Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Scepter Buff is fine.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Will scepter mesmer be even a mildly acceptable PvE condition build? No.
Torment does a crap ton of damage. Being one of the only classes that can stack a large amount of it, it will be more than welcome in PvE.
Torment does a crap ton of damage.
“crap ton” meaning 75% of what Bleed does, apparently.
“a large amount” meaning 2 stacks yourself + 0,66 stacks per illusion, apparently.
Sensationalism level: The Sun. Or maybe the BILD, if you’re from Germany.
If you’re talking world bosses they cap out already.
If you mean dungeons, torment does not do “a crapton of damage”. The best case scenario is that you’ll be able to maintain 10 stacks. This is worth less than 10 bleeds.
Nobody will move the boss and sacrifice hb/lava font/ice/meteor showers for your pitiful 10 torment. Nobody will give you time to spawn clones and tick conditions when the boss should be dead in under a minute. Nobody will ever be deluded enough to think that scepter conditions are more valuable to bring than another power spec.
Nobody will welcome a condition scepter mesmer in PvE. Expecting upkeep of less than 10 stacks of torment to make a difference is ridiculous.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
Nobody will give you time to spawn clones and tick conditions when the boss should be dead in under a minute. Nobody will ever be deluded enough to think that scepter conditions are more valuable to bring than another power spec.
This is ignoring the problem that it is quite likely that power-shatter would just deal more per-clone damage with them, anyhow.
Yeah, PvE isn’t suddenly going to be taken over by condi-Mesmers, hate to burst that bubble but relying on condis for damage isn’t a good plan unless you are soloing.
If you’re talking world bosses they cap out already.
If you mean dungeons, torment does not do “a crapton of damage”. The best case scenario is that you’ll be able to maintain 10 stacks. This is worth less than 10 bleeds.
Nobody will move the boss and sacrifice hb/lava font/ice/meteor showers for your pitiful 10 torment. Nobody will give you time to spawn clones and tick conditions when the boss should be dead in under a minute. Nobody will ever be deluded enough to think that scepter conditions are more valuable to bring than another power spec.
Nobody will welcome a condition scepter mesmer in PvE. Expecting upkeep of less than 10 stacks of torment to make a difference is ridiculous.
So what you’re saying is, the boss won’t move on his own? I mean, we can totally keep a boss immobilized forever right?
And which world boss have you been fighting? No world boss I’ve ever fought is full stacked with torment EVER.
The fact is, torment does more damage than bleeds and it will definitely add to the overall dps of the group. It’s not the end all be all, but it sure helps.
Will scepter mesmer be able to hold or cap point in PvP? No.
This is exactly what Helseth (best mesmer universe, so I pretty much trust his opinion) predicts will be true. Condi mesmers won’t even need PU, potentially, and will still have ridiculous 1v1 capability with a completely mindless playstyle. That is a bad thing.
This Torment buff can be good in spvp, where your enemy move. 10 stack of torment is like 15 stack of bleed. Add to that 5 stack of confusion, clones and shatter skills and your condi build is already done.
If you add the torch you play whit torment, burn and confusion whit a lot of illusions and a hide.
I think it’s good.
Another thing you haven’t done is taken into consideration a build.
A PvE Torment build can get 105% more duration on torment. On Sept. 9th, Mesmers with 20 points in Domination, Garlic Kale Sautee and Torment runes will be able to get 12seconds of Torment from Maim the disillusioned, 20 seconds from heal, 4 seconds from the first attack on the Scepter chain, 8s on the second attack and the clone will apply 4s as well.
Add quickness to your auto and the number of condis you can stack just rises like yeasted bread.
Will scepter mesmer be able to hold or cap point in PvP? No.
This is exactly what Helseth (best mesmer universe, so I pretty much trust his opinion) predicts will be true. Condi mesmers won’t even need PU, potentially, and will still have ridiculous 1v1 capability with a completely mindless playstyle. That is a bad thing.
I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one, though I’m still not really convinced they’ll be quite as stupendously strong as he’s saying.
Either way tho, a bad thing like you said.
10 stack upkeep is a best case scenario with doubled durations. Quickness works the same for everybody. Even if you could permanently maintain 25 stacks you would still not do more damage than any other power spec. It still takes you 4+ seconds to reach stack plateau. You are not in a position to talk about high level PvE if most bosses you fight are walking around more than 20% of the fight. Stop Trying.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
(edited by Linnael.1069)
i dont know what u guys are complaining about , there is nothing wrong with the scepter buff , first of all scepter does very low damage so we needed something to compensate that .
You are not in a position to talk about high level PvE if most bosses you fight are walking around more than 20% of the fight. Stop Trying.
What? I don’t even…
Seriously mate, if you want to have a kitten fight with someone, go outside.
As for me, I’m just trying to help bring the right factors to the forefront.
I’m going to assume 14 stacks of torment are on the target at any given time, as this the the amount you can pull off with the specc I’ve put together
The 14 stacks on average last for 8s. For each second, 1 stack does 109 damage when the target isn’t moving.
109 × 14 = 1526 × 8 = 12,208
When the target is moving it does double that amount, so 24,416.
And this is not including might stacks, corruption stacks, or other on the spot damage boosts.
In my mind, that’s pretty substantial for a single condition.
Also, just to clarify, I’m not saying that everyone is going to want condition Mesmers over DPS classes (because frankly that will never happen until anet changes dungeon ai mechanics). I’m just suggesting that this condition on the Scepter is great additional damage since it is rarely stacked by most players.
(edited by Dirame.8521)
You are not in a position to talk about high level PvE if most bosses you fight are walking around more than 20% of the fight. Stop Trying.
What? I don’t even…
Seriously mate, if you want to have a kitten fight with someone, go outside.
As for me, I’m just trying to help bring the right factors to the forefront.
I’m going to assume 14 stacks of torment are on the target at any given time, as this the the amount you can pull off with the specc I’ve put together
The 14 stacks on average last for 8s. For each second, 1 stack does 109 damage when the target isn’t moving.
109 × 14 = 1526 × 8 = 12,208
When the target is moving it does double that amount, so 24,416.
And this is not including might stacks, corruption stacks, or other on the spot damage boosts.In my mind, that’s pretty substantial for a single condition.
Also, just to clarify, I’m not saying that everyone is going to want condition Mesmers over DPS classes (because frankly that will never happen until anet changes dungeon ai mechanics). I’m just suggesting that this condition on the Scepter is great additional damage since it is rarely stacked by most players.
it looks insane but by that time it will be already cleansed .
Think you guys are forgetting about all the confusion & bleeding & burning a condition mesmer can stack on with that torment, Torment which will deal double damage to moving targets.
Also there is the fact that with runes & food that torment can have around double duration. Which could bump the number of stacks up to around 14-16
May not have much AOE or burst but the amount of condition damage is just insane.
And if carried to Spvp with a similar build there just isn’t enough condition cleansing to beat it.
Only way to counter it will be to hope you get lucky & can burst them down extremely fast which likely won’t happen due to stealth skills.
You are not in a position to talk about high level PvE if most bosses you fight are walking around more than 20% of the fight. Stop Trying.
What? I don’t even…
Seriously mate, if you want to have a kitten fight with someone, go outside.
As for me, I’m just trying to help bring the right factors to the forefront.
I’m going to assume 14 stacks of torment are on the target at any given time, as this the the amount you can pull off with the specc I’ve put together
The 14 stacks on average last for 8s. For each second, 1 stack does 109 damage when the target isn’t moving.
109 × 14 = 1526 × 8 = 12,208
When the target is moving it does double that amount, so 24,416.
And this is not including might stacks, corruption stacks, or other on the spot damage boosts.In my mind, that’s pretty substantial for a single condition.
Also, just to clarify, I’m not saying that everyone is going to want condition Mesmers over DPS classes (because frankly that will never happen until anet changes dungeon ai mechanics). I’m just suggesting that this condition on the Scepter is great additional damage since it is rarely stacked by most players.
it looks insane but by that time it will be already cleansed .
Considering same mesmer can also apply confusion, bleeding & burns then just stealth reset the fight & re apply them good luck.
3 Clones, Earth sigil, Sharpened images, Condi DMG/Precision build.
Edit: Clone attack time 2s, so it’s 2 Bleed stacks, 3 torment stacks per second from auto attack.
Still at a rough equilibrium value of 4 bleeds 6 torment from AA alone, this is about 1600 DPS from range on a bunkery build using no skills whatsoever.
(edited by GoodWithGravy.8019)
Will scepter mesmer be able to hold or cap point in PvP? No.
Why not? What thought process brought you to this assumption?
Will scepter mesmer be able to hold or cap point in PvP? No.
Why not? What thought process brought you to this assumption?
He assumes (wrongly) that “Scepter Mesmer” means “Prismatic Understanding” Mesmer.
these forums are what is wrong with the mesmer community. so many people just say things with no facts at all.. "after patch a condi mesmer can hold a point without stalth
blah blah blah..
stop blindly listening to every word helseth says. im guessing the main reason he wants you to focus on the torment buff is because he dosent want you to focus on the IE buff that benefits his build. if you put up 3 scepter clones and 3 staff clones with ie you are thinking the scepter clones will be the top damage, seems very unlikely to me.
these forums are what is wrong with the mesmer community. so many people just say things with no facts at all.. "after patch a condi mesmer can hold a point without stalth
blah blah blah..stop blindly listening to every word helseth says. im guessing the main reason he wants you to focus on the torment buff is because he dosent want you to focus on the IE buff that benefits his build. if you put up 3 scepter clones and 3 staff clones with ie you are thinking the scepter clones will be the top damage, seems very unlikely to me.
Blindly listening? Who exactly are you to tell me that your word on this issue means more than one of the top players of GW2?
And yeah, IE will benefit staff clones, but thats totally fine in his build (mirror blade too) because he actually shatters instead of letting them autoattack.
You’d have to factor in the RNG of getting of getting a burn over a bleed or vuln, but I doubt the much faster hits would out DPS a guaranteed torment attack, when torment is stronger than 2/3 of the staff autos possible outcomes, on a moving target, and we can assume that in pvp, the target will be moving.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
these forums are what is wrong with the mesmer community. so many people just say things with no facts at all.. "after patch a condi mesmer can hold a point without stalth
blah blah blah..stop blindly listening to every word helseth says. im guessing the main reason he wants you to focus on the torment buff is because he dosent want you to focus on the IE buff that benefits his build. if you put up 3 scepter clones and 3 staff clones with ie you are thinking the scepter clones will be the top damage, seems very unlikely to me.
Prepare to have you mind blow mesmer holding points in Soloq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY8Y7pvQQuA
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
prepare to have your mind blown.. this isnt a condi mesmer.
this is the opposite of a pu mesmer. it is a mesmer who is relying on reducing the cooldown between blocks and stalling while they are on cooldown. it is like the immortal mesmer kinda. and is in no way related to the conversation.
if this guy is going to stop blocking and stalling to 3 chain an auto attack with scepter he will defeat the whole purpose of his own build.
so im not sure how this post is relevant to a conversation about torment on auto attack chain being op.
these forums are what is wrong with the mesmer community. so many people just say things with no facts at all.. "after patch a condi mesmer can hold a point without stalth
blah blah blah..stop blindly listening to every word helseth says. im guessing the main reason he wants you to focus on the torment buff is because he dosent want you to focus on the IE buff that benefits his build. if you put up 3 scepter clones and 3 staff clones with ie you are thinking the scepter clones will be the top damage, seems very unlikely to me.
Prepare to have you mind blow mesmer holding points in Soloq https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY8Y7pvQQuA
lolz wp’d but knowing how people are on here, they will probably say it’s not ToL or Team Arena so it doesn’t count!
Edit – also not a condi mesmer but still holds point well.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Blindly listening? Who exactly are you to tell me that your word on this issue means more than one of the top players of GW2?
How does he rank in the “top players”?
Out of curiosity, how is his team doing in the current ToL?
But yeah, if he has an opinion, he is welcome to come to the forums himself and state it. It comes off as if you cannot come to your own conclusions, when all you do is regurgitate what someone else said. Whats worse is they said it with just as much speculation and assumption, and no more experience with it in practice, then anyone else, that their opinion has no more value then the average joe.
yes.. what actually counts is if your version of bunker is relevant in comparison to the alternitives.. at any point would you say we need a mesmer bunker for this team. if that is not the case then you are really just trying to force a square peg into a round hole. so with enough effort a mesmer can be a very kittenty guardian. is that what the complaint about the patch notes is about?
I really don’t care, as the scepter will still fail in PvE.
What surprises me is the ridiculous amount of pitiful whining in the PvP community.
Dear lord, if I have to read one more comment that refers to the change as “cancer” or “cancerous”, as if the mesmer becomes something that has to be annihilated for the better of all, I think I will report those posts for abusive language.
That bloody talk reminds me of the kind of talk in the 3rd reich…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
PvE (and, to a lesser extent, WvW) still doesn’t matter for balancing. I really do hope ArenaNet tested the changes in a tPvP environment (also in 1v1, while it’s not an official gamemode they still happen).
I’m mainly with Helseth here, a build that kills people by doing nothing but dodging and spamming auto attacks shouldn’t exist at all.
Raise Awareness: Helseth on Mesmer RU
i dont agree with the torment changes.. but to say auto attacking will be what they will do is kinda silly. why wouldnt they block? stun? iduelist? i guess channeling the confusion isnt super.. but almost every option they have on their skill bar is still better then thier auto attack. unless they run torch i guess which is purely defensive.
ya.. but helseth kinda just rants.. and mostly in a character that isnt even his personaliy. if you are going to take every word he says serious then im not sure you get the joke he is playing on you.. it is like you are being trolled by him.
ya.. but helseth kinda just rants.. and mostly in a character that isnt even his personaliy. if you are going to take every word he says serious then im not sure you get the joke he is playing on you.. it is like you are being trolled by him.
Its not just helseth saying so many high rated players are saying its a ridiculous change because it is that stupid. Its getting the most backlash of all proposed changes for a reason. PU condi mesmer with scepter is already strong and brainless there is no risk in that spec and its survivability is insane.
Also you wont even need to run the pu trait condi memser is still strong without it. Pu condi mesmer is already more brainless that a warrior there is no reason to make it viable in spvp considering that effort involved to play it. Also its going to have a big impact of small group roaming in wvw. PU condi memser is already bad enough there.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Consider the following: The Mesmer never actually needs to auto attack to stack Torment.
Any clone created at all while wielding scepter will cause Torment on their attacks. The Mesmer never actually has to land an auto attack if he doesn’t want to. However, if his other skills are on cooldown, why not stack more torment on you as well as making any clone killing you do utterly pointless?
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. If it wasn’t specifically on the first part of the scepter auto attack, there wouldn’t be a problem. If it were on any other weapon, this wouldn’t be a problem. But it is, so the clones will stack it even as they are being endlessly generated. Cleansing will be utterly pointless because the clone stacking is back up at max within 2 seconds and killing a clone is pointless because it will be up again within 2 seconds.
ya.. i say get rid of pu.. and make it something more skillfull. i dont care if the torment buff stays or go.. but i think there is a problem with buffing and nerfing based on theory crafting without playtesting.
this stuff was so much smoother on wow.. when everyone can just hop on the test server and make an educated statment on the forums. not this nonsense.
edit: pretty much what im saying is every thing people are saying here is uneducated and speculation and should hold no weight at all.
(edited by zaxon.6819)
We’re pretty much all in agreement here. Regardless of whether or not you think this will allow condiscepter mesmer to hold/cap in PvP, we all know that allowing it to do so by giving it this mindless, counter-free playstyle is a bad change.
The only people who are in support of this change are the people who think that this will cause condition scepter mesmer to suddenly become viable in PvE. I have yet to hear a convincing statement in support of that claim.
Elementalist – Necromancer – Warrior
i agree. i do agree scepter needs something.. but i think torment is overkill.
give it the same treatment staff gets. 3 random conditions is the best way to be sure you arent stacking any one thing 3×. every condition is pretty strong if you have 3 clones stacking it.. 3 cripples = perma cripple on any target. 3 vuln may be the least damaging and still helpful to the condi mesmer. perma weakness/chill/blind/ really all of them are op if you have 3 targets stacking it.
We can be sure this thread is just about duelist whining. Because no high ranking tpvp will take a scepter condi mesmer still, no dungeon will either, and the only benefit is in WvW roaming in which PU isn’t even the best roaming class since it has no mobility whatsoever so any decent guild group or zerg can come wipe him out unlike a harassing thief who is pretty much immune to dying.
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
Taken on its own, its not bad, but when paired with a build…… you’ve just got to laugh
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
You can take it out when you nerf the condition cleanse of guardian stacking and ele water fields and warrior constant cleansing and immunities.
You should have tried playing a necro before they got dhuumfire and terror there was a reason nobody used them.
Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
You can take it out when you nerf the condition cleanse of guardian stacking and ele water fields and warrior constant cleansing and immunities.
You should have tried playing a necro before they got dhuumfire and terror there was a reason nobody used them.
Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.
I play both a guardian and an ele. I know exactly how much heavily defensive traiting it takes to acquire that level of condition removal, and let me tell you that it takes far more investment than a simple autoattack with some condition damage gear.
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
You can take it out when you nerf the condition cleanse of guardian stacking and ele water fields and warrior constant cleansing and immunities.
You should have tried playing a necro before they got dhuumfire and terror there was a reason nobody used them.
Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.
I play both a guardian and an ele. I know exactly how much heavily defensive traiting it takes to acquire that level of condition removal, and let me tell you that it takes far more investment than a simple autoattack with some condition damage gear.
Have you tried not trying to constantly be condition-free? Because that will get you killed quickly against condition builds. On my necro, it’s very, very rare that I ever feel I need anything more than Consume Conditions, because I know when using cleanses is actually worth it.
Oh and don’t forget that scepter mesmer can hit highest cond.dmg stat in game i think if not highest then second best…
“Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.”
Condi ele didnt exist cause Ele can apply 2 (two) damaging conditions burn and bleed and thats it,your reasoning fails here…
But you did pretty much hit the nail with that remark, scepter/torch will now be able to apply all conditions and in pretty high stacks with just one weapon set with right sigils,
and if u add retaliation which mesmers don’t have to look far to get even boons are working for condi memser just blocking and auto attacking,lol
here it took me 10 min to make this ,it will punish you for anything you do while i can apply ALL condition on you in few sec:)
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
It is. Prevalence (and hence per-stack weakness) of conditions and boons in general is pretty meh, too.
But it seems people prefer every tooltip to have some red or yellow icons in them. I’d have only controlled Confusion on the Scepter, and that Confusion to actually do some significant damage instead of being one of a gazillion condi applications I need to do any noticeable damage.
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
You can take it out when you nerf the condition cleanse of guardian stacking and ele water fields and warrior constant cleansing and immunities.
You should have tried playing a necro before they got dhuumfire and terror there was a reason nobody used them.
Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.
I play both a guardian and an ele. I know exactly how much heavily defensive traiting it takes to acquire that level of condition removal, and let me tell you that it takes far more investment than a simple autoattack with some condition damage gear.
As do I, and guess what my D/D ele kittens on any necro any day any time while roaming. Guess what gives my ele a hard time?
Hint, it’s not the condition specs, but rather the kittened thieves and hammer warriors.
And my guardian happens to make the same investment and can afford to run in the melee trains, tanking metric tons of damage while still swinging autoattacks for 3-4k crits and whirling wraths for 6k+.
Good luck in GvG’s with your kittenty condi specs though when you got 4-5 guardians, 3-4 warriors, and several ele water fields chain cleansing all your conditions.
lol if I ever dared to run a grenade engineer half my health is gone from guardian retal in 2 grenade nukes. My power spec ranger in a barrage loses over half his health to the stupid guardians farting protection and stability and might all over while pinballing you with circle of warding and banish and warrior earthshakers.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Condition application on autoattack is still a terrible thing, and this is a terrible idea.
You can take it out when you nerf the condition cleanse of guardian stacking and ele water fields and warrior constant cleansing and immunities.
You should have tried playing a necro before they got dhuumfire and terror there was a reason nobody used them.
Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.
I play both a guardian and an ele. I know exactly how much heavily defensive traiting it takes to acquire that level of condition removal, and let me tell you that it takes far more investment than a simple autoattack with some condition damage gear.
As do I, and guess what my D/D ele kittens on any necro any day any time while roaming. Guess what gives my ele a hard time?
Hint, it’s not the condition specs, but rather the kittened thieves and hammer warriors.
And my guardian happens to make the same investment and can afford to run in the melee trains, tanking metric tons of damage while still swinging autoattacks for 3-4k crits and whirling wraths for 6k+.
Good luck in GvG’s with your kittenty condi specs though when you got 4-5 guardians, 3-4 warriors, and several ele water fields chain cleansing all your conditions.
lol if I ever dared to run a grenade engineer half my health is gone from guardian retal in 2 grenade nukes. My power spec ranger in a barrage loses over half his health to the stupid guardians farting protection and stability and might all over while pinballing you with circle of warding and banish and warrior earthshakers.
lol GvG.
Will scepter mesmer be even a mildly acceptable PvE condition build? No.
Torment does a crap ton of damage. Being one of the only classes that can stack a large amount of it, it will be more than welcome in PvE.
when compared to bleed stacking, no, it doesnt.
Oh and don’t forget that scepter mesmer can hit highest cond.dmg stat in game i think if not highest then second best…
“Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.”Condi ele didnt exist cause Ele can apply 2 (two) damaging conditions burn and bleed and thats it,your reasoning fails here…
But you did pretty much hit the nail with that remark, scepter/torch will now be able to apply all conditions and in pretty high stacks with just one weapon set with right sigils,
and if u add retaliation which mesmers don’t have to look far to get even boons are working for condi memser just blocking and auto attacking,lolhere it took me 10 min to make this ,it will punish you for anything you do while i can apply ALL condition on you in few sec:)
I’m not going to get into how bad this build is.
When you make a build, and you claim something is going to be powerful, make a build that
A) works
B) shows why its going to be powerful
So far, in the supported game mode which is team pvp
I have not seen a PU build that works, while being effective in the supported game modes presented in this game.
Unless someone would like to post statistics which prove the effectiveness of a condi-PU mesmer outside of 1v1’s?
Oh and don’t forget that scepter mesmer can hit highest cond.dmg stat in game i think if not highest then second best…
“Pretty much also the reason condi ele hasn’t existed, because when condi application is cooldown based it can’t possibly keep up with the current state of cleanses and burst.”Condi ele didnt exist cause Ele can apply 2 (two) damaging conditions burn and bleed and thats it,your reasoning fails here…
But you did pretty much hit the nail with that remark, scepter/torch will now be able to apply all conditions and in pretty high stacks with just one weapon set with right sigils,
and if u add retaliation which mesmers don’t have to look far to get even boons are working for condi memser just blocking and auto attacking,lolhere it took me 10 min to make this ,it will punish you for anything you do while i can apply ALL condition on you in few sec:)
I’m not going to get into how bad this build is.
When you make a build, and you claim something is going to be powerful, make a build that
A) works
B) shows why its going to be powerfulSo far, in the supported game mode which is team pvp
I have not seen a PU build that works, while being effective in the supported game modes presented in this game.
Unless someone would like to post statistics which prove the effectiveness of a condi-PU mesmer outside of 1v1’s?
Why are you complaining about this build as a PU build? It doesn’t even have a Grandmaster Major in any trait line.
here it took me 10 min to make this ,it will punish you for anything you do while i can apply ALL condition on you in few sec:)
That’s one counterproductive build you’ve got there. I hope I see lots of Mesmers using such random trait combinations. I do like me some free kills