Can you balance the passives first?

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


You nerfed s/d thief because it was strong. Why is it strong? Because of fire and air procs.
You nerf power necro which works in a similar way.
What’s next? Nerf ele because celestial? If you do that you might as well delete it.
I know the nerfs are minor but slowly peeling away will render the builds useless at some point. Should we talk dhuumfire now?

Sigil procs are powerful because they add burst where it shouldn’t be.
Celestial is strong because of might stacking which means you get a lot of dps combined with sustain.
Reaper’s protection and nightmare rune procs?

Isn’t it obvious that most complaints are about passives that have almost 0 counterplay? The problem gets worse when you notice that without these procs the builds become terrible. Just add some of the traits/rune effects into skills so the player can use them actively. This means the builds will still be viable but without the rng component.

While we’re on the same area. How about some reduction in the npc fest? Ogre runes, privateer etc. Turret engi! Actually I’m ok with turret engi because it means we 5vs4. All these npcs clutter the screen and turn the game into pve skirmishes. Just keep that kitten to wvw.

Edit: Totally forgot about the current surge of complaints about rangers and how they can’t be ignored as much as before. They are about rapid fire. guessed it..procs fire and air!
Edit2: When I say passive I mean passive procs/effects. Not passive like +5% damage with sigil of force or stat bonuses.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Brujeria.7536


Problem here is the game is based around these passives. Every single rune is passive to a certain degree. The amount of traits is high compared to the amounts of skills. GM Traits that affect only a single weapon are basicly a no go for the balance team, there simply is no other way to add traits and functions to the game other then passive. If the amount of weapons, utlility skill types, utility skills and so on would be higher, you would have a much broader spectrum of things to implement more active traits upon. Now where stuck with a lot of filler traits or passive stuff, but not much could be changed either. I’d love traits that entirely change some skills, and not adding something useless of passive or minor to them or my character.

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


That’s one of the reasons I prefer weapon swap sigils to on crit sigils.

Less RNG and a lot more control on the timing. With classes like the engineer, elementalist and warrior able to change weapons often I feel like the on swap is just better design.

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

to be fair I don’t think lich form was ever intended to work that way. Pre-patch it would greatly increase well damage to the point of it being a death sentence, and my spinal shivers from chill of death trait for proc for like 6k in lich form, lol. That couldn’t have been intended.

I don’t get why everybody is kittening about nightmare runes though, when runes of strength are about 5 times more powerful and more common. I’m guessing the people kittening about nightmare runes use strength runes and don’t want to admit how much more OP they are. You seriously think 90 second passive fear proc is more potent than 45% might duration + 5% damage? You’re drunk.

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sagat.3285



“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


to be fair I don’t think lich form was ever intended to work that way. Pre-patch it would greatly increase well damage to the point of it being a death sentence, and my spinal shivers from chill of death trait for proc for like 6k in lich form, lol. That couldn’t have been intended.

I don’t get why everybody is kittening about nightmare runes though, when runes of strength are about 5 times more powerful and more common. I’m guessing the people kittening about nightmare runes use strength runes and don’t want to admit how much more OP they are. You seriously think 90 second passive fear proc is more potent than 45% might duration + 5% damage? You’re drunk.

I see you have a problem with engi as necro. Sorry but in this case i can’t take anything you say seriously. Also your weird porn obssession isn’t helping!