The New CDI Topics

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: borya.2964


WvW solo roaming/ small scale (85%), PVE/living story (10%), duels (5%).
Playing a condi regen bunker (main char).

I wont discuss pet mechanism, we need changes and i want to keep my pet and i dont want a lazy class.

Main issues :
- Lack access to condition removal wich is mostly in addition a penalty (dead of the pet)
- Lack access to boons (talking for all rangers)

In addition :
- We cant remove boons.
- We cant transfer boons.
- We cant transform conditions into boons.

There is something here we can do with our own class mechanism. Be creative. Pets could rip a boon from a foe to himelf, troll unguent : You and your pet regenerate health over time, all incoming conditions are converting into boons and transfer to your pet…

Coffin Rehearsal X – Bunker Roaming Ranger
Tchuu Tchuu Im A Train [TCHU] – Gandara

(edited by borya.2964)

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: kyubi.3620


Since we about to gain a new stat called ferocity one things come to my mind

Beast mastery traitline suposedly adds +300 to all main stat, If we consider that power, precision, vitality, thoughness are main stat could we actualy think of Ferocity behing a new main stat as a +300 bonus as well? This would definitively make puting 30 in BM help the pet deal better damage as +300 ferocity give the pet a slight increase of about 25 to 28 bonus critical damage (if we consider traiting 30 in a spec that gives critical damage give 30 critical damage and that ferocity is suposed to be near 28% at 300 point). If you add the ferocity to the 300 in all stat a BM get maybe we can actualy make pet somewhat a little more better to run damage Wise to fill for all the nerf it took, Pet defintively didnt need to be nerfed with all the problem to AI it got and how easy it is to evade it. If the issue was PVP damage ranger pet is likely one of the easyest spec to counter in the game likely because of how easy the pet is to avoid and how the ranger who rely on pet loose a most of its damage the moment the pet becomes unable to hit wich is likely most of the time. If the build is weak in pvp it should at least be worth its gold shine in pve but the pet actualy gets constantly killed from aoe it cannot dodge. Considering the pet cannot use food has very poor critical damage,and no damage scaling how is it supose to be any good in late game pve to begin with save for a pet tanking ranger wich is still bad in all aspect of the end game play.

Critical damage was a offset stat like boon duration and condition duration. If it becomes scaled on a main stat such as ferocity will it actualy be added to the +300 to all main stat pet formula?

Regardless of this change how much do Anet plan to improve on pet damage for true pet specialist who actualy care to put that 30 point in BM and roll their build entirely around glass cannoning a lion tamer, because yes true user of the beast mastery tree could realy use a major improvement to the pet damage in pve.

Crystal Desert, The Darknest Community P.E.T.A.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3

(edited by kyubi.3620)

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Paulie.6215


When people post their suggestions here I hope they know the devs aren’t looking here for official CDI write ups/suggestions.

Fast forward to people being mad about the devs ignoring their “amazing ranger suggestions.” Lol

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xallever.1874


What’s different about posting the balances on the ranger here than the one over at the other one? (

Devs won’t read them unless they were posted in CDI threads? How did they decide on the previous balances then (before the CDI initiatives)? What’s different with the CDI initiatives?

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aggrostemma.1703


I agree with Prysin too…

#I no words have"

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

+1 for Prysin

Our profession mechanic plays differently in smaller scale play and larger scale play, it plays differently versus a human opponent and an AI opponent, between those two it becomes a completely different experience in every game-mode. Open-world PvE (Tank), Dungeon PvE (Yo-yo DoT), sPvP/WvWhavok (pocket control), zerg WvW (hip-holstered F2).

It ends up feeling like Ranger doesn’t have an actual cohesive gameplay.

Calling it a pet class feels like a superficial classification, because it doesn’t inform what that actually means for the player in terms of overall gameplay or combat niche. It’s like saying your profession is the ‘combo fields’ class. It’s a description of what a Ranger has not what they do with it.

As a result it’s not very clear where to take suggestions for improvement without defining a direction.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jcbroe.4329



Specifically for when you start the ranger CDI on Monday, could you please, please, please try to incorporate the devs stance on or knowledge of any of the things discussed in the ranger balance thread (

Otherwise, the entire CDI is going to become an exercise in copying and pasting, and I don’t personally believe that any net progress will be made. However, if you start off by saying what you have already taken away from the existing topic, it will let the players know what they no longer need to discuss, which will open up opportunity to either have discussions about new driving topics/ideas, or have discussions about what wasn’t taken down from all of those player discussions in that thread and why.


The ranger community really needs to know what stance the devs have for the ranger class and what you guys are already aware of and know, so that we can avoid repetition and turning the CDI into an exercise of copy/pasting with no true progress gained from the experience.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

When people post their suggestions here I hope they know the devs aren’t looking here for official CDI write ups/suggestions.

Fast forward to people being mad about the devs ignoring their “amazing ranger suggestions.” Lol

They’ve been ignoring our suggestions since Day1. I think we’re mostly used to it by now.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


If you are still here, lurking, can you and the developers please sit down and write a official statement as to what YOU envision the ranger to be.
Yes, Mr Peters, or i think it was him, did state it was intended by all purposes to be “The Pet Profession” however it is very clear that it does not fulfill this role appropriately. This has been stated so many times by now that the developers also should have noticed the blatant lack of pet performance.

What i wish for, is for ArenaNet LLC to make a proper official statement, as to their goals (Not your ongoing projects) for the ranger profession as a whole. What do you guys and gals think the ranger profession should excel at.
Why should you write such a statement?
Because we, the players, can make a billion suggestions, however we can make a billion suggestions suggesting something that completely contradicts you guys vision, and as thus, the vast majority of these suggestions will not be very helpful to you, nor us.

So in order to be as constructive, specific and thematically correct as possible, we, the players, should be presented with some official guidelines as to what you, the developers, want the profession to evolve into.
This is not a single skill, this is an entire profession we are looking at. Going at it without any proper guidelines to work with will only result in a pile of suggestions asking for power creeps and “make this into a warrior+guard+ele+thief with pet profession”.

Tell us what you want, and we shall in return tell you what we want.

Thank you for this kind sir! However, i feel this is necessary for all classes.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lobo.1296


I don’t disagree with you Prysin (very eloquently written by the way). But I think Anet has provided us with their vision.

Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.

I think that’s a pretty clear vision statement for the class. It’s just the reality doesn’t match the game play.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


I don’t disagree with you Prysin (very eloquently written by the way). But I think Anet has provided us with their vision.

Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.

I think that’s a pretty clear vision statement for the class. It’s just the reality doesn’t match the game play.

Anet also stated, that Warriors should have a hard time against conditions …

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Yes, the previously stated “Goals and visions” for professions are grossly outdated, 2,5-3 years outdated (as those descriptions were made before beta).
Times have changed, Rangers have changed, Tyria has changed, and the current goals and visions for the profession must be “rewritten” and updated.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xallever.1874


Their current vision for the Ranger class may or may not be relevant here. It is possible that they’re finally considering a different vision for the class if the community has a better idea. Thus they asked how we want to see them EVOLVE the class.

I’m not entirely sure what place the ranger class ought to have at the moment. Best single target ranged DPS class? Best single target or AOE cc class?

I just think it’s funny that the staff ele can bring DPS into the table whilst stacking in a dungeon, even though that that weapon seems to be designed for a ranged encounter.

Hunters’ longbow is designed not to work this way. I understand the reasoning behind this, kinda like Mesmers with their Greatsword, but unlike Mes, Hunter’s sword…

(edited by xallever.1874)

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: will de grijze jager.6594

will de grijze jager.6594

an idea let the ranger do 100% of the damage and let the pet do extra damage so like with pet you have 130% and not ranger 70% and pet 30%.

a second one is give ranger more aoe skills

(edited by will de grijze jager.6594)

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

an idea let the ranger do 100% of the damage and let the pet do extra damage so like with pet you have 130% and not ranger 70% and pet 30%.

a second one is give ranger more aoe skills

What if Rangers gained might/fury when their pet died? I know I would be pretty furious if someone offed my pooch.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: will de grijze jager.6594

will de grijze jager.6594

an idea let the ranger do 100% of the damage and let the pet do extra damage so like with pet you have 130% and not ranger 70% and pet 30%.

a second one is give ranger more aoe skills

What if Rangers gained might/fury when their pet died? I know I would be pretty furious if someone offed my pooch.

i don’t think that that would be it. I was think about what you said first but, i think that it would better to give the ranger there 100% damage. And the pet is like the steal and so from other proffs

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

an idea let the ranger do 100% of the damage and let the pet do extra damage so like with pet you have 130% and not ranger 70% and pet 30%.

a second one is give ranger more aoe skills

What if Rangers gained might/fury when their pet died? I know I would be pretty furious if someone offed my pooch.

i don’t think that that would be it. I was think about what you said first but, i think that it would better to give the ranger there 100% damage. And the pet is like the steal and so from other proffs

The only thing that your proposal would do is end up doing is causing Anet to reduce your combined damage output by 30%. The problem with Rangers is not damage output, it a ridiculously kittened pet AI. If you got some sort of sort of powerful boon when you pet dies it might give us a reason not to kill it and you wwould be compensated for your loss. Since it isn’t your faulty Anet programed a kittenty AI.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nova.8021


I wanted to play a ranger from the start, however it seemed lack luster in comparison to the mesmer as far as interesting mechanics go. I gave it another go and I think it still needs some quality of life fixes.

The Pet Menu: It doesn’t give us as much information as the hero menu gives about our hero, it should, this is important for a pet class.

The Bows: For a master of the bow, the class itself seems oddly dull considering other classes can shoot fire and bouncing arrows, why can’t the ranger do this? It should be able to do everything under the sun when it comes to arrows by comparison. Perhaps we can get bow weapon skill swaps?

Bow damage: I know that dodging changes the balancing of this game entirely, but people pick the ranger class often with the intent of kicking some butt with the bow, however that is simply not the case as melee damage is often far superior, and it should be, with the exception of this class IMO. Not to mention in pvp you could just run a circle around the ranger to cancel their channeling shot. They either need a wider arc of firing sight, or just more damage. Something has to happen there.

Pets: Along with the other issues mentioned, they need to be survivable in larger encounters such as LA or WvW. I suggest some sort of passive resistance or a scaling resistance with the number of mobs/players in the area. Once you get in an encounter with 5+ players, the pets just get mowed down on accident often times.

Pets 2: Once you get your juvenile pet, there really isn’t a lot of interaction with them. I had heard that there was once an “evolution” idea with the pets that got axed at or before beta. Perhaps we could revisit that and they could “grow up” at some point through their own leveling system for optimal stats and perhaps the pet would get an anesthetic change of some sort.

Now that would be cool. Stalker could turn into some into some sort of lightning stalker with electricity coming out of it. A bit over the top perhaps, but I think that would be quite enjoyable to see and achieve.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Their current vision for the Ranger class may or may not be relevant here. It is possible that they’re finally considering a different vision for the class if the community has a better idea. Thus they asked how we want to see them EVOLVE the class.

I’m not entirely sure what place the ranger class ought to have at the moment. Best single target ranged DPS class? Best single target or AOE cc class?

I just think it’s funny that the staff ele can bring DPS into the table whilst stacking in a dungeon, even though that that weapon seems to be designed for a ranged encounter.

Hunters’ longbow is designed not to work this way. I understand the reasoning behind this, kinda like Mesmers with their Greatsword, but unlike Mes, Hunter’s sword…

I hate to be negative, but I will tell you what I think when I play another class. When I see a Ranger in WvW what do I think? ………my first target. ie Victim. Of course there are exceptions but I think in general most people think that way.

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


For other classes class mechanic is an extra. For rangers… LoL… You know the answer

Just the WvW

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: selan.8354


well i got some ideas about regular wvw
eotm has some very nicely designed keeps and that covers my first point:
the keeps:
once an enemy zerg gets to the keepgate there should be better otions to defend it. atm the keeps are too simple.first gate goes down then the enemy takes a few step and boom they are already on the next gate pvdooring.
gates need more health
there should be more narrow passages and places for traps so defenders that maybe just got this keep back have at least a chance to hold the zerg off for a while.
have briges in the keep that u can destroy or remove or something like that so the enemy has to either build a new bridge(wasting supply) or find another more dangerous way.
have more gates until they reach the keep lord. make the keeplords and guards stronger(like in eotm) and but also not warbannerable
also eles meteorshowers make the walls almost unpassable. it should be a little safer.
the towers:
also here they should be more complex and harder to reach the towerlord. i like the bloodlust ruined tower carver which gives me an option to pull people off and therefor have at least a little chance to fend off a blob.
the maps:
need to be wayy bigger. the zergs can move around too fast as the main objectives are very close together. also add some walls or something that have to be overcome first before they can reach your garrison. or allow guilds to builds watchtowers or something. in eotm u can also destroy certain bridges and slow down a blob. the current maps have way too much wasted space and the bloodlust area is more of an annoyance then a cool feature.
also the borderlands should be different from each other like in eotm there is the frost area, the desert area and the greener area. this is how the bl should be different.
here again im coming from a wvw pov:
(please split spvp and wvw balance as balance will never happen if this doesnt change)
atm there is 3 dominating classes
then there is necro who has at least great aoe, but bad defensive skills and needs better combat mobility.ds skills are not really that useful and have a really high cd, also ther is a few bugs that come with ds, so please fix.
mesmers have been nerfed so bad that we are either roamers only or veilbot servants.give mesmer viable aoe non ai aoe options, skills and traits. illusions simply dont work well in a zerg and barely any shatter ever hits a target.
ip is almost a must if u wanna make use of f1-f4 in wvw which allows not even a handful builds. im very tired of being a veilbot and i tried every single build and none of them seems really viable for wvw and large group fights. too many traits about ai. mesmer doesnt feel like a light armor class at all. we are always forced to go close to our enemy and all the nerfs have turned us into a pet class.
when mesmer bugged out during last patch and all mesmers were stripped off their illusions, that how i feel on my mesmer in a zergfight. no trait that involves illusions, is helpful as u cant have illusions up for long enough in a zerg fight.
make a trait that allows us to use aoe, rework mantras into ground targeting aoe, make shatters happen without ip or move ip trait out of grandmaster. ps there is terrible bugs we put all in one thread in the bug section, please check them.
ranger: im glad u guys will adress this disaster as they are unwanted in any guild. same problem like mesmer, too many traits around ai pet. pet dies in like 2 seconds so all skills about pet and also the traits are useless, leaving rangers with nothing. only thing they can do is roam and maybe follow a pug commander. also its terrible that the war bow skills work so much better than the ranger bow skills….
engi: needs some minor buffs, trait fixes and lots of bug fixes and will be fine in wvw.
thief: burst is way to high(11k backstabs….) but again they have barely anything else. they need lots of trait fixes and buffs before anet can reduce their high burst and stealth. also they should have the highest mobility, not warriors. they also need weapon changes(buff the shortbow, the range is very bad) and new skills. atm all they can spec into is either massive glasscannon or insane condi burst, but very squishy and has to rely on stealth non stop. this class need rework!
cc(all classes)
immobilize should not be a condition, should not stack, should be removable with stunbreakers and target should be immune to another cc or interrupt after for at least 2 seconds
chill should not stack
stun should not last long and target should be immune to another cc or interrupt after stun for at least 2 seconds
interrupts: target should be immune to another interrupt after for at least 2 seconds
knockdowns: target should be immune to another cc or interrupt after for at least 3 seconds

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Sol.4310


For once be nice if Ranger’s had any type of burst build that works in SPvP.

It’s a flaming joke, you compare HGH Engineer with rifle to Trap Ranger. It tanks better does 10x more damage and applies conditions allot easier.

This game makes me feel so handy capped. The kitten Ranger whom does no damage outside of running Support Spirit Ranger which also hits like wet paper bag.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


To A-net.

I Believe u may have made a misstake when announcing the Ranger CDI for one date and then change it not one but two times. This has caused lodas of players to post ranger suggestions everywhere, start inoficial CDI topics etc… How will u find Everything. U might miss out on some (maybe even many) good ideas by doing this.

I’m still holding on to my suggestions though… waiting – for monday.

I do very much apriciate that u’ll have a look at my main class though! Thank u for doing that!

Kima & Co

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: xallever.1874


Their current vision for the Ranger class may or may not be relevant here. It is possible that they’re finally considering a different vision for the class if the community has a better idea. Thus they asked how we want to see them EVOLVE the class.

I’m not entirely sure what place the ranger class ought to have at the moment. Best single target ranged DPS class? Best single target or AOE cc class?

I just think it’s funny that the staff ele can bring DPS into the table whilst stacking in a dungeon, even though that that weapon seems to be designed for a ranged encounter.

Hunters’ longbow is designed not to work this way. I understand the reasoning behind this, kinda like Mesmers with their Greatsword, but unlike Mes, Hunter’s sword…

I hate to be negative, but I will tell you what I think when I play another class. When I see a Ranger in WvW what do I think? ………my first target. ie Victim. Of course there are exceptions but I think in general most people think that way.

I don’t think you’re being very negative at all. I’m not saying what the ranger is right now, but I wonder what people think the ranger should be. Perhaps, we shouldn’t care about the initial vision, but we consider other vacant roles in the game and let the ranger fill that gap.

The New CDI Topics

in Profession Balance

Posted by: DejaVu.9825


I would like to discuss a very important thing from my point of view , stability , but first I would like to summarize a very important concept , what makes a skill based game ? summarizing the use of reflections (every game needs it more or less , of course, better than most xD) , knowledge of the game (and its mechanical ) , learn to use the skills at the right time (if not at the perfect time ) , you always have the possibility of counterplay (ie, the ability to respond to a given opponent’s move in a direct or indirect) etc … of course staility with its totally DENY the importance of the CC makes a mechanical considered in a clash irrelevant, now , I know that there are certain skills that remove the seals and bonus but does not do so with an order of importance according to the strength of the bonus , simply remove the bonuses in the order they were made without … to mention that many professions do not have skills that take away bonuses.

Going to the point, I second the game infinitely improve stability if it were taken away , and do not think , but the game is structured so , after some skills would be too difficult and would become OP , because there is always a solution to everything.

Possible solutions:

1: Lower the duration based on some DC ( too many 3 second daze , considering it is upgradeable ) .
2: Put time to cast any skill that causes a DC half a second and graphics clearly visible , so it’s better to dodge , lockable etc …
3: Increase the skill with stun effect Breaks (now few) , that in contrast to stability must know how to use at the right time , and then ends , does not make you immune to CC for several seconds , causing an eternal counterplay .
4: Increase your skills with two effects (eg Illusionary Leap of mesmer ) , because they make it more versatile and complex , increasing the depth of the game and therefore the importance of player’s choices .
5 : Limane and make it more like certain skills , such as Berserker stance , I wonder : why should immunize 8 seconds minimum conditions , when the minimum physical damage immunity is 4 seconds ? many of you will answer ; bé obvious because the conditions are too strong , easy to make and so on … I do not agree , though I admit that some professions give too many stak conditions in a short time and that some of the classes give too few, but is not a good reason to create skills so inconsistent with their counterparts , I would propose to change the skills and the combo of professions who give too many in a short time , and vice versa increase them to the profession that are deficient , eg . Elementalist .

The game would benefit them in every aspect competitive, because the skill of the player in question would be taken much more deeply.

I think I have given you an idea of what troubles me … of course people much more clever than me will find better solutions , but it is clear of the problems that stability requires the skill of the player . Sorry if you do not understand much … I used google translator !