I have a little feedback and some questions about “ferocity”. I’m sorry if something was told during a “ready up” or something else but i miss last month of gw2 comunity/devs advices.
The last thing i remeber about ferocity was that “ferocity scales for a 10% less damage compared with critical damage”.
Before last patch i had +82% (= 232%) critical damage, right now i have 204% critical damage. So the difference is -28% critical damage (way more than “10% less damage”).
Now if you compare the overl damage 10% of 232 is 23.2 (so i would have 209% instead of 204%)
So can you explain me how exactly ferocity works? And, how does critical damage scales with “ferocity”? (how many fecrocity points for +1% crit damage?)
Also follow me for a moment.
Before patch:
(a smal equip piece, like shoulders, had, in exotic gear)
+34 main stat
+24 secondary stat
+2% crit damage
After patch:
(the same piece)
+34 main stat
+24 secondary
+24 ferocity —-> if we consider a 10% less effectiveness 24 points = 1.8% crit damage
so 1.8 / 24 = 0.075 crit damage per ferocity point
but if you consider a major gear piece, like chest:
+101 main stat
+72 secondary
+ 5% critical damage ->(-10%) = 4.5% = 72ferocity = 0.075*72 =?= 4.4%
so … there is an error here…
also if you consider the contrary you have:
(major gear piece)
5% crit damage -> (after patch) = 4.5% = 72 ferocity -> 4.5/72 = 0.0625 crit damage per ferocity point
(on minor gear piece)
2% crit damage -> (after patch) = 1.8% = 24 ferocity = 24*0.0625 =?= 1.5%
So there is an error in these equations due to the previous unbalance in critical damage distribution.
Now let’s consider pre-patch crit damage with balanced distribution:
(minor piece) -> 24 stat = 2% -> 1% = 12 stat
(major piece) -> 72 stat = 6% =/= 5%
(complete gear) = 2.67% (head) + 2% (shoulder) + 6% (chest) + 2% (gloves) + 4%(legs) + 2% (boots) = 18.67%
after patch:
(minor piece) -> 24ferocity = 1.8% -> 1ferocity = 0.075%
(complete gear) = 2.4% (head) + 1.8% (shoulder) + 5.4% (chest) + 1.8% (gloves) + 3.6% (legs) + 1.8% (boots) = 16.8%
and now 18.67 – 10%(18.67) = 16.8(1) !!! which is the correct ammount!
In conclusion, if i’m right, because i’m only supposing…
-those who got only minor gear with berserker stats got more critical damage
-those who got only major gear with berserker stats got less critical damage
-those who got full berserker gear got maxed critical damage
-those who got only minor gear with berserker stats got more than 10% less crit damage
-those who got only major gear with berserker stats got less than 10% less critical damage
-those who got full berserker gear got about, approximately, 10% less critical damage
If you want the best from critical damage without go full berserker now you have to do the opposite: go with major gear piece zerker…
What do you think guys? Maybe ArenaNet should have increased ferocity on minor piece to compensate (or reduced on major piece) or maybe i’m wrong… so please tell me if you have furter information about this stat.
Thank you.
(edited by Kjeldoran.3849)