A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
So FGS mobility skills are now affected by mobility imparing condition but NOT by swiftness.
While warrior GS3-5 and sw2 were untouched.
Can we get an eta on a proper nerf on warrior skills since are exactly the same (but better)?
The fact that i remember who wanted to nerf FGS mobility and even worse: when, makes me really lose any hope for any balance in the future…
The bias is strong in that one.
Or maybe we deserve a WWW balance team for once? so PvP devs can do whatever they want?
P.S. before anyone try to say fgs4 has shorter CD, remember that it has no weapon swap and no summon CD.
(edited by LordByron.8369)
But, but, but… in Karl’s words… Warriors have great mobility so let’s look at their condition removal!
The fact that supposed WWW warriors weakness (condi removal) is exactly one of their better strenghts tells a lot about WWW balance.
They even added some because….you know if they went afk they risked to lose a fight.
Eh… Warriors don’t have a line-charge on their GS?
What does one have to do with the other? They did nerf all such abilities, compare Norn Bear/Wolf form. Mind you against players damage should have gone up on the FGS if anything since the final strike hits hard and slightly more reliably.
Also, FGS4 now doesn’t charge as far as before, but FGS3 charges a further.
Eh… Warriors don’t have a line-charge on their GS?
What does one have to do with the other? They did nerf all such abilities, compare Norn Bear/Wolf form. Mind you against players damage should have gone up on the FGS if anything since the final strike hits hard and slightly more reliably.
You didn t read the topic it seems.
Distance not damage.
Nothing is written in patch about what they did to MOBILITY of said skills.
While everyone knows what happened to damage.
If its to hard to understand forget about fgs4 and consider FGS 3
(edited by LordByron.8369)
let me get this straight
ANet nerfed your extra weapon and you blaming warriors for that and want their
main weapon nerved (which is already nerfed) , right ?
So FGS mobility skills are now affected by mobility imparing condition but NOT by swiftness.
While warrior GS3-5 and sw2 were untouched.
Not sure I understand, Warriors GS 3 and GS5 are already and have been since Beta been affected by cripple/chill/immobilize. That’s actually a primary reason why Warriors were given more movement condition reduction traits (i.e. Dogged March).
Mobile Strikes trait has always existed but is really really bad/outdated and no Warrior takes this trait in any build anymore.
TL;DR Warrior skills were untouched because they have always acted in the ‘nerfed-version’ Elementalists got this last patch.
Yes, lets nerf everything about the Warrior! While we are on the subject why not mention ranger’s swoop, monarch’s leap, guardian’s leap of faith because they are all the same skills as the ones on fgs am i right? Or the mobility on sword for thief.
Sw2 doesn’t even have a lot of mobility.
If you don t get it:
Warrior GS3-5 Is affected by BOTH cripple/chill etc AND swiftness
So was FGS
The patch made so that:
FGS is affected by chill/cripple etc but NOT by swiftness
Also reduced FGS3 speed and FGS4 range.
Where is the balance in that?
And we already got RTL and LF nerfed already.
P.S. sw2 doesn t have mobility? i have a warrior too… please.
Played around with FGS last night and FGS3 seemed to work as usual, but FGS4 didn’t seem get affected by swiftness (when theres no target in range that is). On the other hand, FGS4 wasn’t that good mobility skill anyways if you didn’t have a nearby target you could run to.
Oh and, Sw2 has never been affected by swiftness. So, you can scratch that off, mmk?
LF is balanced in every way and RTL is rather balanced as well, we could argue if the miss CD should be decresed to 30 seconds. But all in all, those two skills are fine at the moment.
Oh and, I don’t know why you had to pull Warrior GS in to this mess, they have nothing to do with ele FGS nerf/bug.
You tested it wrong .
let me get this straight
ANet nerfed your extra weapon and you blaming warriors for that and want their
main weapon nerved (which is already nerfed) , right ?
Also, stop compairing two classes in a vacuum.
Or, give me 2 more weapon sets I can swap to.
Seems more like a FGS bug than a stealth nerf to me though… I would suggest just fixing that before crying for nerfs to other professions. Nobody likes to be nerfed unless it’s absolutely necessary. :/
Yes, lets nerf everything about the Warrior! While we are on the subject why not mention ranger’s swoop, monarch’s leap, guardian’s leap of faith because they are all the same skills as the ones on fgs am i right? Or the mobility on sword for thief.
Sw2 doesn’t even have a lot of mobility.
Ranger’s swoop is heavily influenced by movement impairing abilities
let me get this straight
ANet nerfed your extra weapon and you blaming warriors for that and want their
main weapon nerved (which is already nerfed) , right ?This.
Also, stop compairing two classes in a vacuum.
Or, give me 2 more weapon sets I can swap to.
Wait what, you have 20 weapon skills no matter what weapons you pick, plus up to another five for each utility slot (bar healing skill).
The absolute minimum amount of skills you’ll have (bar skill chains) is 25.
The maximum is 41.
This is, again, not including skill chains.
Yes, lets nerf everything about the Warrior! While we are on the subject why not mention ranger’s swoop, monarch’s leap, guardian’s leap of faith because they are all the same skills as the ones on fgs am i right? Or the mobility on sword for thief.
Sw2 doesn’t even have a lot of mobility.
Ranger’s swoop is heavily influenced by movement impairing abilities
So is a Warrior’s Rush, Savage Leap and Whirlwind
Wait what, you have 20 weapon skills no matter what weapons you pick, plus up to another five for each utility slot (bar healing skill).
The absolute minimum amount of skills you’ll have (bar skill chains) is 25.
The maximum is 41.
This is, again, not including skill chains.
Didn’t you run right into that one? Proved his point and all, it’s pointless to compare classes in a vacuum.
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