Good job feature patch team

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xurse.8267


Yeah not gonna rant at all the bad balance you guys put in cause it will trigger an endless discussion, but a point to note is good job breaking the game. However I have a few question for the developer

1)I am curious is GW1 team the same as GW2 team, cause GW1 did a super good job at balancing classes/builds and they have like 3x more skills to balance how did GW2 team do so badly and after launching for 2 years you guys are still nerfing/buffing the same skills over and over again back and forth once anyone QQed about the skill.

2)Do you even have a “FINALIZED” balance version and try working on new skills/weapons. Its two years, we are using the SAME skills , expansion maybe?


Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It’s not the same people working on GW2 as it was on GW1. That is a huge reason why we’ve seen the game become so casual-friendly and why there’s such a massive emphasis on the cash shop instead of quality content updates with profession balancing.

Consider this lovely image of a cow here, which will represent the players of GW2. This cow will be milked, by a thirsty farmer named ArenaNet. Instead of milk, it’s our money.

The cow is compensated with hipster reading glasses, clown outfits and various other extremely useful items like swimming speed boosters as opposed to new dungeons, new classes, bug fixes, new skills, new weapons, new minigames and various other exciting things.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I’d say its way too quick to say how the meta has shifted…but what in particular are you complaining about?

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

There will never be a “Finalized” balanced version of the game because they focus on shifting the meta to keep the game from becoming stale. Take a look at every balance patch since launch and you will see. Over buff one profession and over nerf the others, the next balance patch we nerf the crap out of the over buff profession and over buff another ((shift the meta). The following balance patch they do the same to another profession shifting the meta again forcing the players to adapt to a kitten profession or reroll to the current FOTM class.

I guess it’s a good way of keeping yourself employed. Keep the game in a perpetual state of imbalance and you will always need a balance team.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Yeah not gonna rant at all the bad balance you guys put in cause it will trigger an endless discussion, but a point to note is good job breaking the game. However I have a few question for the developer

1)I am curious is GW1 team the same as GW2 team, cause GW1 did a super good job at balancing classes/builds and they have like 3x more skills to balance how did GW2 team do so badly and after launching for 2 years you guys are still nerfing/buffing the same skills over and over again back and forth once anyone QQed about the skill.

2)Do you even have a “FINALIZED” balance version and try working on new skills/weapons. Its two years, we are using the SAME skills , expansion maybe?


Go to and search for ArenaNet then get ready for pure enlightenment. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Yeah not gonna rant at all the bad balance you guys put in cause it will trigger an endless discussion, but a point to note is good job breaking the game. However I have a few question for the developer

1)I am curious is GW1 team the same as GW2 team, cause GW1 did a super good job at balancing classes/builds and they have like 3x more skills to balance how did GW2 team do so badly and after launching for 2 years you guys are still nerfing/buffing the same skills over and over again back and forth once anyone QQed about the skill.

2)Do you even have a “FINALIZED” balance version and try working on new skills/weapons. Its two years, we are using the SAME skills , expansion maybe?


Go to and search for ArenaNet then get ready for pure enlightenment.

All huge game companies have pretty negative reviews. It somewhat a norm in the industry. However, Valve is an exception

Good job feature patch team

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Yeah not gonna rant at all the bad balance you guys put in cause it will trigger an endless discussion, but a point to note is good job breaking the game. However I have a few question for the developer

1)I am curious is GW1 team the same as GW2 team, cause GW1 did a super good job at balancing classes/builds and they have like 3x more skills to balance how did GW2 team do so badly and after launching for 2 years you guys are still nerfing/buffing the same skills over and over again back and forth once anyone QQed about the skill.

2)Do you even have a “FINALIZED” balance version and try working on new skills/weapons. Its two years, we are using the SAME skills , expansion maybe?


Go to and search for ArenaNet then get ready for pure enlightenment.

All huge game companies have pretty negative reviews. It somewhat a norm in the industry. However, Valve is an exception

That is true, but you can’t ignore the common theme/trend of those negative reviews. Poor leadership, poor employee retention, lots of out sourcing, seem to be reoccurring comments. No wonder this game appears to be going in all the wrong directions at once.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)