Condi rangers are overpowered

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: baylock.1703


s/d and axe/torch build condi ranger with traps is just stupid the insane condi pressure they can put down is just insane some 1 shood look into it

thook first video I found

(edited by baylock.1703)

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nearlight.3064


1. Spirts>Traps, at least in terms of trait line advantages and team support.
2. Have fun in 2 months when axe lets rangers easily maintain 9+ might.


Edit: Oh wait you meant WvW roaming. I think its such a great idea to ruin a class in other game modes to balance around WvW roaming! I mean so many more people do that than spvp! Golly jee.

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

(edited by nearlight.3064)

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


WvW roaming will never be balanced, because it’s 1v1 with PvE stats.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


how can people still complain about such a broken class…If I get killed by a ranger I take a bow to them.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raven.9603


guys. its a troll post. stop feeding it. everyone knows rangers arent OP.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


how can people still complain about such a broken class…If I get killed by a ranger I take a bow to them.

Actually no, in small scale stuff rangers are good. They excel in 1v1 especially condi rangers they are deadly.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


On the chance this guy is serious, which is possible because a trap ranger like the one described does have an extremely high amount of condi pressure. However, it’s one of the few builds that is somewhat balanced. I say this because the strongest trap ranger will have no stability or stun breaks. Minimal condi cleanse and very few boons if any. It’s a high risk high reward type of build.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: iSpook.5612


I am by no means saying rangers are bad. If you get killed by one…they didn’t use any tricks and glitches or gimmicky stuff like a Mesmer.

To get kills with a ranger means you have real skill because parts of the class is total broken

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Otaur.9268


On the chance this guy is serious, which is possible because a trap ranger like the one described does have an extremely high amount of condi pressure. However, it’s one of the few builds that is somewhat balanced. I say this because the strongest trap ranger will have no stability or stun breaks. Minimal condi cleanse and very few boons if any. It’s a high risk high reward type of build.

EDIT: Quoted this one to point out the lack of condition removal if going full trapper.

I run both Zerker and Condition ranger. If I am running traps, I usually have Poison Master slotted for GM trait instead of Empathic Bond, meaning my only chance to remove conditions is through Healing Spring. If I cannot stand in the spring, it is hard for me to counter other condition classes. Another problem is those classes that can transfer conditions Back.

As a zerker Ranger, if thief gets on you, you are dead in 1 or 2 hits… It is all about tradeoffs. I made a Regen/Condi ranger, he is decent, but lacks the condi damage required to kill ppl fast… He is more a troll build that way, regenerating/evading/slowly conditioning.

I heard people talking about this OP Warrior who was streaming on an enemy server, so I went and fought him with Zerker Ranger… I died instantly to Hammer/GS combo because I could not evade all his stuns. So I went and changed to my condi build, I figured even if he runs Cleansing Ire, I could use traps to reapply faster than he could remove… Turns out, I was right and 20 seconds of stability was enough time to help me live. That combined with spider immobilize + trap immobilize. Even with food + melandru runes a split second immobilize can mean life or death.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: tom.7468


1 good player and suddenly its op.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


1 good player and suddenly its op.

haven’t you heard? if it kills me, it’s OP.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

i can’t take a Montage video as , Reasonable Evidence for calling a Combat style Op, the weakness and strenghts people have already listed.

use these to force the opponent to attack , ps A trappers Style of play to Hoax you into attacking him , it makes it Much much Easier to land those traps.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sarision.6347


Surprised that it took this long for this thread to pop up.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


On the chance this guy is serious, which is possible because a trap ranger like the one described does have an extremely high amount of condi pressure. However, it’s one of the few builds that is somewhat balanced. I say this because the strongest trap ranger will have no stability or stun breaks. Minimal condi cleanse and very few boons if any. It’s a high risk high reward type of build.

Stunbreaks: Lightning Reflexes, Signet of Renewal
Stability: Rampage as One (Altough in real pvp Spirit of Nature is better)
Condition Removal: Empathic Bond, Healing Spring, Signet of Renewal, Spirit of Nature

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


No way this is serious.

On the off chance it is: you can easily negate most of a build like that’s damage by not facetanking it. Most of the damage is done within 600 range and the trap throw animation is super obvious, AND you can dodge through them and negate most of their damage.

If you can’t play “footsies” and kill them outside of their optimal range, then you are either full melee and need to learn your opponent better since being full melee pretty much means you expect to have to facetank some stuff to do damage, or you are afk and incapable of using your ranged weapon at 600+ range and should probably explore the mechanics of your class or the game more before going into any sort of competitive versus game type.

On a more serious note, I’m almost 100% certain this is a good ploy to try to get that video more views, but if ANet catches wind of that antic, goodbye thread.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

Catchy title. The thread is not as entertaining as I was hoping though.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: GoogleBrandon.5073


Random video of a roamer makes a spec OP…

Reminds me of a favourite of mine:

Guild channel with PvP uploads
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


On the chance this guy is serious, which is possible because a trap ranger like the one described does have an extremely high amount of condi pressure. However, it’s one of the few builds that is somewhat balanced. I say this because the strongest trap ranger will have no stability or stun breaks. Minimal condi cleanse and very few boons if any. It’s a high risk high reward type of build.

Stunbreaks: Lightning Reflexes, Signet of Renewal
Stability: Rampage as One (Altough in real pvp Spirit of Nature is better)
Condition Removal: Empathic Bond, Healing Spring, Signet of Renewal, Spirit of Nature

Thank you for linking me all the available stun breaks, stabilities and condi cleanses (because I didn’t already know about them…). Now try and fit those into a build and still call it a trapper. LR + SoR leaves you with one trap. GL with condi pressure. You linked two elites, so you either lose the condi cleanse, or stability, and if you choose either of those, you lose even more condi pressure. SoR is terrible condi removal, 1/10s will merely delay your death, but not prevent it.

If you actually read what I wrote instead of thinking I have no idea rangers had condi cleanse and stunbreaks, you would see I said that a trapper with the most condi pressure would lack the defensive utilities. Of course you can take them, but you sacrifice the condi pressure, so you won’t do as much DPS as a pure trapper.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801

The OP takes a compilation as evidence? The OP doesn’t even recognize that the ranger in the video is a skilled player, mostly outplaying less skilled players? The OP doesn’t recognize that the build lacks multiple stunbreakers and condition removes? The OP doesn’t recognize that the presented build is mostly melee?

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


Thank you for linking me all the available stun breaks, stabilities and condi cleanses (because I didn’t already know about them…). Now try and fit those into a build and still call it a trapper.
No need to thank me.

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

(edited by Kibazuka.1390)

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Thank you for linking me all the available stun breaks, stabilities and condi cleanses (because I didn’t already know about them…). Now try and fit those into a build and still call it a trapper.
No need to thank me.

You’re joking with that build right? I don’t think you even bothered to read my initial post at all, because I said the strongest trapper won’t have any stunbreaks/condi cleanses or stabilities. That build you linked is far from the strongest, infact with 900 condition damage, and one damaging trap you will have barely any condi pressure at all. 1400 power means you do next to no regular damage. I don’t even know why you would think of celestial amulet for a trapper, 2.6k armour is quite squishy as well.

You would run SoR as a condi cleanse and stun break, when the condi cleanse is abysmal and the active will kill your pet if you use it to cleanse condis. If you want a proper stun break, take LR. A 60s CD stunbreaker will do you no good, and like I said, the passive is terrible.

I honestly don’t know what you’re trying to prove. I know ranger has stunbreak, but that build will get smacked around by anything even without a condi cleanse. You have no condi pressure at all, RaO is a waste with that amount of power, and you even took the lowest damaging trap of the three. I hope you’re trolling with that build.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


Thank you for linking me all the available stun breaks, stabilities and condi cleanses (because I didn’t already know about them…). Now try and fit those into a build and still call it a trapper.
No need to thank me.

…frost trap? freaking frost trap, really?

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LaronX.8079


And here we see another thread issuing why PvP and PvE should be split up ahead ladies and gentleman some more “unbiased”


Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


Lol, well at least you tried to argument it. You asked for the strongest trapper i gave you the strongest trapper, as in, the best trapper build to play, i had no idea strongest meant having the highest condition damage stat. That build, or variations of it, is one of the best if not the best ranger dueling build while not becoming useless in group fights either. If i remember correctly its also listed in the ranger pvp meta thread. I dont think you have any idea what horror that build is to fight against.
No condition pressure? Permanent poison, 5-10 stacks of bleeding, chill and often reapplied burning, cripple and weakness, that is condition pressure of its finest and 900 condition damage are enough, even when sacrificing everything for conditon damage you only have 1397. 1450 Power are not that much but ranger power scaling is horrible anyway but the crit chance and ferocity are there plenty making use of axes and swords hybrid nature and make it hit decent with the autos. And of top of that you cant kite the pet normally when chilled making the pet doing pressure too. 2700 armor is not squishy lol its just no bunker and it still has plenty of dodges and evades. Its a hybrid and makes good use of every stat thats why celestial is meta for trapper you know.

Normally you run nature spirit as elite, rampage is an alternative which you take for stability mainly. Lightnign reflexes is an alternative over SoR as well, for the lower cooldown but SoR is better in most situations. The active is amazing, godly for teamfights and you can just swap the pet afterwards lol. Even for most non trapper builds SoR is a standard thing to run, do you think its meta because the icon is funny? Makes me wonder how much you know about ranger class
Its dueling and pointfight abilities aside, in teamfights the build puts a lot of aoe condition pressure on the enemy team while helping your own team with healing spirit and spring, SoR and combo fields

…frost trap? freaking frost trap, really?


Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


Lol, well at least you tried to argument it. You asked for the strongest trapper i gave you the strongest trapper, as in, the best trapper build to play, i had no idea strongest meant having the highest condition damage stat. That build, or variations of it, is one of the best if not the best ranger dueling build while not becoming useless in group fights either. If i remember correctly its also listed in the ranger pvp meta thread. I dont think you have any idea what horror that build is to fight against.
No condition pressure? Permanent poison, 5-10 stacks of bleeding, chill and often reapplied burning, cripple and weakness, that is condition pressure of its finest and 900 condition damage are enough, even when sacrificing everything for conditon damage you only have 1397. 1450 Power are not that much but ranger power scaling is horrible anyway but the crit chance and ferocity are there plenty making use of axes and swords hybrid nature and make it hit decent with the autos. And of top of that you cant kite the pet normally when chilled making the pet doing pressure too. 2700 armor is not squishy lol its just no bunker and it still has plenty of dodges and evades. Its a hybrid and makes good use of every stat thats why celestial is meta for trapper you know.

Normally you run nature spirit as elite, rampage is an alternative which you take for stability mainly. Lightnign reflexes is an alternative over SoR as well, for the lower cooldown but SoR is better in most situations. The active is amazing, godly for teamfights and you can just swap the pet afterwards lol. Even for most non trapper builds SoR is a standard thing to run, do you think its meta because the icon is funny? Makes me wonder how much you know about ranger class
Its dueling and pointfight abilities aside, in teamfights the build puts a lot of aoe condition pressure on the enemy team while helping your own team with healing spirit and spring, SoR and combo fields

…frost trap? freaking frost trap, really?


How much I know about ranger class? Much more than you, I can guarantee you that. You took shared anguish (a pretty bad trait) over vigorous renewal, and primal reflexes over sharpened edges. You can’t re-apply burning fast at all, because nobody will stand in bonfire and throw torch is one condition to cleanse, and that’s if it’s obvious animation isn’t dodged by a competent player. Poison is more effective for it’s healing negation, rather than it’s damage, but again easy to cleanse. This honestly looks more like a chill build that an actual condition build. You have no immobilize either, which is vital for the success of trapper builds.

Like, you have no idea what condition pressure is when you think that that build applies heavy condi pressure. Just because you have X amount of conditions you can apply on your enemy does not mean it’s high condi pressure. You need to be able to re-apply those very quickly after they are cleansed, which you can’t do. Burning is your most damaging condition and you can’t re-apply it very quickly at all. You can maintain perma-poison with sword/dagger alone, so vipers nest is also useless, spike trap or flame trap would be better so you could maintain conditions.

You stack up so much defensive traits and utilities that you simply won’t kill a competent player with this build. It’s a chill build for crying out loud, and a bad one at that. If you can stay on the offensive the entire fight, the enemy will be focused on staying alive rather than attacking you, you wouldn’t even need all those defensive utilities and traits if you actually did some damage.

Something like this:

Can kill enemies and stay alive as well, you just have to play carefully because you have no stunbreaks or stability, but every build has a weakness. That build there, is a trapper build, not some defensive laden chill build that has no condi pressure.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

(edited by warriorjrd.8695)

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Thank you for linking me all the available stun breaks, stabilities and condi cleanses (because I didn’t already know about them…). Now try and fit those into a build and still call it a trapper.
No need to thank me.

nice trollbuild man. Can’t wait to try it out, it sure seem to have the capacity to die.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kibazuka.1390


This honestly looks more like a chill build that an actual condition build. You have no immobilize either, which is vital for the success of trapper builds.

Yes, that is right, this is not an (damage)condition build and it being a chill build is obviously right as well. However since it utilizes traps, it is also a trapper. My bad about immobilize, the first pet is actually supposed to be a jungle spider. If you take owl you take fire trap instead of frost trap.

I cant believe you just called primal reflexes and shared anguish bad, i dont even know what to answer about that.
You are right again that this build has under average damage but the damage isnt as terrible as you make it out to be. You say permant poison with serpents strike and stalkers strike(you waste your evades just to get poison up again, really?) but you also say poison is easily cleansed, i dont really understand you. The reason it can be cleansed is why i have viper to assure 100% uptime. Sure, i cant spam burning but i can sure as hell spam chill, poison and bleed and he has to cleanse these AND all the other conditions so while he can cleanse some he cant cleanse everything and he will especially never get poison and chill of him. In the meanwhile i do damage through some conditions, the physical part of the attacks and my pet while preventing my own death with those lovely useless defensive traits.

So they just dont get themself killed? Look, since this is my build and i played chill builds for the longest time, i have some experience with it. The point of it is that you cant bunk it. It will not burst them in 3 seconds but it will kill them. Poison lowers their healing, chill almost doubles all their cooldowns, cooldowns for healing skills and condition cleansed included, weakness can also be permanent if they dont cleanse it, you cant kite it either. Playing defensively simply doesnt work. Especially guardians and eles get messed up extremely bad by it.
During the thousands of teamq battles i fought the only times i died in duels was when i messed something up or otherwise failed and died myself first or when i simply got outplayed against better enemies but i never even once met a person i wouldnt be able to kill.
Now you could say i only ever played against terribly bad people and there couldnt be anything i could say against that but then competent players seem to be so extraordinary rare that it doesnt matter.
Since you can guarantee me to know much more than i do you can surely show me a chill build that is far better than mine for both duel and teambattles?(swapping the traps for spirits and moving 6 to nature magic doesnt count)

Ranger – Drakkar Lake[DE]
Full melee Ranger since August 2012

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


This honestly looks more like a chill build that an actual condition build. You have no immobilize either, which is vital for the success of trapper builds.

Yes, that is right, this is not an (damage)condition build and it being a chill build is obviously right as well. However since it utilizes traps, it is also a trapper. My bad about immobilize, the first pet is actually supposed to be a jungle spider. If you take owl you take fire trap instead of frost trap.

I cant believe you just called primal reflexes and shared anguish bad, i dont even know what to answer about that.
You are right again that this build has under average damage but the damage isnt as terrible as you make it out to be. You say permant poison with serpents strike and stalkers strike(you waste your evades just to get poison up again, really?) but you also say poison is easily cleansed, i dont really understand you. The reason it can be cleansed is why i have viper to assure 100% uptime. Sure, i cant spam burning but i can sure as hell spam chill, poison and bleed and he has to cleanse these AND all the other conditions so while he can cleanse some he cant cleanse everything and he will especially never get poison and chill of him. In the meanwhile i do damage through some conditions, the physical part of the attacks and my pet while preventing my own death with those lovely useless defensive traits.

So they just dont get themself killed? Look, since this is my build and i played chill builds for the longest time, i have some experience with it. The point of it is that you cant bunk it. It will not burst them in 3 seconds but it will kill them. Poison lowers their healing, chill almost doubles all their cooldowns, cooldowns for healing skills and condition cleansed included, weakness can also be permanent if they dont cleanse it, you cant kite it either. Playing defensively simply doesnt work. Especially guardians and eles get messed up extremely bad by it.
During the thousands of teamq battles i fought the only times i died in duels was when i messed something up or otherwise failed and died myself first or when i simply got outplayed against better enemies but i never even once met a person i wouldnt be able to kill.
Now you could say i only ever played against terribly bad people and there couldnt be anything i could say against that but then competent players seem to be so extraordinary rare that it doesnt matter.
Since you can guarantee me to know much more than i do you can surely show me a chill build that is far better than mine for both duel and teambattles?(swapping the traps for spirits and moving 6 to nature magic doesnt count)

Shared anguish is a waste of a trait. 1 CC ignored every 90 seconds is not better than vigorous renewal. And when you have a decent crit chance and condi damage based, sharpened edges is better than primal reflexes. You still get the vigor, but you get more bleeds. This is basic trait arrangement. Chill builds aren’t even the best builds for team support, 1v1 they work, but the larger the fights get, the less team useful it becomes.

This: would atleast do some damage. Although chill builds are pretty much up in the air, about 50% of the chill comes from runes and sigils is doesn’t matter how you spec really. Your chill build would easily chill the enemy no problem, but not much else. You kitten yourself hard with a celestial amulet.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tadsoul.6951


Random video of a roamer makes a spec OP…

Reminds me of a favourite of mine:

that video was awesome
fireworkes really need a nerf

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Menzies The Heretic.3415

Menzies The Heretic.3415


15 char………

* Twitch – Mênzîes – Mesmer pvp
* YouTube – Fun, guides and gameplay

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

I play a very similar spec to Donee (Xaras spec) and in 1v1-1v3 yea its pretty over powered if you are any good at all.

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


That apothecary build using the guard utility for perma regen is straight up broken in my opinion and needs to be nerfed. It’s completely unkillable in a duel and pretty much the only two outcomes are that you die or you keep stalemating the fight somehow but you’ll never win. Perma regen, a lot of evades, troll ungent, protection, with a stupid amount of condi damage.

It’s comedy running this build by the way. You can 1v3 so easily and if anything goes south you just casually retreat and they can’t stop you.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sagat.3285


That apothecary build using the guard utility for perma regen is straight up broken in my opinion and needs to be nerfed. It’s completely unkillable in a duel and pretty much the only two outcomes are that you die or you keep stalemating the fight somehow but you’ll never win. Perma regen, a lot of evades, troll ungent, protection, with a stupid amount of condi damage.

It’s comedy running this build by the way. You can 1v3 so easily and if anything goes south you just casually retreat and they can’t stop you.

On p/d thief I usually kill the pet first then my conditions end up killing them since my condition damage and vitality are higher even with perm regen poison does it’s job and you can steal a good amount for yourself. The same is possible for other condition users especially necro and engi but for a non-condition user I got nothing toughness+healing is great counter to power but 1v3 I don’t believe it.

Edit: It is a very melee/mid-range build ranged dps should end up winning no matter how long it takes just don’t let him hit you.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

(edited by Sagat.3285)

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

Evasive purity … bye bye poison. Yes its very mid range focused but it also has plenty of ways to close the gap. 1v3s can be dodgy if the enemy players are good but we all know how often you find players who are actually good. And even if you do find 3 skilled players you have to option of just leaving, as long as you don’t get hit by a skull crack or hammer combo from a warrior, chances are you will get away just fine.

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


That apothecary build using the guard utility for perma regen is straight up broken in my opinion and needs to be nerfed. It’s completely unkillable in a duel and pretty much the only two outcomes are that you die or you keep stalemating the fight somehow but you’ll never win. Perma regen, a lot of evades, troll ungent, protection, with a stupid amount of condi damage.

It’s comedy running this build by the way. You can 1v3 so easily and if anything goes south you just casually retreat and they can’t stop you.

On p/d thief I usually kill the pet first then my conditions end up killing them since my condition damage and vitality are higher even with perm regen poison does it’s job and you can steal a good amount for yourself. The same is possible for other condition users especially necro and engi but for a non-condition user I got nothing toughness+healing is great counter to power but 1v3 I don’t believe it.

Edit: It is a very melee/mid-range build ranged dps should end up winning no matter how long it takes just don’t let him hit you.

Because guard is a shout taking soldier runes is a nice rune set for it, also evasive purity can usually deal with poison and other conditions quite well.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


This honestly looks more like a chill build that an actual condition build. You have no immobilize either, which is vital for the success of trapper builds.

Yes, that is right, this is not an (damage)condition build and it being a chill build is obviously right as well. However since it utilizes traps, it is also a trapper. My bad about immobilize, the first pet is actually supposed to be a jungle spider. If you take owl you take fire trap instead of frost trap.

I cant believe you just called primal reflexes and shared anguish bad, i dont even know what to answer about that.
You are right again that this build has under average damage but the damage isnt as terrible as you make it out to be. You say permant poison with serpents strike and stalkers strike(you waste your evades just to get poison up again, really?) but you also say poison is easily cleansed, i dont really understand you. The reason it can be cleansed is why i have viper to assure 100% uptime. Sure, i cant spam burning but i can sure as hell spam chill, poison and bleed and he has to cleanse these AND all the other conditions so while he can cleanse some he cant cleanse everything and he will especially never get poison and chill of him. In the meanwhile i do damage through some conditions, the physical part of the attacks and my pet while preventing my own death with those lovely useless defensive traits.

So they just dont get themself killed? Look, since this is my build and i played chill builds for the longest time, i have some experience with it. The point of it is that you cant bunk it. It will not burst them in 3 seconds but it will kill them. Poison lowers their healing, chill almost doubles all their cooldowns, cooldowns for healing skills and condition cleansed included, weakness can also be permanent if they dont cleanse it, you cant kite it either. Playing defensively simply doesnt work. Especially guardians and eles get messed up extremely bad by it.
During the thousands of teamq battles i fought the only times i died in duels was when i messed something up or otherwise failed and died myself first or when i simply got outplayed against better enemies but i never even once met a person i wouldnt be able to kill.
Now you could say i only ever played against terribly bad people and there couldnt be anything i could say against that but then competent players seem to be so extraordinary rare that it doesnt matter.
Since you can guarantee me to know much more than i do you can surely show me a chill build that is far better than mine for both duel and teambattles?(swapping the traps for spirits and moving 6 to nature magic doesnt count)

Shared anguish is a waste of a trait. 1 CC ignored every 90 seconds is not better than vigorous renewal. And when you have a decent crit chance and condi damage based, sharpened edges is better than primal reflexes. You still get the vigor, but you get more bleeds. This is basic trait arrangement. Chill builds aren’t even the best builds for team support, 1v1 they work, but the larger the fights get, the less team useful it becomes.

This: would atleast do some damage. Although chill builds are pretty much up in the air, about 50% of the chill comes from runes and sigils is doesn’t matter how you spec really. Your chill build would easily chill the enemy no problem, but not much else. You kitten yourself hard with a celestial amulet.

sorry jrd, but that build is absolutely rubbish. Even with signet of the beastmaster made “default” it would still be rubbish…

Too much investments in too little gain.
No utility
No WTF buttons
No real damage
No pressure
Poor uptime in small or medium group
Irrelevant uptime in large groups (20+)

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rym.1469


Good laughs.

Both at the video being a montage (I guess some people don’t understand what a montage really is…) not live video and at the war in comments above.

As Trapper in tpvp, I bring a popcorn and giggle reading both sides’ arguments

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Condi rangers are overpowered

in Profession Balance

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


This honestly looks more like a chill build that an actual condition build. You have no immobilize either, which is vital for the success of trapper builds.

Yes, that is right, this is not an (damage)condition build and it being a chill build is obviously right as well. However since it utilizes traps, it is also a trapper. My bad about immobilize, the first pet is actually supposed to be a jungle spider. If you take owl you take fire trap instead of frost trap.

I cant believe you just called primal reflexes and shared anguish bad, i dont even know what to answer about that.
You are right again that this build has under average damage but the damage isnt as terrible as you make it out to be. You say permant poison with serpents strike and stalkers strike(you waste your evades just to get poison up again, really?) but you also say poison is easily cleansed, i dont really understand you. The reason it can be cleansed is why i have viper to assure 100% uptime. Sure, i cant spam burning but i can sure as hell spam chill, poison and bleed and he has to cleanse these AND all the other conditions so while he can cleanse some he cant cleanse everything and he will especially never get poison and chill of him. In the meanwhile i do damage through some conditions, the physical part of the attacks and my pet while preventing my own death with those lovely useless defensive traits.

So they just dont get themself killed? Look, since this is my build and i played chill builds for the longest time, i have some experience with it. The point of it is that you cant bunk it. It will not burst them in 3 seconds but it will kill them. Poison lowers their healing, chill almost doubles all their cooldowns, cooldowns for healing skills and condition cleansed included, weakness can also be permanent if they dont cleanse it, you cant kite it either. Playing defensively simply doesnt work. Especially guardians and eles get messed up extremely bad by it.
During the thousands of teamq battles i fought the only times i died in duels was when i messed something up or otherwise failed and died myself first or when i simply got outplayed against better enemies but i never even once met a person i wouldnt be able to kill.
Now you could say i only ever played against terribly bad people and there couldnt be anything i could say against that but then competent players seem to be so extraordinary rare that it doesnt matter.
Since you can guarantee me to know much more than i do you can surely show me a chill build that is far better than mine for both duel and teambattles?(swapping the traps for spirits and moving 6 to nature magic doesnt count)

Shared anguish is a waste of a trait. 1 CC ignored every 90 seconds is not better than vigorous renewal. And when you have a decent crit chance and condi damage based, sharpened edges is better than primal reflexes. You still get the vigor, but you get more bleeds. This is basic trait arrangement. Chill builds aren’t even the best builds for team support, 1v1 they work, but the larger the fights get, the less team useful it becomes.

This: would atleast do some damage. Although chill builds are pretty much up in the air, about 50% of the chill comes from runes and sigils is doesn’t matter how you spec really. Your chill build would easily chill the enemy no problem, but not much else. You kitten yourself hard with a celestial amulet.

sorry jrd, but that build is absolutely rubbish. Even with signet of the beastmaster made “default” it would still be rubbish…

Too much investments in too little gain.
No utility
No WTF buttons
No real damage
No pressure
Poor uptime in small or medium group
Irrelevant uptime in large groups (20+)

pppft signet of stone is yer oh kitten. Longbow burst will be nice with incoming buffs, but chill builds in general are more troll than effective =p

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.