Dps nerf by 10% ?
where i found information
Why is it Dps is being reduced when you have these unbelievable tanky build that max dps in the first place dont effect.
Hello and welcome to the forums.
There are three formats of gameplay, each with their respective sub-formats.
Only a handful of these have issues with tanky high-durability specs, due to the overly specialized format and setup they use.
In other words, yes, raw DPS is a problem. And no, not just in PvE. Not everyone does 1v1 fights, and in fact I’d always try to fight unfair in the first place. Why fight fair if you can avoid it? Needless risk.
Pvp at its current state to mean seems very broken too me and i have stopped playing atm till fixes or new game types happen.
Also, really, sPvP seems pretty minor. The overall amount of players in there seem comparatively low, unless tPvP is a ton more active than it appears to be. And even then since there’s so few players in each match, it affects relatively few people.
What I’m saying is: Minority game mode. The game was heavily advertised for it’s PvE and WvW, never knew it had sPvP until I was already online. I really don’t think focusing balance on minor game modes is such a smart idea while the game has larger balance issues.
Yes i understand the 1V1 unfair advantage with classes, But i should have mentioned that Certain classes benfit better from Full dps specs that others , e.g rangers full zerker do ok damage but theres no other way to keep the damage similar and be tanky , where are other classes like ele or warrior can dps really hard and take lots of damage.
dont get me wrong i know ranger is in need of a fix but so are other classes.
my first char was a ranger , but i have all chars lvl 80 all with 300+ hours logged
I have a theory behind why theyre doing this, and its similar to their, one click, one action macro rule. In other games, the casual/noob players didnt use macros which put them at a severe disadvantage when fighting a good player. This is their reason for the one click one action rule, they want everyone on an equal playing field.
Now with the current way crit dmg is, certain prices of armor and ascended trinkets have way more %crit dmg per stat than other pieces. Min/maxers and theory crafters make great use of this. However to just the casual player, who doesn’t visit the forums or any other external sites this difference between crit dmg on various pieces of armor wont be obvious at all to them. This puts them at a disadvantage when fighting someone who has gone over their build on a build site and min/maxed every single piece of gear. The casual could have more skill then the min/maxer, but could still lose because he doesn’t know about the crit dmg discrepancy. They want everyone on an equal playing field
You could argue im wrong and that this is just to nerf PVE, but all this will do will make encounters take longer. Zerker will still be the best option for PVE, they haven’t done anything to change that. In fact running a full zerker group will be even more important because everyone will do less DPS so people can’t be carried as easily.
Why is it Dps is being reduced when you have these unbelievable tanky build that max dps in the first place dont effect.
I understand its main for Pve because support rolls dont really matter too much.
but does that mean Pvp and wvw are effected too ? tbh not really bothered about wvw you do loads of damage anyways with food buffs and other wvw bonuses.
Pvp at its current state to mean seems very broken too me and i have stopped playing atm till fixes or new game types happen.Overall it feels like we are getting punished for wanting to play superglassy 0% surival builds instead of being tanks.
if anyone thinks im seeing it wrong please enlighten me i would love feed back.
Warriors get a 10% attack speed GM trait which will yield even higher DPS than they are now. So not all things are getting nerfed equally.