Just some thoughts about the trait Altruistic Healing and its place in the current Guardian meta. Note, this is entirely about PvE and its workings.
Simple contemplations of a numpty who doesn’t like her fellow Guardians dropping like flies because the current meta makes them too squishy.
In short:
- Low(est) health pool.
- High base armour.
- High support capacities.
- Mid to high range DPS capacities.
What is Altruistic Healing?
Grandmaster Valor trait XI – 30 points required.
“Applying a boon to allies heals you.”
As you can see, Altruistic Healing fits perfectly with a supporting build, except that the trait line it lies in is not a support line on its own.
The Valor trait line is considered by many to be selfish.
It contributes close to nothing to groups, other than self-sustain at the Grandmaster level.
Altruistic Healing has no synergy with the rest of the Valor traits.
Possible “solutions”:
- Move Altruistic Healing down to Master level.
The ten traits points it spares are highly valuable and can be used both offensively and defensively, which makes this trait more desirable to obtain. - Make it the 25 point Grandmaster trait.
Tone its healing effects down to supply a small regeneration, to balance it out. Five points spared, five points to be put in a less selfish place. - Move Altruistic into the Grandmaster level of another Trait line.
The obvious choice would be Honor. It could perhaps replace Battle Presence XII: this one seems more synergetic to Valor’s IV Strength in Numbers. Both use similar “nearby allies” structure to benefit teams. Sadly, neither are exceptional currently…
Why not leave it as it is?
The current Berserker / Glass cannon DPS “meta” build makes the Guardian more akin to a flashy Thief. This has little to do with what Guardians were intended to be like.
Any error is lethal. The majority of Guardians sacrifice their self-sustain for more damage, which in turn harms teams in the long run.
With the heavy “Learn to play. Berserker or get out!” mentality that rules the community, a small tweaking like this can make or break a pleasant gaming experience.
Omgwtfbbq way overpowered!!!
I agree. And I disagree!
For one, this could be implemented only as a PvE exclusive adjustment. I can see that in WvW, where spreading boons is easy as pie, it’s currently in a fair enough place. That’s to say, it sacrifices a lot to gain something very strong in return. In PvE, this is not quite true anymore.
Secondly, Guardians have the lowest base health available. This is especially noticable when put next to their supposedly more offensive counterparts, the Warrior. Add to it that Warriors currently have smoother access to additional regeneration (Adrenal healing, their signet which can be traited etc.), and it seems to me that either the Warrior needs to be toned down, or the Guardian deserves a slight boost.
Finally, Altruistic Healing encourages Guardians to use their boons wisely.
Sure, they can spam them for quick self-heals, but they’ll realise soon they won’t get away with it in more difficult content. Add to it that this trait has perfect synergy with the Hammer and Mace, and voila.
Just bring in those torches and pitchforks! No, just kidding.
I’m mostly interested in seeing what others think of this. Will this rig the meta too much? Would it be feasible, and what other adjustments would have to be made to justify this?
Arena Net has shown interest in lessening the DPS-racing to get back to more strategic play. Giving this trait back its time to shine may or may not help in that.