Explination for Signet of Rage Nerf?
This is a ‘shave’ change, and it’s more or less directed at Sig of Rage being the only elite than anyone ever uses.
Most of the changes to every class I really understand. They are fixing things that have been broken or under powered, and weakening things that are too strong and making things a bit more logical overall.
I get boosting the adrenal gain, I don’t get taking 5s off the boons.
It seem almost arbitrary, like they said, “Well we boosted the passive, so we need to nerf the active.” without any really rhyme or reason to nerfing the active.
I just cant see any reason for it. What does taking 5s off the boons really do? What imbalance does it address? If it did create any imbalance that needed adressing certainly 25s boons aren’t going to be very much less imbalanced than 30s boons.
IDK to me it just seems like a change without any reason behind it.
It may have had something to do with the potential (with +boon duration) for the boons from the active of the signet to least the duration of the cooldown, didn’t Cartwright mention it in one of the videos he did, if I recall there tend to be a reduction of strategies mentioned in those PvE videos every so often.
They could also be part of a process of “Players only use Option A, let’s slightly improve (or redesign if necessary) Option B and decrease (or redesign if necessary) Option A”.
(edited by Bran.7425)
They also wanted to make the passive effect better since it’s more-or-less useless as it is now. However, I’m guessing they didn’t want to just straight up buff the skill, so they imposed a nerf on the active in compensation of a buff on the passive.
Personally, I still don’t see the passive effect of SoR of being of any real consequence despite the proposed buffs, but I guess we’ll only know for sure when the changes happen.
With the buffs to rampage, I think I might actually start using that for some of my warrior builds.
Well, currently Warriors are getting rewarded for not using their Burst abilities, spamming their Signet and FGJ (FGJ makes sense being spammed, obviously) for 100% Fury uptime in addition to getting nice amounts of Might and Swiftness. The Swiftness isn’t really an issue, but having 100% Fury and instantly 8 stacks of Might while looking pretty definitely means they’re doing something wrong.
The same can still be said of Healing Signet where the Warrior is being rewarded for not touching it at all. Not only can it end up giving the Warrior stats, but it also gives them really good healing/second, especially paired with the no animation/cast time/etc. Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
So they make it look more appealing to not use Signet of Rage and make the effect of Signet of Rage not as powerful to incentivise players not using it. Of course, most players will still end up spamming it, but we may see some Healing Surge usage combined with Burst Skills being better… or not, in PvE.
This is a ‘shave’ change, and it’s more or less directed at Sig of Rage being the only elite than anyone ever uses.
…and its a minor nerf that likely won’t make a difference if you run might duration runes.
not sure if this nerf (+ its passive buff) and the Rampager elite buff will be enough, though
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
the passive is currently
1 adrenaline per 3 seconds
with the 50% buff it would be
1 adrenaline per 2 seconds
it should be a 200% buff making it
1 adrenaline per second
100% Fury uptime in addition to getting nice amounts of Might and Swiftness. The Swiftness isn’t really an issue, but having 100% Fury and instantly 8 stacks of Might while looking pretty definitely means they’re doing something wrong.
fury and might are boons which can be very easily removed.
The entire warrior rework oozes profession discrimination>
“We are buffing flame thrower because it is underwhelming. We are merging multiple skills. We are making turrets home.”
“ranger we are buffing read the wind. We are increasing longbow damage. We feel longbow skills were long channeled, self rooting(sound familiar warrior?) and subpar.”
“We are nerfing greatsword start damage so we can buff the highly under whelming burst skill. (Others have had buff due to under performance on long channels, yet warrior has to receive nerf to receive a buff on their under performing skills.) We are buffing Axe, which previously we have nerfed 3 times to the point it did less damage using skills than just auto attacking. We are buffing mace, also a weapon we have recently nerfed…so in essence there is no buffs, just corrections of over nerfs from early patches.
arenanet is just looking at statistics when they are making these changes.
over represented professions get nerfs (warrior and thief being one of them), under represented get buffs (engineer and ranger being amongst these).
Its done in a way where skills, traits and weapons used a lot get toned down. And skills, traits and weapons used not so much get buffed.
The real focus seems to mostly be on buffing under-used stuff. Be it a weapon, a trait or a just a whole profession.
As i dont see the nerfs for Thief or Warrior being all that significant. Certainly not going to change the hambow meta, as its tankiness, high hp, double endure pain, stability, high regen is all untouched. Just a nerf to how well condition removal procs.
But hammer and longbow are the two weapons least affected by this overall adrenaline nerf as these weapons with their large aoe will more likely hit atleast something, than any other weapon.
The SoR nerf falls in the same catagory. Overall minor nerf to the overused (being SoR in this case), big buffs to the woefully underused (Rampage in this case).
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
Another issues it that yes – the passive buff is underwhelming – it should be more along the lines of 200% rather than 50%. 1 adren / 1 second seems alright.
This is a ‘shave’ change, and it’s more or less directed at Sig of Rage being the only elite than anyone ever uses.
This isn’t really proper reasoning considering its status as ’ the only elite that anyone ever uses" is not because it’s that overwhelmingly good but because it’s the only one that’s not situational – the other two alternatives are very situational and no matter how much they’re buffed they’re still skills you’re only going to want in a handful of limited situations.
If they wanted more elite diversity they should simply have given us more useful elite skills. And more of them instead of nerfing the only one that’s usable and worth wile.
I’m starting to feel that this whack-a-mole nerf whatever people are using balance style is not working and just frustrating players – and I can understand why.
Instead of giving us more options they’re simply taking away the one we use the most, or at least gimping it more.
SoR being nerfed isn’t going to make people equip Warbanner or Rampage more often – it’ll simply annoy people as they’ll run a worse version of SoR.
I hope these changes aren’t fixed and set in stone as I feel this particular nerf is not only uncalled for but also a bad solution.
So they make it look more appealing to not use Signet of Rage and make the effect of Signet of Rage not as powerful to incentivise players not using it. Of course, most players will still end up spamming it, but we may see some Healing Surge usage combined with Burst Skills being better… or not, in PvE.
The passive buff was so little there’s really no reason to not use it – even if the buffs were even further nerfed.
If they made a 200% passive buff – sure – that puts a choice on the table – but as it stands now people will still spam it because it’s still the best way to use it.
This isn’t really proper reasoning considering its status as ’ the only elite that anyone ever uses" is not because it’s that overwhelmingly good but because it’s the only one that’s not situational – the other two alternatives are very situational and no matter how much they’re buffed they’re still skills you’re only going to want in a handful of limited situations.
Well, that’s not true. If they buffed Rampage to instantly down anyone it touches, you’d definitely start using it. Conversely, if they made Signet of Rage do literally nothing, you’d start using the other two.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
LOL first healing trait (Adrenaline Health)is every 3 secs full heal (351 hp)with full adrenaline,
second: have you ever used crit healing foodafter nerf? I think not.
third: Dogged March is a 3 sec regeneration of a 390 heal total 10 sec CD.
Get your facts together before posting.
They just nerfed a little of your mobility potential. If warriors want more they should just build for it.
Its a nerf because you will use the signet as before but you will have shorter durations on boons, and the passive part is… almost nothing at all.
They just nerfed a little of your mobility potential. If warriors want more they should just build for it.
Its a nerf because you will use the signet as before but you will have shorter durations on boons, and the passive part is… almost nothing at all.
And Anet will buff Juggernaut skill, they want us to use a different Elite instead of Rage all the time.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
LOL first healing trait (Adrenaline Health)is every 3 secs full heal (351 hp)with full adrenaline,
second: have you ever used crit healing foodafter nerf? I think not.
third: Dogged March is a 3 sec regeneration of a 390 heal total 10 sec CD.
Get your facts together before posting.
I did make a small mistake. Somehow I got an extra 110 HP/Sec in my equation (which fits nowhere, so it’s a mystery to me).
Healing Signet at 200 HP: 372 HP/sec
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)
Adrenal Health at 200 HP: 127 HP/sec
372+325+127= 824.
Still extremely respectable. More Healing Power can crank that up significantly and you still don’t have the Regeneration boon.
Crit-lifesteal food; Yes, though not on my Warrior.
Dogged March: never got mentioned before, so I have no clue why you think it’s relevant.
100% Fury uptime in addition to getting nice amounts of Might and Swiftness. The Swiftness isn’t really an issue, but having 100% Fury and instantly 8 stacks of Might while looking pretty definitely means they’re doing something wrong.
fury and might are boons which can be very easily removed.
Give me 100% protection and regen uptime and say the same thing.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
They just nerfed a little of your mobility potential. If warriors want more they should just build for it.
Its a nerf because you will use the signet as before but you will have shorter durations on boons, and the passive part is… almost nothing at all.
SoR was never complained about when warrior’s mobility was discussed.
It’s not what makes us mobile.
Honestly the change was to remove the 100% boon uptime that was achievable with this skill, was spoken about in the video, as well as making juggernaut more attractive. How often would you see a warrior taking anything but the signet as an elite skill?
If something is over represented compared to its assosicates then it needs looking at. With the changes to juggernaut and SoR you may see a greater variety of elite skills used which I s believe is anets aim.
They just nerfed a little of your mobility potential. If warriors want more they should just build for it.
Its a nerf because you will use the signet as before but you will have shorter durations on boons, and the passive part is… almost nothing at all.
SoR was never complained about when warrior’s mobility was discussed.
It’s not what makes us mobile.
Yes but ANet decided to change SoR instead of other skills.
This is a ‘shave’ change, and it’s more or less directed at Sig of Rage being the only elite than anyone ever uses.
And just 2 days before they announced that i wrote in a thread about elite skills that
i wished every class would have an elite like that .. instead of all those skills that you
never use because of 3 minutes cooldown for 3s of something .. where you i always
think .. naa .. better save that for when i really need it.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
This is a ‘shave’ change, and it’s more or less directed at Sig of Rage being the only elite than anyone ever uses.
And just 2 days before they announced that i wrote in a thread about elite skills that
i wished every class would have an elite like that .. instead of all those skills that you
never use because of 3 minutes cooldown for 3s of something .. where you i always
think .. naa .. better save that for when i really need it.
Well, what does each profession currently do that with?
Elementalist: Nothing, really. Long cooldowns on everything
Engineer: Nothing, really. All long cooldowns.
Guardian: Renewed Focus is the only one usually taken, and it has a reasonable cooldown too.
Mesmer: Again, long cooldowns. Mass Invisibility is reasonable, however.
Necromancer: Flesh Golem. Even if he’s busy picking flowers, Charge is still useful.
Ranger: Currently none, but Entangle’s change will make it the “general use” elite.
Thief: Basalisk Venom
Warrior: Signet of Rage
So, 4 professions with good “general use” elites, 2 with borderline, 2 with none.
Alphabetical order showing which ones have them, though is rather funny.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
LOL first healing trait (Adrenaline Health)is every 3 secs full heal (351 hp)with full adrenaline,
second: have you ever used crit healing foodafter nerf? I think not.
third: Dogged March is a 3 sec regeneration of a 390 heal total 10 sec CD.
Get your facts together before posting.
700hps isn’t that much… My ranger is capable of getting 1.1k hps on himself, with that number being higher on allies, I believe it gets to roughly 1.3k hps on allies. WITHOUT any food buffs.
I wouldn’t doubt warrior being able to get up to 700 or even 900 hps while utilizing a food buff.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
LOL first healing trait (Adrenaline Health)is every 3 secs full heal (351 hp)with full adrenaline,
second: have you ever used crit healing foodafter nerf? I think not.
third: Dogged March is a 3 sec regeneration of a 390 heal total 10 sec CD.
Get your facts together before posting.I did make a small mistake. Somehow I got an extra 110 HP/Sec in my equation (which fits nowhere, so it’s a mystery to me).
Healing Signet at 200 HP: 372 HP/sec
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)
Adrenal Health at 200 HP: 127 HP/sec
372+325+127= 824.Still extremely respectable. More Healing Power can crank that up significantly and you still don’t have the Regeneration boon.
Crit-lifesteal food; Yes, though not on my Warrior.
Dogged March: never got mentioned before, so I have no clue why you think it’s relevant.
omg.. do you even check wiki or something?
Did you even read something about ICD? no? well maby you should before posting
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)
OMG!! if that would be even possible EVERYONE would us it…
ICD my friend…….
Too both Durzlla AND Drarnor..
I NEVER talked about Dogged march.
I reply on this from Dranor:
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)
The ONLY life steal food there is in this game is Blood and leeching.
leeching is something you get from swapping and blood from crits (50% chance)
again WHERE do you get 325hps from food??
You just twist my words.. you both do.
And you say i am failing horribly at reading?? lol..
Too both Durzlla AND Drarnor..
I NEVER talked about Dogged march.
I reply on this from Dranor:
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)The ONLY life steal food there is in this game is Blood and leeching.
leeching is something you get from swapping and blood from crits (50% chance)again WHERE do you get 325hps from food??
You just twist my words.. you both do.
And you say i am failing horribly at reading?? lol..
Whoops, Dogged March guy was someone else lol.
He’s getting the 325hps from the food, which heals for 325 every time you crit and has a 1s ICD, with the right build it’s more than possible to do this (hence the ICD being put on it).
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Too both Durzlla AND Drarnor..
I NEVER talked about Dogged march.
I reply on this from Dranor:
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)The ONLY life steal food there is in this game is Blood and leeching.
leeching is something you get from swapping and blood from crits (50% chance)again WHERE do you get 325hps from food??
You just twist my words.. you both do.
And you say i am failing horribly at reading?? lol..
Well, you are failing horribly at reading. We’re talking about life steal food. You know, food, the stuff you eat? The things not named “Sigil.”
Ah yes sorry i automatic think about sigil because sigils gives more HPS compared to food…
So ok you say “food” gives 350 hps?
Mango Pie
Gain 85 health every secondpls tell me how to get the other 240hps..
Or your talking about Bowl of Cactus Fruit Salad or something?
if this is indeed a 1 sec ICD i would buy it!
Look up “Slice of Candied Dragon Roll”, “Omnomberry Pie” or “Omnomberry Ghost”.
yeah been looking at it right now.. WTF!!! these where always trash!! and they are 66% chance on crit with ICD says wiki!! lol gonna use this on my ranger :-P
Not that great on warr btw.. because warr issnt really a autoattack spammer.. so you wont trigger this food very much
The food can trigger off of any hit, no matter what it’s from. Not as awesome as they were without the ICD, but there’s a good reason for it.
Too both Durzlla AND Drarnor..
I NEVER talked about Dogged march.
I reply on this from Dranor:
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)The ONLY life steal food there is in this game is Blood and leeching.
leeching is something you get from swapping and blood from crits (50% chance)again WHERE do you get 325hps from food??
You just twist my words.. you both do.
And you say i am failing horribly at reading?? lol..
Well, you are failing horribly at reading. We’re talking about life steal food. You know, food, the stuff you eat? The things not named “Sigil.”
Ah yes sorry i automatic think about sigil because sigils gives more HPS compared to food…
So ok you say “food” gives 350 hps?
Mango Pie
Gain 85 health every secondpls tell me how to get the other 240hps..
Or your talking about Bowl of Cactus Fruit Salad or something?
if this is indeed a 1 sec ICD i would buy it!
Look up “Slice of Candied Dragon Roll”, “Omnomberry Pie” or “Omnomberry Ghost”.
yeah been looking at it right now.. WTF!!! these where always trash!! and they are 66% chance on crit with ICD says wiki!! lol gonna use this on my ranger :-P
Not that great on warr btw.. because warr issnt really a autoattack spammer.. so you wont trigger this food very much
Warrior and Engi were the 2 main culprits for why the food was nerfed due to the F1 on warrior longbow + auto and the flamethrower on engi, both caused so many hits that they were effectively immortal lol.
Ele, Well necro, trap rangers and other such multi hitting builds were culprits too, just not as common as the other 2.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Actually, I am convinced that the food was nerfed mainly due to a Warrior’s Whirling Axes because that attack took the most advantage of the food.
Whirling Axes hits 15 times during 3 seconds. If you hit 5 targets at the same time that is about 75 individual hits in 3 seconds. I could be wrong but I think the food was 100% chance for health on a crit.
Many people who abused this were mainly Zerker warriors so they were likely to have a 70% crit chance with fury or higher.
So if you do the math you can technically heal 17K off of whirling blades, which doesn’t seem farfetched as there are videos of people though I have a hard time finding them now.
But as of right now, the food isn’t that great for the warrior ATM. You need to be constantly attacking to get the full effect of that heal and this is even harder for most warriors who are full melee builds. You are probably proccing it on average every 3-4 seconds realistically, which is only about 100 HPS.
(edited by killahmayne.9518)
Life steal foods have always been 66% (or less) on crit.
Still, it’s quite easy for a Warrior to hit 700 HP/sec with virtually no healing power, which was the original point.
Additionally, you can add in Crit-heal food for almost 700 hp/sec.
Are we playing the same game? 700 hp/sec? This is the reason some people shouldn’t be posting at all.
Have you looked at what the on-crit foods do? Just those and Healing Signet are very much capable of 700 HP/sec. With 0 Healing Power, you can easily get 687 healing/second. 200 healing power from traits and you’re at 707 HP/sec. Factor in Adrenal health and you’re looking at a very impressive 934 HP/sec at just 200 healing power.
LOL first healing trait (Adrenaline Health)is every 3 secs full heal (351 hp)with full adrenaline,
second: have you ever used crit healing foodafter nerf? I think not.
third: Dogged March is a 3 sec regeneration of a 390 heal total 10 sec CD.
Get your facts together before posting.700hps isn’t that much… My ranger is capable of getting 1.1k hps on himself, with that number being higher on allies, I believe it gets to roughly 1.3k hps on allies. WITHOUT any food buffs.
I wouldn’t doubt warrior being able to get up to 700 or even 900 hps while utilizing a food buff.
i wouldn’t count #Troll ugent in our Calculation since it isn’t passive and always has to be active unless your taling about a Regen shout build that takes one of our Utility, atleast we have to Scarifice something unlike the current Warroir.
combat wise the Adrenaline changes will make warroirs vunrable after a burst skill, no adrenaline for that passive heal, hp regen won’t be as strong for a while or atleast untill they can build adrenaline again.
Sorry for not getting back to everyone on the quotes of my post.
Sure, in WvW and s/tPvP, you might not want to be spamming SoR, but you wouldn’t have been spamming it for the same reasons before the “shave”, anyways. (Boon corruption is still boon corruption, heck it’s less effective now that it lasts less long. Sort of the same with boon ripping.)
As for the food, thanks for the people speaking up for me. I made sure to check the numbers on the on-crit food before making my post because I knew some Warriors would get mad at me for giving an “unreasonable” amount of hp/s.
If you’re going to say that you might not be hitting enough to proc it, then you might not be doing rotations properly. Even factoring in dodges, you’re still hitting around 600 hp/s, 500 if you camp GS (for the 600, I’m talking about GS + Axe/Sword with weapon swap so you’re constantly hitting lots). And if you’re not critting that much, with near-permanent Fury and having Banner of Discusputt, then you’re probably not my intended audience.
Please do some actual math instead of throwing random numbers based on “good feeling”.
Life steal food: 325 health/sec max (assuming 1 proc/second, not unlikely)
So in your opinion it’s not unlikely that you happen to hit exactly every second, your every attack is a critical and you somehow always get lucky.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
Well, I’m going to get yelled at for not getting all the timings right, but you could do something like:
1-2 Auto →
100b →
1-2 Auto →
Enemy against wall? WWA
Enemy not against wall? Bladetrail
1 Auto →
Rush →
Weapon Swap to A/S
A2 + S4 →
Axe Auto until swap is ready
S4 →
Weapon swap to GS
Repeat chain from top without using Rush or Bladetrail (use every other rotation).
In addition to running Full Ascended Zerk (no infusions), Banner of Discipline, and Fury, you’ll have around 90% crit chance depending on your traits (5 or 6 in the second line). This would effectively give you a 60% chance of activating the food on every strike, with an ICD of 1 second. 100B is enough hits to apply the hp/s until the final strike. The only part you might have trouble with getting the hits would be using Bladetrail and Rush (although the return on Bladetrail helps).
Sorry, I can’t get the exact number for critical chance since I’m at work right now. If you want to argue about the 60% chance of activating makes it a lower HP/S, you’re right in a theoretical standpoint, which is why in my original post, I said “upwards of 700 hp/s”. The wording was intentional because crit food is never guaranteed, even with 100% crit chance.
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I know, I play Mesmer… we get Fury when someone else gives it to us. Sure, we have “access” to fury, but it usually lasts for 2 seconds and the access to it severely limits how we can use it, thereby destroying the utility of fury. (Staff bounce can apply either Might or Fury, but that means either camping Staff, or spawning Staff clones, both of which have low Power-based DPS.)
And yes, I’ve played in groups of 4 Warriors where I’ve had no Fury for entire dungeon runs because “FGJ is not a good utility to run when everyone can give themselves perma Fury” except, you know, the Mesmer… who also has very few Might stacks in that group (without a PS, of course).
The same with ranger. You can get fury, except it’s only accessible if you pretty much don’t use the crit strikes/ferocity line, in which case, why do you want fury?
The same with ranger. You can get fury, except it’s only accessible if you pretty much don’t use the crit strikes/ferocity line, in which case, why do you want fury?
Eh, that line also gives Fury on weapon swap and you still get it off of Warhorn. Pink Moa is another option if you’re that concerned.
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
It’s an ELITE skill.
Compare it please for example to FGS – current destroyer of worlds in any PVE setting.
The idea is the skill was never considered OP.
Nobody complained about it.
I don’t recall hearing any warriors go : Oh my SOR is SO good. You just have to have it.
I still think the nerf was unjustified.
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
It’s an ELITE skill.
Compare it please for example to FGS – current destroyer of worlds in any PVE setting.The idea is the skill was never considered OP.
Nobody complained about it.
I don’t recall hearing any warriors go : Oh my SOR is SO good. You just have to have it.I still think the nerf was unjustified.
There’s a difference between a solo use skill and a group use skill. Imagine if Guardians gained 30 seconds of retaliation, protection, and regen with an elite. There’d be so many complaints.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
It’s an ELITE skill.
Compare it please for example to FGS – current destroyer of worlds in any PVE setting.The idea is the skill was never considered OP.
Nobody complained about it.
I don’t recall hearing any warriors go : Oh my SOR is SO good. You just have to have it.I still think the nerf was unjustified.
There’s a difference between a solo use skill and a group use skill. Imagine if Guardians gained 30 seconds of retaliation, protection, and regen with an elite. There’d be so many complaints.
That is not even a comparison for god sake.
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
It’s an ELITE skill.
Compare it please for example to FGS – current destroyer of worlds in any PVE setting.The idea is the skill was never considered OP.
Nobody complained about it.
I don’t recall hearing any warriors go : Oh my SOR is SO good. You just have to have it.I still think the nerf was unjustified.
There’s a difference between a solo use skill and a group use skill. Imagine if Guardians gained 30 seconds of retaliation, protection, and regen with an elite. There’d be so many complaints.
Make sure it’s got 50% uptime from that alone too.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I honestly can’t understand the SoR buff either. There’s literally nothing making it OP or over the top and I don’t see how they decided to do it.
5 stack of Might, Fury, and Swiftness for 30 seconds on the active. 30 SECONDS. I’ll let that sink in.
Nah, bro, it just got overly nerfed. Now it’s gasp 25 seconds.
Which is still longer than most classes could dream of. Most are psyched when they can get 12 or 15 seconds of any of that.
It’s an ELITE skill.
Compare it please for example to FGS – current destroyer of worlds in any PVE setting.The idea is the skill was never considered OP.
Nobody complained about it.
I don’t recall hearing any warriors go : Oh my SOR is SO good. You just have to have it.I still think the nerf was unjustified.
50% uptime untraited with no boon duration. Trait is 2 points deep and right next to a well-used minor trait (Fast Hands) along with very niche majors alongside it making it an obvious choice (unless you really want that 25% movespeed, which is actually worse considering Swiftness is 33% and by traiting for SoR, you’re improving that uptime from 50% to 62.5% compared to 50% uptime on 25% movespeed [assumes no other source of swiftness], you’re now getting 12.5% uptime on 8% move speed).
FGS is overly strong and calls for nerfs are being made everywhere from rT, DnT, Elementalists, and pretty much anyone looking at the healthiness of PvE (or even other game modes, because it has ridiculous mobility). I haven’t heard from Ren or other speed guils as to whether or not they want it nerfed as well, but I’m quite sure most people will want it nerfed even if they use it religiously against mobs.
Actually, my speedrun group would probably get mad if it got nerfed, but I’d be glad.
The truth is that this is a go-to elite in every game mode. Not only that but it’s being spammed. A signet is supposed to have two upsides. There’s supposed to be a reason to not activate it and a reason to activate it. Your build might be based on doing only one of those things, but it should have two sides to it. Warrior is weird in that regard. Signet of Fury is being held for the Precision and not activated particularly because the active is underwhelming. Same goes for Healing Signet, considering the HP/S is relatively high without any effort on the Warrior’s part. There is no reason to activate it because it instantly becomes a subpar heal unless using it in the final throes of a battle, and even then it’s still arguably bad to use.
Signet of Rage has been held and used mainly for the boons. I’ve actually ran it and gotten myself in combat a few times by pulling a mob and then jumping down a cliff so I can stay in combat permanently and build up my adrenaline, but even that is too slow to be useful, and it’s not only more efficient to just kill the mob for adrenaline, but it’s also easier to do.
The problem with these signets is there is relatively no reason to activate them, especially with the trait adding damage for adrenaline saved.
There are plenty of traits for other professions that are only useful in one scene of the game and even then are only used because there’s not much else that’s better.