Celestial Elementalists...

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: IchigoHatake.5098


Hey guys, I have been fighting lots of celestial eles lately, any tips on how to beat one using sigil of generosity? I was fighting one using necro, but if i corrupt his boons, he either transfer the condi to me or the condi gets removed so quickly it that it doesnt do much. I tried using power necro, but his boons are insane, can’t do any dmg. I feel that it’s extremely hard to kill them due to their sustain, they keep healing back to full, and eventually you get worn out.

This is the same for cleric rangers, they don’t die at all, their regen + toughness + healing = invincibility in 1v1 or small group fights.

(edited by IchigoHatake.5098)

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lifestealer.4910


You don’t, they are the most OP class in the game right now and hopefully they get nerfs sooner or later.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


The easiest way to kill a celestial ele is getting it focused. Find 2 team mates and focus fire! They usually die in less than 2 mins if 3 people focus one.
I would also recommend stop playing necro and play a celestial class. Like ele or engi. Or even war! Ride the cheese train till anet gods nerf it! You only got 6 months so enjoy it while it lasts.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Good s/d thief hardcounters celestial d/d ele. Well played D/P does as well.

Basically any class like thief or warrior who have high spikes to deny the ele melee range.

A warrior with axe/mace+ hammer setup and stances+ fear me will CC the ele to death.

Celestial ele hardcounters most condi classes so don’t bother. Only a really good engineer can give them a run for their money, or a PU mesmer.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ameno.6813


CC them to death. Eles don’t have a lot of access to stability. There’s that one power necro spec that dishes out fears like it’s going out of style, try that.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rym.1469


Don’t burst/unload conditions while they’re in water. Once they switch out of it, there’s your time to do damage for about 10 seconds.
Transfer conditions after chilled with icy breath (Water, once they swap out of it, will buy you more time) or after flame breath (Fire, once cast ends, will give you pressure).

Typical fotm d/d facerolls in this manner : Air→Fire→Earth→Water rinse repeat. Air and Water give best sustain, in Water they cleanse conditions.

Don’t be afraid of going toe2toe with D/D as a Power necro with dagger, too. Especially when they’re in water, fire or earth.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


Terror Necro can defeat it if played very well and chain 2-3 fears in a row
Save Dagger#4 and Staff #4 when you get burning on you

Corrupt Boon counters Armor of Earth which you must wait for before bursting with 2-3 fears so you want to save doom/staff 5 -

carry two stun breaks like spectral armor and wurm for the knockdowns/shocking aura

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


celestial dd eles r too heavily reliant on their boons, if u r necro u should stand a pretty good chance

just my ytb channel


Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


So much misinformation and so many complainers in this thread. The OP asked a legitimate question and some of you trolls chucked garbage at him… Kind of sad.

Celestial is overpowered at the moment. But celestial elementalists are easily defeatable. I do it all the time, as an ele who doesn’t frequently use celestial.

Kiting them is key, so is the use of chill, immobilize and cripple. We have a hard time countering both hard and soft CC.

They’re weak to necros, engies and anybody who can outskill them by dodging their CC and minimizing the Burns.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


To me Celestial Elementalists, as with most D/D builds aren’t the greatest 1v1 specs. To me they really shine in group play and synergize greatly with a lot of other builds. Mostly because they have a lot of might stacking, AoE damage/CC, burst/condi damage and healing. They bring a lot to a group.

Terror condi necros I feel have the advantage here. They can corrupt an ele’s boons in which they are heavily reliant upon. If you CC an ele to death with chills, cripples, immobilizes and fear they really won’t be doing a whole lot of damage. The key is to overload the ele with condis when their removal is on CD. The main burst from an ele isn’t too difficult to avoid either. To me Terror Necros are one of the best 1v1 builds.

I find glkittenter mesmers, phantasm mesmers, terror necros, condi thieves or any class with a lot of ranged burst can do really well.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


shatter mesmer, necro with corrupts (utility, dark path, spite can help too), chill in general, use poison, all kind of cc. spike when they exit water attunement.

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: morrigana sedai.2091

morrigana sedai.2091

You don’t, they are the most OP class in the game right now and hopefully they get nerfs sooner or later.

Cleary you did not get the changes right. I’m playing a celestial D/D ele (in pvp, in wvwvw full celestail is just bs) and before last patch I was in quite a good spot with it (finaly). However I have only be able to enjoy that one future patch. Last future patch Anet did a huge powercreep again on quite a few classes, euh I mean banalance. And now I actually have the same problem as before again. There are allot of builds I can hardly touch even if they play bad just to to the massive damage vs suvibity. I did not have this problem during the previous ballance (I did not win every fight back than, but I had good fights), after the patch there are just allot of builds that I should just get away form since I will only win form them if I hugely outclass them, so D/D ele is back to old sitaution.

Back to the topic however, either you go cheese (if you do that, shame on you) or you learn to live with it there are build that are able to hardcounter you, since they will always be there.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arius.7031


Hey guys, I have been fighting lots of celestial eles lately, any tips on how to beat one using sigil of generosity? I was fighting one using necro, but if i corrupt his boons, he either transfer the condi to me or the condi gets removed so quickly it that it doesnt do much. I tried using power necro, but his boons are insane, can’t do any dmg. I feel that it’s extremely hard to kill them due to their sustain, they keep healing back to full, and eventually you get worn out.

This is the same for cleric rangers, they don’t die at all, their regen + toughness + healing = invincibility in 1v1 or small group fights.

General tips:

-Bomb them with condis while they’re in water, as switching to water is usually 1-2 condi cleanses itself, meaning the swap to water condi cleanse routine can’t be used again for at bare minimum 12s, leaving them only heal and cleansing fire if they use either.

-Save boon strip + staff 5 or death shroud 3 for when they go to use ether renewal. If they have stability boon strip + fear then condi bomb HARD.

-Ele cleanses are more sustainey condi removal. Most eles will run EITHER ether renewal or cleansing fire, so you gotta adjust accordingly. They key is bombing them hard when they use up their big condi cleanse (otherwise the absolute literal max condi cleanse they’ll have is 3 from swapping to water with condi cleanse on regen trait, dagger 5, and evasive arcana dodging).

-Signet of spite is EXCELLENT for forcing a panic condi cleanse, which can kill an ele easily. Get them with it, good chance they’ll ether renewal immediately, and then follow 2nd tip.

-To reiterate, save your a boon strip for when they use stability (preferably corrupt boon).

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Cant believe a necro would have a problem beating an ele. Necros pretty much hard counter eles IF they know what they’re doing. Chill shuts down eles hard. Just wait till after they go out of water to bomb them and then nail them with chill and condi bomb them. Most important thing is to keep chill on them as much as possible because that pretty much destroys their entire class mechanic. And dont try to blow all your fears hoping to burst them down in one go, you’ll lose every time if you do that. save a fear for when they use ether renewal and they’re screwed.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tyreal.5230


it’s topics/threads like this one that is ‘killing’ the game.

Guild: guildless
Elementalist: Sheva Alamarr
Guardian: Stella Alamarr

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


The only skill in need of a nerf is Drake’s Breath. Nerf that and Eles should be fine.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


If the condi necro is allowed to kite, then he should not lose to a D/D ele in a straight up 1v1. Ele bursts are very well telegraphed, and most of their condi removal is tied to the initial swap to water (after which there’s a 10s delay on their condi cleansing, even higher if you land your DS2 or Staff3 chill).

The fight is a lot tougher when you need to stay on point, though.

Some general tips from my experience on both sides of the fight:

- As others have said, condibomb them after they attune to water (ideally, after they dodge in water).
- If they’re dumb enough to take ether renewal as DD, save a fear to interrupt the renewal.
- Maintain 900+ range as much as possible. Use cripples and chills to keep them at a distance. All of their damage requires them to come into medium/close range.
- Use your signet of spite while they’re CC’d from flesh golem or feared so that they can’t dodge it.
- If you interrupt their renewal or fear them right after they used water, following up with signet of spite is usually a guaranteed win.
- Save your dodges for burning speed, which is the bulk of their damage, and for updraft/earthquake, although they generally won’t get these CCs off if you’re kiting well.
- If you see them start to cast burning speed or earthquake when they’re obviously out of range, DODGE because they’re going to lightning flash onto you.
- Ideally save your weakness from DS5 or attuning to death shroud for when they’re chasing you with air autos. That will cut down their damage drastically.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


The only skill in need of a nerf is Drake’s Breath. Nerf that and Eles should be fine.

No, it doesnt. Ele doesnt need any nerfs at all. It actually needs buffs because there are still several things wrong with the class. Is everyone forgetting how terrible ele was before they added in the celestial amulet and strength runes to spvp? Well the problems ele had before they added those in still exist, nothing has changed with that. Take out the celestial amulet or strength runes from spvp, and ele goes back to being the crap class that no one wants on their team. The problem isnt with the class itself, which still has many, many problems that were never addressed before they put that amulet in, its with the celestial amulet and strength runes, which by the way are available to everyone. So before you ask to butcher a class even further thats already bad without being carried by that amulet, maybe you should think about that.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


^Oh my! We have a serious case of nerfobia here! Chill out buddy. It feels like a touched a sensitive vein, which makes me suspect I’m right.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: amandnall.1705


If anet removes celestial from the game everything would be better.

I Elènia I, X Elênia X ,The Undead Shadow

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Remove celestial and builds pretty much all go back to their cookie-cutter bursty glass builds and tanky bunker builds. People might try to make hybrid builds, but they’d have to either make condi or power far weaker than the other( and essentially useless when compared to going pure) or sacrifice survivability for not much extra gain. All celestial builds only reach full potential if they can maintain and get boons on demand. This means one good boon strip once they really get going and they’re pretty much screwed. Especially against necros. Let them get a good bunch of buffs going, wait till they heal or for ele till they switch into water, then once they’re out of water lay on the conditions. Start with say Signet of Spite to make them panic and use cleansing fire if they have it, then fear to force stab/stun break, corrupt to turn stab into fear and erase all their boons. At this point they should be fairly low on hp, covered in conditions and probably chilled for a while, making them an easy kill if they don’t back way off.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Chill. Just chill. It utterly wrecks Elementalists are it slows down our attunement recharge, I curse when I see 10+ seconds of chill on me and water magic is on a 6 second cooldown.

Chill is a powerful condition anyways, very effective against any class.

You can judge an Elementalists skill level based on how many Cantips they use and how often they auto attack. If they use 3 Cantips, they’re bad and feel free to wail on them. If you see several auto attacks just face roll keyboard to beat the ele.

If you see only Lightning Flash and never see an auto attack, get a friend as that Ele is going to kill you if you are alone.

To nerf Celestial Ele’s is to tone down their burning duration. It is way to easy to apply 10+ seconds of burning.

Celestial Elementalists...

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


^Oh my! We have a serious case of nerfobia here! Chill out buddy. It feels like a touched a sensitive vein, which makes me suspect I’m right.

No, I agree with him. Besides, it is not as if you put in any effort to justify a random complain. In my opinion, that is a large problem on the forums. Posters make random “such and such needs nerfed” exclamations, and offer no rhyme, reason, or logic to explain it. In general, that simply makes it an inflammatory statement to the conversation. It isn’t nerffobis, it is simply the counter argument. Unfortunately he didnt hash out any reasoning either.