[Engineer] Needs a new weapon.
I suggest Mace for an additional mainhand option. Fitting, since it’s somewhat similar to a hammer used for a tool (by the way ANet, new skin idea too!)
Having a melee main weapon would be nice, indeed. As now, any projectile reflection makes most of our main weapon skills useless.
A mace would make sense.
Also, using The Moot and Quip together would be quite fun.
Hammer, Mace, Sword, torch, hell even if they reworked rifle to be less bad I would be happy.
I’d definitely like a power hammer.
Right now Engi feels like the worst PVE class in the game. They’re great in PVP…but in PVE it just feels like it doesn’t pull it’s weight. All the things an engi can do, I’d rather bring an Ele for.
Here’s Engineer sword. It would probably fit better as a mace, and the only thing that would need changes would be the text that mentions “sword” or "blade.
Also, this would need some targeted damage nerfs.
They’ve expressed that they’d like to add new weapon options to all the professions, potentially making all weapons usable by all professions (I recall a specific mention of hammer on engineer), but I’d rather they focus on tidying up the current skills around rather than adding a boat load of new stuff that’ll have to be worked into the already complex sea of what’s out there.