Please be more objective and proactive

Please be more objective and proactive

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Arghore.8340


This is a request to Anet and more specifically the ‘balance’ team.

Now I do not frequent this part of the forum because when I do I always end up with to much frustration than I care to endure in relation to a game that a play for my enjoyment. Now ‘unfortunately’ I do occasionally visit here to see how things are going with the professions… the last couple of days have been some of these days… And like other times I am left with the same frustration as ever…

And, I’m sorry, I just can’t seem to formulate my opinion, over the seemingly subjective buffs to some professions and the same in regards to nerfs, in a constructive manner. So I will refrain from it… So just a request, please try and be more objective in regards to the professions. Please do take a step back and evaluate the options of all professions, and whether or not some professions come with only strength and no weakness while others are the entire opposite. Or whether some professions come with more strengths in an area than is healthy for the game…

In regards to pro-activity, please establish a baseline of acceptable power and bring all professions up to that level. There are way to many professions & build options, left in the dark; and for the options that are available to some professions, these builds just seem over the top. The amount of buffs to professions in need seem to far and few in between, and when there are buffs I feel these are to often to big a shift… As an analogy, if you put a feather on a scale you don’t start balancing by putting a pound on the other side. So in regards to making more builds viable, try and buff these with small to medium increments of power increase, that way you don’t take a build from worthless to ‘over the top’ with just one change. (same goes with nerfs btw.)

lastly, I wanted to give examples of certain things, but I just could not without it feeling like an outing of personal frustration. With more general descriptions I think that everybody can fill these in for themselves. I hope that Anet will head to this request and buff more builds and professions in small and incremental steps, to prevent having to nerf them again. And hopefully nerf some professions slightly in regards to their Omni-potency, unless this is the power level Anet strives for, in which case I would like to see that same power level reflected in all professions…

So far for me at least the buffs/nerfs seem to convey a certain favouritism to certain professions, and ‘dislike’ for others, and while it must be great to play a favoured profession, if you continue to be on the nerf end of the stick, or have to wait months on end to see your profession move any bit forward (and when it does, some of the buffs seems so questionable that it’s clear they wont survive for long). It is all but enjoyable…

Seeing some would like to know which professions I do play: I main a Ranger mostly in PvE, I ‘main’ a Thief in WvW, and my two other more on the back burner professions are ‘Necro & Engineer’… perhaps that may explain some of the frustration to some, though as said, I tried to be as objective as possible in this request, and realy hope that Anet steps up ‘our’ game in the broadest sense possible…

We are peace, we are war. We are how we treat each other and nothing more…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA

(edited by Arghore.8340)