Is anything being done about Conditions?

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Ok so Power/Burst builds are getting an indirect nerf due to the Ferocity changes. I get that. Time to kill was always rather low in GW2 with burst builds. I wouldn’t have considered this a big problem, but ok.

However what has been universally considered a problem is the dominance of condition builds in WvW and sPvP. Not specifically the power of an individual condition but the power to stack so many of them, constantly is breaking the game.

I want to know if, in light of recent changes, anything is being undertaken to change anything about condition considering…

  • So many Condition are applied via AoE.
  • Conditions can get +40% Duration from Food alone (WTF!!11)
  • Conditions are often applied passively.
  • Conditions are commonly applied by untelegraphed attacks and are generally hard to avoid.
  • Conditions are both crowd-control and damage.
  • Players are forced to stack massive Condition counters just so as not to instantly melt away once the AoE Condition spam commences (this includes -40% Duration).
  • It’s become so easy to stack various Conditions of different types.

So yeah, Condition are an ACTUAL problem in GW2. But are we going to have to wait another 6 months before anything is undertaken?

(edited by Dee Jay.2460)

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: emilejuggernaut.1864


You have a point but also normal damage does not get capped if im hitting a boss or using wells or corruption skills on my necro theres a point where the stacks burn down rapidly whereas if 5 players hit me those hits are going to hit the same no matter what. My point is one form of damage you can build for has a cap the other does not both cannot be treated the same as they act differently. Also it would affect diversity and we would see only berseker. The issue is not damage it is lack of cleanses. I am talking for only WvW here as imo spvp is very different and badly done.

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Stop subliminally asking for more necro nerf’s, if you cant win from a necro at this time you should download hello kitty’s fun house

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Iavra.8510


Removing +40% condi duration food and its counterpart would already be a big step in the right direction.

(Of course this also applies to all weaker versions of pizza and lemongrass).

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


1)Many direct damage attacks are AoE too.
2)You can get -40% duration food to, and because of the way its calculated it actually reduces the duration more than the 40% food increases
3)Conditions are applies passively? I’d love to know when
4)Conditions attacks are often untelegraphed thats true, but most big ones are (attacks which apply 5+ stacks of bleeds for example), which is the same as direct damage attacks
6)People are forced to build in defences to enermy attacks? Thats horrific!

Sorry but I dont really agree with your points.The builds I run are usually a little light on condition removal and condition builds are difficult for me to fight, but its not impossible to counter play them.

I can agree with peoples complains against dire, and it being too easy to bunker down and have huge condition damage, but condition builds in themselves are not a bad thing.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Cynz.9437


1)Many direct damage attacks are AoE too.
2)You can get -40% duration food to, and because of the way its calculated it actually reduces the duration more than the 40% food increases
3)Conditions are applies passively? I’d love to know when
4)Conditions attacks are often untelegraphed thats true, but most big ones are (attacks which apply 5+ stacks of bleeds for example), which is the same as direct damage attacks
6)People are forced to build in defences to enermy attacks? Thats horrific!

Sorry but I dont really agree with your points.The builds I run are usually a little light on condition removal and condition builds are difficult for me to fight, but its not impossible to counter play them.

I can agree with peoples complains against dire, and it being too easy to bunker down and have huge condition damage, but condition builds in themselves are not a bad thing.

yep, this is exactly the issue with condis atm, you can build full tank and still do good dmg or even power/condi

as far as aoe goes, if i dodged direct dmg aoe i am safe for a moment, but you can’t always dodge aoe condis as it is usually pulsing fields that stays there for a while

while it might be not such a big issue in open field, once it comes to contest point aoe condis give way too big advantage

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Iavra.8510


2)You can get -40% duration food to, and because of the way its calculated it actually reduces the duration more than the 40% food increases

In my experience they exactly counter each other. And even if that wasn’t the case it’s horrible design being forced to use a specific (and extremely high-priced compared to Koi Cakes) food to be able to have a chance against these builds.

3)Conditions are applies passively? I’d love to know when

There are a lot of traits/runes/sigils applying conditions on hit/crit/getting hit/weapon swap. You can look them up for yourself.

4)Conditions attacks are often untelegraphed thats true, but most big ones are (attacks which apply 5+ stacks of bleeds for example), which is the same as direct damage attacks

You don’t need these big ones. Necro scepter AA, for example, is extremely strong, hard to avoid due to not having a projectile and still stacks a LOT of conditions.

6)People are forced to build in defences to enermy attacks? Thats horrific!

Conditions builds use Dire or Rabid gear, which are perfectly suited to counter power builds due to the high amount of toughness and vitality. Power builds use Zerker, which are…umm…not able to deal with conditions at all.

Sure we could use PVT, but where’s the damage?

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Eremus.4506


The Dhuumfire change from the ready up will decrease burningup time by a lot. especially since DS is also a defensive tool and by applying burning you can’t switch back for a certain time.
Don’t get me wrong, I play my necro a lot and I know how fast you can die to condition ‘bombing’ and in the whole picture less conditions are a good thing at this point.

I simply don’t get why the engi burn was not mentioned with a similar change. The trait is easier to get and works exactly the same. And on top FT, bomb kit, pistol etc also provide burning. The only reason seems to be thast they don’t have a spell like DS1 for the engi that all builds have excess to.
All in all changing the condi necro and not touch the condi engi seems not consistent to me at all. But lets see how the whole patch will look like.

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


I simply don’t get why the engi burn was not mentioned with a similar change. The trait is easier to get and works exactly the same.

Just one word. Terror.

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Btw. I feel the need to point out that the situation will only get worse with the Sigil change. 100% chance to proc combined with being able to stack another condition-applying Sigil in your off-hand weapon means players can expect most condition-spammers to apply yet another type of condition.

Is anything being done about Conditions?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Conditions builds use Dire or Rabid gear, which are perfectly suited to counter power builds due to the high amount of toughness and vitality. Power builds use Zerker, which are…umm…not able to deal with conditions at all.

The time it takes for condies to kill a zerker is about the same as a bunker with equivalent health, the primary difference being of course that zerker gets the edge against the condi build compared to the bunker because it should cut through the toughness better.

Or at least that’s how it should be ideally. The problem is that Anet decided to throw the best ways to alleviate condies (cleansing traits/runes/utilities etc) under the bunkers also, making some pure bunker builds nigh unkillable. It should go condi counters bunker counters zerker counters condi, and zerker builds should have the better side of condition cleanses and bunker builds have the best access to just direct damage tanking IMO.