[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


So ya, this happens quite often when fighting necros.

Basically, when standing near an object or a wall, a necromancer tapping charge
can lead to a stunlock and certain death.

And not to forget the high damage they may cause to trebs or gates.

What we see here is 6820+ raw damage.

//upset thief.


Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Not a bug, rather the repeated damage pulses that are normally spread out in distance being condensed into one location due to the Golem being unable to move forward. Whirlwind Attack on Warrior Greatsword does the same thing, as well as other “move and damage what you pass” skills.

Lesson: beware of walls when the necro has a flesh golem.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Ya, got that.

Though I wouldn’t be writing here if I could kill a necromancer not being aware of and standing in the middle of my Daggerstorm in 4-5 seconds, while wearing soldier amulet. Should be a trade-off somewhere right?

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Ya, got that.

Though I wouldn’t be writing here if I could kill a necromancer not being aware of and standing in the middle of my Daggerstorm in 4-5 seconds, while wearing soldier amulet. Should be a trade-off somewhere right?

The tradeoff is that the Flesh Golem can’t cause that kind of damage if it doesn’t pin you against the wall. Keep in mind the necro has no direct control over the Golem’s position, so a far more specific set of circumstances have to arise for it to do that. You really can’t compare Dagger Storm to that.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


The tradeoff is that the Flesh Golem can’t cause that kind of damage if it doesn’t pin you against the wall. Keep in mind the necro has no direct control over the Golem’s position, so a far more specific set of circumstances have to arise for it to do that. You really can’t compare Dagger Storm to that.

But this specific set of circumstances is not something rare, and it’s something experienced necromancers take advantage of. Especially in maps like Battle of Kyhlo and TotSS it may easily happen at many tight spots.

I might also add, the thief doesn’t have any control whether the daggers from daggerstorm hits or not either, but even if they all hit they can’t cause this devastating damage, especially not while wearing soldier amulet.

7954 dmg, might also have left something out.


Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: yski.7642


Well, it’s a way harder spike to set up than a lot of the other ones, and the damage isn’t as high as most of them. I don’t see the problem tbh

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[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


~6000 damage for a move only performed in one specific situation – not something that can be done regularly – it’s a once in a blue moon sort of a move.

I don’t see the issue either… particularly given some of the damage most classes can give out by hitting regular weapon or trait attacks… 16k for Eviscerate springs to mind…. not that I’m suggesting nerfs, just pointing out that this really shouldn’t be an issue.

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[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Da Sonic.6521

Da Sonic.6521

At the very least, I can provide an explanation for the hits that dealt increased damage:
Flesh Golem’s charge has two types of hits, ones that knock down, and ones that launch. The hits that launch (every 6th hit) do more damage.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


This is pretty much the same as the FGS issue, and the karka roll from the mob side of things.

Rather than one long continuous attack, all of these are a rapid series of smaller attacks. In theory spread out because of the accompanying movement, but all to often concentrated in a single spot to devastating effect.

I am starting to wonder if all attacks, except single target projectiles, are simulated by way of small AOEs rather than given distinct code.

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


~6000 damage for a move only performed in one specific situation – not something that can be done regularly – it’s a once in a blue moon sort of a move.

I don’t see the issue either… particularly given some of the damage most classes can give out by hitting regular weapon or trait attacks… 16k for Eviscerate springs to mind…. not that I’m suggesting nerfs, just pointing out that this really shouldn’t be an issue.

Yeah… No issue that someone with 26khp (+15k LF) and 3k armor under the right circumstances can burst someone with 15k hp down in below 3 seconds, in a poorly telegraphed and unexpected manner I might add.

I have no problem with warriors hitting me for 12k killshot, and 9k eviscerate.
And fresh air elementalists with their thing.
Necromancer Lich Form with its high dmg, Death Shroud with its 3.9k lifeblasts, bone minions putrid explosion critting for 4k.
Thieves with their 11k dmg backstab combos.
Mesmers with their 14k+ shatter spikes.
list goes on.

But getting occasionally bursted down by a bunker in 3 seconds feels broken.
Sure, it’s not a reliable spike combo, but it’s way too strong those few times it happens,
It’s already strong and punishing to get hit by a charge and not easy to dodge or avoid unless the flesh golem is far away.

If I were to decide, I’d put a targetwise internal cooldown on the knockback and keep the dmg, I feel something else would break its concept.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Tim.6450


This “bug” is actually frquently used it in PvE especially by conditionmancers. Buildings and walls are easily destroyed this way. Even in pvp have I use it against the gates that guard the lord.


[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I might also add, the thief doesn’t have any control whether the daggers from daggerstorm hits or not either, but even if they all hit they can’t cause this devastating damage, especially not while wearing soldier amulet.

7954 dmg, might also have left something out.

The visual daggers from dagger storm aren’t actually the attack. The hits aren’t random at all, so if someone is standing in the area and does nothing to avoid any hits, all pulses will hit them.

It’s a massive burst, no doubt, but it’s easy to counterplay and even the squishiest ele won’t die only from that burst.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: KlausKNT.9302


Yes, this work like all skills “move and damage what you pass” – i use it on warior GS to, when enemy is near wall, tree etc. but this is not big deal – its like “if you stay in this red circle You get hard hit”, or if you stay near wall you can get hit more than once from "move and damage what you pass” skills.
But usually it will not happen- for this you need a "combo breaker " (wall or terrian – heh sometimes terrian broke skill to not move at all (bug)) and a nice enemy who dont know what to do
Most of the time i use "move and damage what you pass” skills to move out fight if hp low.
If golem will rush with necro meaby some player have trouble (becose player can see with way they go when push “rush” button), but for random minion positioning its not easy to hit something (so meany trees, smal walls, terrian bug to stop rush before it will hit target) :P
if you whone put “targetwise internal cooldown on the knockback and keep the dmg”
You will need do this for all "move and damage what you pass” skills- and this will never gonna happen, becose GW2 have biger balance trouble than this “type of skills”, and Anet have much more important things to do.

(edited by KlausKNT.9302)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Rym.1469


Golem charge is extremaly obvious.
I’d be rather concerned about Ele’s Flame GS Fiery Rush, doing ten times more damage

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
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[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


The visual daggers from dagger storm aren’t actually the attack. The hits aren’t random at all, so if someone is standing in the area and does nothing to avoid any hits, all pulses will hit them.

It’s a massive burst, no doubt, but it’s easy to counterplay and even the squishiest ele won’t die only from that burst.

Teach me about thieves once you have 3k hours on one.

The daggers are non heatseeking, and randomly threw around with a random chance to be targeted at someone, there can be times when none may hit at all and times when you get hit several times, they are more likely to hit the closer you stand to the thief obviously. And even then you may not get hit by a single dagger if you’re lucky.
A lot of the daggers are visual effects yes.

The skill alone wont one shot someone no, but classes without protection and aegis, invulnerability, and poor stunbreakers = Thief, dies pretty much instantly if he gets locked by the charge and the necromancer combines it with putrid explosion and a rune or 2.

@KlausKNT.9302: The thing here is, it got both a knockback and high pulsing damage.
No other skill that can be channeled and concentrated in a zone channels both at the same time. And knocking back once per target would be enough anyways and prevent gamebreaking random things.

@Rym.1469: Obvious? The golem stands still for 3/4 seconds? Then charges you with a sound, and if he’s next to you it’s already too late once you hear the first frame of the sound. Even warriors Pin Down is more obvious than that skill, and that one is getting nerfed. From distance, yes it’s more obvious, but anyways good necromancers know how to land it with low rate of failure.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


No other skill that can be channeled and concentrated in a zone channels both at the same time.

Just fiery rush and charge from bear form.

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: KlausKNT.9302


@Ghostwolf.9863 : I think if i use stunlock, hold and 100bl on thief he will die to??
There are plenty combos that make players die.
Most of them make BIG DPS- thats make player die- move hp bar go to 0.

To be nice about thief
Good luck to target me more than 1 second.
And with my stealth+ mobility minions newer hit me.
GL to try harge and putruid explosion same time- you will be surprised where the minions are in the moment when you need use skill
And only noobs run same direction before and after stealth.
So about what we toking here?
2274 dps? and when you on wall its 4548?- this is the killing ability?
I do muth, muth more with 1 backstab hit, or 100bl, or …
For me its a joke dude
If this skill make like 10k dps or more- i can think about it but 4,5k? on wall??
End of topic for me.
GL with trolling new players here

(edited by KlausKNT.9302)

[PVP][Necro]Flesh Golem -Charge spiking, bug?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

This thread is hilarious. A thief complaining about a 6k+ damage attack that only occurs every 40sec if the golem is alive.
kitten thats funny.

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