[Ranger] We need changes NOW not march
We don’t need many changes aside from sword AA changes, a little more “ranged” love, and an AI update or being damage scaled to 80-20 Self/Pet rather then 60/40. Play trapper ranger for wubwub, spirit/trapper for spvp, and PVE is pathetic enough it doesn’t matter what you do.
Also, wrong forum.
Ranger is lame in PvE. Need 15% damage buff and two new weapons. Hammer and Staff.
Hammer for raw damage and Staff for beastmaster supp build.
We don’t need many changes aside from sword AA changes, a little more “ranged” love, and an AI update or being damage scaled to 80-20 Self/Pet rather then 60/40. Play trapper ranger for wubwub, spirit/trapper for spvp, and PVE is pathetic enough it doesn’t matter what you do.
Also, wrong forum.
I couldn’t disagree more. The Ranger issue is so incredibly large and complex we’re not even remotely close to the number shaving stage you think we are.
Not a single trait line makes sense. Nearly half of the traits for the class need to be moved to entirely different trees while the other half probably should be removed and replaced with something else.
The pet AI issue alone is something ANet has been afraid to tackle over the past year and likely will never be resolved. This alone means the entire core mechanic of the class and the entire way the class’s skills and utilities have been balanced are out of whack.
There’s a reason the #1 most suggested thing to fix Rangers is to remove the pet and increase our damage by 30%. It’s because the Ranger community is scared [censored] how long they’ll have to wait for a reasonable solution to the all-encompassing pet problem.
So no… there are no low-hanging fruit left in the diseased and dying Ranger tree. It needs to be dug up and moved to greener pastures in one last desperate attempt to give it a chance at life before it’s cut down and turned into mulch that Rifle/Greatsword Warriors can use to prepare for the influx of Rangers.
We don’t need many changes aside from sword AA changes, a little more “ranged” love, and an AI update or being damage scaled to 80-20 Self/Pet rather then 60/40. Play trapper ranger for wubwub, spirit/trapper for spvp, and PVE is pathetic enough it doesn’t matter what you do.
Also, wrong forum.
i would say all weapons need sone love since the sword is the only viable weapon but get handycapped by the AA chain.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
kittened devs will not even hear you i bet … they haven’t even moved their finger for an year and a half … they won’t do it anytime soon.
I actually think they will not even do the update in march (as they told us on stream it would come on jan 21st, & then delayed it to march)
May i ask for pet damage scaling with power
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
kittened devs will not even hear you i bet … they haven’t even moved their finger for an year and a half … they won’t do it anytime soon.
I actually think they will not even do the update in march (as they told us on stream it would come on jan 21st, & then delayed it to march)
It’s the beginning of the year, chances are they will do to us what they did to us in the beginning of last year when the game first came out. The first big balance patch that came out everyone had something except for ranger’s. Not even one bullet point for ranger’s. I’m betting that this time around they will stick with tradition and not give us a single thing on the next balance patch.
they said theyd undo nerf that are no longuer necesary… maybe this will include our signet healing per second going back to 200s+ and shortbow gaining back its full range. Maybe they will increase pet damage back
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
You think they’ll undo their ‘animation fix’ which nerfed the shortbow speed?
Maybe they’ll make pets faster than players..kuz ya know…4 legs
Ha to be honest I don’t expect a brain-dead person to win the Nobel prize in physics … if you know what i mean xD
(edited by Sasajoe.1509)
I would take the counter bet that there will be more than one bullet point for the rangers. In fact, I would probably bet that it will be in the top 3 classes that get the most attention (not all positive of course).
Rangers may be a bit more complex to fix, but all vibes point to the fact ANet knows they need help.
What help. Enough help. Right help. Help you wanted. None of those things will I dare touch on a bet, but to bet that the patch notes will address more than a bullet point of change for the ranger. . . count me in!!!!
I would take the counter bet that there will be more than one bullet point for the rangers. In fact, I would probably bet that it will be in the top 3 classes that get the most attention (not all positive of course).
Rangers may be a bit more complex to fix, but all vibes point to the fact ANet knows they need help.
What help. Enough help. Right help. Help you wanted. None of those things will I dare touch on a bet, but to bet that the patch notes will address more than a bullet point of change for the ranger. . . count me in!!!!
are you including toolbar text corrections? They know that we need help, yet in the last livestream, almost everything they said they where planning to do to ranger’s was a nerf with the exception of sword auto attack which is funny they said they are fixing it when recently they said sword 1 is working as intended and it’s suppose to root you in place. I swear, this company’s right hand has no idea what the left hand is doing!
kittened devs will not even hear you i bet … they haven’t even moved their finger for an year and a half … they won’t do it anytime soon.
I actually think they will not even do the update in march (as they told us on stream it would come on jan 21st, & then delayed it to march)
It’s the beginning of the year, chances are they will do to us what they did to us in the beginning of last year when the game first came out. The first big balance patch that came out everyone had something except for ranger’s. Not even one bullet point for ranger’s. I’m betting that this time around they will stick with tradition and not give us a single thing on the next balance patch.
Oh we will get one. Something along the lines of “Sword root fix delayed indefinitely for further testing” and then we will never hear of it again.
At the very least give us a preview of these “amazing things” so that we can stop being disappointed consistently.
Do you not enjoy your Ranger?
At the very least give us a preview of these “amazing things” so that we can stop being disappointed consistently.
Do you not enjoy your Ranger?
Not as much as I would like to in any competitive environment because I feel severely handicapped.
There was a time I enjoyed outplaying my opponents, though I kept thinking “Just wait until I am finally up to par with other professions; if I am able to win some good fights now, things will only get better…”
Alas, my patience can only stretch for so long.
And it is not even a balance issue for me. Bugs/poor game design preventing me from having some actual control over my pet gets so very frustrating at times. It has been a year and a half without any progressive changes to adress these issues.
For the last patch I thought “I had better not get my hopes up (again…)”, I expected a poor patch but at the very least some changes. Needless to say I was disappointed and I feel happy that there is no monthly subscription for this game. Giving me plenty of opportunity to take a break and check back in a few months to see if there have been any improvements.
Co-founder of Flying Pink Unicorns [PWNY], Ring of Fire
Actually, balance patches alternating with living story patches for months long downtime in between is way more promising than getting a patch super soon.
A balance patch every month is enough for snipping low hanging fruit and carefully seeing how it all shakes out. A balance patch every 3 months+ is alot more conducive to getting elbow deep into the guts of a thing and rearranging it how you please.
Because surface tweaks like we’ve seen so far have a very agile ‘stopping point’ that could easily get tied off by the end of the month, but if you’re really digging deep into a system a month may come and go and you’ll still be up to your eyeballs in scattered bits and pieces.
The fact that they’re able to tackle something like Ranger Sword helps give this promising impression. They mentioned on the livestream that Sword roots you because of a complex back-end reason of server verification, so their security is mucking with gameplay. That’s an example of a problem, much like pet AI, that needs more than a month to allow people enough time to crack open the back-end and get their hands dirty.
If the Sword changes pan out in March, we’ll know they’re willing to roll up their sleeves at least.
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
I would say non-“totally insignificant” changes. That is different than saying every change that has impact has the type or as much impact as we would want. It will be the “smell test”.
I’m perfectly willing to wait until March for the ranger assuming we get enough changes in March to make the class at least lower middle versus in a category of suck all by itself. But, given how bad it is, I wouldn’t want to get only part one of a six part process that will take (given how balance patches are done) 6 months to see any real meaningful result.
My guess is we get at least a third of what the end state intentions are. But I’m betting on not getting a goose egg.
I’m sorry, but all I see is scraps being tossed at us. Think of it, a few months back the dev’s said that the sword rooting you in place was intended and had a function and that they would not be changing it. Now all of a sudden they are talking about fixing the rooting on the sword? They are contradicting themselves. It’s also funny how they are planning the big patch to be in March instead of February like it should have been. Funny how they are putting the patch just before the release of ESO. Trying to see if they can keep as many players as they can with this ‘new’ toy of non-rooting sword attack. Last year they couldn’t care less about us and sword or pet, when the game first came out we didn’t see one single update while everyone else got buffs. If they where serious about working on ranger’s and getting the class up to par, they’d be working on the kittening pet issue, not the low hanging easy fruit of sword rooting you which I call bullkitten on ‘some complex back end reason’. They said it was done that way on purpose, it was designed to root you. So it should be an easy code to fix since they coded it to root you. Unless Anet wants to come on here and say that they lied to us when they said sword is working as intended. Which makes you wonder what else they are lieing to us about…hmmmm, pets maybe?
Well, as I understand it pets and AI and the whole rooting change on sword are really tough coding challenges. So, it is very hard to predict when a “breakthrough” will come.
On the other hand, a series of tweaks and swaps in skills and traits to get better balance is absolutely what I am expecting to start seeing in March for rangers. The only real question I have from listening to the podcasts is will it be in a series of evolutionary steps or will they take the risk of the problems with one revolutionary (big change) sweep at the ranger?
The only real question I have from listening to the podcasts is will it be in a series of evolutionary steps or will they take the risk of the problems with one revolutionary (big change) sweep at the ranger?
From what they are saying in the twitch, I guess they will not do any “big” change – even IF they know exactly what needs to be done (traits / pet AI / balance damages between weapons).
They rather make “small changes and see how it goes” than “big changes that might need to be tuned down later”
For all the time spent as the underdog, though, I’d way rather risk us being OP for a build, than always low…
Because the bottom line is not that they are unwilling to swap traits to where they belong, maybe even change the useless ones, it’s that doing it all at once is something that has the possibility of breaking balance.
And, as they stated, they do not want to be doing anything that has a possibility to too much alter balance.
So yeah, I hope these “amazing things coming” is a great re-work of the class, but I don’t hold my breath…
About the sword, at least that shows they are listening to their playerbase, though it took a long time of complaining for them to accept to change it.
People who now points at them for changing their minds (only fools never change their mind), are they the people who would also have raged at them for not listening, if they didn’t change their mind?
I am as tired as other rangers of their “amazing changes” that are presented as buffs (14% more damage on shortbow! wouhou! but less range… and only on one attack…)
I’m tired of hearing we know pet has a problem, but we can’t fix it (especially when solutions like making it move faster by default have been proposed).
I’m tired of needing to kill what should be my “best friend” and what is part of my DPS to save myself (why would it not transform alterations in buffs, for example?)… I’m tired of having it being one-shotted by AOE in WvW bus. I’m tired to have people tell me I don’t belong in a bus…
Part of me hope they will address some of our issues, but sadly, I don’t really think it will happen anytime soon. trying to level up other characters, but despite all ranger’s shortcoming, there is something I love about it’s gameplay. It can be so much more than what it is! Hope devs will develop it’s potential… and hope they will first balance the traits, and find a way to make the pet work – because as long as the base is broken, building on it will never be solid…
“Balance” as a reason for not fixing the ranger is a pathetic excuse to be frank. Its much much easier to shave down a working OP class to a balanced state than it is to take a broken class and try to buff it to a level where being “broken” wont affect it.
And lets face it rangers are broken by the class design and implementation.
Well, as I understand it pets and AI and the whole rooting change on sword are really tough coding challenges. So, it is very hard to predict when a “breakthrough” will come.
On the other hand, a series of tweaks and swaps in skills and traits to get better balance is absolutely what I am expecting to start seeing in March for rangers. The only real question I have from listening to the podcasts is will it be in a series of evolutionary steps or will they take the risk of the problems with one revolutionary (big change) sweep at the ranger?
If it were any other company I would take them at their word and be very excited. Being that this is Anet, I’m much more apprehensive since most of our big changes ended up being massive nerfs (Sb range, pet damage, no more quickness on pet swap) or just tiny tweaks to a lot of things that does nothing to fix anything.
As it is, I’m half expecting them to break the sword when they “fix” it and remove the leap entirely or nerf it’s dps or some such nonsense.
They are completely capable of surprising me but frankly I’d tell anyone to not hold their breath.
I’m sorry, but all I see is scraps being tossed at us. Think of it, a few months back the dev’s said that the sword rooting you in place was intended and had a function and that they would not be changing it. Now all of a sudden they are talking about fixing the rooting on the sword? They are contradicting themselves. It’s also funny how they are planning the big patch to be in March instead of February like it should have been. Funny how they are putting the patch just before the release of ESO. Trying to see if they can keep as many players as they can with this ‘new’ toy of non-rooting sword attack. Last year they couldn’t care less about us and sword or pet, when the game first came out we didn’t see one single update while everyone else got buffs. If they where serious about working on ranger’s and getting the class up to par, they’d be working on the kittening pet issue, not the low hanging easy fruit of sword rooting you which I call bullkitten on ‘some complex back end reason’. They said it was done that way on purpose, it was designed to root you. So it should be an easy code to fix since they coded it to root you. Unless Anet wants to come on here and say that they lied to us when they said sword is working as intended. Which makes you wonder what else they are lieing to us about…hmmmm, pets maybe?
I believe them when they say it’s a game mechanics thing. Pets use crappy mob AI, queue skills on the server end and you can’t dodge or strafe in the middle of any skill that changes your position (leap, port) not just the leap on the sword.
I also, however, believe that they have known about these issues for some time and aren’t willing to put in the effort required to fix them in any meaningful way.
What about this one?
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
I also, however, believe that they have known about these issues for some time and aren’t willing to put in the effort required to fix them in any meaningful way.
I rather think that they’d love to – imagine how many PvE worries that’d solve in one swoop – but are unable to do so.
Most likely it’d require a complete rewrite of the game’s engine. To my knowledge only two games have done that in the past, Everquest 1 and DAoC. In the latter case, we struggled with serious bugs for ~6 months, in EQ1’s case it was delayed over a year.
If Anet really is releasing a big balance patch in March in direct response to other MMO’s getting released (as people are suggesting on this thread, and many other places too), then I will leave and stop playing Guild Wars 2 anyways. Finally commiting the resources to Release a balance patch with stuff that should’ve been fixed over a year ago in response to the possibility of losing customers is quite a pathetic thing to do and it is not going to save Anet or Guild Wars 2 in the end, no matter how hard they keep trying to push “Free to Play” and “Expansion pack worth of content!”
…Luckily for us, that isn’t Anet! However, for Anet’s statement about “Amazing things for Ranger, and other professions” to be anywhere near the definition of Amazing (causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing) and also be true(in accordance with fact or reality), they have to fix some serious problems that have been crippling the Ranger profession since day 1.
What games are releasing in march?
What games are releasing in march?
Just want to point out that I never said March, I made a not-serious statement about Anet releasing a balance patch in march in response to other MMO’s getting released (there is no timeframe in there) so don’t try to get technical on me.
as far as MMO’s releasing in that general timeframe, where release a nice big feature patch in march would make sense……
Wildstar has a Q1/Q2 release date (so march/april)
Elder Scrolls Online has an April 4th release date.
And those 2 are the biggest releases of the year as far as MMO’s are concerned.
(edited by Chrispy.5641)
I said April on my post. saying it’s funny they choose to do the update on march just before the new games are released in April, which should be ESO and I believe EQNLandmark is also being released around that time (Don’t quote me on the EQ one just yet though, it’s the speculation on the forums).
The longer you wait for changes, the greater of changes you expect at one time.
Just saying, if you want to be incremental, you start those changes to rangers now.
Otherwise, you are building enormous pent up demand/frustration that can only be sated with some rather dramatic changes.
It’s like these devs are green and have never done balance passes before….oh wait.
I can’t believe they haven’t responded yet to any of our threads. Yet all other professions are getting responses on their threads. I think we’re the only class that hasn’t received a response on this forum yet. The silence we are receiving from Anet is what makes us apprehensive and mad because we are feeling ignored, yet the silence continues. I’ve been in retail business for a long time, been managing for a really long time. There is one saying that I truly believe in which this company seems to fail miserably at, and that’s ‘over communicate to dominate’. I also believe in lead by example, which is why I would love to see a dev play a ranger class in WvW. Which is something that I’m sure no one has seen, I know I haven’t. Speaking of which, can we have a list of the Dev’s that play ranger’s in WvW and what server they are on because I would love to visit that server and see these dev’s and how they play their ranger’s. Since they are not responding to our threads here that must mean it’s a L2P issue so I would love to see these guys in action so I can learn how to play my class.
What games are releasing in march?
as far as MMO’s releasing in that general timeframe, where release a nice big feature patch in march would make sense……
Wildstar has a Q1/Q2 release date (so march/april)
Elder Scrolls Online has an April 4th release date.And those 2 are the biggest releases of the year as far as MMO’s are concerned.
Just wanted to add Final Fantasy XIV to that list. Its already out, but releasing on the PS4 on April 14th. There are actually quite a few people that didn’t want to buy the game until the Ps4 version was released.
So that’s actually 3. 3 of the biggest released of the year as far as MMO’s go is happening in March-April timeframe, which..I’m just saying, for any MMO,….its the perfect time to release a big, giant feature patch in an attempt to keep players playing.
I can’t believe they haven’t responded yet to any of our threads. Yet all other professions are getting responses on their threads. I think we’re the only class that hasn’t received a response on this forum yet. The silence we are receiving from Anet is what makes us apprehensive and mad because we are feeling ignored, yet the silence continues. I’ve been in retail business for a long time, been managing for a really long time. There is one saying that I truly believe in which this company seems to fail miserably at, and that’s ‘over communicate to dominate’. I also believe in lead by example, which is why I would love to see a dev play a ranger class in WvW. Which is something that I’m sure no one has seen, I know I haven’t. Speaking of which, can we have a list of the Dev’s that play ranger’s in WvW and what server they are on because I would love to visit that server and see these dev’s and how they play their ranger’s. Since they are not responding to our threads here that must mean it’s a L2P issue so I would love to see these guys in action so I can learn how to play my class.
also, Just want to say that since the livestream, they have responded to only two threads. The Necromancer’s Lich Form, and the Mesmer’s Deceptive Evasion threads. That doesn’t exactly scream “Rangers are ignored!!!!”
This sub forum isn’t that new either, the livestream was what…one week after this sub forum went live? Maybe a week and a half? Still, in the 16 day’s that this section has been open, I believe all classes have already received at least one response by now except for us. I think warriors got two and honestly, I don’t think they need any buffs or are nearly as broken as the ranger class is! If this section of the forum was older then a month then I’d give in to your point. However, this forum is like 16 day’s old, half a month old, and those posts are within those 16 day’s time so they are still fresh. On top of that, out of all the threads that have received a response, I believe ours that has not received a response has been more constructive then those. (Edit: This thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/balance/Ranger-Balance-PvP-WvW-PvE-PvX/first which by the way has the third most responses to on the first page).
Two weeks and two days, this section of the forum has been open for 16 day’s, so please don’t say that any of those other posts don’t count when they are only two weeks old. For all classes to receive a response on less informative threads and ranger’s not receive a single response, yes, that does scream “Rangers are ignored!!!!” All I want them to tell us is what they are planning to do for us to make up for the handicap of the pet. All I want to know is are they going to give us back our 30% missing damage because of their failure with the pet AI/mechanics. We’ve had to deal with this handicap for over a year now, I think it’s time that we deserve something. I have never dealt with a company that treat’s its customers like this and trust me, I will NEVER purchase another game from ANet unless they can change their Customer Service practices!
(edited by Akisame.9508)
Nope, sorry, Elementalists have also been largely ignored as well. Every profession that got a response has had 1 or 2 responses total. that doesn’t exactly show an inequality there.
And besides, this thread is asking Anet to tell us what amazing things are coming to the Ranger, when Anet already said that they can’t tell us about it yet.
The thread I want a response to is https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/balance/Ranger-Balance-PvP-WvW-PvE-PvX/first
But I agree with this thread as well. We have been dealing with a broken mechanic since day one. Which other class has had a handicap of 30% of their damage for over a year now with no fixes? Just us. They finally admitted to the problem but they say that they won’t fix the problem. If they won’t fix the problem are they expecting us to be handicapped forever? I think after a year of this bullkitten we deserve to know what they are planning on doing for us.
And besides, this thread is asking Anet to tell us what amazing things are coming to the Ranger, when Anet already said that they can’t tell us about it yet.
And when I read this, with ANet’s history, all I see is
Anet said that amazing things are coming, but they can’t tell us yet because they don’t know what it is that they are going to do yet.
If it’s not a fix to the pet or removal of the pet handicap, then it’s not an amazing thing and not worth anyone sticking around this class anymore because while every other class gets stronger with all the new gear and weapons, we get weaker because of the stupid pet mechanic that they kittened up and we’re paying the price for!
The thread I want a response to is https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/balance/Ranger-Balance-PvP-WvW-PvE-PvX/first
But I agree with this thread as well. We have been dealing with a broken mechanic since day one. Which other class has had a handicap of 30% of their damage for over a year now with no fixes? Just us. They finally admitted to the problem but they say that they won’t fix the problem. If they won’t fix the problem are they expecting us to be handicapped forever? I think after a year of this bullkitten we deserve to know what they are planning on doing for us.
Aside from pets which is between 20-40% of our damage, we also have to rely on traits for between 20-35% increase in our damage, spirits for another 7%, and Opening Strike traits for another 10%.
Its not just that Ranger’s can’t deal damage effectively when pets die, it that we can’t do damage effectively at all unless we rely on way too many passive effects that are loaded into only two of our trait lines.
And stop the worthless whining about Anet saying they aren’t going to fix the problem. Not a single person on Anet ever said that. They said that fixing pet AI without breaking millions of other things in the game was going to take TIME.
I would like for Anet to respond to our Ranger problems too, but unless they actually have something to say, what’s the point in responding?
And they said they do not have the resources to dedicate that time if I remember correctly. And I agree with you, everything that you mentioned is broken or 30 points invested are needed in order to make them viable, not good, just viable. But I do believe that pet’s need immediate attention because they already had their chance for traits and what they did was a joke.
If they don’t have something to say, that means they are not doing or have not done anything yet for the class because they are still thinking of what that amazing thing should be
obvious option is to give pet damage scaling based on critical strike and power the same way phantasm does for mesmer. Makes pet shiny and tie its damage effectiveness to the ranger effectiveness rather then to a trait bar. Stupid stuff like condition duration and condition damage/ crit damage/ healing power bonus trait needs to go out of the game definitively or be redone into actual pet traiting wich helps both the ranger and the pet. The trait in skirmish that give health to pet on critical strike should also proc to ranger to be viable in the first place while those other dumb pet trait wich cover our trait tree should be baseline.
They should give proper trait to the skirmishing and marksmanship line wich DOES NOT include the pet and provide actual usefull effect. Pet is in all of the trait line of the ranger right now, it needs to be restrained to beast mastery alone to give place to more usefull trait in the other line. Those trait then should be redesigned to match within the availlable numbers while also behing usefull, Aka an improved pet trait that would proc….
beast mastery master trait – Strong breed: pet gains + 300 condition damage + 50% to its condition duration and + 300 to its healing power.
Skirmish trait master – predatory strike – pet deals +30% critical damage and your critical strike provide might for 10 second to pet
Beastmastery grand master – scavanger strike: Pet deals +20% damage to target afflicted by a condition, pet heals you and itself on critical strike (80 hp)
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
And all of that would be great and would love to have seen it if it wasn’t for one flaw in the game due to a dev’s epic coding fail…Pet’s don’t hit moving targets. Like I said, they either need to fix pet or remove pet FIRST, then we can work on traits from there on out. What good is working on the BM trait line if they decide later to remove the pet because your cat can’t catch a squirrel? Your bird is afraid of heights so it won’t fly up that keep wall to attack your target? Your target is running around in a circle, if your pet dog can’t even catch his own tail, how is he suppose to catch the target’s tail? Like I said, if this ‘amazing’ thing coming to ranger’s isn’t a pet fix or a pet removal, I will lose all faith in ANet ever being able to fix this class. Last time ANet said that they knew ranger’s needed help, they nerfed us, so I’m not doubting this amazing thing being a nerf either.
I’m sorry, but all I see is scraps being tossed at us. Think of it, a few months back the dev’s said that the sword rooting you in place was intended and had a function and that they would not be changing it. Now all of a sudden they are talking about fixing the rooting on the sword?
For the last time, sword AA does not root you. It includes 2 leap attacks. All movement skills (ie skills that move your character[leaps, charges etc]) will lock you in animation, this is intended. Now whether or not putting 2/3 AA skills as leaps was a good idea is up for debate. PvPers love it, it allows them to stick to enemies very effeciently. Most PvErs don’t like it however, it poses an unecessary risk. It seems they’re ready to discuss it now (because as said the AA has been working as intended, though for some not preferably).
It’s also funny how they are planning the big patch to be in March instead of February like it should have been. Funny how they are putting the patch just before the release of ESO.
ESO sucks, they won’t have much competition from it
ESO sucks, they won’t have much competition from it
Most likely not, they will just have people stop playing the game, In the current state of the game they might as well remove the ranger from PvE and make it a PvP-only class, you can do better with pretty much any other class blindfolded atm.