Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


It’d be neat if rapid fire was changed to a skillshot. Have it do the same overall DPS, but with only one projectile (100% projectile finisher), a very small windup time, and you have to aim it (kind of like aiming whirlwind). You could rename it “true shot” or something, and make the arrow fly at an increased speed. Make the projectile a bit wider so lag doesn’t make it too unforgiving to use (i.e. you don’t need pinpoint accuracy to hit).

I think it’d make power ranger a lot more fun to play than what we have now. It’d be a buff to the very good rangers (who can now plink people in stealth, or line up piercing shots better if they opt for that trait). It’d be a nerf for the very bad players, and somewhat of a sidegrade for those in between who can kind of aim.

This change would also synergize well with the ranger’s many movement-impairing skills.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Klonko.8341


It’d be neat if rapid fire was changed to a skillshot. Have it do the same overall DPS, but with only one projectile (100% projectile finisher), a very small windup time, and you have to aim it (kind of like aiming whirlwind). You could rename it “true shot” or something, and make the arrow fly at an increased speed. Make the projectile a bit wider so lag doesn’t make it too unforgiving to use (i.e. you don’t need pinpoint accuracy to hit).

I think it’d make power ranger a lot more fun to play than what we have now. It’d be a buff to the very good rangers (who can now plink people in stealth, or line up piercing shots better if they opt for that trait). It’d be a nerf for the very bad players, and somewhat of a sidegrade for those in between who can kind of aim.

This change would also synergize well with the ranger’s many movement-impairing skills.

This would be impossible to land if you have a straight line… Maybe put it aoe which once again would be OP…

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


I was thinking it would have a thicker line (i.e. a wider projectile), so players have more room for error.

Fresh air ele already has a similar skillshot component with Phoenix. If you want to maximize phoenix damage, you need to make sure that the phoenix flies past the opponent (this part is a straight line effect), explodes behind him (this part is AOE), and then flies past him on the return path (another straight line effect). If you only hit with the AOE portion, you lose out on about half the damage.

The new rapid fire (aka “true shot”) should be about as wide as the phoenix projectile (but without the aoe explosion at the end or the boomerang effect), but obviously travel a LOT faster. I.E., imagine having a much faster, longer-ranged phoenix that you have to hit someone with once to get the full rapid fire damage. I don’t think this would be impossible to land.

(edited by ResJudicator.7916)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

So by “burst rotation comparison” what you really meant was… Wah?

Can I get you a wamburger and french cries, oh and you want me to call whine one one and have them bring the wambulance!?

Seriously, how many thread do these walking target golems need to make?

Here I found a video on how to counter these super, mega, impossible to beat rangers for you. Just remember the 5 D’s


Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I didint say the build was overpowered or had no counter. I said its a build that requires you to only press 1 button from 1500 range with no risk , no positioning whatsoever.

Please read the thread before commenting . Im not gonna repeat the same thing over and over.

Hate to break it to you but you are just flat out wrong. For the damage everyone is complaining about, the risk is being extremely glassy and having next to no condi removal.

The only way a glass cannon ranger can survive is by positioning themselves well and using well timed CC’s to keep distance between themselves and their opponents.

Please read every other thread on this same topic because everyone that actually knows the ranger class and their vulnerabilities is tired of repeating the same thing over and over.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


I didint say the build was overpowered or had no counter. I said its a build that requires you to only press 1 button from 1500 range with no risk , no positioning whatsoever.

Please read the thread before commenting . Im not gonna repeat the same thing over and over.

Hate to break it to you but you are just flat out wrong. For the damage everyone is complaining about, the risk is being extremely glassy and having next to no condi removal.

The only way a glass cannon ranger can survive is by positioning themselves well and using well timed CC’s to keep distance between themselves and their opponents.

Please read every other thread on this same topic because everyone that actually knows the ranger class and their vulnerabilities is tired of repeating the same thing over and over.

I think ATSE’s point is that you need to view LB ranger in relation to the other zerker burst classes. All the zerker burst classes have to position themselves well and avoid getting condi-bombed, etc. But some of them have an easier time doing this than others. Fresh air ele handles conditions better via earth4 and cleansing wave. Ranger has an easier time positioning and lining up burst because of range, mobility/evades on off-hand, and less setup required for burst. Thief obviously has the best disengage potential.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

I didint say the build was overpowered or had no counter. I said its a build that requires you to only press 1 button from 1500 range with no risk , no positioning whatsoever.

Please read the thread before commenting . Im not gonna repeat the same thing over and over.

Hate to break it to you but you are just flat out wrong. For the damage everyone is complaining about, the risk is being extremely glassy and having next to no condi removal.

The only way a glass cannon ranger can survive is by positioning themselves well and using well timed CC’s to keep distance between themselves and their opponents.

Please read every other thread on this same topic because everyone that actually knows the ranger class and their vulnerabilities is tired of repeating the same thing over and over.

That requires thinking. It’s much easier to die to RF because “Dodge, what’s that?” and then complain on the forums that it’s OP.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

Just the WvW

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


So people have been complaing about rapid fire damage and speed etc. I think the damage is fine, the only problem with rapid fire is that its just too easy to land compared to other classes.

The ranger only has to press number 2 from 1500 range to do similar damage to a fresh air Ele that has to port at the perfect time , D/P thief has to be in stealth and behind his target or a warrior trying to land the clunky telegraphed burst skills with short range.

I think this is unfair. New players now have 2 choices to be ’’succeful’’ at PvP.

1. Turret enginner
2. Power ranger

Both builds require only 1 button to be effective. Turret engineer is the autoattack and power ranger is number 2.

Prove that. I want you to offer video evidence on either profession, of then using only one button.

Sad but true, single button builds shouldnt be that effective imo.

They are not. You claim it in a definitive fashion. It is really best for everyone if you do not pretend that you speak for the community. Simply because your play against either of those ends in your failure, does not mean that it applies to the rest of us. In my experience, turret engineer is easy for me to destroy, when they are trying to camp a point. With rangers though, it depends on the situation. I usually just use a reflect on them.

As far as your opinion goes, I can agree that single button builds should not win. Luckily for us, they don’t. Well maybe against you, I guess, or at least that is how you represent it in the OP.

I didint say the build was overpowered or had no counter. I said its a build that requires you to only press 1 button from 1500 range with no risk , no positioning whatsoever.

Please read the thread before commenting . Im not gonna repeat the same thing over and over.

I am not sure what you mean by “no risk”. I assure you, if you risk only pressing one button, you risk certain death.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

So you die auto attack because you can waste only one dodge. Any average or better ranger should kill all enemies without taking single hit because they have 1500 range.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

@ ResJudicator: yup I agree, they all have different strengths and weaknesses. that’s why I’m so annoyed by all these ”rangers are op” posts. If they have clear weaknesses they aren’t op.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


If you dont have any port/jump skills you deserve it. But in that case a rifle warrior/nade engi/ any range attack kill you. It should be a stone/paper/scissor. I cant beat condi/range/melee with the same build and not everybody can build against me.
Gw1 was hex/condi/range/melee builds. Gw2 is much easyer. Physical melee and condi. Now the melee joined the game (but its still weak) and some people dont like it because they need to adapt :/
(And new rangers are an excelent counter of the sfr melee monoblob)

Just the WvW

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: glock.6590


I think the OP simply means that ranger rapid fire does the same amount of damage than an entiere burst combo that requires many actions.

Im fine with that. Every game needs a class that is easy to play for new players.

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I think the OP simply means that ranger rapid fire does the same amount of damage than an entiere burst combo that requires many actions.

Im fine with that. Every game needs a class that is easy to play for new players.

I’ve always found positioning and anticipating your opponents movements to be way more complicated than memorizing a skill rotation. But I mean… I guess I can see how hitting 3 buttons instead of 1 is hard…

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


If you bring a reflect, a ranger is gonna have a bad time


Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Good balancing results in greater profession representation. It evens the playing field between what is ‘weak’ and what is ‘strong’. It provides a new lease of life on under played or ‘ugly’ professions builds. The last balance patch revitalized the ranger community. However with the last balance patch warrior’s reduced and thieve’s disappeared. There is no denying there is a huge increase in longbow rangers, and they are all running the exact same build and pets. This is not coincidence.

If it is not O.P , then why the 1000% increase in ranger longbow? If being played and found to be no more powerful or less viable than any thing else, why the persistence with seeing 2-3-4 per match, and at times per side? Even in lion’s arch you see them every where now. Again, it can’t be coincidence. The good things that happen to ranger also bought bad. It is being over played with little diversity and creating an “annoy” factpr…we all remember dhummfire and hambow..we all know where this is going to go.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Because some people really like playing archers in games and for two years doing so wasn’t considered viable. Now everyone can finally play the playstyle they wanted from the beginning.

There is also the fact that the more people who complain about the new Rapid Fire the more people are going to roll longbow ranger just to try it out.

Go to the ranger forum. You’ll notice that the new longbow builds are only being talked about by people “just getting into it” because they heard that it became super OP. Meanwhile the veterans who have been playing ranger since before the patch are mostly using the same builds they did before, just more effectively with the new signet buffs and the might on axe auto attack. There’s more build diversity among rangers now than there’s ever been. This single build is NOT eclipsing the existing ranger builds. Quite the contrary, most veteran rangers find it sub-optimal and don’t run it. Even when they do, they play an alternate longbow build with more sustain and less burst.

Almost all the longbow rangers you see are there purely because you’ve told them that longbow ranger is extremely powerful. If you hadn’t complained on the forum the population would’ve died out by now.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

Wat is this thread about?
Rangers are overpowered?…
Ah ok, it’s one of those kind of threads. * leaves*

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Because some people really like playing archers in games and for two years doing so wasn’t considered viable. Now everyone can finally play the playstyle they wanted from the beginning.

There is also the fact that the more people who complain about the new Rapid Fire the more people are going to roll longbow ranger just to try it out.

Go to the ranger forum. You’ll notice that the new longbow builds are only being talked about by people “just getting into it” because they heard that it became super OP. Meanwhile the veterans who have been playing ranger since before the patch are mostly using the same builds they did before, just more effectively with the new signet buffs and the might on axe auto attack. There’s more build diversity among rangers now than there’s ever been. This single build is NOT eclipsing the existing ranger builds. Quite the contrary, most veteran rangers find it sub-optimal and don’t run it. Even when they do, they play an alternate longbow build with more sustain and less burst.

Almost all the longbow rangers you see are there purely because you’ve told them that longbow ranger is extremely powerful. If you hadn’t complained on the forum the population would’ve died out by now.

Yup, I have 2 rangers and neither of them are running that crappy build. 1 is a longbow power build that I’ve been running forever, the difference with my build is I don’t die the second someone notices me.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Adrian Guardian.9480

Adrian Guardian.9480

Good balancing results in greater profession representation. It evens the playing field between what is ‘weak’ and what is ‘strong’. It provides a new lease of life on under played or ‘ugly’ professions builds. The last balance patch revitalized the ranger community. However with the last balance patch warrior’s reduced and thieve’s disappeared. There is no denying there is a huge increase in longbow rangers, and they are all running the exact same build and pets. This is not coincidence.

If it is not O.P , then why the 1000% increase in ranger longbow? If being played and found to be no more powerful or less viable than any thing else, why the persistence with seeing 2-3-4 per match, and at times per side? Even in lion’s arch you see them every where now. Again, it can’t be coincidence. The good things that happen to ranger also bought bad. It is being over played with little diversity and creating an “annoy” factpr…we all remember dhummfire and hambow..we all know where this is going to go.

Ranger is more common now because it was weaker before… Now the longbow builds are about as strong as thief and mesmer power builds, and stronger than similar warrior rifle builds (which didn’t get buffed enough).

If your talking hotjoin sPvP, I disagree about thieves disappearing. They are about as common as guardians, rangers, elementalists and necromancers in my matches. Mesmers and engineers are a bit more common, and warriors are less common.

Ranger longbow builds are quite diverse: both the skirmishing, wilderness survival and nature magic lines see use as the second maxed line after marksmanship, and there are, in rough terms, 3 decent heals, 8 utility skills and two elites to chose from.

(edited by Adrian Guardian.9480)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: unlucky.9285


If you dont have any port/jump skills you deserve it. But in that case a rifle warrior/nade engi/ any range attack kill you. It should be a stone/paper/scissor. I cant beat condi/range/melee with the same build and not everybody can build against me.
Gw1 was hex/condi/range/melee builds. Gw2 is much easyer. Physical melee and condi. Now the melee joined the game (but its still weak) and some people dont like it because they need to adapt :/
(And new rangers are an excelent counter of the sfr melee monoblob)

necro has no defence against this…

after the first burst what are we to do 7 seconds later? reflect will still be on cd easily dodges have not returned yet the ranger has his burst back, lets not forget the increased dps doesn’t just help power builds but now they can build for sustain and still dish out enough dps to comfortably kill you

(edited by unlucky.9285)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Necros can facetank rapid fire

Just the WvW

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: unlucky.9285


Necros can facetank rapid fire

not if we cant reach you to build said death shroud. i said it before i used a ranger after the update and have never killed necros so easily, they are one of the easier professions to kill but with a ranger it was ridiculous..

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Necros can facetank rapid fire

not if we cant reach you to build said death shroud. i said it before i used a ranger after the update and have never killed necros so easily, they are one of the easier professions to kill but with a ranger it was ridiculous..

This hasn’t changed, a bad necro was always easy to kill on a longbow ranger. However I haven’t died once on my necro to any of these glass cannon rangers. All you have to do is get into 1200 range of them and load them up with condi’s. Most of these guys are running 0 condi removal. If you can’t make it into 1200 range then you deserve to die.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Ranger needed a buff. Maybe not all to one skill, but it needed some kind of buff. I personally would’ve been happier if they reworked Sword main hand for them so it could be cancelled and didn’t sometimes decide your ranger would like to learn to fly. Longbow always was a passive kind of play weapon. The autoattack was probably the best thing about it. Rapid fire probably just needs a longer cd. As it stands, the best way to counter it is reflects( by best I mean, most helpful to you and detrimental to them) but most reflects have at least 4-5 times the cd of rapid fire and the classes that have access to them aren’t gonna survive 4-5 rapid fires, partial hits or otherwise.

My suggestion for it. Maybe tone down its damage and in turn boost damage slightly on the other skills slightly. What I think would really help is making it root the ranger. LoS is pretty much the go-to way to counter longbow, so making Rapid Fire actually vulnerable to it would help a lot. It is vulnerable to LoS already now, but you’d have to be pretty on top of things to not get hit several times before making it to cover due to its high speed.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Honestly, the whole discussion implies PvP is meant to be balanced on a player-per-player basis. Which makes no sense for a game like GW2, and also is an utopian goal for any RPG.

If you want to be “successful at PvP”, just google it and switch. There’s a reason that no barrier to entry exists, because it’s not possible to balance such a smallscale PvP system, more so if players want a type of balance (class/spec shouldn’t affect a 50/50 win/loss chance, only player skill should) which is incompatible with the game they’re playing.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

I just forward dodge through the first rapid fire, use corrupt boon if they used rampage as one and then load them up with condi’s. These fights are over in seconds.

Oh and point blank shot has always been the best ranger skill. Nothing better than launching someone off a cliff.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Just because you make 1 weapon OP at 1500 range doesn’t make the class viable. It just makes it favorable for trolls to pick up so they can surprise pewpew someone to death making Rangers even more hated and disrespected than ever before.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Just because you make 1 weapon OP at 1500 range doesn’t make the class viable. It just makes it favorable for trolls to pick up so they can surprise pewpew someone to death making Rangers even more hated and disrespected than ever before.

Be quiet OP warrior. Too many reflects!! So OP!!!

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Just because you make 1 weapon OP at 1500 range doesn’t make the class viable. It just makes it favorable for trolls to pick up so they can surprise pewpew someone to death making Rangers even more hated and disrespected than ever before.

Be quiet OP warrior. Too many reflects!! So OP!!!

My reflects wouldn’t be so OP if every Ranger out there wasn’t running the exact same build, using the exact same rotation and would learn to do anything other than spam their skills off CD.

Seriously though, I agree that Ranger needed a buff but I feel sorry for what Anet has done to your profession. I hope you are ready to get QQ’d, insulted and have every one of your wins discredited over the next 6 months.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Lol it’s fine. Before that I would get accessed of hacking all the time because power rangers weren’t supposed to be able to kill anyone. ”Rangers can’t stealth you hacker!”

The only thing that really sucks is people don’t see me as an easy kill anymore so they start running away instead of toward me. Now they just die tired

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


If you dont have any port/jump skills you deserve it. But in that case a rifle warrior/nade engi/ any range attack kill you. It should be a stone/paper/scissor. I cant beat condi/range/melee with the same build and not everybody can build against me.
Gw1 was hex/condi/range/melee builds. Gw2 is much easyer. Physical melee and condi. Now the melee joined the game (but its still weak) and some people dont like it because they need to adapt :/
(And new rangers are an excelent counter of the sfr melee monoblob)

necro has no defence against this…

after the first burst what are we to do 7 seconds later? reflect will still be on cd easily dodges have not returned yet the ranger has his burst back, lets not forget the increased dps doesn’t just help power builds but now they can build for sustain and still dish out enough dps to comfortably kill you

You initiate spectral walk. move away from the ranger, so that he follows you. If he doesn’t follow you, problem solved. If he does, use spectral recall, and port behind him. The same works for flesh wurm and necrotic traversals. As necros we have both an essential self portal and a high mobility tether. Learn to use them. It is some of the besr in combat mobility in the game.

Necros can facetank rapid fire

not if we cant reach you to build said death shroud. i said it before i used a ranger after the update and have never killed necros so easily, they are one of the easier professions to kill but with a ranger it was ridiculous..

Rangers don’t kill necros, bad necros kill necros.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


So people have been complaing about rapid fire damage and speed etc. I think the damage is fine, the only problem with rapid fire is that its just too easy to land compared to other classes.

The ranger only has to press number 2 from 1500 range to do similar damage to a fresh air Ele that has to port at the perfect time , D/P thief has to be in stealth and behind his target or a warrior trying to land the clunky telegraphed burst skills with short range.

I think this is unfair. New players now have 2 choices to be ’’succeful’’ at PvP.

1. Turret enginner
2. Power ranger

Both builds require only 1 button to be effective. Turret engineer is the autoattack and power ranger is number 2.

Sad but true, single button builds shouldnt be that effective imo.

If you are effective, while pressing only 2 from 1500 distance on a power build ranger, your whole enemy team needs to search for the “uninstall.exe” on their pc.

-The ranger can be LoS’d
-The ranger can be CC’d easily during the cast
-You can use a gap closer and force him to stop RF
-You can dodge roll to evade
-You can use Survivability cooldowns

But yeah, if it takes 2.5 seconds for you to react, then sure…

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

So people have been complaing about rapid fire damage and speed etc. I think the damage is fine, the only problem with rapid fire is that its just too easy to land compared to other classes.

The ranger only has to press number 2 from 1500 range to do similar damage to a fresh air Ele that has to port at the perfect time , D/P thief has to be in stealth and behind his target or a warrior trying to land the clunky telegraphed burst skills with short range.

I think this is unfair. New players now have 2 choices to be ’’succeful’’ at PvP.

1. Turret enginner
2. Power ranger

Both builds require only 1 button to be effective. Turret engineer is the autoattack and power ranger is number 2.

Sad but true, single button builds shouldnt be that effective imo.

If you are effective, while pressing only 2 from 1500 distance on a power build ranger, your whole enemy team needs to search for the “uninstall.exe” on their pc.

-The ranger can be LoS’d
-The ranger can be CC’d easily during the cast
-You can use a gap closer and force him to stop RF
-You can dodge roll to evade
-You can use Survivability cooldowns

But yeah, if it takes 2.5 seconds for you to react, then sure…

You forgot reflect. I sure wish I had a way to turn the damage of an eviscerate or backstab back on the other player, especially with 2.5 seconds to activate it.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


I don’t run into many power rangers in soloqueue, unless I’ve been messing around with stupid builds and causing my ranking to nosedive. It’s probably like one power ranger every other game. And if I get queued against two rangers, it’s frequently a guaranteed win for our team. I still find a good thief/mes to be a bigger threat overall, because those two classes tend to bring more team support and are harder to 1v1 (at least for me).

The only issue with power ranger, which I think is all OP is really getting at, is that their burst is way easier to unload than every other burst class. Power rangers are basically a way for beginning players to get into playing the burst role. (Of course, good players will do it that much better — there’s definitely room for skilled plays on power ranger). They trade being able to easily burst from range for having a harder time supporting their team.

It’s kind of like how turret engie is a way for beginning players to learn the bunker role. The class trades team utility for ease of play, which becomes a progressively worse deal as the player gets better and gets matched up with and against better teams.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Androlan.9487


I would agree with ResJudicator to a point. Rangers ARE NOT OP. I consider myself a pretty good “power ranger” But as Res pointed points out “They trade being able to easily burst from range for having a harder time supporting their team.” Which is true to a point. Having a well rounded group allows a ranger to free roam and help on contested points. Being able to do a lot of damage makes us a glass build. For everyone who complains about ranger burst it comes down to L2P. WE are easily dodgeable but you have to have more situational awareness. People who think it’s an easy class to play by just pushing two and you win…..you are wrong. There is a whole lot more skill to it than just #2 button. My favorite retort to everyone in chat who rages “RF is to OP or sniping coward” is L2P.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

I would agree with ResJudicator to a point. Rangers ARE NOT OP. I consider myself a pretty good “power ranger” But as Res pointed points out “They trade being able to easily burst from range for having a harder time supporting their team.” Which is true to a point. Having a well rounded group allows a ranger to free roam and help on contested points. Being able to do a lot of damage makes us a glass build. For everyone who complains about ranger burst it comes down to L2P. WE are easily dodgeable but you have to have more situational awareness. People who think it’s an easy class to play by just pushing two and you win…..you are wrong. There is a whole lot more skill to it than just #2 button. My favorite retort to everyone in chat who rages “RF is to OP or sniping coward” is L2P.

But that is precisely what the majority of those FOTM rangers are.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


A lot of the burst skills in this game are instant cast with no real telegraph. While not all do the same damage as RF, the extra braincell (singular) required to string 2 or even 3 instant cast skills together instead of pressing 1 isn’t worth making a thread over.

RF only does 15% more damage than Volley. Now while the longbow overall may be a better weapon than the rifle for a Warrior, the Warrior class is much better than the Ranger class even if you keep a rifle on.

Now if that extra 15% is really worth 10 threads on the profession balance forum, I don’t know. But the 2 skills are nearly identical and if the goal is to tone it down, I certainly hope you’re not hoping for more than 15% off the top.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

If you are being focused by 2 of anything you run out of dodges pretty fast. Longbow Rangers are actually easier to deal with because reflects send their damage back at them and blocks are much more effective, instead of blocking 1 hit and ending like most blocks do against melee, they will last the full duration for ranged.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

What is embarrassing is players like you who cry that Ranger is OP instead of learning how to deal with it.

I have also played ranger since launch, I am currently playing an a/a BM ranger build…and I have absolutely no problem with longbow rangers.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

I play with a poor satellite connection that causes an innate latency in the game.

I cannot dodge Kill Shot or Backstab, or any instant burst because I have to time my dodge a fraction of a second ahead of when the attack visually lands.

I can dodge most of Rapid Fire without issue though, because after the first couple arrows I can use a dodge, get hit by maybe one more arrow, and avoid almost all of the damage.

Rapid Fire is incredibly latency friendly because the damage doesn’t happen all at once, it happens over a period of time. So even poor reactions means you’ll only take 2-3K damage before you are made aware of the attack if you’re lagging. Meanwhile if it was a Kill Shot I’d have eaten the full 8-9K damage instantly and probably be down.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

What is embarrassing is players like you who cry that Ranger is OP instead of learning how to deal with it.

I have also played ranger since launch, I am currently playing an a/a BM ranger build…and I have absolutely no problem with longbow rangers.

Rangers aren’t OP, RF is. As a single skill without taking into consideration the rest of the profession, RF is very OP. Instead of fixing the class Anet just tried giving them a OP skill to make up for all the lackings. What they should have done is fix the pet mechanics.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Ranger is still the easyest to beat class, just got one good skill what can be dodged because that have a 2 and a half second cast time. If you cant react on a that long skill pls never drive in real life. Normal human reaction time is 0.2 second what is 12x less as the cast time of RF. So if you are not brain dead you can react after the first and befor the second hit

How does that factor in with ping? Average ping would be .1 so by time it comes to your computer its probably at the .2 or .3 mark. Then your .2 reaction. So by time you dodge you find yourself copping a great deal of it. If you are an overseas customer you are catching most of it before you can do anything. So the skill in its current form is not ‘fair’ and needs some sort of cast time.

So at worst under crappy conditions you might eat the first couple arrows. So what? That is maybe equal to the longbow AA?

Raid fire has a pretty long cast time to deal its full damage by burst standards. Most the people complaining about it are dying because they have crappy situational awareness. If they gave it a cast time before it hits they would need to make it 1 big damage spike instead of a channel. This would make it even deadlier to the people that can’t be bothered to look around in pvp.

That is total nonsense. Most people can not react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 rangers you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is embarassingly OP.

That is total nonsense. Most people can easily react before they are copping a good dose of it. And if you have 2 of any profession, you run out of dodges pretty quick.

I’ve spvp’d on a ranger since launch and the current state of the class is not even remotely OP

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Most people are not able to react. It is just crazy how little skill this is taking. Find someone fighting. Blast dude with #4 he is kd’d then unleash #2 before he can get up. Bam most people are half dead at this point. And wow if he is a good dodger my spider will snare him for some more rf fun 8 sec later.

You really think this is skillful?

I actually don’t think the dps of it is that bad, maybe 10% too much maybe remove the vulnerability stack from the skill, but the cd on #4 is way too short for a powerful CC. And like most bow attacks it is not telegraphed to the opposition all that well.

And no, despite running beserker my Ranger build is very tanky yet is able to devastate people.

And I doubt the guy on satellite is dodging anything, unless all he does is stare at Rangers and make avoiding them his sole focus in life. If his ping was 400ms he would cop half of it every time. It is mathematically impossible.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

(edited by Relentliss.2170)

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


And I doubt the guy on satellite is dodging anything, unless all he does is stare at Rangers and make avoiding them his sole focus in life. If his ping was 400ms he would cop half of it every time. It is mathematically impossible.

So you’re calling me a liar? Classy.

I can avoid them on my satellite internet connection. Deal with it.

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

what if we placed more items into the existing maps for people to take cover against projectile attacks?

- more destructible boxes in battle of khylo
- more in-destructible pillars in legacy of foefire
- etc

tl; dr
place more items for people to take cover in all existing maps.

currently, there are quite a lot of places for people to hide behind to avoid nasty projectile attacks, but adding a little bit more would not hurt yes?

Burst rotation comparison ( Ranger vs X)

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

what if we placed more items into the existing maps for people to take cover against projectile attacks?

- more destructible boxes in battle of khylo
- more in-destructible pillars in legacy of foefire
- etc

tl; dr
place more items for people to take cover in all existing maps.

currently, there are quite a lot of places for people to hide behind to avoid nasty projectile attacks, but adding a little bit more would not hurt yes?

What if people wake the hell up when they are in PvP? The way these people are whining it sounds like anything short of a permanent forcefield won’t be enough.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended