Future Diversity Class Changes ?

Future Diversity Class Changes ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Israel.9105


Hi, I just wanted to make a remark on the previous GW 1 and how one preffession could be very diverce becasue of the variation of skills and builds. Do you think we need or we will see some additions of skills perhaps new weapons or enchanted/blessed weapons which give new skills? Simply to make everyone stand out for themselves and give some change of flavor to the game . I just feel like I dont really matter being the class I am which ever it can be, because theres 10 people doing the same thing, I feel like one more soldier who does the same thing many people would in the same situations.

One idea which I think could be cool is too costumize the skills visual effects of diferent characters. Perhaps by doing some mission,you get to be blessed by a spirit or a god and your attacks look different or the animation changes so you can stand out from the rest. You guys think something like this could be added or would at least be great to see??

Excuse my English for its not my first language.

Future Diversity Class Changes ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Master Ketsu.4569

Master Ketsu.4569

It would be great. I get the feeling that a lot of people in GW2 never played GW1 PvP. Anets decision was to give GW2 less skills to improve balance, but honestly that hasn’t really been the case. There were plenty of metas I remember from GW1 that had more variety than what we see in GW2.

If anything more skills would help the state of GW2, specifically more counterplay skills. Part of the reason why certain warrior builds are so strong right now is less to do with those builds being too strong and more to do with the fact that the viable counters are too weak.

Future Diversity Class Changes ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Israel.9105


I just saw the season 2 coming up, I really do hope something does happen with this. I want to be able to be a unique guardian, not just on the background with my traits or looks, but my playstyle, my strategy, my attacks etc. Make 2 same guardians with same weapons and same armor do different things.

Future Diversity Class Changes ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Raykon.7908


Oh definitely. One of the main issues right now is a lack of diversity between classes. Their skills may look a lot different but they all do the same things. It’s even worse that we have some professions who excel at pretty much everything to the point that others are almost redundant or unnecessary. It doesn’t help that we have so many runes and sigils to blur the lines even more.

Every profession needs to be able to bring something to the table that is unique to itself. Gw1 was great about that.

Future Diversity Class Changes ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Israel.9105


Oh definitely. One of the main issues right now is a lack of diversity between classes. Their skills may look a lot different but they all do the same things. It’s even worse that we have some professions who excel at pretty much everything to the point that others are almost redundant or unnecessary. It doesn’t help that we have so many runes and sigils to blur the lines even more.

Every profession needs to be able to bring something to the table that is unique to itself. Gw1 was great about that.

And I dont even think it needs much, just a simple diversity so two warriors who wield a two hand sword can play differently. Maybe even add more role into it. Humans have the gods, norn spirits and so on for all races. Divine entities that favor the characters, why not have some divinity exclusive mission, where you learn a diffents set of skills depending on the gos you follow. Like the paragon and mystics were in gw 1 for kormir and the assasin and ritualist for grenth and gwenya ( i dont remember that gods name)

I would like to so have a two handed sword with my warrior and have really cool skills like the ranger has with on sword, cornering the enemy, jumping back while slicing and then jumping back in with a stab. Perhaps give us a choice on weapon skills so a two hand sword could parry and counter attack etc.