The devs need to stop listening to the forums

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

It is pretty clear that rather than waiting for direct feedback to a proposed game change, the devs are responding to hype on the forums. This has lead to a number of unfortunate changes to all classes, that are pretty unnecessary. Recently Shiguru Miyamoto of Nintendo has discussed the relief he feels now that he can move his company away from casual gamers and back to the core. I hope that at some point Arena Net can do the same. Dumbing down the game is what is leading to the slow death of WoW (think pandas), hopefully guild wars will try to remove itself from the primadonnas that post on these forums and wait until patches have actually happened to then make declensions on balance.
Edit: This is not to say that bugs should not be reported. This is to say that the hardcore quality of the game is being damaged by people who don’t want to work for anything.

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(edited by Daniel Handler.4816)

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


It is pretty clear that rather than waiting for direct feedback to a proposed game change, the devs are responding to hype on the forums. This has lead to a number of unfortunate changes to all classes, that are pretty unnecessary. Recently Shiguru Miyamoto of Nintendo has discussed the relief he feels now that he can move his company away from casual gamers and back to the core. I hope that at some point Arena Net can do the same. Dumbing down the game is what is leading to the slow death of WoW (think pandas), hopefully guild wars will try to remove itself from the primadonnas that post on these forums and wait until patches have actually happened to then make declensions on balance.
Edit: This is not to say that bugs should not be reported. This is to say that the hardcore quality of the game is being damaged by people who don’t want to work for anything.

No idea what those “hardcore qualities” are tbh, the game was more or less designed for casuals right from the start (or is there anything “hardcore” other than goals set by the players themselfs) and that hasn’t changed since then. That’s why you get those short LS parts every few weeks, that’s why LS is repeatable now, etc. Yes, some parts are more difficult than others but I can’t think of anything hardcore.

Honestly, even though I would love some “hardcore” content myself I know that’s not how you make money nowadays. Hardcore gamers are a small minority, casuals spend the huge amounts of cash and that’s why every single game has an ingame shop now.

About the feedback before the patch is even released, I think the only reason why this happens is because the balances patches are coming really slowly. It usually takes months until something is changed again -> players want to give feedback before the patch is being released. And yes, that feedback contains the thoughts of casuals but they can voice their opinion too.

Once the casuals are gone the game is going to die and would much rather play a game with casuals than not playing at all.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: gobax.6185


This game is for casuals. Pls leave if you want a game that caters to hardcore players

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I do not know or care what or who you feel is “hard core” OP, but I would guess what Anet is listening to, are the players who paid for their game as well as currently buy gems.

Judging by your post history though OP, I am guessing you could care the least for true balance equality, and are ranting out of the dislike of ileap and other mesmer changes your unhappy about.

(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I so SO agree with OP that they need to stop catering to casuals.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


The players want ANet to go back HC, this is what we suggest.
Nobody have problem with some easy boss farm, 2-3 10 mins dungeons (everybody need sometimes a little chill)
But the core of the player base want HC things. This is why we have problems with ai controlled pets, fed up with stealth and welcome adrenaline nerf.
Most of the players want new kind of pvp maps and some of us want body block back (that made gw1 epic)

Just the WvW

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zaxon.6819


thier are people who play the forums more then they play the game.. and this vocal minority should in no way be considered in balance of any kind.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

thier are people who play the forums more then they play the game.. and this vocal minority should in no way be considered in balance of any kind.

If the official GW2 forums cannot be used as a place to hear player feedback about GW2 then where can?

If your argument is to be taken seriously then the devs should dismiss your stance out of hand. You’re a member of the gw2 forum warrior minority after all.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Devs doesn t listen to the forum
Unfortunately they ONLY care for capture point (and they aren’t even good at that).

Until PvE and WWW players will just make clear that they grew tired of this capture point centered balance that outrageously ignores 99% players (www+pve) we will have this unreasnable pointless balance.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Within 3 days every player hear about forum things. I played on a lot servers, played in a dozen guilds talked woth hundreds of players. There is minimum 1 player in every community who write on and/or read forum. They share everything with the speed of light. They talk about it on TS, guild chat and even map chat.
Never underestimate the power of the dark s… The forum warriors

Just the WvW

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


1) u cant ignore listening.. It is bussiness ethic.. They shall listen..
2) it is required for them aswell.. Here is one the biggest data source for them, but quality of data ll come by their inteeligence,prof

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“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”