Balance stance is NOT a true stance !
ITT: Warrior not stronk enouff. Gief uncounterable stability huehue.
I’m going to guess that the OP is hambow and upset that someone has the means to counter their passive play. GG other players, gg.
Comparing balanced stance to necromancer life force or the invuln skills engi and ele have. It has a shorter cooldown and lasts atleast 8 seconds, and more importantly its a utility skill. Necro life force IS a part of them, stances are not a forced mechanic for warriors. Only thing that upsets me is that most of anet plays warrior so asking to buff them is actually possible… sigh
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
How long does shared anguish last? What’s the sign that it is being used? Why aren’t there pets being affected?
How long does shared anguish last? What’s the sign that it is being used? Why aren’t there pets being affected?
The pet does eat the stun. It is on a 90s CD. Once the pet takes the first stun you can stun the ranger again. It’s pretty easy.
No stance in this game is a true stance because you can use multiple stances at one time. I know it has been mentioned in this thread already but stances really should over ride each other if you use two at the same time.
It would weaken the defy pain trait (I think that is what it is called) but warriors should be subject to the same problem as other classes with use ability x trait at x% health. Auto blinding powder gets thieves killed all the time (and you cant even avoid taking it if you want some of the good stealth traits) and auto elixir S also gets engineers killed sometimes if it triggers during a heal or when you are loaded with conditions.
Yes, Shared Anguish is a good trait but it’s for one CC and then it goes on 90 second cooldown. I don’t know if it even works should your pet be dead at the time it’s activated. The Ranger’s best stun prevention is probably Lightning Reflexes and good use of evasion. Rampage as One is not a stun break and hardly practical for Stability on demand, and traiting Signet of the Beastmaster isn’t typically worth it either. I’d trade it all away for a skill like “Balanced Stance” on the Ranger in a heartbeat.
Every single stance has one thing in common:
- they have a unique atrribute to them that cannot be cleansed corrupted or otherwise removed until it is over.
- endure pain: immunity to direct damage for a short time. (4 seconds on a 60 sec CD)
- beserker stance: immunity to conditions for a short time. (8 seconds on a 60 sec CD)
- frenzy: all actions 50% faster for a short time. (6 seconds on a 60 sec CD)
- balanced stance: immunity to CC for a short time. (8 seconds on a 40 sec CD)
If it wouldn’t be strippable, I guess it would get in the category of 6 seconds on a 60 sec CD
- mist form: invulnerable for a short time.
(3 seconds on a 75 sec CD. Cannot use other abilities) - earth armor
(6 seconds of stability on a 75 seconds CD)
- death shroud: 2nd health pool and damage dealing capability.
(you can stip necro f death shroud, by dealing damages to it. plus, it cannot be healed when in DS)
- elixir S: shrink yourself and become invulnerable for a short time.
(3 sec on a 60 sec CD)
So, according to the examples given, warrior stances should in fact never last more than 4 seconds on a 60 seconds CD, should cut him off his normal attacks, and prevent healing…
Great! I agree!
About stances…
Defiant stance: Need be instant cast like all others stances.
Berserk Stance: Need have the adrenaline gain fact removed.
Balance Stance: Need be e true stance, granting not boons( stability and swiftness), but granting irremovable cc immunity.
Endure Pain: It s ok.
Frenzy: It s ok.
Can we PLEASE stop using the word “immunity” because no stance provides that. Immunity in this game is where attacks cannot actually make contact with the player.
Endure pain does NOT make you immune to direct damage, it reduces all direct damage to 0. On-crit effects can still happen because the attack still lands.
Berserker Stance does NOT make you immune to conditions, it reduces the duration of conditions to nothing. They only changed the definition because people didn’t seem to get that adding + duration does not make something last for 110% +, it’s still 100%.
Balanced Stance gives you a strippable boon that keeps you from being knocked down. It’s a stance in name only so that traits affect it. It’s fine as is, it’s just a signet with no passive. Unless ANet wants to totally redesign stances by giving them shorter CDs and duration and have the overwrite each other they’re going to stay as-is.
Stop comparing stances to things like Mist Form, Elixir S, Distortion, whatever because they are totally different mechanically. Those skills stop ANYTHING from even connecting with the player, while stances allow the attack to connect but reduces the effect to nothing.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
Endure pain does NOT make you immune to direct damage, it reduces all direct damage to 0. On-crit effects can still happen because the attack still lands.
AKA immunity to direct damage, 0 damage equals nothing equals immunity
Berserker Stance does NOT make you immune to conditions, it reduces the duration of conditions to nothing. They only changed the definition because people didn’t seem to get that adding + duration does not make something last for 110% +, it’s still 100%.
AKA immunity to condition damage, 0 duration equals nothing equals immunity.
Balanced Stance gives you a strippable boon that keeps you from being knocked down. It’s a stance in name only so that traits affect it. It’s fine as is, it’s just a signet with no passive. Unless ANet wants to totally redesign stances by giving them shorter CDs and duration and have the overwrite each other they’re going to stay as-is.
AKA immunity to hard CC except under special conditions.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
Endure pain does NOT make you immune to direct damage, it reduces all direct damage to 0. On-crit effects can still happen because the attack still lands.
AKA immunity to direct damage, 0 damage equals nothing equals immunity
Berserker Stance does NOT make you immune to conditions, it reduces the duration of conditions to nothing. They only changed the definition because people didn’t seem to get that adding + duration does not make something last for 110% +, it’s still 100%.
AKA immunity to condition damage, 0 duration equals nothing equals immunity.
Balanced Stance gives you a strippable boon that keeps you from being knocked down. It’s a stance in name only so that traits affect it. It’s fine as is, it’s just a signet with no passive. Unless ANet wants to totally redesign stances by giving them shorter CDs and duration and have the overwrite each other they’re going to stay as-is.
AKA immunity to hard CC except under special conditions.
No, all wrong. You totally ignored the fact that the mechanic of invulnerability/immunity in this game keeps attacks from even touching the target. They become a ghost basically and nothing can affect them. It makes them untouchable by direct damage, conditions, and control skills at the same time from one skill. Stances allow your attacks to still connect with the one using them. if you have runes/traits/sigils that proc something on hit or on crit it can still occur, unlike vs invul/immune. it is an important distinction to make but it’s inconvenient to some because it doesn’t agree with their rhetoric.
Ta Da! Even the wiki doesn’t consider Endure Pain to be a real invulnerability skill.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
A well thought out arguement.
Maybe it should be reclassed to a shout?
What can you change it too?
@Burr: You are splitting hairs in an almost insane way.
Berserker Stance: Conditions cannot be applied to you. If you are arguing that the condition makes contact THEN the stance removes it, so it isn’t immunity, then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe take a break from the forums.
@OP: Balanced Stance is so incredibly good that I used to take Last Stand AND Balanced Stance both. 8 seconds of stability on a stunbreaker, with swiftness, on a 40 second cooldown? This is a “joke” because Stability can be removed/corrupted?
And if you want to draw a comparison between mechanics, talking about stripping Death Shroud is more akin to talking about being able to strip Adrenaline from Warriors. Only it’s far worse, because without Death Shroud, the entire Necro class is a nonfunctional joke. Comparing a single utility slot to the survival mechanic an entire class is balanced around (no blocks, evasion abilities, invulnerabilities, or vigor on Necros) makes your entire argument moot, because it’s a fundamental lack of understanding about how the game works.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”
@Burr: You are splitting hairs in an almost insane way.
Berserker Stance: Conditions cannot be applied to you. If you are arguing that the condition makes contact THEN the stance removes it, so it isn’t immunity, then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe take a break from the forums.
It’s not splitting hairs. Having the ability to still hit the player gives you the capability to do things that true invulnerability skills don’t allow. You can still gain adrenaline and life force on someone using Endure Pain. You can apply conditions that are on hit or on crit. You can use control skills. In return you can attack while it’s active. Calling it “invulnerability” or “immunity” makes it sound as if you should just not bother attacking while the stances are up which isn’t necessarily the case.
Zerker Stance is certainly different. There’s not any benefit to using condition-only attacks while it’s up. It’s still not invul/immune as far as the game mechanics are concerned. It doesn’t matter in this case. but yah this one is a bit more splitting hairs but I’ve had to deal with several people saying it’s “bugged” because they have +duration and condis still don’t get through.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
Balance Stance: Need be e true stance, granting not boons( stability and swiftness), but granting irremovable cc immunity.
My problem with this would be that I can’t see Warriors needing more anti-CC. Less, if any.
@Burr: You are splitting hairs in an almost insane way.
Berserker Stance: Conditions cannot be applied to you. If you are arguing that the condition makes contact THEN the stance removes it, so it isn’t immunity, then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe take a break from the forums.
It’s not splitting hairs. Having the ability to still hit the player gives you the capability to do things that true invulnerability skills don’t allow. You can still gain adrenaline and life force on someone using Endure Pain. You can apply conditions that are on hit or on crit. You can use control skills. In return you can attack while it’s active. Calling it “invulnerability” or “immunity” makes it sound as if you should just not bother attacking while the stances are up which isn’t necessarily the case.
Zerker Stance is certainly different. There’s not any benefit to using condition-only attacks while it’s up. It’s still not invul/immune as far as the game mechanics are concerned. It doesn’t matter in this case. but yah this one is a bit more splitting hairs but I’ve had to deal with several people saying it’s “bugged” because they have +duration and condis still don’t get through.
No one is saying it is complete immunity, but it is immunity to direct damage, condition damage, or cc. You can not take any direct damage while under the effects of endure pain. You can’t have any conditions applied to you while under the effects of zerker stance. You can’t be cc’d with stability. Therefore it translates, exactly as I said, to immunity from direct damage, immunity from conditions, and immunity from cc except under special conditions. It doesn’t make you immune to other things, but no one is saying that. It is immunity just not immunity like distortion where they are immune from everything.
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.
@Burr: You are splitting hairs in an almost insane way.
Berserker Stance: Conditions cannot be applied to you. If you are arguing that the condition makes contact THEN the stance removes it, so it isn’t immunity, then I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe take a break from the forums.
It’s not splitting hairs. Having the ability to still hit the player gives you the capability to do things that true invulnerability skills don’t allow. You can still gain adrenaline and life force on someone using Endure Pain. You can apply conditions that are on hit or on crit. You can use control skills. In return you can attack while it’s active. Calling it “invulnerability” or “immunity” makes it sound as if you should just not bother attacking while the stances are up which isn’t necessarily the case.
Zerker Stance is certainly different. There’s not any benefit to using condition-only attacks while it’s up. It’s still not invul/immune as far as the game mechanics are concerned. It doesn’t matter in this case. but yah this one is a bit more splitting hairs but I’ve had to deal with several people saying it’s “bugged” because they have +duration and condis still don’t get through.
No one is saying it is complete immunity, but it is immunity to direct damage, condition damage, or cc. You can not take any direct damage while under the effects of endure pain. You can’t have any conditions applied to you while under the effects of zerker stance. You can’t be cc’d with stability. Therefore it translates, exactly as I said, to immunity from direct damage, immunity from conditions, and immunity from cc except under special conditions. It doesn’t make you immune to other things, but no one is saying that. It is immunity just not immunity like distortion where they are immune from everything.
I think what Burr is trying to say here is that in guild wars 2 game mechanically when people are talking about immunities or invulnerability they should be talking about skills that prevent any attack to connect to the target making them true immune. They key word here is the connection of the attack.
If we look stances from this perspective then none of them are immunities or invulnerabilities.
Game mechanically: Stances are not immunities as they still allow the attacks to connect to the player. Stances just negate one of the effects of the attack.
Considering what the word means and what the skills do: Stances are immunities to certain condition (direct damage, condition damage).
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger