Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Balancing and communication Pt.2
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
From experience, I am fully aware that some people don’t read, especially not if it mentions the position within the company, such as yours: ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
I know from just reading the forums a lot that you have nothing to do with the balancing of this game, and can easily come to peace with you replying in the favor of Rangers within a thread – to be frank, I am personally not against Rangers at all, so I can swallow this way easier than most…
Though the problem that can exist is that those who feel sour will use this as “evidence that Arenanet does not care about their class”, because they do not read tags, or feel neglected since the one Red Post finally showing up was not in their favor…
Threads saying this already exist, and it is extremely difficult to get those players (players like you and I) to get the thought out of their minds that Arenanet is biased towards some classes… From my personal experience, I have seen in the previous month alone over 5 threads sprouting up from a Necromancer, basically saying Necromancers are awful with they will never recieve help as a general conclusion – and over and over, as someone who is luckily more open minded, I and many others try to talk these ideas out of people’s heads… However, if that same person sees a Red Tag with someone declaring their love for Rangers – they absolutely will use this as forum ammunition, and we will have a hard time as a community trying to explain the case, leading in frustration and endless threads about… well nothing really…
But here comes the flipside of all of this:
If you read my section in this thread in the spoiler “What needs to change; Developers”, you will notice that I start with emphasizing that we need communication which is why part of me is conflicted with all of this…
You can read it there, but I seriously would love to see just more people from Anet stepping up and at least make a comment once in a while in threads from specific classes because people will feel appreciation… Oftentimes, or more than often, we just lack that bit of communication – a sense of direction, and thus it feels as if we talk to a wall… We got a feeling as if we do not get heard, yet a simple post, even if you are “just” part of Communication, can do so much to those who put time and effort in thoughts about classes, their concerns etc. etc.
Just getting in touch – I know it is far more than it sounds like, and might be conflicting, but right now we are “left in the dark” – but I am positive you can change this, as I have seen you also do here
Anyway, I hope this will give some insight in my concerns and standing on the matter – Gaile, you are always a sight for sore eyes, and I really appreciate your efforts on the forums! Keep up the good work
Sorry for the lengthy post and my bad habit of using (…) as periods :P
- to anyone else, discussion is open, you are free to agree or disagree with me – I will listen
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
I personally found her post rather refreshing. I think if more dev’s dropped in to chat like she did this wouldn’t be a big deal. The problem is red posts are so rare (especially on the balance/WvW forums) that people latch on to what they say and twist things or search for hidden meanings.
It would be better to encourage more casual communication like this so that people become accustomed to it and don’t try to make it into something it’s not.
At the beginning Devs did post a lot on these forums, but now they do it only when it’s really important, because people will react like you, making a normal dev post in something that it’s not, I didn’t read it all but, it looked like you are a necro that thinks his class is broken and is jealous of a dev making a comment in the ranger forum.
At the beginning Devs did post a lot on these forums, but now they do it only when it’s really important, because people will react like you, making a normal dev post in something that it’s not, I didn’t read it all but, it looked like you are a necro that thinks his class is broken and is jealous of a dev making a comment in the ranger forum.
I am glad for your consideration though you are on all levels false…
First – I main warrior within GW2 and if you looked at my history, I am one of the few defending the ranger buffs… Though active on the side of Necromancers because of my firm love for the since GW1, which is also the reason I do not main one now… I do not think they are broken, they are fine, though could use some TLC like any other class
Second – I am not jealous
Third – you did not read what I posted, since I posted my concern , and that is it… Read it again, and you might notice what I meant
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
I personally found her post rather refreshing. I think if more dev’s dropped in to chat like she did this wouldn’t be a big deal. The problem is red posts are so rare (especially on the balance/WvW forums) that people latch on to what they say and twist things or search for hidden meanings.
It would be better to encourage more casual communication like this so that people become accustomed to it and don’t try to make it into something it’s not.
I will keep it short, but yea, I too am up for more communication like that, as I said in my thread
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Gaile’s title is Arenet Forum Communication Team Lead, not DEV.
Because there’s been a lack of red posts in the forums people make the mistake that a red post is a DEV post, and it’s not. If you look at Gaile’s recent posts a majority of them are in GW2 Discussion forum, which is understandable, since this deals with parts of the game that affect everyone. It’s only when you drop down to specific forums (PvP, WvW, Profession Balance) and subforums where you start talking to fewer and fewer people and there’s fewer and fewer red posts.
I did see that Gaile did have a few posts in Profession Balance and even in WvW [she must have bumped her head that day. I hope you’re feeling better…. ] but I don’t have any belief that she’s Anet’s biggest defender of Rangerdom. I took her comments as just another person who likes playing a Ranger. There was nothing in her comments that suggested that she had all the facts about all things Ranger. However, when I do see a red posted thread in a forum I follow I do spend the time to read it.
That being said it would be nice to see from the devs dealing with balance what skills/traits/runes/sigils/armor they feel are overused and underused (assuming they have the metrics to determine these) for each class.
I would not like GW2 to get to the point that GW1 was where there were certain builds for certain classes for certain quests/PvP and everyone else need not apply.
A dev could easily put an end to a lot of the “This is OP” or “This class is useless in PvP/WvW/PvE” threads if they just put a one line response in the thread with the facts.
Something like “There were X number of Y class in Z dungeon runs this past week”, just to prove/disprove that a certain class is not favored in dungeons."
At the beginning Devs did post a lot on these forums, but now they do it only when it’s really important, because people will react like you, making a normal dev post in something that it’s not, I didn’t read it all but, it looked like you are a necro that thinks his class is broken and is jealous of a dev making a comment in the ranger forum.
I agree. You nailed the problem. They are danged if they do and danged if they don’t. Either way, posters will create what I feel are useless thread to try to cause conflict in this manner and attempt to incite unreasonable, over analyzation of what they posted.
Threads like this one, are precisely why they have to be wary to post at all in my opinion. This ruins it for the rest of us.
And this is the part where it, personally, gets a bit tougher…
Kiddies just need to grow up and realize this isn’t a favoritism game. It’s a childish argument that should just be ignored.
Well, things like the top post are exactly why management tells the developers of games, but especially MMOs, to not interact with the playerbase. Because stuff like that happens, and player overthink, over-analyze and over-wishful-think anything a developer says.
Given that especially in games with long development cycles (like MMOs :P ) a good 90%++ of anything planned will never see release, it’s just pointless to try talk to a community which will alternatively hype and rage with nothing in between. It adds that in this case it wasn’t even a developer who said something, and yet it still gets picked apart.
And when you guys enter the necromancer sub forum i promise to behave and be nice.
At the beginning Devs did post a lot on these forums, but now they do it only when it’s really important, because people will react like you, making a normal dev post in something that it’s not, I didn’t read it all but, it looked like you are a necro that thinks his class is broken and is jealous of a dev making a comment in the ranger forum.
re-read the op..