(edited by Introp.8465)
The OverPowered Warrior Experiment
Having a low skill base requirement and being OP are two very, very different things.
All you are demonstrating is a combination of two things –
1. Warrior is potentially easier to pick up and play for new players (hard to deny).
2. You seem to be unclear about the difference between something OP and something easy to learn to a basic level of competency.Warrior may be OP, but your experiment and post certainly does nothing to prove that to be the case.
Chappy stated when they see tPvP teams running 2 of a profession, it’s a sign the profession is imbalanced.
Cheese Mode has been mopping up tournaments running double warrior.
correct. i ran a warrior (first time player EVER) the other day in spvp. i was mopping up fools i never died more than once or sometimes twice. i play thief all day and still die alot more. i only played thief hard core (some engi some guard too) since release. warrior is way OP. cut the healing in half and the condi removal in half and make a longer cooldown for distance attacks that are gap closers when they dont hit and that willhelp balance alot.
Just because you play class for a long time doesnt mean your are good with it.
You statements sounds like this –
yesterday i played thief for the first time, was on top score always, never died, always killed people in me versus 3 fights not dropping below 80% hp.
thief is way OP. They should remove any healing spell, change stealth that taking damage reveals thief, remove half on initiative points.That comparison doesn’t really help because the comparison he is making is that of his experience with, I’m assuming his main class, versus that of a class he has no familiarity with being far more successful. Meaning to say that he was more easily rewarded for the class he spent one day on versus the class he, assuming, spent one year on.
point was beyond him or he mis read it . thanks …but most people on here agree so :P no worries. and i actually spent not 1 day…not 1 hour…not 1 min. i joined warriro blindly to prove a point. could have backfired in my face and did horrible. but i was even more astonished to how my hypothesis was conservative. warrior was way to OP.
Going to leave this here…
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIEQNAseSjkOtwBPGPMxBE0DNsK4iThxT9wO2w4A-j0CBYfCiEEg0yQkFA5mKrZnCiVNFRjVbDT5SQW7KpGcASBY1WA-wLook at the stats of that spec (change to exotics if you wish to, but it won’t change much). Huge HP pool, remarkable amount of toughness, high power, crit% and critdmg. Now what it can achieve: AoE CC on relatively short CDs, blocks, passive regen, good cond cleanse, gap closers/opener, high DPS with hammer and burst potential with Final Thrust. You don’t have range dmg but that’s where infamous HamBow shines, doesn’kitten
I don’t want warrior to be hard nerfed but adjusted. Shatter mesmer, D/P trickery thief are great examples of high risk/high reward specs. You need to know your opponents and act accordingly to their actions, not just mash buttons. Warrior is just too EZ, imo.
TLDR; You can build a warrior in such a way that it has not a single weaknesss while still being plain sailing to play effectively.
basically my same point! well said bro!
Here, for comparison thief build, since you all like to compare warrior to NOTHING
You get near unlimited dodges if you wish (bunny hopping), 13 with withdraw and 0.5s upime to next combo ( cooldown to next heal to set initiative and gain vigor)
You get boost steal, with lots of boon and boon ripping
You get lost if invisibility on top of that, 2 stun breakers, team invisibility and poison/smoke shield for team.stat difference compared to war build ( in spvp, where eveyone is equal on items and no foods)
power – 2839 to 2944
crit chance 43% to 47%
armor – 2180 to 2768
Hp – 16095 to 21662
Boon duration % 20 to 0
crit damage% 20 to 50So stats are lower, biggest difference is in hp – 5,5k and armor
in return for UNLIMITED evades, high uptime easy accesible stealth on top of that, good condi removal ( only needed vs full condi specs, power onces wont be able to touch you)To sum up – evey class is UNIQUE
Warrior is easy to pick up and play, other classes has higher learning curves
putting random builds and numbers into mid air proves nothing
Guild wars 2 is about avoiding the damage, not only doing damageAnd for the love of jeebus, 4s invulnerability to phys damage every 1 min? just dont hit warrior for 4s, is that too hard? apply conditions, immob, slow him, run around for 4 seconds.
Dont foget to remove 280 toughness on warr because:
100 from trait thats only above 90%..
180 from signet.. And you do want to use it.
warriot is the most stat stacking class in this game and all people is seeying that as OP compared to other classes, but its more a weakness because well most traits and allot of skills just boost stats and not much more to bring unique into a fight
Going to leave this here…
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIEQNAseSjkOtwBPGPMxBE0DNsK4iThxT9wO2w4A-j0CBYfCiEEg0yQkFA5mKrZnCiVNFRjVbDT5SQW7KpGcASBY1WA-wLook at the stats of that spec (change to exotics if you wish to, but it won’t change much). Huge HP pool, remarkable amount of toughness, high power, crit% and critdmg. Now what it can achieve: AoE CC on relatively short CDs, blocks, passive regen, good cond cleanse, gap closers/opener, high DPS with hammer and burst potential with Final Thrust. You don’t have range dmg but that’s where infamous HamBow shines, doesn’kitten
I don’t want warrior to be hard nerfed but adjusted. Shatter mesmer, D/P trickery thief are great examples of high risk/high reward specs. You need to know your opponents and act accordingly to their actions, not just mash buttons. Warrior is just too EZ, imo.
TLDR; You can build a warrior in such a way that it has not a single weaknesss while still being plain sailing to play effectively.
basically my same point! well said bro!
Here is an example of someone thinking stats means all.
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
So you want a player who has barely played a warrior to go against a GOOD engi or mesmer? Yeah, tell me more!
If the OP faces a good mesmer or engineer and loses it proves nothing because he just started warrior. However, if he wins it will further prove the point that warriors are OP.
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
So you want a player who has barely played a warrior to go against a GOOD engi or mesmer? Yeah, tell me more!
If the OP faces a good mesmer or engineer and loses it proves nothing because he just started warrior. However, if he wins it will further prove the point that warriors are OP.
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced. I would love if Anet made warriors a little more difficult to play while still maintain it’s effective at higher levels. That way there would a whole lot less QQ about from all these nubs.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced.
Considering the amount of teams running Warriors and considering that the winning team of the ESL weekly cup ran 2 of them….. I fail to see how “balanced” the Warrior is even at a higher skill ladder.
Currently, Engi and Mesmer is not mandatory. The warrior is.
(edited by Reesha.7901)
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced.
Considering the amount of teams running Warriors and considering that the winning team of the ESL weekly cup ran 2 of them….. I fail to see how “balanced” the Warrior is even at a higher skill ladder.
I fail to see how having 2 warriors out of 5 players makes them OP? I’m not saying we don’t need a few adjustments but at higher levels Warriors are no where near as OP as all these people make it out to be. A few small tweaks to HS and Cleansing Ire would probably even it out.
As for the engis and mesmers, I guess they just need a video to be posted showing how engis and mesmers are good at taking out warriors or forcing them off points.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
I fail to see how having 2 warriors out of 5 players makes them OP? I’m not saying we don’t need a few adjustments but at higher levels Warriors are no where near as OP as all these people make it out to be. A few small tweaks to HS and Cleansing Ire would probably even it out.
Thing just is: When it was viable to run more than one of anything in the past, that particular class has always been toned down. This makes good sense as there are 8 professions and only 5 slots.
Currently it is viable to run more than one warrior. It is not viable to run 2 of anything else really.
This does obviously not apply for most of us as we are not playing on that level anyway. I do however still think it says something about the warrior and its strengths at a higher skill ladder.
I fail to see how having 2 warriors out of 5 players makes them OP? I’m not saying we don’t need a few adjustments but at higher levels Warriors are no where near as OP as all these people make it out to be. A few small tweaks to HS and Cleansing Ire would probably even it out.
Thing just is: When it was viable to run more than one of anything in the past, that particular class has always been toned down. This makes good sense as there are 8 professions and only 5 slots.
Currently it is viable to run more than one warrior. It is not viable to run 2 of anything else really.This does obviously not apply for most of us as we are not playing on that level anyway. I do however still think it says something about the warrior and its strengths at a higher skill ladder.
Toned down to me sounds like something that is slightly stronger (close to being balanced) than others and need a few small adjustments to even the playing field again. Which is completely different than the abundance of “OMG OP GODMODE WARRIOR!! NERF IT” threads proliferating the forums over the past 2 months. If warriors were really as OP as all the nubs say it they are you would have 5 warriors on the winning team.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Toned down to me sounds like something that is slightly stronger (close to being balanced) that others and need a few small adjustments to even the playing field again. Which is completely different than the abundance of “OMG OP GODMODE WARRIOR!! NERF IT” threads proliferating the forums over the past 2 months. If warriors were really as OP as all the nubs say it they are you would have 5 warriors on the winning team.
Yes. I guess it does.
I think what you are seeing is people reacting very strongly to 3 things:
1) The announced changes for the warrior will most likely not change much. There is a risk that the sigil changes will make them even stronger because hammer/longbow is so popular.
2) ArenaNet is most certainly not fast when it comes to making balance changes. Meaning if they get it wrong: We have to wait a loooong time, hoping they will get it right next time.
3) There seem to be a lot of easy mode specs going around atm. Warrior is definitely not the only sinner in that regard. As a Mesmer I can assure you condition/stealth heavy PU builds are not exactly hard to be successful with in a hotjoin either. Thankfully, PU is not tournament viable at a higher level.
I do not wish to see the Warrior pushed out or being hit with the nerf bat the same way ele did in the past. I do wish to see the profession toned down to the point where you potentially could run something else.
Since there are 8 professions it would be nice if you could run different setups without putting yourself at a disadvantage. This does off course not only apply to the warrior.
A thief complaining about a warrior?? Really??!!
Some of we thieves don’t struggle with warriors. They aren’t that bad.
Lol just noticed an earlier post. D/P thieves are definitely NOT high risk. Sorry, I’ve played one.
(edited by Sanduskel.1850)
Let’s look at the thiefs I consider good players:
-Thief 1: 4k+ hours on thief, only duels in OS and PvP, sometimes solo roams. Never had any troubles with any warrior build what so ever. A little bit with hambow, but little bit like in 5-1 win ratio.
-Thief 2: don’t know how many hours played, but reported never to have any troubles with warriors either. Says they are tanky and takes time to kill, but die they will. Only lost from warrior when making few stupid mistakes in a row
-Thief 3: again don’t know how many hours, solo roams a lot in WvW 1vsX. Says he’ll test if warrior is bunker or not, if bunker he’ll go for him last. Calls them easy to kite and does not recall dieing to them.
Now look at some bad thiefs I know with bad speccs and that don’t really know their class.
-Thief 1: complains about high damage and stunlock and that he can’t out DPS their healing signet.
Well, you see what I am going to? Warrior is good against bad players and equally skilled players. But if you are both pro or atleast your enemy, the warrior WILL lose and pretty hard even. Warrior is the ultimate noob stomper. But can’t or can barely compete with the big 1vs1ers up there (thief/mesmer/engi/necro).
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
I guess im just amazingly skilled on warrior. Note how i didnt need any of my damage immunities. Thief is currently rank 24 on eu leaderboards. So much skill…amazing
“i was clicking all the skills with mouse and reading them as fighting. popping all my signets when i shouldnt have been (figured that out after first battle which is why my left over HP went up so high).”
Oh man, I’m dying, just picturing this fight going on between the two of you as the thief is desperately trying to beat you to prove a point and yet fails to someone clicking skills while READING them. LMAO
I guess im just amazingly skilled on warrior. Note how i didnt need any of my damage immunities. Thief is currently rank 24 on eu leaderboards. So much skill…amazing
im sorry this shows what?
Thief was attacking far point. You could have found him with 10% hp, without cooldowns and so on. These ‘proofs’ are funny.
Btw im sorry for your if you run 3 stance build. Shows everything about your skill. 3 stance build is not op, but requires 0 skill to play, which you are proud of it seems.
im sorry this shows what?
Thief was attacking far point. You could have found him with 10% hp, without cooldowns and so on. These ‘proofs’ are funny.
Btw im sorry for your if you run 3 stance build. Shows everything about your skill. 3 stance build is not op, but requires 0 skill to play, which you are proud of it seems.
I fought him 3 times in pure 1v1s that game, all of them he lost hard. Feel free to ask him.
Almost everyone at the top of the ladder runs 3 stances. To say something about something that is so standard shows how little you know about warrior gameplay at the top of the leaderboards.
AND i only needed my balance stance during that fight. So i guess that means im extra skilled!
(edited by Locuz.2651)
im sorry this shows what?
Thief was attacking far point. You could have found him with 10% hp, without cooldowns and so on. These ‘proofs’ are funny.
Btw im sorry for your if you run 3 stance build. Shows everything about your skill. 3 stance build is not op, but requires 0 skill to play, which you are proud of it seems.I fought him 3 times in pure 1v1s that game, all of them he lost hard. Feel free to ask him.
Everyone at the top of the ladder runs 3 stances. To say something about something that is so standard shows how little you know about warrior gameplay at the top of the leaderboards.
AND i only needed my balance stance during that fight. So i guess that means im extra skilled!
Its your word against no ones. Im non buying that
And you dont need 3 stances if you can play the game, seems like being top means just to play a lot, not to play good
Its your word against no ones. Im non buying that
And you dont need 3 stances if you can play the game, seems like being top means just to play a lot, not to play good
Stop being so jealous of my amazing skill! You mean its my word + the thiefs? Do you think you can do better than him on thief? Feel free to proof me wrong.
Nah being top means the guy can play. Unless he got in to a lucky streak on a new account that skyrocketed his MMR. Which isnt the case if you look at his record.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Its your word against no ones. Im non buying that
And you dont need 3 stances if you can play the game, seems like being top means just to play a lot, not to play goodYou mean its my word + the thiefs? Do you think you can do better than him on thief? Feel free to proof me wrong.
Nah being top means the guy can play. Unless he got in to a lucky streak on a new account that skyrocketed his MMR. Which isnt the case if you look at his record.
No, i mean its your word only. I dont see this thief here, do you?
This means that any bullkitten you said, i dont buy it. You can tell you beat 2 thiefs at the same time using axe 1 chains.
Your points are based on your words/fantasy. You screenshot proves nothing, so dont expect me to believe it. Only people siding with ‘warrior is OP’ will buy it, because they have same side of the argument.
No, i mean its your word only. I dont see this thief here, do you?
This means that any bullkitten you said, i dont buy it. You can tell you beat 2 thiefs at the same time using axe 1 chains.Your points are based on your words/fantasy. You screenshot proves nothing, so dont expect me to believe it. Only people siding with ‘warrior is OP’ will buy it, because they have same side of the argument.
Lets be honest here. Even if i came with video proof, you would find an excuse. Every neutral person can see that. Find me a thief that can kill me 1v1 (within a reasonable timeframe) or gtfo with your random statements.
Fact is that i played warrior extensively against top tier competition (while you havent). Most players in the game on that screenshot for example are top 10-100*. And I know the class is to strong atm. Especially at the top of the leaderboard.
Why would i lie about a class i played a lot myself? Why would i post a fake screenshot describing an incorrect situation while everyone can ask the guy what happened? It doesnt make sense. What does make sense is that you are trying to convince yourself in to believing that warrior is balanced atm.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
No, i mean its your word only. I dont see this thief here, do you?
This means that any bullkitten you said, i dont buy it. You can tell you beat 2 thiefs at the same time using axe 1 chains.Your points are based on your words/fantasy. You screenshot proves nothing, so dont expect me to believe it. Only people siding with ‘warrior is OP’ will buy it, because they have same side of the argument.
Lets be honest here. Even if i came with video proof, you would find an excuse. Every neutral person can see that. Find me a thief that can kill me 1v1 (within a reasonable timeframe) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
Fact is tho that i played warrior extensively against top tier competition (while you havent). Most players in the game on that screenshot for example are top 10-100*. And I know its to strong atm. Especially at the top of the leaderboard.
I dont need to prove anything, you came with your ‘proof’ which proved nothing, now, when things went south, you are trying to shift the burden of proof to me? Its very reasonable right. According to you i would need to find a thief which would be willing to 1×1 you, him sacrificing his time for what?
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
Btw guy as you claimed to beat ( doubt it happened on even grounds) has 62% w/l, while you got 52%. If you are so op, why you dont have higher win rate?
Oh, let me guess, maybe because game is not about 1×1, what do you think?
P.S. there are factor to performance as well – person can test a build, play with irl friends who are bad making game to a 3×5 scenario and so on. And yesterday i created a thief, entered hotjoin and beat rank war 2 on leaderboards 3 times in a row, ask him if you dont believe.
Btw guy as you claimed to beat ( doubt it happened on even grounds) has 62% w/l, while you got 52%. If you are so op, why you dont have higher win rate?
Oh, let me guess, maybe because game is not about 1×1, what do you think?
P.S. there are factor to performance as well – person can test a build, play with irl friends who are bad making game to a 3×5 scenario and so on. And yesterday i created a thief, entered hotjoin and beat rank war 2 on leaderboards 3 times in a row, ask him if you dont believe.
You dont seem to get it. The point is that im not that good (yet) and still win versus top tier competition since i play warrior. What do you think happened when ROM dueled sizer (the warrior and thief of the best eu team atm)? The thief got his kitten handed to him. What happened when Caed dueled Anastarcis? Exactly the thief got his kitten handed to him again.
Also a lie right? Lies that where witnessed by 100s of viewers. Right?
How did i get 14 might stacks without actually fighting the thief? Photoshopped right?
Stop defending your OP class hotjoin warrior, just because you get destroyed by random hotjoin thieves.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Going to leave this here…
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIEQNAseSjkOtwBPGPMxBE0DNsK4iThxT9wO2w4A-j0CBYfCiEEg0yQkFA5mKrZnCiVNFRjVbDT5SQW7KpGcASBY1WA-wLook at the stats of that spec (change to exotics if you wish to, but it won’t change much). Huge HP pool, remarkable amount of toughness, high power, crit% and critdmg. Now what it can achieve: AoE CC on relatively short CDs, blocks, passive regen, good cond cleanse, gap closers/opener, high DPS with hammer and burst potential with Final Thrust. You don’t have range dmg but that’s where infamous HamBow shines, doesn’kitten
I don’t want warrior to be hard nerfed but adjusted. Shatter mesmer, D/P trickery thief are great examples of high risk/high reward specs. You need to know your opponents and act accordingly to their actions, not just mash buttons. Warrior is just too EZ, imo.
TLDR; You can build a warrior in such a way that it has not a single weaknesss while still being plain sailing to play effectively.
basically my same point! well said bro!
Here is an example of someone thinking stats means all.
if they dont mean much give them to every class. my thief would loooooooooove the extra HP/toughness/condi removal/armor/defense/healing
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
So you want a player who has barely played a warrior to go against a GOOD engi or mesmer? Yeah, tell me more!
If the OP faces a good mesmer or engineer and loses it proves nothing because he just started warrior. However, if he wins it will further prove the point that warriors are OP.
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced. I would love if Anet made warriors a little more difficult to play while still maintain it’s effective at higher levels. That way there would a whole lot less QQ about from all these nubs.
i was a nub when fighting with mine. literally the first time i had every even logged on a warrior. so nubs = better than pro warriors? hrm idk about that. i was doing amazing in spvp..MUCH better than thief. i was dying 1-2times per match and always in the top 2 maybe 3 players on a bad round. and im a VERY good thief. i have won tournements with him and everyting plush ave 4 legendaries…i have spent most my time on thief…. so experience or lack ther eof really goes to show you. unless u are saying soon as ihopped on warrior all the opponents were nubs….. then ill say yah i can see your point.
A thief complaining about a warrior?? Really??!!
Some of we thieves don’t struggle with warriors. They aren’t that bad.
Lol just noticed an earlier post. D/P thieves are definitely NOT high risk. Sorry, I’ve played one.
i had no problem on warrior….first time ever….staying outside of black powder. even with 100blades or furry or bow…its soo fast only 1/4 attacks get blinded. :P
and i moved around alot too so the thief would have to chase back n forth in stealth. wasvery annying for him bc i made surehe spent most his time chasing to set up backstab rather than just banging it out. oh yeah and i had 1 dodge roll every 1.5 seconds. thats alot on warrior too!
A lot of these discussions overlook a rather major issue that causes a slanted perspective between who perceives Warriors as broken and who has no issue dealing with them, and it partially comes down to Poison availability.
A Warrior running the Healing Signet (along with Adrenal Health) has access to a baseline heal that ticks no matter if the player is stunned, interrupted, low on health, high on health, running away, engaging or subjected to any other numbers of external modifiers. The only way to mitigate any of the passive Healing is using Poison, which cuts it by a (huge) 33%. Any Profession that can deliver constant, reliable Poison application is effectively engaging a hilariously nerfed version of said Warrior and will have a much easier time dealing with the now severely reduced regeneration rate.
The ability to apply Poison between each Profession and even weapon set ranges from noticeable to nearly nonexistant, with Guardians, Elementalists and (ironically) Warriors at the absolute bottom of this chain. Their only potential source of Poison comes from a three-second Sigil on weapon swap, which can either instantly be cleansed or expires before it has any noticeable impact. On the other hand, a D/X Thief, Necromancer, Engineer or Sword Ranger applies Poison by merely using weapon skills, which can change the entire perceived dynamic of such encounters drastically.
I have no reliably fair suggestion on how to fix this issue, but it’s something to keep in mind. Any Profession that can cut a Warrior’s entire healing ability by 33% is much less likely to perceive the constant uninterruptible ticks as major contributing factor when it comes to balance suggestions.
they have 5 ways of removing condis. all in the same build. 2 of them are “remove all conditions”….anothe 2 are remove 1-3 conditions…. i doubt poison is a problem. good point….just moot in the realistic picture tho.
“i was clicking all the skills with mouse and reading them as fighting. popping all my signets when i shouldnt have been (figured that out after first battle which is why my left over HP went up so high).”
Oh man, I’m dying, just picturing this fight going on between the two of you as the thief is desperately trying to beat you to prove a point and yet fails to someone clicking skills while READING them. LMAO
my true saving grace….was having 1 evade every 1.5 secs on warrior. i think thats the reason i truely was about to make up for my lack of experience.
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
So you want a player who has barely played a warrior to go against a GOOD engi or mesmer? Yeah, tell me more!
If the OP faces a good mesmer or engineer and loses it proves nothing because he just started warrior. However, if he wins it will further prove the point that warriors are OP.
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced. I would love if Anet made warriors a little more difficult to play while still maintain it’s effective at higher levels. That way there would a whole lot less QQ about from all these nubs.
i was a nub when fighting with mine. literally the first time i had every even logged on a warrior. so nubs = better than pro warriors? hrm idk about that. i was doing amazing in spvp..MUCH better than thief. i was dying 1-2times per match and always in the top 2 maybe 3 players on a bad round. and im a VERY good thief. i have won tournements with him and everyting plush ave 4 legendaries…i have spent most my time on thief…. so experience or lack ther eof really goes to show you. unless u are saying soon as ihopped on warrior all the opponents were nubs….. then ill say yah i can see your point.
You talking spvp hotjoins? That place is full of nubs.
My points was, it’s easy to pick up warrior and do well with it. The gap between a bad warrior and a highly skilled one is not as big as with other classes. Once you start facing more and more skilled opponents Warriors aren’t quite as effective and in the higher levels of play warrior is actually pretty close to being balanced. Still needs a few things to be toned down or a few profession to be toned up but it’s no where near as bad as all these nerf threads are claiming.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
@OP I dare you to take that warrior of yours and face a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then tell me it is OP. Even a good D/P or P/D thief would be you a run for your money. You could even add the Spirit Ranger to that list.
So you want a player who has barely played a warrior to go against a GOOD engi or mesmer? Yeah, tell me more!
If the OP faces a good mesmer or engineer and loses it proves nothing because he just started warrior. However, if he wins it will further prove the point that warriors are OP.
Alright, I dare him to get good with warrior then take on a good engi or mesmer in PvP and then come back here and tell us who is OP. As it has been said many times before, Warriors are OP when nubs are fighting but the higher up the skill ladder you go the less and less effective it becomes until it is pretty much balanced. I would love if Anet made warriors a little more difficult to play while still maintain it’s effective at higher levels. That way there would a whole lot less QQ about from all these nubs.
i was a nub when fighting with mine. literally the first time i had every even logged on a warrior. so nubs = better than pro warriors? hrm idk about that. i was doing amazing in spvp..MUCH better than thief. i was dying 1-2times per match and always in the top 2 maybe 3 players on a bad round. and im a VERY good thief. i have won tournements with him and everyting plush ave 4 legendaries…i have spent most my time on thief…. so experience or lack ther eof really goes to show you. unless u are saying soon as ihopped on warrior all the opponents were nubs….. then ill say yah i can see your point.
You talking spvp hotjoins? That place is full of nubs.
My points was, it’s easy to pick up warrior and do well with it. The gap between a bad warrior and a highly skilled one is not as big as with other classes. Once you start facing more and more skilled opponents Warriors aren’t quite as effective and in the higher levels of play warrior is actually pretty close to being balanced. Still needs a few things to be toned down or a few profession to be toned up but it’s no where near as bad as all these nerf threads are claiming.
oh ok i didnt know u were going to call 100% of all players across 15 or so matches all nubs. i didnt think anyway was that silly :P yes theres somenubs but even the best players like to do SPVP for some toned back relax time. tpvp can take a toll bc its more serious. spvp is fun and EVERY ONE…of the best players does it. so be realistic.
1st time player beats nubs/mediocres/pros …. and you can also tell but playing them . of course some were crappy but some were really good.
I hope you realize that to make an experiment on a warrior being OP against other classes you have to play against you know…other classes not just one. And I mean to fully test our your theory. One player doesn’t conclude an experiment. If you want I’ll test your theory with you on my ranger in spvp
The only real way to have controlled experiments and results would be to take people who have never played the game and have them play all the classes against all the classes and then poll them to see what they thought was easy/difficult. And then would have to factor in what kind of builds they used and etc which would take forever and would result in the warrior being easiest as it is “user friendly” and probably ele/rng among the difficult. The OP is still just trying to relay his experience with the factor of time vs skill vs success rate. From what Locuz is pointing out it seems he’s also pointing out the contrary to what people are saying; that at higher level of play warrior loses its ground while he’s able to take down a Rank 20 thief when he’s rank 500, which is a huge gap if that’s any indicator of skill, which I think it is.
The only real way to have controlled experiments and results would be to take people who have never played the game and have them play all the classes against all the classes and then poll them to see what they thought was easy/difficult. And then would have to factor in what kind of builds they used and etc which would take forever and would result in the warrior being easiest as it is “user friendly” and probably ele/rng among the difficult. The OP is still just trying to relay his experience with the factor of time vs skill vs success rate. From what Locuz is pointing out it seems he’s also pointing out the contrary to what people are saying; that at higher level of play warrior loses its ground while he’s able to take down a Rank 20 thief when he’s rank 500, which is a huge gap if that’s any indicator of skill, which I think it is.
taking 1 random picture of beating rank 20 not on legit in 1×1 duel but in team match proves that he killed him. nothing more than that. we have no clue on what grounds fight happened. We dont know if mentioned warrior didnt die 8 times after that.
And who takes photos of random kills – thats seems odd to me. Either he is in thread for kitten’is boost or i have not a slightest clue.
And you experiment would show which class is easiest to play, not which class is op.
I would call my tpvp skill average, playing mostly hotjoin, but in 1×1 duels ( but game is not about them) on same skill opponents i go even with thiefs ( mostly die to them or they retreat), mesmers, eles, engis, guardians. So i see this as somehow balanced
Youre an average tournament player (who plays warrior) yet:
- You lose 50/50 against hotjoin eles, mesmers, thieves, engis and guardians?
- You dont show up on the leaderboard (not even in the percentages) yet somehow you know youre average in tournaments.
Youre either trolling or ….
i have not a slightest clue.
^ I guess its that.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
^ still waiting. You rank on leaderboards is pathetic, you can now stop pointing at it as if would be lifetime achievement. 52% w/l in any team game is average for a person who has normal reaction time and some game knowledge.
P.S. im too lazy to rip you words out of context, just imagine i did so
And who takes photos of random kills – thats seems odd to me
I make like 2-3 screenshots per game. I recently deleted like 1500 of them
I do this mostly since GW2 lacks a way to keep track of the guys you faced. Like in wow i used an addon called reflex arenahistorian to keep track of who i faced, what my stats where in the game etc.
^ still waiting. You rank on leaderboards is pathetic, you can now stop pointing at it as if would be lifetime achievement. 52% w/l in any team game is average for a person who has normal reaction time and some game knowledge.
P.S. im too lazy to rip you words out of context, just imagine i did so
You do realize there is MMR and its soloq right? So thats 52% vs people like on that screenshot. Percentage doesnt mean anything untill you know who that person faced in the matches he played.
Add to that, that i play all professions in soloq.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
And how exactly would you determine “Skill level”? With ranks?
I hope you realize that to make an experiment on a warrior being OP against other classes you have to play against you know…other classes not just one. And I mean to fully test our your theory. One player doesn’t conclude an experiment. If you want I’ll test your theory with you on my ranger in spvp
i see your point. but i said that i did. i played 1v1 against a good thief. and did about 15 rounds of SPVP which i was in top 2 most of the time for poitns and kills. lets not nitpick the point was well proved. on thief i die atleast 3x as much per match if i go full zerk. engineer about 2x as much. guardian about1 more time per match. there is a big gap in stats /abilities . warrior can do ev erythign well all at once. thats not something any other class can replicate.
The warrior should have been called barbarian and made a light armor class with medium health. That would have solved a fair number of complaints. Or, in the alternative, had no ranged options.
The only real way to have controlled experiments and results would be to take people who have never played the game and have them play all the classes against all the classes and then poll them to see what they thought was easy/difficult. And then would have to factor in what kind of builds they used and etc which would take forever and would result in the warrior being easiest as it is “user friendly” and probably ele/rng among the difficult. The OP is still just trying to relay his experience with the factor of time vs skill vs success rate. From what Locuz is pointing out it seems he’s also pointing out the contrary to what people are saying; that at higher level of play warrior loses its ground while he’s able to take down a Rank 20 thief when he’s rank 500, which is a huge gap if that’s any indicator of skill, which I think it is.
locuz is reaffirming my point actually not on the contrary. …prolly just a mistype you did but wantedto point it out.
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
^ still waiting. You rank on leaderboards is pathetic, you can now stop pointing at it as if would be lifetime achievement. 52% w/l in any team game is average for a person who has normal reaction time and some game knowledge.
P.S. im too lazy to rip you words out of context, just imagine i did so
leaderboards mean kitten. seriously. kitten. you cant look at leaderboards and determine personal skill. only thing you can affirm is they are PROBABLY decent/better. its a team game. not individual. however that said they most of the time are pretty good. but even so that doesnt mean somebody who is not ranked ….sux. i beat ranked players all the time. good fights but i dont see them as “pros” …alot of them anyway…. i got most my 1v1 experience in wvw….. which is harder bc people hit harder. anyway all im saying is ASSUMPTION is the mother of all F ups. dont assume.
if you would like me to prove my point…come duel my lvl 13 arssse spvp. yeapo thats right im only lvl 13 ill put youin a video on this forum.
Show me the video proof of non edited 1×1 with same skill level thief ( adding a proof that duel is not rigged, asking some buddy to lose) or gtfo with your dumb statements.
^ still waiting. You rank on leaderboards is pathetic, you can now stop pointing at it as if would be lifetime achievement. 52% w/l in any team game is average for a person who has normal reaction time and some game knowledge.
P.S. im too lazy to rip you words out of context, just imagine i did so
leaderboards mean kitten. seriously. kitten. you cant look at leaderboards and determine personal skill. only thing you can affirm is they are PROBABLY decent/better. its a team game. not individual. however that said they most of the time are pretty good. but even so that doesnt mean somebody who is not ranked ….sux. i beat ranked players all the time. good fights but i dont see them as “pros” …alot of them anyway…. i got most my 1v1 experience in wvw….. which is harder bc people hit harder. anyway all im saying is ASSUMPTION is the mother of all F ups. dont assume.
if you would like me to prove my point…come duel my lvl 13 arssse spvp. yeapo thats right im only lvl 13
ill put youin a video on this forum.
sorry, was too lazy to put in quote for pro above, allmighty locuz.
Me beating you on war vs war duel will prove nothing.
Seems you are OP, i really doubt you rolled over people with fresh new warrior http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWdD206eSv0 .
95% games in 8×8 hotjoin are uneven. game starts as five versus 6 for example ( lets take 5 as red). red loses 50-100 points when game becomes 6×6, 1 red guy ragequit due to lower score. difference becomes over 100-200, game will always have less people on losing side. If you got carried by uneven games, gratz. Maybe as you are rank 13 you get paired with people who are playing mesmers for the first time, in my games people know their kitten and gl in 1×1 duels rolling over anything.
Your experience in wvw, lol. In spvp people always duel on almost equal numbers improving their skill, not roam in zergs ( allthough mid zerg games happen alot) or roam and ambush pve noobies who are there to admire nature.
(edited by Introp.8465)
i can show you my account. would u like to see the lvl 2 warrior?
i can show you my account. would u like to see the lvl 2 warrior?
can you make some sense? ill see a level 2 warior and then what?
Level 2 anything just means that you only play PvP honestly.
I have a level 2 Elementalist
Level 2 anything just means that you only play PvP honestly.
i presume he doenst have level 2 everything because he said he is thief player in wvw. And what would being only spvp player has to do with his original statement? you make even less sense
Introp youre a hotjoin hero that claims that he wins 50% of his 1v1s vs other hotjoin people….while playing warrior. Hotjoin players are in 99.99% of the cases a lot worse than the guys youll meet in soloq (esp if youre in the top 1000). The only exception is a random soloq player that does some hotjoins while waiting for queues to pop.
Meanwhile youre arrogant and pretend you have a clue. Play a couple of 100 games in the top 1000 and come back. Untill then, please be quiet.