[PvX] Guardian, all new GM traits are trash
Anything but this piece of kitten trait (Force of will)
Wow…I STILL can’t digest them giving us a glorified passive trait for a GRANDMASTER trait
yes, they are utter trash
<—- played guardian over 4k hours
Cross posting from another similar thread, but I’m curious for other people’s thoughts on this. Follow my thought process for a second. Let’s compare the new talent (+33% burning damage) to kindled zeal (13% of your power to condition damage).
The base damage of burning is 328/sec and scales with condition damage for .25 per point of condition damage. The new trait adds 33% burning damage, resulting in 436 damage/sec (at +0 condition damage). This results in a difference of roughly 108 damage.
In order to add 108 damage to burning, you need to have 432 condition damage. That translates into 3330 power for the Kindled zeal talent. Why on earth would anyone going for condition damage ever choose Kindled zeal over the new talent? Even for power Guardians, who usually invest into Radiance, Kindled zeal is clearly the worse of the two (at +250 condition damage from 25 points into radiance, you would need 5253 power before kindled zeal is equal to the damage added from the +33% damage trait) . How does simply adding more damage to burning all of a sudden make it viable when it didn’t before?
What was Anet’s thought process behind this new ability? It seems to overshadow kindled zeal while providing the exact same end result, to boost burning damage. The only way Kindled Zeal still can pull ahead is when you go for a power build that ignores radiance (the tree that’s all about boosting burning damage) and manages to get 25 might stacks, a warrior banner and various consumables (and avoids any and all boosts to condition damage in any shape or form).
agree….horrific/lazy design
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
2h master,y force of will, meditations, retal on heal. Congradulations Honor line can now be used for duelist builds
Cross posting from another similar thread, but I’m curious for other people’s thoughts on this. Follow my thought process for a second. Let’s compare the new talent (+33% burning damage) to kindled zeal (13% of your power to condition damage).
The base damage of burning is 328/sec and scales with condition damage for .25 per point of condition damage. The new trait adds 33% burning damage, resulting in 436 damage/sec (at +0 condition damage). This results in a difference of roughly 108 damage.
In order to add 108 damage to burning, you need to have 432 condition damage. That translates into 3330 power for the Kindled zeal talent. Why on earth would anyone going for condition damage ever choose Kindled zeal over the new talent? Even for power Guardians, who usually invest into Radiance, Kindled zeal is clearly the worse of the two (at +250 condition damage from 25 points into radiance, you would need 5253 power before kindled zeal is equal to the damage added from the +33% damage trait) . How does simply adding more damage to burning all of a sudden make it viable when it didn’t before?
What was Anet’s thought process behind this new ability? It seems to overshadow kindled zeal while providing the exact same end result, to boost burning damage. The only way Kindled Zeal still can pull ahead is when you go for a power build that ignores radiance (the tree that’s all about boosting burning damage) and manages to get 25 might stacks, a warrior banner and various consumables (and avoids any and all boosts to condition damage in any shape or form).
agree….horrific/lazy design
Well, if you want a build with both power and condi damage, which well, is…. understandable I guess. As things are, I really don’t think a pure condi Guardian would actually be useful.
If you want a build with both power and condition damage Kindled Zeal will never be better.
If you want a build with only condition damage, Kindled Zeal will never be better.
If you want a build with only power (that avoids any and all other condition damage), Kindled Zeal will only be better if you get 3330 power and no increase to condition damage. If you get get any condition damage increase, like the warrior’s banner of strength (170 condition damage+170 power), Kindled Zeal will only be better when you have 5046 power. In other words, never.
The new + 33% burn duration ability doesn’t improve on why Kindled Zeal is terrible. They both increase burn damage and that simply doesn’t work, yet Anet seems intent on banging its head against the wall. Why introduce a new trait that does the exact same thing as an existing grand master trait (in a tree that’s not about burning damage), but only better?
(edited by Rangersix.1754)
its the same thing as saying: here you go guys, passive GM trait cuz we have no idea what to do with honor.
Yep, and cuz we just absolutely needed 15% Endurance Regen…. AS A GRANDMASTER…. /cough ranger 5pts… /golfclap.
No one will touch the Honor GM, as if you’re bunker you’re most likely running w/ 20k+ hp as it is.
No one will even consider Virtue GM… 15% End Regen over STABILITY or CC Break? Are you kidding me?
No one will touch the Valor GM… Um, 1 block every 20s VS my only true self sustaining traits? lawl
Zeal & Radiance are decent traits, but they are not GM Traits and the builds to use these (which they would be good if traiting a 30/30/x/x/x) is non-existent… There is ZERO sustain within these traits and running around with 11k hp and 2200 armor as a guardian w/ no soft CC, poor mobility outside of GS/S+F, and no lockdown methods….
Ha. Just lol.
And don’t give me that crap that we have “Blocks”… that’s good for the 1v1 and 1v2 scenario (yes, it’s quite good and I absolutely agree), but for anything other it’s utter junk. GARBAGE…
Blinds are good, but then again, you’re stuck with GS + S/F…. what about the Mace, Hammer, Torch, Scepter, Shield, Staff…. There’s no blinds on those… and to say that the compensating boons/utility of those weapons outshines Blinds would be absolutely ridiculous… because if I’m DPS, the regen will tick for another 120pts, the Protection (if you get it off) will last 2s and the knockbacks are so far spread out w/ the long cooldowns…. why even bother?
(edited by Amins.3710)