Skull fear (Stolen skill)
It’s very powerful indeed, perhaps it should either have its duration reduced by 1 second or be a single target spell?
This is a new one i must say….
It has a visible animation, long cast time, needs the thief to be in melee (or else duration is laughable), can be blocked by aegis, stability or blind.
I am playinge necro and yeah its a bit anyoing but i dont feel its to strong , u know how happy i am when i 1v1 thief and he is trying to fear me but i use dagger transfr and i fear him :P
I am playinge necro and yeah its a bit anyoing but i dont feel its to strong , u know how happy i am when i 1v1 thief and he is trying to fear me but i use dagger transfr and i fear him :P
This, but it is really annoying…
But then again thieves and mesmer are annoying professions to begin with.
It has a visible animation, long cast time, needs the thief to be in melee (or else duration is laughable), can be blocked by aegis, stability or blind.
It can be covered with stealth though, although this applies to pretty much everything. I don’t think this will cause revealed though since it’s just applying a condition (similar to how choking gas doesn’t reveal), although I’m not 100% sure.
The main other way to count it is to try and prevent their steal from hitting, which generally requires you to read when they’ll do it and dodge it, blind them, or whatnot.
TBH I wouldn’t mind if it were toned down a bit, but if you dial it down too much then it will end up being next to useless.
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
Glad you like walking into Spectral Wall.
A couple of times.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Its a strong skill sure… but really it’s not that bad. So thief have a decent CC when fighting one specific class? Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns so I cant see why them having one situational one is a problem.
Gunnar’s Hold
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
S/P doesn’t have stealth for you to worry about. Dodge Skull Fear. Fear chaining is longer duration from ranged, and has to be countered via stability, bcs a single stun break won’t help. If fear chains from range are acceptable, it’s hard to explain away why a 3 second melee range fear that can only be done vs 1 profession isn’t.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
S/P doesn’t have stealth for you to worry about. Dodge Skull Fear. Fear chaining is longer duration from ranged, and has to be countered via stability, bcs a single stun break won’t help. If fear chains from range are acceptable, it’s hard to explain away why a 3 second melee range fear that can only be done vs 1 profession isn’kittens
AOE fear not vs 1 and necro fear chain can fear u for 3s becouse necros dont run 30 in spite anymore so the fears are not so long
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
S/P doesn’t have stealth for you to worry about. Dodge Skull Fear. Fear chaining is longer duration from ranged, and has to be countered via stability, bcs a single stun break won’t help. If fear chains from range are acceptable, it’s hard to explain away why a 3 second melee range fear that can only be done vs 1 profession isn’kittens
AOE fear not vs 1 and necro fear chain can fear u for 3s becouse necros dont run 30 in spite anymore so the fears are not so long
Points that weren’t covered:
- Ranged fear available to necro
- Runes of the Nightmare extend fear duration
- Skull Fear is only available if you are vs a Necro
- Melee range to get the full 3 seconds
- Thief has hardly any AoE synergy to combine with fear (condi’s, terror, etc.)
- etc.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
(edited by Shockwave.1230)
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
S/P doesn’t have stealth for you to worry about. Dodge Skull Fear. Fear chaining is longer duration from ranged, and has to be countered via stability, bcs a single stun break won’t help. If fear chains from range are acceptable, it’s hard to explain away why a 3 second melee range fear that can only be done vs 1 profession isn’kittens
AOE fear not vs 1 and necro fear chain can fear u for 3s becouse necros dont run 30 in spite anymore so the fears are not so long
Points that weren’t covered:
- Ranged fear available to necro
- Runes of the Nightmare extend fear duration
- Skull Fear is only available if you are vs a Necro
- Melee range to get the full 3 seconds
- Thief has hardly any AoE synergy to combine with fear (condi’s, terror, etc.)
- etc.
- Ranged fear available to necro – i dont see any problem with that , i magine necro with mele fear :P
- Runes of the Nightmare extend fear duration – yes they are couse most necro is trying to go more defensive and not put any taits into spite tree (coni duration) with those runes + fear duartion trait mark fear is 1,5s + ds fear 1,5s or 2s under 600 units so in best scenario u will get +3s fear.Not gonna talk about 6th bouns of those runes becouse i agree its broken.
- Skull Fear is only available if you are vs a Necro – yes ofc
- Melee range to get the full 3 seconds – good thief wont go into melee is he wont be able to have some shadostep or smt rdy
- Thief has hardly any AoE synergy to combine with fear (condi’s, terror, etc.) – he dont need any more aoe , thats why thief uslualy use that fear to kill necro. Necro need to play deffensive , take some highground , thief can alway jump hm with steal , then fear and do dmg , if necro dont have any stubreaks rdy or lf the thief can kill him pretty fast but ofc its sytuational.
I dont find skull fear to strong or anything and i dont know why we even discusss this here :P
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
atse at his best. So, how does the Necro do this exactly?
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
atse at his best. So, how does the Necro do this exactly?
With atse’s assistance, several times in a row!
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
i dont see anything worng when necro lose to for example s/d thief , good s/d should kill necro in 1v1
Its not like they have much else in the way of stuns
Pistol whip would like to have a word with you.
And while you’re using a Sword in your mainhand, you also have Tactical Strike for a 2s Daze. Throw in Basalisk Venom elite and thats quite a few CCs a Thief can suddenly push out, not considering Headshot as its mostly an interupt.
Then Stealing a 3sec AoE fear or a 4sec single-target Daze (from guardians) can create a very nasty chain of CC.
OK let me rephrase this slightly.
They have other CCs and can create a decent CC chain like any class can, but most of them are short duration interupt style skills rather than long pin-you-to-the-floor CCs like you see from warriors or even mesmers and necros. Their stolen CCs are not turning them into OP CC machines, just giving them the chance to create a nice CC chain like others can on specific builds.
Gunnar’s Hold
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
Except a Necro has to significantly build and give up other things to get 4 fears. There is only 1 fear built into the class, and 1 from staff. After that you need runes, traits, utility skills, or corrupting stability.
Not saying that Skull Fear is too strong, but it isn’t comparable to necros who have to put a lot in to get high fear durations, and a thief who uses their class mechanic to.
lol, you know it’s a sad state of affairs when people complain about stolen skills now. Last time, it was the stolen stun (bone crack).
People will not be happy until thieves are walking loot bags. If stolen fear is causing you to lose, it’s a L2P issue.
If they nerfed it I wouldnt be mad. Its a really long cast time and usually gets you killed jn a team fight, and against anecro Its only really good for getting them off of a node. People who want it nerfed will still die to the thief even if it was, and people who dont think it needs a nerf probably dont have much problems with it.
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
atse at his best. So, how does the Necro do this exactly?
With atse’s assistance, several times in a row!
I’ll take a swing at it…
1. Nightmare rune proc from being hit
2. Followed up with reaper’s mark
3. Send target running through spectral wall
4. Hit target with doom
Can also use corrupt boon or well of corruption if you manage to remove stability.
Don’t forget how the 6/6/6/6/6 evil Necro man does that every 5 seconds or so.
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
atse at his best. So, how does the Necro do this exactly?
With atse’s assistance, several times in a row!
I’ll take a swing at it…
1. Nightmare rune proc from being hit
2. Followed up with reaper’s mark
3. Send target running through spectral wall
4. Hit target with doomCan also use corrupt boon or well of corruption if you manage to remove stability.
Pretty optimistic scenario :P
To all peope: I suggested this nerf after I found out that this skill was a big AOE fear. Ofc it can t be too UP. I suggest nerfing the skill to 2,1.5 and 1 sec.
Now my awnsers on the thief players who called L2P:
And chain fear is not OP? When a necro fears you 4 times in a row and you only have 2 stunbreaks. Necro lost to a thief= l2p.
4 times fear of 1 sec isn t that much. Ofc you have to run Runes of the Nightmare and Spectral wall. If a thief keeps walking into a spectral wall, yes this is an L2P issue.
lol, you know it’s a sad state of affairs when people complain about stolen skills now. Last time, it was the stolen stun (bone crack).
People will not be happy until thieves are walking loot bags. If stolen fear is causing you to lose, it’s a L2P issue.
I never said it caused me to lose, I said that this skill is a bit OP for an AOE fear from such a strong class with loads of CC.
-This stolen skill can be used in stealth and will let you stay in stealth. Good oppertunity to strike your foe hard.
- I made this tread to let this stolen skill to compensate with the other stolen skills.
I don t want to make anyone mad.