Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
My necro makes me wanna cry
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
Playing with your staff shames your family.
So you have no points in curses which is the condition damage line and complain about garbage bleeding damage
6-0-5-3-0 is literally good for NOTHING
Want some good working builds? Or you simply want to QQ?
What viable Guardian build are you running to keep your burning tic at 900??
What “mages” are you talking about? Why would you dump 2000+ condition damage into guardians for one condition?
Yes, Narkodx.1472, I did skip out on 300 condi damage in order to access dumbfire, but still… using the rabid ammy and krait runes… 195… 195… 195… with a near 5 second cooldown.
Vikkela.7261, all you need is standard condi gear, the condi signet and Amplified Wrath. The builds aren’t popular, but that’s only because players don’t like giving up so much stuff that we identify with guardians.
coglin.1867, an ele with a 6-0-6-0-0 build has perm burning and insane bleeds, and can’t be crit while in earth
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
I cried when I said “See you soon” to my partner when she took of with the plane…
I guess I am pretty manly for not crying over a thing that happens in a videogame…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
Yet necro is still the best condition dueling class.
U ned skilz
Of all things you are complaining about, it’s a Guardian who undoubtedly has the worst and least viable condition builds out of any class in this game easily.
You run with no points in curse and you complain about having no condition damage. Literally nobody runs that trait set up, ever. And you compare 2 stacks of bleed to a burn? Of course it’s going to be weaker... And worst of all you compare a Guardian’s burn in WvW with 2 stacks of bleed in edge of the mists rofl.
You do realize that if you get the enfeebling blood trait in curse, and sigil of geomancy, that is an instant 6 stacks of bleed every 10 seconds? What class can reliably do that every 10 seconds? Except maybe condi ranger?
And which Guardians are running with 900 burn ticks? Oh that’s right the ones you rarely ever see in any type of setting, ever and the ones that you never see in sPvP.
(edited by killahmayne.9518)
You trait setup is close to Minion Mancer which is 4-0-6-4-0 I think. Just replace your utilities with minion skills and you should do fine. MM’s do very well in PvP. If you want condi damage, then you should invest in the Curses line.
Don’t do condition Necromaner without terror and scepter! :o Terror does more damage than burning if you have another condition on the target, and Scepter has poison on auto attack, that’s the best condition of them all!
That’s a neat trick with geomancy/enfeebling blood…. too bad it doesn’t work.
Enfeebling Blood is 2 stacks (tooltip) …but you get 1-3 (reality)
If you do manage to get 3 stacks one will fall off after 1 or 2 tics, then the second, then the third…. Even though all traited and runed in kraits the bleeds, via the tooltip, are supposed to last 22.5 seconds… they don’t even last 9.
So that’s 1-3 stacks of bleeds, and maybe one of them will last 9 seconds.
Does That Make You Want To Play Your Necro???? Welcome to reality.
This class in an embarrassing trainwreck of bugs, and lousy skills.
…I went back to the mists, put those 6 points in Curses, and tested mark of blood….
225…. 225… 225…
What is that? one-fourth of the damage other classes put out?
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
So, lets say we aren’t being idiotic here and pretending that mark of blood is our only source of bleeding and instead have a look at what we can do with a full rotation. With Dhuumfire and, say, 1500 condition damage for easy numbers, we have:
Bleed- 117 a stack, with six guaranteed sources one scepter and staff alone. (about 702 damage when they’re all ticking away). Six is the minimum, you almost always have more
Poison- Ticks 234, can be easily maintained forever.
Torment- 88 damage per tick on a non-moving target, ticking twice a second if they move. 3 for free from deathshroud (264 minimum). Cooldown of 40 seconds for 10 seconds of torment (before increased duration bonus) means 25% uptime.
Burning- 703 damage a tick with dhuumfire. 3 second burn, ten second cooldown. 30% uptime if used on cooldown
Terror- 600 as long as the enemy has another condition. Uptime is a bit more complicated. Tends to be 1 to 2 seconds of fear for each ability, 3 abilities grant it on demand. 1800 damage minimum on rotation.
So, assuming you’re competent and running dhuumfire with a staff and scepter, 702+234+264+703 makes a minimum of 1903 condition damage a second if the opponent doesn’t move and 2167 if they do. Remember, only six bleeds there, you should have many more from traits, sigils, etc.
Is that 900 damage really comparable?
LOL, are you complaining that Guardian Cond Build is better than Necro? This is the worst joke ever. To make condition builds viable, you can’t consider a single dmg condition, but the mix of them. That’s why Necro is better than Guardian in terms of condition.
Don’d focus on Dumbfire: after the nerf this become too weak, not even on a hybrid build I can make this worth. Take Terror, this is really powerful to Cond/hybrid builds. But I’ll get another try to dumbfire on my hybrid build.
What is your build, post it so we can help you. I use this full cond build and I cannot complain about anything (aganist zergs):
You can swap the WH for dagger, and put a stun breaker if you have too much problems with stun. On 1v1 or small fights you can swap Well of Corruption for something else. Also, if you want more ddmg instead of duration, swap the giver to rabids.
As hybrid build, I’m planning to use something like this (where is carrion, consider Sinister):
But this might need some changes becouse I didn’t test yet.
(edited by Mikau.6920)
I drop a Mark of Blood.. 2 stacks of bleeding/ 195 per tic and I just watch it tic..
195… 195… 195…. and I wanna cry….
You do know that you’ve got other attacks too, right? Even just autoattacking with your scepter would give you more stacks.
Does Anet have any clue how painful it is to play this class? Freaking guardians are running around ticking 900+ burning. They don’t have to worry about stacks. They don’t have to worry about cleansing. They reapply that burn every three hits of their sword…
Not gonna comment on that, as others already did and I am afraid I might facepalm too hard if I do.
Mages can’t even be crit, stack bleeds faster, and have insane burn duration from their signet….
That burn-duration from the signet is only really good if the opponent doesn’t use any condition cleanse, though. And Eles do NOT stack bleeds faster than a Necro… unless you just use Mark of Blood of course.
don’t even talk to me about mesmers. They are a superior condition class in every way.
Lmao; are you kidding me. When it comes to condis, nothing beats Necros. Especially not Mesmers. Engineers might come close.
I just don’t understand how this class got this bad.
It’s only “this bad” if you refuse to apply any common sense while playing it. I mean, I understand that some Warriors are tempted to hink that autoattacking is all you ever need to do. And that might even be true sometimes (for Warriors). But you don’t even do that. Because if you would autoattack with your scepter, you would already do more damage than if you just drop a single Mark of Blood and watch it tick.
If all you apply is 2 stacks of bleeding, then yes, with 1100 malice total you’ll deal 195 damage per tick.
Yes, bleeding ticks for low damage, individually. Congratulations. How do you like GW2 after your first 50 minutes?
…I went back to the mists, put those 6 points in Curses, and tested mark of blood….
225…. 225… 225…
See, I just logged in my Mesmer and used Ether Bolt, also with 1100 malice…
72… 72… 72…
Does that mean that Necros are actually thrice as good at conditions than Mesmers are? :o
(edited by Carighan.6758)
Op when I am on my engi sometime necros can make me wanna cry as well.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
You’re comapring the best condi class to the worst condi class, and you still somehow make it sound that the worst condi class destroys the best condi class. Nice propaganda.
Necro is NOT weak by any stretch. Watch some of the top necros and learn.
Not sure if worst player, or worst troll…either way, the worst at something. But I guess that also means the best at being worst?
This is a funny thread
Just the WvW
So I head to mists to test out a 6-0-5-3-0 build. I’m thinking drop condi’s, pop DS, for some dumbfire spam… maybe make some use of the new sinister stats.
I drop a Mark of Blood.. 2 stacks of bleeding/ 195 per tic and I just watch it tic..
195… 195… 195…. and I wanna cry….
Does Anet have any clue how painful it is to play this class? Freaking guardians are running around ticking 900+ burning. They don’t have to worry about stacks. They don’t have to worry about cleansing. They reapply that burn every three hits of their sword….
Mages can’t even be crit, stack bleeds faster, and have insane burn duration from their signet…. don’t even talk to me about mesmers. They are a superior condition class in every way.
2 bleeds… 4 and 3/4 second cooldown…
I just don’t understand how this class got this bad.
starts music
epic norn dance
It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone
It’s not unusual to have fun with anyone
But when I see you hanging about with anyone
It’s not unusual to see me cry, I wanna die
It’s not unusual to go out at any time
But when I see you out and about it’s such a crime
If you should ever want to be loved by anyone
It’s not unusual it happens every day no matter what you say
You’ll find it happens all the time
Love will never do what you want it to
Why can’t this crazy love be mine?
It’s not unusual to be mad with anyone
It’s not unusual to be sad with anyone
But if I ever find that you’ve changed at anytime
It’s not unusual to find out I’m in love with you
195 for 2 bleeds is not bad at all.
Staff is not designed to be a dps weapon so do not bother to think of it like that. The best damage comes from the 3-4 burst and Terror on 5. The AA does a lot more than the bleeds. Staff is horribly weak at doing anything but pasting condition AoE all over the place, which is where Necro staff is strong.
Mark of blood is better used for the regen, IMO. Necro has no ranged dps weapon. Use a Ranger, Engi, Mes, or Ele for that.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Press ~ to weapon swap to scepter.
Also, curses is not just 300 condi damage. You get random bleed stacks from barbed precision and can also take weakening shroud, and we’re just talking about the first two traits. There’s also terror which can do good damage. Which is better than random blood magic.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
So I head to mists to test out a 6-0-5-3-0 build. I’m thinking drop condi’s, pop DS, for some dumbfire spam… maybe make some use of the new sinister stats.
I drop a Mark of Blood.. 2 stacks of bleeding/ 195 per tic and I just watch it tic..
195… 195… 195…. and I wanna cry….
Does Anet have any clue how painful it is to play this class? Freaking guardians are running around ticking 900+ burning. They don’t have to worry about stacks. They don’t have to worry about cleansing. They reapply that burn every three hits of their sword….
Mages can’t even be crit, stack bleeds faster, and have insane burn duration from their signet…. don’t even talk to me about mesmers. They are a superior condition class in every way.
2 bleeds… 4 and 3/4 second cooldown…
I just don’t understand how this class got this bad.
Um 900 burning dmg? you must be mistaken. My burn is doing 360 dmg. Its like me saying…omg i hate necro bleed they are doing 10k dmg…omg…
He probably fought a guardian who invested everything into burn, and he’s complaining that his kittenty build that isn’t useful for anything cannot replicate the same damage with minimal effort.
That’s stupid. Very few ppl use condition Elementalist or Guardian in WvW or sPvP because its bad. But still you see them as OP compare to necro while you play a bad build, which the wrong weapon?
Try a 0/6/4/0/4 build with scepter/dagger
If you want Drummfire use 6/4/0/0/4