trait…

That said i think however the healing of US should be like 200 base and then with a worse healing power scaling.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: style.6173


I’ve said this before, but the biggest thing holding this game back is the balance team. They need to start releasing smaller incremental improvements. That’s the way an esports game is balanced.

Instead the ANET approach is to massively change the meta every 5-6 months. That just creates a whole new series of OP specs. Good for job security? yes. Good for esports or a balanced game? No.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


You have some good points mate. I do think that your overall perspective is a bit exaggerated though. This game is more balanced than most mmo’s I’ve played. You can’t really compare it to fighter games (like ssb) because they were made for the sole purpose of pvp and balance. Guild was 2 has a lot of other things to factor in besides just balance.

I’d say they’re doing a decent job overall of evolving us in the right direction. Granted, they continue to make various mistakes along the way that take awhile to fix.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Also, do keep in mind that MMORPGs are ultimately made of the social experience of playing them. That’s what sets them apart as a genre.

GW2 is lacking in this regard. But a focus on balance, especially smallscale-balance, can often be counterproductive to enhancing the social aspects of a MMO.
For example, you want classes to not be functional on their own, if possible. Or rather just barely functional, gaining a lot from grouping up. This coerces players to play together without having to make it flat-out impossible to solo play.
Ofc on the flipside, this makes smallscale balance nearly impossible (but hey, so do RPG concepts like “classes” and “specs” :P ).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Also, do keep in mind that MMORPGs are ultimately made of the social experience of playing them. That’s what sets them apart as a genre.

With this in mind, I think one of the biggest flaw of the social experience is that we cannot bond with the devs at all – granted, they only recently tried to adjust their policiy and want to be more open, but 2 years has been a long ride for people being left in the dark :P

I bet that if Anet would interact more with the community, telling them why they do and do not to change stuff, it will open a lot more understanding for those willing to talk about improving the general gameplay – in this regard, balancing…
However, if Anet is going to keep things like they do now, leaving all classes in the dark for ~6 months, you will likely aggitate a lot more people – now the Necromancer community, but what is next? If Mesmers are going to get the same treatment post-Dhuumfire, I do not think they will ever recover

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Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sina.9208


This latest Frost Spirit nerf might force me to quit in the long run too, I’m not sure if I can make the transition to become a warrior player.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


This latest Frost Spirit nerf might force me to quit in the long run too, I’m not sure if I can make the transition to become a warrior player.


This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sina.9208


This latest Frost Spirit nerf might force me to quit in the long run too, I’m not sure if I can make the transition to become a warrior player.



Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Leger.3724


Balance is not the culprit here – it’s lack of balance.

We were basically lied to when they made this game. There’s no thought going into the balance – specifically in pvp modes at all, it’s garbage compared to GW1 and now it’s worse because their buffs show they have no idea what they’re doing.

(edited by Leger.3724)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Balance is not the culprit here – it’s lack of balance.

We were basically lied to when they made this game. There’s no thought going into the balance – specifically in pvp modes at all, it’s garbage compared to GW1 and now it’s worse because their buffs show they have no idea what they’re doing.

I don’t see it that way:
In some aspect of the game GW2 is totally unbalanced, for example elementalists elite skills in comparison to other classes, warrior hammer cc are too frequent and thieves damage spikes still need a tweak (not necessarily a nerf).

BUT, in most aspect of the game there is too much balance, the skills and traits have been equalized/normalized so much that they all give the same damage and same effect duration, therefore there is a definitive lack of diversity.

Do you want Fresh air, that gives you a lightning bolt more often as you attune to air, or Lightning rod, that gives you more lightning bolt when you interrupt people? End result is the same.

For this game to feel balance you would need more skill imbalance, through a larger variety of builds you would also find your opponent weakness. If that makes sense.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


While it may scale with healing power you would need around 1600+ just to match the base output of healing signet.

Bingo. Last time i looked over the numbers, the HPS of HS passive matched or exceeded most #6 skills. Meaning that a HS warrior got the same benefit from just running with it slotted as the rest do by babying the #6 skill.

Regeneration, either in boon or in US form, is not a #6 skill by a long shot.

As for LF being a second health bar, yes and no. yes in that while active it takes the damage rather than my regular health, no in that it has a built in DOT. So even if i don’t take damage i can’t stay in it forever.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: NemesiS.6749


Archeage release is really really soon

Archeage is very pay to win sadly, i still probably going to play it but meeh i dont know, the labor system really is bad. I hope i find a good guild so i can borrow there farm land lol, i heard it gets better if you have a friend that pays, problem is i have non.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: caveman.5840


balance is a headache in this game ….

i like the game … but balance is a headache

no one likes to “deal” with a balance patch …. land lately all it feels like is …

“ahhh another balance patch plz dont mess up my class …. time to find something else to do ‘_’….

balance patches should be fun for everyone if balanced equal

kinda lame just watching the OP wheal spin from class to class

P.S i am waiting for black desert online a sandbox mmorpg … but it is not out in the USA yet

(edited by caveman.5840)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sagat.3285


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


balance patches should be fun for everyone if balanced equal

The problem is that players expect balance to improve from their own subjective position. But in a MMORPG, improving individual balance is more or less impossible.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

You do know that siphons already scale with healing power?

And you would a condi necro ever use apothecary? Even if they would increase the healing power scaling of siphons it would still be terrible.

(edited by Muchacho.2390)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

You do know that siphons already scale with healing power?

And you would a condi necro ever use apothecary? Even if they would increase the healing power scaling of siphons it would still be terrible.

I am referring to the 4 vampiric traits that do not scale (what people usually refer to when they talk about necro siphons).

The implication behind complaints about improving siphons is that they would change them to not scale terribly.

Everyone hates condi regen specs. they are too strong, whether they are rangers or mesmers or whatever, because healing keeps them alive indefinitely while condis kill passively, and condi clears are very limited. necros are the strongest condi class in the game, and if they develop a strong regen ability that is accessible to condition spec’d necromancers its going to be a bad time.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xae.7204


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

You do know that siphons already scale with healing power?

And you would a condi necro ever use apothecary? Even if they would increase the healing power scaling of siphons it would still be terrible.

I am referring to the 4 vampiric traits that do not scale (what people usually refer to when they talk about necro siphons).

The implication behind complaints about improving siphons is that they would change them to not scale terribly.

Everyone hates condi regen specs. they are too strong, whether they are rangers or mesmers or whatever, because healing keeps them alive indefinitely while condis kill passively, and condi clears are very limited. necros are the strongest condi class in the game, and if they develop a strong regen ability that is accessible to condition spec’d necromancers its going to be a bad time.

A large part of the problem is the lack of Boon Clear.

The lack of Condition clear doesn’t help either. I say “lack”, but there isn’t really a lack. They are just distrusted very unevenly. Some Builds are nigh immune to conditions, while other entire classes are lacking clear.

Similarly, Bunker (Previous Meta) and Condi/Regen (Current Meta) all depend on a lack of dispells or “Boon Clears”.
Very few classes have dispells, and they tend to be easy to avoid or evade.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

You do know that siphons already scale with healing power?

And you would a condi necro ever use apothecary? Even if they would increase the healing power scaling of siphons it would still be terrible.

I am referring to the 4 vampiric traits that do not scale (what people usually refer to when they talk about necro siphons).

The implication behind complaints about improving siphons is that they would change them to not scale terribly.

They do scale, all 4 of them. So why do you first say they dont scale and then you say they scale terribly (which many necromancer would probably agree on)? That is a contradiction…

But nevermind that. I dont think changing the scaling is the right thing to do regardless. Bloodmagic/siphons needs different changes, like making it more consistent with DS etc. Simply allowing them to work in DS would make the bloodmagic line much more appealing. And given the slow attackspeed of the autoattack and the high cd on ds4 i dont think that would be op in any from.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


Necros are VERY strong. Healing through DS on any significant scale would be OP if not accompanied by some other kind of nerf like life force reduction. But then all youve accomplished is hurting the necros that dont want to trait for regen.

Asking for unholy sanctuary to be comparable to warriors healing signet is a freaking joke. Healing signet is OP and needs to be nerfed. Giving necros, who have 2+ lifebars, healing signet quality heals through unholy sanctuary would be absolutely game breaking.

Actually the necro community just wanted their traited heal to work in DS like siphon,regen and parasitic contagion….they could remove US I wouldn’t miss it even tough I use it.

i hear you on siphons. the guy i am replying to specifically said healing signet though.

personally i would like to see siphons get very strong scaling off of power, but not healing through ds.

No, i dont think giving siphons a better scaling with power is the way to go. Bloodmagic and siphons should be more about selfsustain and support not about damage.

well we can agree to disagree. the problem with scaling off of something other than power (like, healing power), is that then condi necros could run apothecary to a game breaking effect.

You do know that siphons already scale with healing power?

And you would a condi necro ever use apothecary? Even if they would increase the healing power scaling of siphons it would still be terrible.

I am referring to the 4 vampiric traits that do not scale (what people usually refer to when they talk about necro siphons).

The implication behind complaints about improving siphons is that they would change them to not scale terribly.

They do scale, all 4 of them. So why do you first say they dont scale and then you say they scale terribly (which many necromancer would probably agree on)? That is a contradiction…

But nevermind that. I dont think changing the scaling is the right thing to do regardless. Bloodmagic/siphons needs different changes, like making it more consistent with DS etc. Simply allowing them to work in DS would make the bloodmagic line much more appealing. And given the slow attackspeed of the autoattack and the high cd on ds4 i dont think that would be op in any from.
^^ no scaling shown
^^ no scaling shown
^^damage scales, the life returned does not scale. also note the bug which reads: “The tooltip values listed for this trait in the hero panel are incorrect. The tooltip also incorrectly shows scaling with healing power.”
^^no scaling shown.

None of them scale. They can be improved by bloodthirst, but thats not scaling its a 1 time fixed improvement to fixed values.

To be more clear about what i was saying, the implication of people complaining about siphons not scaling is that Anet might listen and change it so siphons scale. And they should scale, but how, thats a pretty tough question.

Personally, I feel that condi necros having access to a source of good regen would make them too strong when combined with the current DS. I also feel that allowing siphons to go through DS would be too strong. If you figure you can get 2 to 3 lifebars of DS per fight (100% before the fight, ~70% from Spectral Armor, ~70% from last gasp, x% from in combat buildup), thats about 16-24 seconds of time in DS (yes, this number varies widely by how much DS you had at the start of the fight). If a warrior could spend 24 seconds immune to damage while healing signet recharged his health AND he could attack you while doing it, that’d be pretty crazy right? That is my concern, that numerous sources of healing combined will together equal to something like ~300hp/sec, and necros will be regenerating 5-9k health through DS per encounter, which would be terrifying for everyone.

I do think siphoning needs to be improved, im just not hot on it going through DS. I also think DS should work on a timer to better protect necros against multiple targets (say, DS lasts 7 seconds with no points in soul reaping, no matter how many people are attacking you).

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Apokriphos.7042


The problem with Necromancer isn’t related to a single trait or feature, such as Death Shroud. The problems with the class are myriad.

Necromancers have longer cast times and longer cooldowns in both weapon skills and utilities.

Necromancers don’t offer much if any group utility in Dungeons that isn’t better offered by another class.

No reflects, 1 field (staff marks, haha), and almost no finishers on any weapon.

Necromancers have 1 source of stability that can be used while untransformed, and you can only do so by flashing DS and eliminating any benefit from the supposed “Second Healthbar”.

Necromancers don’t have access to vigor, no access to leaps, no access to dodge enhancement, no access to teleports without preplacement.

Necromancers have the worst downstate, as many polls have agreed to.

You can’t just take an ability, like Death Shroud, and say Necro would be OP if this changed because you can imagine a ranger, theif, warrior, ele, etc being OP with DS.

It isn’t even remotely the same.

Necromancer was balanced around DS from the Beta, and its all been downhill since then.

By the way, Vampiric Traits do scale. They scale horribly. No Necromancer would ever play Apothecary by the way, we don’t have enough survivability to manage a kill while wearing with, with aforementioned extra long cooldowns and almost no DS buildup when playing Condition Weapon Necro.

Healing Power Vampiric
1388 38
1223 37
923 35
465 33
300 32
0 31

(edited by Apokriphos.7042)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


Everyone hates condi regen specs. they are too strong, whether they are rangers or mesmers or whatever, because healing keeps them alive indefinitely while condis kill passively, and condi clears are very limited. necros are the strongest condi class in the game, and if they develop a strong regen ability that is accessible to condition spec’d necromancers its going to be a bad time.

How are conditions passive? I still have to hit an enemy to apply a condition.
The reason why everyone hate regen specs (d/d ele, hambow warrior, p/d thiefs, spirit ranger,… ) is that they combine their statless, active defense with defensive stats ,regen and a decent offense. Necro’s can’t do that since DS scales with the necro’s stats and therefore can never combine those elements without sacrificing another one. Also don’t forget that to fully optimize siphons you need some utilities and/or precision without it you only have vampiric. So the OP condi regen necro will never happen and even if they buffed siphons so much it would happen, the power spec would be more OP since dagger/axe hits more often (scepter chain 3 hits in 3 seconds, dagger chain 4 hits in 2.1 seconds, axe chain 2 hits in 0.95 seconds pre patch).


Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


1 field (staff marks, haha)

we got 8 fields in normal land based situations.


Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mikau.6920


I get back after few months away to see the new stuff, but overal nothing changed.

There is A LOT, really, A LOT, of useless traits and skills, even weapons, that nothing is done to change, and it is on all professions. They care just too much on Living Story and almost nothing on gameplay.

They should at least try to fix the insane number of useless things that the game have. That will open the way for a lot of new builds and play styles, so we dont get forced to be in one of the only three (or even less) viables builds that all classes have.

I main Guard and the changes did basicaly nothing to the class, it remain the same. I already did a lot of times lists of useless things, that ANET knows more than anyone how no body uses. And this is on every class, only warrior that have very little useless things.

I guess what everyone wants is variety, we are tired of the same thing again and again. For me, mostly because the number of useless things there are in the game.

And I agree. That was no reason to nerf the well of blood like they did, if they wanted to chage the skill to 5 secs, they should changed properly. They only made the skill worse than already was before.

Sorry for my english.

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Apokriphos.7042


1 field (staff marks, haha)

we got 8 fields in normal land based situations.

1 field (staff marks, haha), and almost no finishers on any weapon. Did you really need to selectively quote just that part?

Those fields are basically for well users only. Not only that, but with no usable (non 20%) finishers on our ‘land’ weapons, we can’t make much use of them solo, unlike all other classes.

Necromancer brings nothing to the table for group utility.

(edited by Apokriphos.7042)

Balance and Overall Feedback: Balance is a culprit

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


1 field (staff marks, haha), and almost no finishers on any weapon. Did you really need to selectively quote just that part?

Those fields are basically for well users only. Not only that, but with no usable (non 20%) finishers on our ‘land’ weapons, we can’t make much use of them solo, unlike all other classes.

Necromancer brings nothing to the table for group utility.

My bad, I thought the on any weapon part only refered to the finishers .
