The state of Necromancers in PvP

The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Blackmoa.3186


German Caster,
never blinking “specialist”,

The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CratZ.6270


Well done posting it here. Maybe some dev actually takes notice now.

The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


+1, really hope ANet sees the issues and makes healthy changes in some way. I’d love to see Necromancers viable at the top tiers, but not because of toxic mechanics like Dumbfire.

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The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: djooceboxblast.9876


Oh, i already made one aswell!

The state of Necromancers in PvP

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Ozzy Toxin.3074

Ozzy Toxin.3074

yep… sums up the necro slow predictable a thief can negate every hit with blind spam its so slow >.<