[Engineer] Turret hitbox

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


Issue: unlike player and any npc characters, turret hit box is same for melee attacks and aoe.
Where usually target’kittenbox is separate for melee attacks (melee range hitbox) and aoe (limited to small hitbox directly under char – to actually be able to position yourself outside red circles) turrets have melee and aoe hit box of the same size.
As a result, turrets get hit by aoe that they do not stand directly in. To put it simply, the radius of any aoe is increased by at least melee range in case of turrets (since their hit box is always that of melee range).

What should be done: make turrets use standard mechanic where melee and aoe hitboxes are different – if turrets are placed OBVIOUSLY outside red aoe circle they should NOT get hit by it.

Thank You

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: drkn.3429


Are you sure it works like that?
I’ve always thought the hitbox is the same, but melee attacks have cleaving, making them hit stuff in an arch in front of them, in about 150 range (rather than the indicated 130), whereas aoe skills usually show precise areas. But the hitboxes are the same.


[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


if you stand right outside of the red aoe circle, you don’t get hit by it. But if there is turret on the same spot, it gets hit.
You can easily test it by putting turret right behind the corner, and having any ranged/aoe attack used on the other side – though turret is BEHIND the corner, its hitbox extends from behind it and it gets hit.
The range fact you can get from putting turret between yourself and ranged attacker and then strafing to the side until you, and not your turret, will finally get hit by attacks.

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: drkn.3429


Most aoe works through walls. And floors.
What i’m saying is that perhaps turrets simply have bigger hitboxes than you’d expect (maybe even extending beyond their visible model – which is an oversight as well, if so), but i never noticed they reacted differently to aoe and melee.


[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Dunno about differences in ranges, but what is sure is that their hitbox extends quite a bit outside of the actual model.

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Escadin.9482



second link from there. (watch for the blue circle aoe)

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Anymras.5729


If you don’t watch the video, I’ll tell you what it shows: that Engineer Turret hitboxes are so massive that they can be damaged by an AoE when they are several player-steps outside of it.
The player testing it also demonstrates that the AoE circle isn’t inaccurate; the AoE stops dealing damage to him when he leaves the circle, though it continues to harm the Turret.

This, as well as many of the other issues plaguing turrets, makes actually balancing them a hopeless endeavor – they don’t work, in ways that have quite obvious effects.

[Engineer] Turret hitbox

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DragoTheWise.7256


Yeah. This is one of the really big issues with turrets. They would be able to survive in all aspects of the game more if they would just fix their hit boxes. This is the same issue with the mortar hit box (among its other major problems).