Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


I think most of us are aware of how powerful power builds and teams are in PvE. And how weak in comparison their rival damage counter part is. But why is that? Sure, power builds have a maximum higher DPS then conditions do, but condition damage is far more stable and ignores damage modifiers. Surely they should be on equal footing right? Wrong. Anyone can see the disparity between the two just by playing with other people. So lets take a look at why this is.

Why power is so good:

  1. Multiple people can run power without reducing each others damage: Power build’s damage isn’t dependent on their party members to be good. Its always going to hit for as much as you invest into it. You don’t get a damage equalizer if you are doing too much damage or if a party member just so happens to be running the same build.
  2. Most power builds stack vulnerability: Vulnerability modifies the damage of all allies, reducing the overall armor of the foe. Because it doesn’t deal damage itself everyone in the party benefits from it regardless of how many people are stacking it on the foe.
  3. Power brings and shares a lot of might: Power builds will often have a large amount of might stacks that they will share with their allies. This lends itself well for easy team construction.
  4. Random condition immunity or removal does little to power’s damage: Foes that remove conditions in mass don’t phase power teams. They can quickly stack vulnerability back up without too much of a problem if at all. And the minor damage that their passive traits that apply damage conditions rarely, if ever make a difference in a fight.
  5. Power builds have an easy time destroying objects: Objects are unaffected by conditions and immune to critical hits. Power builds tend to provide enough damage on their own in order to make up for the loss of critical hits.

Why condition is so bad:

  1. Condition builds fight for stacks with their allies: If you get two Rabid necromancers next to each other in a fight against the same foe both of them will be struggling to maximize their damage. Seeing as their is a hard cap of 25 stacks that everyone has to share, each person who applies damaging conditions is effectively reducing the damage of everyone else. Needless to say this also means that condition users don’t play well together.
  2. Damage is slower to build: Although Conditions can hit really hard over time, they tend to be rather creeping at times, often not hitting their max damage potential for a few seconds. Compared to power’s who damage is pretty consistent and is often just as good at the start as it is at the end.
  3. Condition immunity and removal: A few enemies have immunity to different damage conditions. Such as poison, burning and fear. This can seriously hinder the damage of condition build already that might rely on these for damage. Not to mention the enemies that are more then capable of removing conditions on mass, taking all that work you did trying to build them up and reducing the damage even further.
  4. Condition builds struggle to destroy objects: Because conditions builds tend to have low power, they have a harder time destroying objects.

What needs to change:

Conditions are never going to out damage power builds. And I don’t expect them too. But they should at least out preform power builds in some situations. And should be a viable option. For starters, Allowing everyone to apply their damage conditions individually from one another so each person can max out their conditions would be a great start. This would solve many of the problems they have in teams. This would mean the ranger could be getting damage off on its poison along side the necromancer getting their damage off of poison. Both party members could be maximizing their bleeds as well along with the added benefit of the guardian giving them an extra bit of burning to truly boost the parties damage rather then fighting with each other to try and improve their own. This would also mean that power and condition builds could work side by side without the power player pushing off the condition player’s damage conditions unintentionally.

Arena Net said they wanted people to play how they want. Well, I want to use conditions. And disincentivizing me from using them by putting so many needless restrictions on them isn’t the way to do it. People in the community have been crying out for you to change this for well over a year now. its long past time you guys fixed this issue.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


1) a condi warrior deals more damage than a berserker one on a heavy armored target, so yeah, conditions are already outdamaging pure power ( with free toughness on top)
2) The cap issue has been acknowledged by anet, it’s a strict server problem, you can’t keep track of 5×25 bleeds, at least that’s what they said.
3) You can play how you want. Just join any “all welcomed” lfg or start your own. Sure, you won’t be accepted for a speedrun in rabid, how’s that surprising?
4) The only way to make condi more suited for pve without destroying pvp is to split the skills and mechanics, and we’re used to anet not wanting that.
All in all, yeah having condi builds viable in groups would be a change. But they are already so powerful in all other game modes where berserker doesn’t shine, meh. Condi builds already deal too much damage for the amount of toughness it provides, imo. Also, if conditions are calculated for each players, that means125 vuln stacks. lel.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Harper.4173


If the fixes were so easy to implement from a coding/game design point of view I’m sure they would have fixed conditions by now given the multitude of threads that have appeared on the forums in nearly 2 years of GW2.

The problem is they can’t seem to find a good way to fix the issue.
They’ve begun addressing it somewhat by adding condition phases to some bosses ( Scarlet’s Knights, Wurm) but ultimately unless they can find a good coding solution things aren’t going to change.

You and many others have brought up these “restrictions” time and time again – and I’m all for them being removed but honestly I doubt they can make it happen with the game’s current architecture.
Maybe in time they’ll figure out a fix.

It’s sadly not as simple as asking for a fix and getting one.

Also condi is rather strong in some situations – I’ll quote maha here :

Why should the difference between berserker and other sets be lower? Why should people be rewarded with similar clear times if they are stacking defensive stats? I’ve soloed lupicus in 4:58 in berserker and 5:11 in rabid gear. How is it fair that I can wear a gear stat which gives me like 3k armour and get a kill time on par with a gear stat that has no defensive stat?

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zapv.8051


1) a condi warrior deals more damage than a berserker one on a heavy armored target, so yeah, conditions are already outdamaging pure power ( with free toughness on top)
2) The cap issue has been acknowledged by anet, it’s a strict server problem, you can’t keep track of 5×25 bleeds, at least that’s what they said.
3) You can play how you want. Just join any “all welcomed” lfg or start your own. Sure, you won’t be accepted for a speedrun in rabid, how’s that surprising?
4) The only way to make condi more suited for pve without destroying pvp is to split the skills and mechanics, and we’re used to anet not wanting that.
All in all, yeah having condi builds viable in groups would be a change. But they are already so powerful in all other game modes where berserker doesn’t shine, meh. Condi builds already deal too much damage for the amount of toughness it provides, imo. Also, if conditions are calculated for each players, that means125 vuln stacks. lel.

I want to see some actual evidence for 1.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

1) a condi warrior deals more damage than a berserker one on a heavy armored target, so yeah, conditions are already outdamaging pure power ( with free toughness on top)

I want to see some actual evidence for 1.

In before he says “Husks”.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


If the fixes were so easy to implement from a coding/game design point of view I’m sure they would have fixed conditions by now given the multitude of threads that have appeared on the forums in nearly 2 years of GW2.

The problem is they can’t seem to find a good way to fix the issue.
They’ve begun addressing it somewhat by adding condition phases to some bosses ( Scarlet’s Knights, Wurm) but ultimately unless they can find a good coding solution things aren’t going to change.

You and many others have brought up these “restrictions” time and time again – and I’m all for them being removed but honestly I doubt they can make it happen with the game’s current architecture.
Maybe in time they’ll figure out a fix.

It’s sadly not as simple as asking for a fix and getting one.

Also condi is rather strong in some situations – I’ll quote maha here :

Why should the difference between berserker and other sets be lower? Why should people be rewarded with similar clear times if they are stacking defensive stats? I’ve soloed lupicus in 4:58 in berserker and 5:11 in rabid gear. How is it fair that I can wear a gear stat which gives me like 3k armour and get a kill time on par with a gear stat that has no defensive stat?

I’m aware that it isn’t simple, but it should be on their top priorities considering they clearly do want people to use conditions. Especially considering how much focus some of the new traits have been on conditions in that update a while back. I’m curious to see if there is a way to make it so the conditions are more player dependent then server. If that makes any sense.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


Power builds do not have back end restrictions. Conditions on the other hand have to be tracked individually per condition, per stack, as well as fluctuating condition damage stat levels on the player. This is in fact, why conditions have the limitations they do. Having all of that in mind, I am a little curious why the OP implies that Anet is intentionally limiting their options or how a player can play.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


1) a condi warrior deals more damage than a berserker one on a heavy armored target, so yeah, conditions are already outdamaging pure power ( with free toughness on top)
2) The cap issue has been acknowledged by anet, it’s a strict server problem, you can’t keep track of 5×25 bleeds, at least that’s what they said.
3) You can play how you want. Just join any “all welcomed” lfg or start your own. Sure, you won’t be accepted for a speedrun in rabid, how’s that surprising?
4) The only way to make condi more suited for pve without destroying pvp is to split the skills and mechanics, and we’re used to anet not wanting that.
All in all, yeah having condi builds viable in groups would be a change. But they are already so powerful in all other game modes where berserker doesn’t shine, meh. Condi builds already deal too much damage for the amount of toughness it provides, imo. Also, if conditions are calculated for each players, that means125 vuln stacks. lel.

I want to see some actual evidence for 1.

Find me a faster solo in berserker gear.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Waiting for maha here since he’s the pro for everything condi related, but here you go.

Oh yeah, since i’m nice, “husks”
(you won gg. Still, on a heavy armored boss, condi wins. )

edit: ninja’d !

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

(edited by oxtred.7658)

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Power builds do not have back end restrictions. Conditions on the other hand have to be tracked individually per condition, per stack, as well as fluctuating condition damage stat levels on the player. This is in fact, why conditions have the limitations they do. Having all of that in mind, I am a little curious why the OP implies that Anet is intentionally limiting their options or how a player can play.

I didn’t imply that it was intentional. However they are doing it. I do believe that their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


1) a condi warrior deals more damage than a berserker one on a heavy armored target, so yeah, conditions are already outdamaging pure power ( with free toughness on top)
2) The cap issue has been acknowledged by anet, it’s a strict server problem, you can’t keep track of 5×25 bleeds, at least that’s what they said.
3) You can play how you want. Just join any “all welcomed” lfg or start your own. Sure, you won’t be accepted for a speedrun in rabid, how’s that surprising?
4) The only way to make condi more suited for pve without destroying pvp is to split the skills and mechanics, and we’re used to anet not wanting that.
All in all, yeah having condi builds viable in groups would be a change. But they are already so powerful in all other game modes where berserker doesn’t shine, meh. Condi builds already deal too much damage for the amount of toughness it provides, imo. Also, if conditions are calculated for each players, that means125 vuln stacks. lel.

I want to see some actual evidence for 1.

Find me a faster solo in berserker gear.

Now show me the same fight with 5 zerker warriors and compare that to 5 condi warriors.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


You tell us condi is less damage than power.
I deny it.
You ask for proofs.
I, and others, give proofs.
Now you say it’s irrelevant.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


You tell us condi is less damage than power.
I deny it.
You ask for proofs.
I, and others, give proofs.
Now you say it’s irrelevant.

I didn’t. I am talking about team construction. Its in the title. If you do that thing call, looking up you’ll see it. Also, the example is an extreme situation that will never happen in a team situation. So I ask. Show me the comparison between the 5 zerker warriors and the 5 condi warriors. I’ll wait for you to make the two videos. I have time.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lostwingman.5034


4) The only way to make condi more suited for pve without destroying pvp is to split the skills and mechanics, and we’re used to anet not wanting that.

Not precisely. If they gave mob AI’s more tools to act like players (albeit bad ones), like occasional dodges, cleanses, more variety of attacks, etc, you would see fewer people taking the “full glass approach”.

There’s also the idea of “over-stack”. Where any stacks added above the limit get their damage converted and applied directly.

Bad@Ele: Alaric Von Manstein
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


You tell us condi is less damage than power.
I deny it.
You ask for proofs.
I, and others, give proofs.
Now you say it’s irrelevant.

I guess depending on perspective he or she might still be right. Even if you can deal equivalent damage for one player, the nature of group combinations, adding to direct damage while hurting condition damage (more so the more players are present) means that for any realistic PvE scenario, condition damage cannot viable be utilize outside of edge cases.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


I’m perfectly aware of condi problems in group setting. And even then, it’s strictly for speedruns, because pugs won’t usually cap 25 bleeds on their own. But people in this thread are talking about something they don’t really know, and think berserker is some magical gear allowing 1000k damage in a sec or something. Condi is powerful in solo, in pvp, in roaming.
I also don’t get your point about AI. Giving mobs cleanse would destroy condi, right? And giving them dodges would make burst dps more important ( kill them before they dodge), and further enforce berserker gear. I still prefer what we have now where everyone plays how he wants but optimal players clear the content faster. The condi weakness is its cap, but Anet already stated they can’t change it. Maybe they’ll in 2 or 3 years because people are really insisting, but for now it won’t happen. So, sorry for you, but there’s no magical solution.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


I’m perfectly aware of condi problems in group setting. And even then, it’s strictly for speedruns, because pugs won’t usually cap 25 bleeds on their own. But people in this thread are talking about something they don’t really know, and think berserker is some magical gear allowing 1000k damage in a sec or something. Condi is powerful in solo, in pvp, in roaming.
I also don’t get your point about AI. Giving mobs cleanse would destroy condi, right? And giving them dodges would make burst dps more important ( kill them before they dodge), and further enforce berserker gear. I still prefer what we have now where everyone plays how he wants but optimal players clear the content faster. The condi weakness is its cap, but Anet already stated they can’t change it. Maybe they’ll in 2 or 3 years because people are really insisting, but for now it won’t happen. So, sorry for you, but there’s no magical solution.

No. But power builds lend themselves much better to team play then conditions do. Any damage condition applied by allies harms a condition sets over all damage. For example, My necromancer can sustain 25 stack of bleed, and poison with a few stacks of torment, burning and occasionally some extra damage from terror. Not as good as the warrior in the video, maintain permanent up time of burning, bleeding and 6 stacks of torment, but its pretty kitten close. But you throw just one warrior, mesmer or even necro with a passive bleed and those 25 stacks go down to 20 or 15. That is a major cut in damage.

We also have skills that would benefit greatly from the suggestion. Such as the Theif’s venom skills or the guardians Virtue of Justice. Even poison fields get better from this. Why oppose this? Also, the new mobs do remove conditions. I play condi enough to notice that sort of thing. They aren’t very good at it though seeing as I still burn through them.

Also, PvE.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zapv.8051


I’ll give you credit I didn’t expect it to be that close, but that is one scenario across a huge game. In general power builds do more damage than condition builds.

Necros don’t have reflects, invulns, vigor, blocks,
extra dodges, real stability, mobility skills,
burst skills, sustain, or good support. GG ANET.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


You’re saying things like that without actually understanding how much damage conditions are capable of because you haven’t bothered to theory craft or experiment with them. The potency of conditions in solo depends on which ones you can apply, how much you can apply and the amount of direct damage and vulnerability in comparison you are capable of doing. Warriors can maintain enormous amounts of might so conditions are only better versus heavy targets for them. Ranger berserker dps sucks, so conditions might even be better for them versus medium targets (especially when axe main gains might on hit) – though I haven’t tested that. Here is what I’ve discovered – conditions ‘in general’ are superior solo versus heavy targets – warrior conditions are inferior against anything lighter but it’s up in the air for other classes.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


You’re saying things like that without actually understanding how much damage conditions are capable of because you haven’t bothered to theory craft or experiment with them. The potency of conditions in solo depends on which ones you can apply, how much you can apply and the amount of direct damage and vulnerability in comparison you are capable of doing. Warriors can maintain enormous amounts of might so conditions are only better versus heavy targets for them. Ranger berserker dps sucks, so conditions might even be better for them versus medium targets (especially when axe main gains might on hit) – though I haven’t tested that. Here is what I’ve discovered – conditions ‘in general’ are superior solo versus heavy targets – warrior conditions are inferior against anything lighter but it’s up in the air for other classes.

In solo… IN SOLO!!! May I remind you to read the title of the thread?

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Just like stacking toughness works in open world but is selfish in dungeons, stacking a solo stat won’t work in speedruns. You still can use your condi whatever in an “all welcomed” run who doesn’t care about group effort.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: sirrealist.1360


Full Disclosure Upfront: I have absolutely no evidence for what I’m about to say, it’s only my thoughts based on personal observation, not empirical testing.

It feels that for thief, power build >> condi build for pretty much all PvE situations. I still run condi for solo because I just like the way you have to engage in combat with condi more, but because of the high burst damage and relatively low access to powerful condition builds with thief, I assume power is superior in most situations. I do love to throw AoE bleeds all over the place though (Death Blossom + Caltrops + Uncatchable).

(edited by sirrealist.1360)

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


In group play if a zerker build is ever out damaged by a condi build the zerker player either fell asleep or doesn’t know how to play. 10k DPS on a zerker build is pretty reasonable in group play (in fact its fairly low for a few builds), and yet to get 10k DPS in a condi build with 2k condition damage, you need to stack 70 bleeds. Even if you include burning (828 damage), poison (284), torment (214 while moving), you’d need to be able to maintain 25 stacks of bleeding and torment, and have permanent poison and burning, all on your own (assuming they allowed you your own stacks) just to match a lower DPS point than the “top” power builds reach.

There are two major things they need to fix: re-doing boss HP/armor so they maintain the same eHP but with higher armor so that condition builds have fairly equal DPS, and make it so a warrior’s 50 DPS 2s bleed doesn’t overwrite a Necro’s 140 DPS 20s one. That would at least allow groups to have one or two (depending on what conditions they use) condi builds per group without hurting them. And improving condis in “casual” speed runs is honestly a great starting point.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Just like stacking toughness works in open world but is selfish in dungeons, stacking a solo stat won’t work in speedruns. You still can use your condi whatever in an “all welcomed” run who doesn’t care about group effort.

Why can’t people be like “You know what, you’re right Lily. There does seem to be a problem with how its balanced for PvE. And this does lead to player discrimination. Perhaps we should discuss this further and help open the conversation to the devs to try and find a solution everyone will be happy with instead of pretending the problem doesn’t exist.” But that’ll never happen. Instead we get “Just play your bad build and quit complaining about it being bad and join bad parties.” Getting frustrated with the number of traits and skills that are wasted potential because condi’s override each other? WHO CARES! Lets have more worthless skills and traits that are only a small step away from being good.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


Power builds do not have back end restrictions. Conditions on the other hand have to be tracked individually per condition, per stack, as well as fluctuating condition damage stat levels on the player. This is in fact, why conditions have the limitations they do. Having all of that in mind, I am a little curious why the OP implies that Anet is intentionally limiting their options or how a player can play.

I didn’t imply that it was intentional. However they are doing it. I do believe that their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

No, they balanced it the way they did, because the coding and server situation was causing problems and there was too much information for them to keep up with each individual condition + each individual stack for each individual player. The davs have stated this a few times before.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


In group play if a zerker build is ever out damaged by a condi build the zerker player either fell asleep or doesn’t know how to play. 10k DPS on a zerker build is pretty reasonable in group play (in fact its fairly low for a few builds), and yet to get 10k DPS in a condi build with 2k condition damage, you need to stack 70 bleeds. Even if you include burning (828 damage), poison (284), torment (214 while moving), you’d need to be able to maintain 25 stacks of bleeding and torment, and have permanent poison and burning, all on your own (assuming they allowed you your own stacks) just to match a lower DPS point than the “top” power builds reach.

There are two major things they need to fix: re-doing boss HP/armor so they maintain the same eHP but with higher armor so that condition builds have fairly equal DPS, and make it so a warrior’s 50 DPS 2s bleed doesn’t overwrite a Necro’s 140 DPS 20s one. That would at least allow groups to have one or two (depending on what conditions they use) condi builds per group without hurting them. And improving condis in “casual” speed runs is honestly a great starting point.

This would be a good start but I don’t think we should stop at that. It defiantly would be a much easier fix then allowing each player their own individual stacks. There are still a tone of major problems with it, but at least Condi builds could have some place on teams.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Power builds do not have back end restrictions. Conditions on the other hand have to be tracked individually per condition, per stack, as well as fluctuating condition damage stat levels on the player. This is in fact, why conditions have the limitations they do. Having all of that in mind, I am a little curious why the OP implies that Anet is intentionally limiting their options or how a player can play.

I didn’t imply that it was intentional. However they are doing it. I do believe that their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

No, they balanced it the way they did, because the coding and server situation was causing problems and there was too much information for them to keep up with each individual condition + each individual stack for each individual player. The davs have stated this a few times before.

I still think how GW1 was has something to do with it. I don’t doubt that what you’re saying was a problem, I’m saying that there is probably more too it then that. And, they should be exploring alternative methods of fixing the problem. OR they need to completely rework how conditions work/are applied.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Just like stacking toughness works in open world but is selfish in dungeons, stacking a solo stat won’t work in speedruns. You still can use your condi whatever in an “all welcomed” run who doesn’t care about group effort.

Why can’t people be like “You know what, you’re right Lily. There does seem to be a problem with how its balanced for PvE. And this does lead to player discrimination. Perhaps we should discuss this further and help open the conversation to the devs to try and find a solution everyone will be happy with instead of pretending the problem doesn’t exist.” But that’ll never happen. Instead we get “Just play your bad build and quit complaining about it being bad and join bad parties.” Getting frustrated with the number of traits and skills that are wasted potential because condi’s override each other? WHO CARES! Lets have more worthless skills and traits that are only a small step away from being good.

I think you misunderstood me. I totally agree that condis are inferior in group contents because of the stacking cap and all. The discussion was opened countless times, and the only things we know are: devs won’t move the 25 cap, and devs don’t want to split pve and pvp skills. I wouldn’t mind having a few other builds to play in speedruns ( speaking of real speedruns, like world records), but if a condi build deals the same damage as a power based one in group, the difference between the two in solo would be incredible. You also have to take into account that a full berserker/sin meta build has far less survivability than any condi build. Yup, condis shouldn’t get a spot in speedruns, for the reasons above. And yup, that doesn’t prevent you from using it in a pug. It’s not about bad groups or good groups, it’s about solo (=selfish) play and group play. Power base builds support each others via vuln, might, and offensive supports like banners or spotter. Condi are selfish. Maybe that’s a design flaw, not imo but i can see your point, it’s still too late to rework all the game.
That doesn’t mean your argument is dumb and i know better, it means the issue has already been discussed and no solution was found for 2 years, for something that’s not even an issue for most.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Just like stacking toughness works in open world but is selfish in dungeons, stacking a solo stat won’t work in speedruns. You still can use your condi whatever in an “all welcomed” run who doesn’t care about group effort.

Why can’t people be like “You know what, you’re right Lily. There does seem to be a problem with how its balanced for PvE. And this does lead to player discrimination. Perhaps we should discuss this further and help open the conversation to the devs to try and find a solution everyone will be happy with instead of pretending the problem doesn’t exist.” But that’ll never happen. Instead we get “Just play your bad build and quit complaining about it being bad and join bad parties.” Getting frustrated with the number of traits and skills that are wasted potential because condi’s override each other? WHO CARES! Lets have more worthless skills and traits that are only a small step away from being good.

I think you misunderstood me. I totally agree that condis are inferior in group contents because of the stacking cap and all. The discussion was opened countless times, and the only things we know are: devs won’t move the 25 cap, and devs don’t want to split pve and pvp skills. I wouldn’t mind having a few other builds to play in speedruns ( speaking of real speedruns, like world records), but if a condi build deals the same damage as a power based one in group, the difference between the two in solo would be incredible. You also have to take into account that a full berserker/sin meta build has far less survivability than any condi build. Yup, condis shouldn’t get a spot in speedruns, for the reasons above. And yup, that doesn’t prevent you from using it in a pug. It’s not about bad groups or good groups, it’s about solo (=selfish) play and group play. Power base builds support each others via vuln, might, and offensive supports like banners or spotter. Condi are selfish. Maybe that’s a design flaw, not imo but i can see your point, it’s still too late to rework all the game.
That doesn’t mean your argument is dumb and i know better, it means the issue has already been discussed and no solution was found for 2 years, for something that’s not even an issue for most.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. That’s what my mom always said. And I’ll keep reopening the discussion until its fixed. I honestly don’t give two kittens what arena net said they wont do. They also said they wouldn’t let players change their build for free because of some really really bad reason about personalizing the hero and they said didn’t want to split skill balance for PvE and PvP. So if this thread gets closed in a week, I’ll just make a new one.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


What’s the point then? You’re adressing your issue in a forum. Where people are answering your question and giving you arguments. If you want to be a deaf spambot like the others, just send them tickets or something. I can’t see why you’re going on that forum ( probably the last place to encounter someone from anet except if you use some keywords like gemstore or living story) for ranting. If you don’t care about what anet is saying at least try to see what players are saying, that condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.
Tl;dr: you’re not reopening “discussions”, you’re reopening mindless ranting.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


What’s the point then? You’re adressing your issue in a forum. Where people are answering your question and giving you arguments. If you want to be a deaf spambot like the others, just send them tickets or something. I can’t see why you’re going on that forum ( probably the last place to encounter someone from anet except if you use some keywords like gemstore or living story) for ranting. If you don’t care about what anet is saying at least try to see what players are saying, that condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.
Tl;dr: you’re not reopening “discussions”, you’re reopening mindless ranting.

Wow you are bad at paying attention. I said I don’t care what they said they wont do, then I gave an example of why not. There is a difference between that and saying I don’t care what they say at all. There are countless problems in the game that should have been fixed by now but haven’t. VERY SIMPLE PROBLEMS TOO! Instead of actually trying to find a solution, you are saying to close the discussion entirely. This isn’t constructive or healthy for the longevity of the game. Arena net needs to pay attention rather then just sweeping it under the rug.

Plus, Condi isn’t as strong in the damage department as power is. Average power build vs average condi build in most situations is about a 20k difference over 10 seconds.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Who’s bad at paying attention? You’re speaking of a non issue. As colesy showed above, condi already does more damage than berserker for many classes in solo. Buffing them in group setting can’t be done without upping them in solo, at least for now. Therefore, you can’t buff it. I’ll quote myself since i’m not paying attention and repeating the same things over and over again.

condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Who’s bad at paying attention? You’re speaking of a non issue. As colesy showed above, condi already does more damage than berserker for many classes in solo. Buffing them in group setting can’t be done without upping them in solo, at least for now. Therefore, you can’t buff it. I’ll quote myself since i’m not paying attention and repeating the same things over and over again.

condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.

I’m sorry, but no. The Condi warrior in that example capped at around 6.5k a second while a zerker necromancer caps at 10k auto. And proper warriors in groups do even better then that. And how would my suggestion buff them in solo? Giving people individualized caps doesn’t magically make you apply 300 bleeds. You’re still stuck at 25, it would just mean someone else wouldn’t be effected. Your bizarrely extreme situation is a rarity. Its not indicative of every part of PvE. You can’t even get what I’m suggesting right to argue against it!

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Who’s bad at paying attention? You’re speaking of a non issue. As colesy showed above, condi already does more damage than berserker for many classes in solo. Buffing them in group setting can’t be done without upping them in solo, at least for now. Therefore, you can’t buff it. I’ll quote myself since i’m not paying attention and repeating the same things over and over again.

condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.

I’m sorry, but no. The Condi warrior in that example capped at around 6.5k a second while a zerker necromancer caps at 10k auto. And proper warriors in groups do even better then that. And how would my suggestion buff them in solo? Giving people individualized caps doesn’t magically make you apply 300 bleeds. You’re still stuck at 25, it would just mean someone else wouldn’t be effected. Your bizarrely extreme situation is a rarity. Its not indicative of every part of PvE. You can’t even get what I’m suggesting right to argue against it!

A necro will get 10k auto in group, not in solo. And even then, 10k is high, you’ll most likely see 5-7k max. But back on topic: your suggestion would break the game, period. Not speaking of balance, but of server performance. Imagine a tequatl kill, with like 80 players, each having bleeds ticking. Server needs to know which bleeds come from who, for each tick, for thousands of bleeds, accounting might stacks, player specs, etc. So, you just can’t. Also, i’m still laughing at 125 vuln in dungeons. We’re stuck with condis being less effective with more players because the cap won’t move.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


I still think how GW1 was has something to do with it. I don’t doubt that what you’re saying was a problem, I’m saying that there is probably more too it then that. And, they should be exploring alternative methods of fixing the problem. OR they need to completely rework how conditions work/are applied.

Well that is fine, you go on thinking what you like. I am simply stating to you, the facts as they were relayed by the folks the built the game, in this vary same forums. As well, they have stated that they are attempting to rework conditions in a manner to allow them to work with the games infrastructure.

What I am telling you is that you are forcing a discussion on us that has already been had, only you are pushing your personal beliefs at people when it is contrary to the actual situation.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Who’s bad at paying attention? You’re speaking of a non issue. As colesy showed above, condi already does more damage than berserker for many classes in solo. Buffing them in group setting can’t be done without upping them in solo, at least for now. Therefore, you can’t buff it. I’ll quote myself since i’m not paying attention and repeating the same things over and over again.

condis are already good and buffing them in the only place they aren’t would have unwanted consequences.

I’m sorry, but no. The Condi warrior in that example capped at around 6.5k a second while a zerker necromancer caps at 10k auto. And proper warriors in groups do even better then that. And how would my suggestion buff them in solo? Giving people individualized caps doesn’t magically make you apply 300 bleeds. You’re still stuck at 25, it would just mean someone else wouldn’t be effected. Your bizarrely extreme situation is a rarity. Its not indicative of every part of PvE. You can’t even get what I’m suggesting right to argue against it!

A necro will get 10k auto in group, not in solo. And even then, 10k is high, you’ll most likely see 5-7k max. But back on topic: your suggestion would break the game, period. Not speaking of balance, but of server performance. Imagine a tequatl kill, with like 80 players, each having bleeds ticking. Server needs to know which bleeds come from who, for each tick, for thousands of bleeds, accounting might stacks, player specs, etc. So, you just can’t. Also, i’m still laughing at 125 vuln in dungeons. We’re stuck with condis being less effective with more players because the cap won’t move.

And you again are getting information wrong. It was clear from the start that I was talking about damage conditions. And that I was talking about team construction. Its in the title for Grenth’s sake. And yes, without a group I get 7k. That is STILL Better then the condi warrior’s damage.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


I still think how GW1 was has something to do with it. I don’t doubt that what you’re saying was a problem, I’m saying that there is probably more too it then that. And, they should be exploring alternative methods of fixing the problem. OR they need to completely rework how conditions work/are applied.

Well that is fine, you go on thinking what you like. I am simply stating to you, the facts as they were relayed by the folks the built the game, in this vary same forums. As well, they have stated that they are attempting to rework conditions in a manner to allow them to work with the games infrastructure.

What I am telling you is that you are forcing a discussion on us that has already been had, only you are pushing your personal beliefs at people when it is contrary to the actual situation.

You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Vuln gives you more damage, even it’s not damaging itself, but whatever. My point about server performance still stands. Out of topic, but i’m speaking of dagger aa, not ds aa, wich is less dps on the long run. Seeing how condis are calculated, deleting the cap is impossible. I could search for an hour the exact statement about that, but i’m really too lazy for that. So now mind answering my question, how do you want a server to calculate thousands of bleed ticks ( wich would be in a team construction as you call it) every second? Lag is already annoying, no thanks.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Vuln gives you more damage, even it’s not damaging itself, but whatever. My point about server performance still stands. Out of topic, but i’m speaking of dagger aa, not ds aa, wich is less dps on the long run. Seeing how condis are calculated, deleting the cap is impossible. I could search for an hour the exact statement about that, but i’m really too lazy for that. So now mind answering my question, how do you want a server to calculate thousands of bleed ticks ( wich would be in a team construction as you call it) every second? Lag is already annoying, no thanks.

whats the code that is being used for conditions now? I’m sure an alternative that would allow for such a change exist without causing too many if any problems. They would need to search for those alternatives. I don’t believe it will be easy. Nothing that is worth while is easy. But I do believe its possible.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

As others have mentioned, you posted misinformation, so I did need to reply.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


For now every condition is calculated separately for each tick, and there’s rules about wich will get priority of application and stuff, kinda boring to explain, but it already slows down the game at 25 cap, so a bigger picture would be even worse. For 2 years people searched for alternatives and none was found. At least, nothing doable. If you get all these negatives answers, it’s because it has been discussed ad nauseam, granted less than the " why can’t i wear ptv in speedruns ?". Even good ideas were never implemented in dungeons. There’s no dungeon team. Hence people doing the same subject everyday is useless.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I view ANet’s failure to implement conditions in a way that worked in group play as one of the main issues with GW2 design. Why design stacking conditions if a single player can reach the cap on a single target? Why design attacks that power builds use as a matter of course that apply conditions, overwriting the conditions of players specced to do more condition damage? Every time this is brought up, I am forced to ask, “What were they thinking?”

However, we’re stuck with the engine and condition design we have. I certainly hope that ANet is working on a way to fix it, though I doubt that best fix — converting conditions to DoT’s that apply independently of the DoT’s used by others — will ever be considered as long as #1 attacks apply damaging conditions on every hit.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

As others have mentioned, you posted misinformation, so I did need to reply.

Uhh, no i didn’t.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


For now every condition is calculated separately for each tick, and there’s rules about wich will get priority of application and stuff, kinda boring to explain, but it already slows down the game at 25 cap, so a bigger picture would be even worse. For 2 years people searched for alternatives and none was found. At least, nothing doable. If you get all these negatives answers, it’s because it has been discussed ad nauseam, granted less than the " why can’t i wear ptv in speedruns ?". Even good ideas were never implemented in dungeons. There’s no dungeon team. Hence people doing the same subject everyday is useless.

Why not post the suggested alternatives? Along with the one being used now. As long as its legal information to view. I’m sure GW2 isn’t the first game to run into this sort of problem.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

As others have mentioned, you posted misinformation, so I did need to reply.

Uhh, no i didn’t.

Umm, yes, yes you did. Example one is……………

However they are doing it. Their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

As others have mentioned, you posted misinformation, so I did need to reply.

Uhh, no i didn’t.

Umm, yes, yes you did. Example one is……………

However they are doing it. Their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

thanks for misquoting me kitten. Believe. Not statement of fact. I might have forgotten to add “might have something to do with” to the line of text, but you are still misquoting me.

I didn’t imply that it was intentional. However they are doing it. I do believe that their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


Why not post the suggested alternatives? Along with the one being used now. As long as its legal information to view. I’m sure GW2 isn’t the first game to run into this sort of problem.

Non exhaustive list of random things said about conditions:
-up condi damage
- make a new stack for each 25 previous stacks ( like a superbleed or something, that could make a small sense, but it’s undoable due to the non splitting of pve and pvp)
-yours, as just forget the condi cap
-nerf berserker damage ( already done, badly but done, and we all knew/know it’s stupid)
-require condi for some puzzles (yay build diversity)
-make the average mob armor higher ( same as a damage nerf)
-change all the condi system and make only condition based weapons and builds apply damaging condition ( it would be a totally different game for balance, and the effects on pvp specs are non negligeable, but that would be the only one working)
-bring back the trinity and delete berserker/assassin from the game (lol.)
-your suggestion as well, making the cap char bound
That’s all i’m thinking of right now, there’s probably funniest things to remember because people are really desesperate about it, but if we take only the logical suggestions, they are all undoable because of Anet’s policy.
For detailed suggestions about how the game’s engine treat conditions, there’s a post somewhere on the forum or on the wiki about it, can’t link from here though.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lily.1935


Why not post the suggested alternatives? Along with the one being used now. As long as its legal information to view. I’m sure GW2 isn’t the first game to run into this sort of problem.

Non exhaustive list of random things said about conditions:
-up condi damage
- make a new stack for each 25 previous stacks ( like a superbleed or something, that could make a small sense, but it’s undoable due to the non splitting of pve and pvp)
-yours, as just forget the condi cap
-nerf berserker damage ( already done, badly but done, and we all knew/know it’s stupid)
-require condi for some puzzles (yay build diversity)
-make the average mob armor higher ( same as a damage nerf)
-change all the condi system and make only condition based weapons and builds apply damaging condition ( it would be a totally different game for balance, and the effects on pvp specs are non negligeable, but that would be the only one working)
-bring back the trinity and delete berserker/assassin from the game (lol.)
-your suggestion as well, making the cap char bound
That’s all i’m thinking of right now, there’s probably funniest things to remember because people are really desesperate about it, but if we take only the logical suggestions, they are all undoable because of Anet’s policy.
For detailed suggestions about how the game’s engine treat conditions, there’s a post somewhere on the forum or on the wiki about it, can’t link from here though.

not quite what I asked for. How about this. I’m not too familiar with other MMOs outside of GW1 and GW2. I’ve dabbled in a few here and there but never really got enough into it to get their meta game.

How do other games deal with DoTs? Perhaps we can look to those. I’m sure there is a system that might work. I’m thinking coding and mechanics behind the scenes.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: oxtred.7658


No idea about other games. But even if you find something, it’d require to rework the gw2 system entirely. It’s months, maybe years of working. Seeing how fast anet updates their game, you won’t see that before 2100. You can’t rework a combat system fully like that, especially when it doesn’t give you more gem buyers.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: coglin.1867


You didn’t have to reply. I can’t make you do anything.

As others have mentioned, you posted misinformation, so I did need to reply.

Uhh, no i didn’t.

Umm, yes, yes you did. Example one is……………

However they are doing it. Their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

thanks for misquoting me kitten. Believe. Not statement of fact. I might have forgotten to add “might have something to do with” to the line of text, but you are still misquoting me.

I didn’t imply that it was intentional. However they are doing it. I do believe that their reason for balancing it in the way that they did at launch was because of how hexes worked in GW1.

And unless you have anything to support that, being as it completely contradicts the reasoning the game creators are offering, it is completely inaccurate and misinformed.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.