Best class for...
EDIT: If you plan on hitting all at once.
Warrior is probably the most versatile in terms of doing all of these. Warriors are great roamers, decent 1v1, good in sPvP (but you can be good with any class in hotjoin sPvP), great in zerg fights and great in PvE.
Elementalists are also really good at all of these, although it takes a bit more practice to play an ele but it isn’t much harder. Many ele roamers go D/D and it is very effective at roaming, 1v1 and even 1vX. In zerg fights you can just switch to Staff and they are amazing at PvE.
Meditation Guardians are also OK, but don’t have quite the escapability as the two classes above.
Thieves are the kings of roaming and not many classes can beat thief 1v1, however their contribution in zergs are lacking a bit.
Necros can do all of these fairly well, however they can’t escape very well once committed to a fight.
Yes warrior is probably the only class that is great at everything. The second one could be guardian but in 1v1 they are very bad unless they use meditation DPS build.
Whoa guys, that was fast Thank you all.
I was indeed thinking about warrior or ele. I like about warrior that he can swap every 5 secs, which is great. And ele has 40 skills, which is also nice. But my main problem with ele is that it seems somehow “weak” in outnumbered situations, where warrior looks better in that area (judging by videos only, since I don´t have any class at 80 yet).
If I add a one more criterium for roaming – in outnumbered situations, which would be better, war or ele?
/15 chars
If soloroaming / fighting outnumbered is your main goal then there’s no way around Thief or Mesmer. Pick one of these, or your roaming fun will be highly dependent on the zergmentality of your opponents.