NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Of course I support the notion as demonstrated here:

Again, it’s not about buffing the pet-less ranger. It’s about alternative styles of play. Do I support pet buffs? Absolutely. But even if ranger becomes the most OP class in the game, I will not enjoy playing it until pets are gone, thus why I retired mine so long ago and vouch for such changes, because archers are my favorite class to play, and nothing else even comes close.

Also, this idea IS being taken seriously by ANet as it has now been officially forwarded to the development team as a valid strategy based upon a red response from the CDI thread after getting more feedback/debate about the issue.

Again, it’s not about buffs/viability, it’s about choice and having fun. Whether or not one out-shines the other is irrelevant as long as both are equally relevant..

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: clint.5681


I posted this in the cdi last week

IMO, the discussion on pets is becoming overcomplicated. Why not just redistribute the power, fix the F2 timing, and keep them as-is? The pet is not the problem if you swap it, its the pet hitting things that is a problem.

Also I am not super happy with the idea of stow buffs and even less happy with a perma stow. The pet is part of me as a Ranger, it is one of the core things of the class.

You may not be happy about permastowing. I would be absolutely. Furthermore, if you could stow your pet, you could still use it like you are used to. And people like me, who don’t want to rely on the pet can stow it. Simple as that.

As Orca pointed out, some people aren’t as fond of the pets. The idea of the buff would be to appease everyone. Also, what if stowing the pet and having an aspect gave the Ranger some kind of aura that communicated to others they are in that “aspect”? Would it still feel like the pet was a part of you if them being stowed affected your physical appearance?

If not, I don’t think the aspect idea would be a necessity for players. There are definitely things that need to be done to fix Ranger pets in general, and it’s something we are well aware of. If we fixed those things, but maybe also added in the aspect idea, I think we’d be in a spot where everyone would be pleased, no?

Just musing!

I like where your going with this Allie. Ranger is my first and favorite class in GW1 and 2 so I have a lot riding on these changes.

Having a different color aura like green (holographic looking effect kinda like how spirits and spirit weapons look) with fur on different body parts for bear

Blue effect with claws and tail for canines

Red effect with like fangs and some other thing for Cats

Yellow with wings and such for Birds etc..

of course it doesnt have to be the effects I listed (Your not paying me to think of cool effects and im sure the artists at Anet can come up with much better effects than me)
The main idea of the effects is a certain color for certain pet type with some physical differences with opacity so its easy to tell the difference.

This would only appear when you enter combat and when the pet is stowed. The aspects could be buffs like 20% more healing and 15% chance for 2s protection on strike (10s cd) for Feline Aspect.

if all aspects gave you like a 20% dmg boost that would be great.

it would fit the original theme of being one with nature since you would be channeling the spirit of bear and such (like the norns kinda) and using it to support yourself and all that jazz.

It would also open a little more counter play, if some on sees you in feline aspect(or using cat pets) they can switch to using posion skills to counter the extra healing and go for more burst.

You could use this until you actually fix pet AI and still use it after.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
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NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Welp it’s now confirmed that permanent pet stowing is NOT going to happen.

Gooooooodbye ranger!

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: clint.5681


permanently stowing pets isnt requided for aspects to work, you just need to be able to stow temporarily.

Some of you have confused this thread for a stow pet vs no stow argument.

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
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NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I do believe it does, seeing as such boosts would need to be negligible in order to prevent the ranger from just being blatantly OP.

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xallever.1874


Guys, let’s do a quick poll on this permastow option:

Obviously, a significant majority will be telling factor (not close to 50-50), but even without the percentage, if there are enough participants, I think the numbers also will show some weight.

The point of this is to lessen speculative statements for future discussions.

I hope everyone who has an opinion would take part in this short ‘yes’ or ‘no’ poll.

(edited by xallever.1874)

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Man, I don’t need a poll. I’ve read enough of the forums and talked to enough in game to know where the general consensus is.

I also know my Ranger is dead to me as is my hope for it…

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: clint.5681


The options of that poll wont really get us anywhere

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
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NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xallever.1874


How do you mean?

The poll isn’t meant to make one decision or another based on it, only that it can help to show whether the figures we imagine during our discussions are made up or not.

It’ll be easier to make your statements saying “the overwhelming majority” by basing it on a data like this, rather than referring people to threads and ask them to count the unique users one by one on each of their opinions regarding this topic.

NOT the CDI: Ranger Aspects - an alternative

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Now, if Ranger aspects were implemented. I would like to see the removal of pet swap with it.

Pet swap didn’t make sense on a ranger since day 1 and the removal will balance with pet swap.

Then the new f4 key would be stowing and unstowing. Then, devs do not have to balance around stowed pets and then Pets would be like a signet instead of being a cosmetic.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant