[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


So, the main issue with HS is mostly people complaining about it’s passive play, the unfortunate side effect is, the active isn’t worth using. So, here are a few ideas to making it perhaps more ideal and useful in play to be activated. Mostly just brainstorming of course with different possible ideas in which the signet could be used.

1 – Defensive Use
Upon activation HS heals for a small amount and grants Protection for X seconds, the added effect for this would be that HS would also be a Stun Breaker. Which would make it fairly unique for a heal skill for this fact.

2 – Offensive Use
Upon activation HS heals for a small amount and recharges all Physical utility skills.
Nothing too fancy, but it would encourage the use of some of the other less used utilities.

3 – Party Use
No solid ideas at this time, but been thinking it having a small active effect that also aid’s party members might be also idea, either through boons or abilities that would compliment Warriors that like party wide buffs.

These were mainly my ideas for making the active more effective and worth using to some degree by numerous or a few builds over the current ‘I accidentally hit 6 by mistake’ activation of the Signet.
Not sure if they are great or trash ideas, but I figure I’d put out my $0.02.

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


The biggest problem is the passive is also too strong. The cool down is rather low as well so so if you make the Active much stronger then the cool down needs to be increased as well. A measly 8% nerf to the Passive doesnt warrant any changes to the active. I am going to guess though that the Active will be buffed for around 20-25%

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


The biggest problem is the passive is also too strong. The cool down is rather low as well so so if you make the Active much stronger then the cool down needs to be increased as well. A measly 8% nerf to the Passive doesnt warrant any changes to the active. I am going to guess though that the Active will be buffed for around 20-25%

If the active was reworked to include something more useful, a redo of the cooldown would likely be required, I do agree.

However, I was a HS warrior pre-buff and was pretty much the only one who ever used it. I won’t deny that in the right circumstances the current HS can make some fights rather trivial, but thats mostly against non-condition/burst classes. If it scaled better with healing power, I would have agreed a base nerf to the passive would be acceptable again. Would give more reason (and synergy) to using the Defense traitline.

But them just buffing the active heal amount won’t make it more appealing. The sustain of the passive is its perk. The unique part of HS is that its different from Surge.

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Warriors have no protection by design.

They make up for it by having high health and higher regens/heals.

Giving them protection would probably open a huge can of worm and require nerfs elsewhere.

And I’d personally like its use effect to be a support one. ie: It heals others for 50% of what it heals the warrior.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Warriors have no protection by design.

They make up for it by having high health and higher regens/heals.

Giving them protection would probably open a huge can of worm and require nerfs elsewhere.

And I’d personally like its use effect to be a support one. ie: It heals others for 50% of what it heals the warrior.

No protection? Blocks and Invuls dont count to you as protection? Lets not forget that Healing Signet continues to heal while they are immune and they can continue to deal damage or run…

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


No protection? Blocks and Invuls dont count to you as protection? Lets not forget that Healing Signet continues to heal while they are immune and they can continue to deal damage or run…

I think he means the buff itself over the literal interpretation.

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


Warriors have no protection by design.

They make up for it by having high health and higher regens/heals.

Giving them protection would probably open a huge can of worm and require nerfs elsewhere.

And I’d personally like its use effect to be a support one. ie: It heals others for 50% of what it heals the warrior.

No protection? Blocks and Invuls dont count to you as protection? Lets not forget that Healing Signet continues to heal while they are immune and they can continue to deal damage or run…

I think they were referring specifically to the boon, Protection.

I should be writing.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Yeah I meant the buff.

Warriors have no access to protection. They make up for it with higher health and better regens. That’s how it works.

OP wants to make Healing Signet’s active gives them protection, which doesn’t work with that design.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


I think they were referring specifically to the boon, Protection.

They don’t have it because it is not needed. That simple. When you have an Overpowered passive heal, highest health, highest armor, Blocks, Invuls, insane mobility and plenty of CC you don’t need protection.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


Yeah I meant the buff.

Warriors have no access to protection. They make up for it with higher health and better regens. That’s how it works.

OP wants to make Healing Signet’s active gives them protection, which doesn’t work with that design.

Was merely a suggestion, currently there is very little alternatives to making the active all that great and figured a slight reduction in damage briefly with a passive heal nulled for recharge would be decent. Alternatively I was thinking a regen boon, but I felt that would be rather redundant.
Stability would have been a bit too strong as well.

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


To be honest I think the active should be crappy with such a good passive.

I don’t get why the devs want to buff the active and nerf the passive when the whole point of the skill is the passive and you only use the active when you’re outplayed, and 3/4 of the time it doesn’t save you, even in PvE with the stupid mob AI.

I like my idea of having it do an AoE heal because it doesn’t increase warrior sustain, it only increase warrior support. So if you see a teammate dying you could sacrifice your signet passive to give him a little buff in health. And then increase the cooldown to like 30 or 40 seconds because using the signet should be a big deal and have consequences.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Was merely a suggestion, currently there is very little alternatives to making the active all that great and figured a slight reduction in damage briefly with a passive heal nulled for recharge would be decent. Alternatively I was thinking a regen boon, but I felt that would be rather redundant.
Stability would have been a bit too strong as well.

Why does it need to be buffed at all? afterall, its a 8% nerf and Warriors will refuse to use it unless it is insanely overpowered with a short cool down anyway…

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


Why does it need to be buffed at all? afterall, its a 8% nerf and Warriors will refuse to use it unless it is insanely overpowered with a short cool down anyway…

8% isn’t all that much tbh. Still makes it better than the pre-buff state. I’ll still be using it in PvE and WvW since it suits my style and build. PvP is a different ball game though, never felt HS was that strong there. The Signet doesn’t need to be buffed per se, but it needs to become useful.

To be honest I think the active should be crappy with such a good passive.

I don’t get why the devs want to buff the active and nerf the passive when the whole point of the skill is the passive and you only use the active when you’re outplayed, and 3/4 of the time it doesn’t save you, even in PvE with the stupid mob AI.

I like my idea of having it do an AoE heal because it doesn’t increase warrior sustain, it only increase warrior support. So if you see a teammate dying you could sacrifice your signet passive to give him a little buff in health. And then increase the cooldown to like 30 or 40 seconds because using the signet should be a big deal and have consequences.

They seem to be wanting to steer away from complete passive play. Which the HS promotes the most. There’s almost no reason to ever activate it either compared to the other Signets in the game which have -some- use. Even if most are situational. The mindset seemed to be that passive was okay, but there should be other uses to a skill, which HS has none.
Many of the argument seems to be the ‘risk vs reward’ argument. There’s no risk in the passive healing being so good to never want it off and most would agree activating it isn’t a reward, its usually just crippling. They want there to be some risk to activating it (losing the passive buff) for a reward worth using.

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

An aoe heal and group stunbreaker makes sense to me. Although I dont like the idea of giving warrior another stunbreaker, it would certainly add incentive.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


To be honest I think the active should be crappy with such a good passive.

I don’t get why the devs want to buff the active and nerf the passive when the whole point of the skill is the passive and you only use the active when you’re outplayed, and 3/4 of the time it doesn’t save you, even in PvE with the stupid mob AI.

I like my idea of having it do an AoE heal because it doesn’t increase warrior sustain, it only increase warrior support. So if you see a teammate dying you could sacrifice your signet passive to give him a little buff in health. And then increase the cooldown to like 30 or 40 seconds because using the signet should be a big deal and have consequences.

Because it requires NO skill and the Passive is FAR to strong for something that requires no healing power. I have more than 500Healing Power and i would need FOUR stacks of regen to be the same or just slightly better than a Signet that is equip and forget. Doesn’t need healing Power either because it is already brokenly strong.

Why does it need to be buffed at all? afterall, its a 8% nerf and Warriors will refuse to use it unless it is insanely overpowered with a short cool down anyway…

8% isn’t all that much tbh. Still makes it better than the pre-buff state. I’ll still be using it in PvE and WvW since it suits my style and build. PvP is a different ball game though, never felt HS was that strong there. The Signet doesn’t need to be buffed per se, but it needs to become useful.

I meant they will refuse to use the active as you said 8% is nothing. So i don’t see why it SHOULD have the active buffed, i mean if the passive was given a 20-25% nerf then sure i would undertsand but 8% nerf is what 35-40Hps…that is nothing.

(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aza.2105


Yeah I meant the buff.

Warriors have no access to protection. They make up for it with higher health and better regens. That’s how it works.

OP wants to make Healing Signet’s active gives them protection, which doesn’t work with that design.

This is BS. How are you going to compare a boon that lasts at most 3 seconds with a long cd in pvp to a constant high health pool? Also to quote:

“Virtues have been said to help balance the guardian; for example, they have a lower base health than the warrior profession but compensate for this with their higher health regeneration granted by Virtue of Resolve.”


Warrior has a higher health regen than guardian. The most hp compared to the lowest hp guardian has. Extreme mobility, immunities and condition cleanse.

Also do not forget, ranger has a better protection uptime than guardian does. So now that is clear……

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Harper.4173


To be honest I think the active should be crappy with such a good passive.

I don’t get why the devs want to buff the active and nerf the passive when the whole point of the skill is the passive and you only use the active when you’re outplayed, and 3/4 of the time it doesn’t save you, even in PvE with the stupid mob AI.

I like my idea of having it do an AoE heal because it doesn’t increase warrior sustain, it only increase warrior support. So if you see a teammate dying you could sacrifice your signet passive to give him a little buff in health. And then increase the cooldown to like 30 or 40 seconds because using the signet should be a big deal and have consequences.

Because it requires NO skill and the Passive is FAR to strong for something that requires no healing power. I have more than 500Healing Power and i would need FOUR stacks of regen to be the same or just slightly better than a Signet that is equip and forget. Doesn’t need healing Power either because it is already brokenly strong.

Why does it need to be buffed at all? afterall, its a 8% nerf and Warriors will refuse to use it unless it is insanely overpowered with a short cool down anyway…

8% isn’t all that much tbh. Still makes it better than the pre-buff state. I’ll still be using it in PvE and WvW since it suits my style and build. PvP is a different ball game though, never felt HS was that strong there. The Signet doesn’t need to be buffed per se, but it needs to become useful.

I meant they will refuse to use the active as you said 8% is nothing. So i don’t see why it SHOULD have the active buffed, i mean if the passive was given a 20-25% nerf then sure i would undertsand but 8% nerf is what 35-40Hps…that is nothing.

Because you know better about class balance than the devs do.

You mentioned before that warriors don’t need protection – that’s because of their High HP, High armor and high regen. Don’t contradict yourself.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

(edited by Harper.4173)

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Step #1: Change Berserker Stance. Introduce conditions as the primary weakness to killing Warriors as their active ways to handle conditions at this point is about on par with Rangers, which most would consider fairly weak in the condi removal department.

Step #2: Attach the mechanic of berserker stance to the active portion of healing signet. Drain 3 to 5 adrenaline a second and make conditions deal 0 damage (not prevent their application) so long as you still have adrenaline.

Step #3: Increase cooldown to something appropriate.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Because you know better about class balance than the devs do.

You mentioned before that warriors don’t need protection – that’s because of their High HP, High armor and high regen. Don’t contradict yourself.

These being the devs that PLAY warrior, You dont find it interesting that the class the devs play also just happens to be the class with the most broken passive healing in the game, highest health, highest armor, insane mobility and very strong CC as well as blocks and immunities – which still allow them to heal and deal damage…

Sorry but an 8% nerf to a broken passive is nothing. If it was PROPERLY nerfed like 20-25% then sure i could understand the need to buff the Active but currently 8% nerf is the loss of like 38 healing per a second – You REALLY think that is a worthy nerf considering the active WILL be buffed by MUCH more than that to compensate…

I think my idea is a balanced one:

Passive: Nerf 25% – Reduced to 294 per a second
Active: Buff 50% – Increased to 4,900
Cool down: Increased by 5 seconds to 25seconds

I think that would be pretty balanced. Increase the Healing Power for it so that it can become very strong but mean that people will have to BUILD for it to be strong rather than just equip it and laugh at everyone elses poor regen.

Can you point to where i have contradicted myself? because i havent said they should have Protection – because they dont need it.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: havoc.6814


I think they were referring specifically to the boon, Protection.

They don’t have it because it is not needed. That simple. When you have an Overpowered passive heal, highest health, highest armor, Blocks, Invuls, insane mobility and plenty of CC you don’t need protection.

You forgot to mention the multitudes of adoring fans that we warriors have.

Now this was created as a thread for positive input for the active part of the new Healing Signet. Input for which Anet has asked. Why must you show up with your warrior-hate and ruin that? Please take your poison elsewhere if you cannot be constructive.

On topic: The warrior needs a reason to use the active, and that reason should not improve his sustainability. If properly done, the warrior will be hitting the skill to gain the active benefit, and the passive will be all but forgotten by everyone the extremely rage-filled ArmageddonAsh.

It would seem to me, that warriors like beating on things above all else, so I would suggest an active that helps him to do this. The warrior then sacrifices some of his sustain for more damage to foes. This is very much in line with the warrior tradition. I would therefore suggest an offensive boon such as might or quickness, the ability to cause torment on the next attack(s), or even a full adrenaline bar be the reward for pushing that button.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Talonblaze.3175


It would seem to me, that warriors like beating on things above all else, so I would suggest an active that helps him to do this. The warrior then sacrifices some of his sustain for more damage to foes. This is very much in line with the warrior tradition. I would therefore suggest an offensive boon such as might or quickness, the ability to cause torment on the next attack(s), or even a full adrenaline bar be the reward for pushing that button.

I pondered a few of those as well, but I feel the amount of Might Warriors get is a bit ridiculous, but its a start I suppose.
Quickness might be useful, but Anet has done to make sure that the boon isn’t so easily accessed without some notable drawback. Frenzy goes to show this.
As for the full adrenaline, sadly I would have to say that begins to be too close into what Surge already does. Perhaps instead of adrenaline, maybe Burst Recharge?

Duty is heavier than death.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: havoc.6814


The Quickness would have a noticable drawback – no passive healing until HS is recharged.

Burst recharge would be really nice, but I can already here people crying about double eviscerates. They can’t even dodge one of them O_o

Maybe an auto crit on the next attack(s)? I could see warriors hitting that to guarantee a big burst, and with crit rate getting nerfed, it might get warriors to use the active.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Burst recharge wouldn’t be too bad if:
1. cooldown on the signet was appropriate
2. Signet of Fury had a different active.

The second one is honestly more of an issue, but I think it is something that ANet should test internally. It would add a high risk/high reward paradigm to activating the skill, as if your additional burst skill gets avoided twice, you are left in a very perilous position. But, at the same time, landing two rapid burst skills could end the fight.

Another option would be to recharge all weapon (but not burst) skills.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: JorneMormel.9850


Could any experienced and/or knowledgeable Warrior fill me in on this one; what is wrong with the suggestion of toning down the skill in its’ current state (and in fact improving the active) while increasing the healing power coefficient? I feel like I am only going to get flamed for this suggestion, even though I am not the only one who has made it, but to me personally it would make for a very fun and active type of bunker build… Based on kiting and crowd control rather than blocks and evades to make the most out of the passive healing. Something like a hammer/mace-shield type of character.

Mysterious Old Geek
Co-founder of Flying Pink Unicorns [PWNY], Ring of Fire

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: havoc.6814


Could any experienced and/or knowledgeable Warrior fill me in on this one; what is wrong with the suggestion of toning down the skill in its’ current state (and in fact improving the active) while increasing the healing power coefficient? I feel like I am only going to get flamed for this suggestion, even though I am not the only one who has made it, but to me personally it would make for a very fun and active type of bunker build… Based on kiting and crowd control rather than blocks and evades to make the most out of the passive healing. Something like a hammer/mace-shield type of character.

Really? If you take that question to the warriors forums and ask it nicely – as you just did – you will get your answers. I actually started to answer it now, but it would be a long post and would be very off-topic.

The topic here is how to change the active to get the warrior to use it instead of sitting on the passive. This is in accordance with Anets stated desire to increase the active in such a way as to get warriors to use it without increasing their sustainability, and their request for suggestions.

If you have some creative suggestions to get the warrior to use the active without increasing his sustain, and without rewriting the whole skill (which just isn’t going to happen anyways), then we would love to hear them. Thank you.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326



I have a warrior and I actually like the idea of nerfing the healing signet’s passive heal by ~25% and buffing the scaling a great deal. I gear and trait my warrior all the way for support and defense, but my healing power feels like a waste because warriors scale horribly with healing power. If I had used PVT instead my warrior wouldn’t be much more fragile, and she would also hit for more than 600 with a Earthshaker. I feel like an idiot to be a warrior that can’t DPS and isn’t much more defensive than the others.

If one healing skill scaled well with healing power, it would make gearing for it feel more rewarding. And Healing Signet makes more sense to receive that kind of deal because if you take less damage you’re less likely to need burst healing than a glass cannon. I also don’t think you should get that kind of healing power if you don’t trait for it. And if they give a group support side-effect to the active like I suggested it would make it perfect for support warriors.

But other warriors will disagree.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Harper.4173


Because you know better about class balance than the devs do.

You mentioned before that warriors don’t need protection – that’s because of their High HP, High armor and high regen. Don’t contradict yourself.

These being the devs that PLAY warrior, You dont find it interesting that the class the devs play also just happens to be the class with the most broken passive healing in the game, highest health, highest armor, insane mobility and very strong CC as well as blocks and immunities – which still allow them to heal and deal damage…

Sorry but an 8% nerf to a broken passive is nothing. If it was PROPERLY nerfed like 20-25% then sure i could understand the need to buff the Active but currently 8% nerf is the loss of like 38 healing per a second – You REALLY think that is a worthy nerf considering the active WILL be buffed by MUCH more than that to compensate…

I think my idea is a balanced one:

Passive: Nerf 25% – Reduced to 294 per a second
Active: Buff 50% – Increased to 4,900
Cool down: Increased by 5 seconds to 25seconds

I think that would be pretty balanced. Increase the Healing Power for it so that it can become very strong but mean that people will have to BUILD for it to be strong rather than just equip it and laugh at everyone elses poor regen.

Can you point to where i have contradicted myself? because i havent said they should have Protection – because they dont need it.

You think your idea is a balanced one – but it isn’t. Under its proposed form there would be NO REASON to take it.
Think about it. Would you take it ? You’re better off taking Healing Surge.

You said they don’t need protection because they have high HP and high armor and high regen yet in other threads you want these things taken away.

They mentioned they want to improve the active in order to make warriors use it more. They didn’t say HOW it will be improved – they’re not going to make it OP. They’re going to give warriors a REASON to activate it. And that in itself is the intended " nerf " that you people are asking for.

8% base nerf + the fact that warriors will be USING IT – which means it will be on COOLDOWN which means no passive regen.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

(edited by Harper.4173)

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: JETWING.2759


  • Anet don’t want that active as one more heal skill.
  • Anet don’t want increase the sustain by buff active.
  • Anet don’t want warrior with easy access to protection.
  • Anet want decrease the access to vigor and poison stacking.

I think the best way to turn active attractive is turning an offensive tool.

1 – Add a lightning field effect for x seconds (may be according adrenaline level), and decrease the cast time from 1,25s to 0,25s.

2 – This skill cold also recharge burst skill and weapon swap CD. The active CD could be decreased to 15 seconds, and the cast time could be decreased to 0,25 or 0,5 seconds.

3 – Heal yourself (or do not heal) and Mark 1 foe (or +) for 3, 4 or 5 seconds (may scale with adrenaline level). THE MARK: All health gain is converted in damage.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


To be honest I think the active should be crappy with such a good passive.

I don’t get why the devs want to buff the active and nerf the passive when the whole point of the skill is the passive and you only use the active when you’re outplayed, and 3/4 of the time it doesn’t save you, even in PvE with the stupid mob AI.

I like my idea of having it do an AoE heal because it doesn’t increase warrior sustain, it only increase warrior support. So if you see a teammate dying you could sacrifice your signet passive to give him a little buff in health. And then increase the cooldown to like 30 or 40 seconds because using the signet should be a big deal and have consequences.

Because it requires NO skill and the Passive is FAR to strong for something that requires no healing power. I have more than 500Healing Power and i would need FOUR stacks of regen to be the same or just slightly better than a Signet that is equip and forget. Doesn’t need healing Power either because it is already brokenly strong

Every other healing skill requires no skill at all. Just press 1 button and all your HP is back.

Healing signet requires you to actively survive to keep your HP up.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


  • Anet don’t want that active as one more heal skill.
  • Anet don’t want increase the sustain by buff active.
  • Anet don’t want warrior with easy access to protection.
  • Anet want decrease the access to vigor and poison stacking.

I think the best way to turn active attractive is turning an offensive tool.

1 – Add a lightning field effect for x seconds (may be according adrenaline level), and decrease the cast time from 1,25s to 0,25s.

2 – This skill cold also recharge burst skill and weapon swap CD. The active CD could be decreased to 15 seconds, and the cast time could be decreased to 0,25 or 0,5 seconds.

3 – Heal yourself (or do not heal) and Mark 1 foe (or +) for 3, 4 or 5 seconds (may scale with adrenaline level). THE MARK: All health gain is converted in damage.

To kind of play off your idea to give the class more offensive utility, what if they made the active work kind of like the Elementalist’s glyphs where you get a unique skill depending on the weapon you have selected?

If you have a Hammer equipped, your activated attack is a banish which knocks the target back XXX units.

If you have a Greatsword equipped, you pull up to 5 targets to you and chill them.

Something unique for each weapon that may fill in some void the weapon currently has but doesn’t aid in a Warrior’s defense or mobility.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Every other healing skill requires no skill at all. Just press 1 button and all your HP is back.

Healing signet requires you to actively survive to keep your HP up.

Wrong. This is just passive healing. The warrior will RARELY even use the active, that takes no skill what so ever to do. where as any heal that has a cast time of say 3/4seconds+ can be countered and interrupted.

How do you counter a passive heal that is nearly FOUR times as strong as 4 stacks of Regen on a character that has more then 500 healing Power compared to a warrior that simply equips it…

To kind of play off your idea to give the class more offensive utility, what if they made the active work kind of like the Elementalist’s glyphs where you get a unique skill depending on the weapon you have selected?

If you have a Hammer equipped, your activated attack is a banish which knocks the target back XXX units.

If you have a Greatsword equipped, you pull up to 5 targets to you and chill them.

Something unique for each weapon that may fill in some void the weapon currently has but doesn’t aid in a Warrior’s defense or mobility.

Yeah because hammer needs MORE knockbacks…
It is a 8% “nerf” that is like 38HpS. The active doesnt need to be changed at all for such a low “nerf” which it barely is. Most warriors wouldn’t even notice the “nerf” anyway.

How about something crazy – The active is left alone because it is such a low “nerf” that ANY change to the active will be a buff. It is a mere 8% “nerf” its not like it has been decreased by 50% or anything. It wouldn’t even be noticed.

If the active MUST be buffed, then the Passive needs to be nerfed by more than 8%.

(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Every other healing skill requires no skill at all. Just press 1 button and all your HP is back.

Healing signet requires you to actively survive to keep your HP up.

Wrong. This is just passive healing. The warrior will RARELY even use the active, that takes no skill what so ever to do. where as any heal that has a cast time of say 3/4seconds+ can be countered and interrupted.

How do you counter a passive heal that is nearly FOUR times as strong as 4 stacks of Regen on a character that has more then 500 healing Power compared to a warrior that simply equips it…

How does healing signet counter 1500 dps and poison that melts them very easily? By actively fighting to survive. Actively fighting to survive takes skill.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


How does healing signet counter 1500 dps and poison that melts them very easily? By actively fighting to survive. Actively fighting to survive takes skill.

I only knew of a few classes that can Perma Poison people. So that one doesnt really count. Silly me – Pressing a block or immunity takes REAL skill. You are also forgetting that if they want to run they can…

Plus it will do a better job that people that can have perma regen due to it being 4 times as strong add on Adrenal Health and thats even more regen. Combined that into the class wit the Highest health and Highest armor with plenty of ways to block or invul damage while still healing AND still being able to damage. They could also go the Hammer route and just spam CC….Not everyone has easy access to stability.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Introp.8465


How does healing signet counter 1500 dps and poison that melts them very easily? By actively fighting to survive. Actively fighting to survive takes skill.

I only knew of a few classes that can Perma Poison people. So that one doesnt really count. Silly me – Pressing a block or immunity takes REAL skill. You are also forgetting that if they want to run they can…

Plus it will do a better job that people that can have perma regen due to it being 4 times as strong add on Adrenal Health and thats even more regen. Combined that into the class wit the Highest health and Highest armor with plenty of ways to block or invul damage while still healing AND still being able to damage. They could also go the Hammer route and just spam CC….Not everyone has easy access to stability.

oh god not these people again. This is suggestion thread, not whine “healing signet is op” thread, begone troll.
a good thief can burst any warrior down in like 4s dodging all opener skills ( and not everyone is using stances, sometimes u dont even have time to use EP). poison kittens up regen so bad, and everyone has access to it – swap weapon rune. Even condi burst kills u faster than u clear those 3 condis, which gets reapplied. The only fight hs shines is vs bunkers.

And by the way, roll warrior, use healing signet with for example shout build and see how long will u survive. 5s? 7s? it is that fast to die with warrior using plain hs. And just because class has ways to mitigate damage, doesnt make 1 healing spell op. You invest everything not to die, because without it u melt.

As i said in other threads – compare every healing spell to every class healing spell, not take 1 and put it into random imaginary standarts how things should work.
to end the rant – get good scrub. somehow people kill warriors left and right, maybe u need to play sims 3 instead.

on the topic I would somehow change it either to a shout or make regen based on adrenaline level.

Or active boost regen 3 times for example for 5s, instead of bulk amount, keeping the signet theme.

(edited by Introp.8465)

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Every other healing skill requires no skill at all. Just press 1 button and all your HP is back.

Healing signet requires you to actively survive to keep your HP up.

Wrong. This is just passive healing. The warrior will RARELY even use the active, that takes no skill what so ever to do. where as any heal that has a cast time of say 3/4seconds+ can be countered and interrupted.

How do you counter a passive heal that is nearly FOUR times as strong as 4 stacks of Regen on a character that has more then 500 healing Power compared to a warrior that simply equips it…

To kind of play off your idea to give the class more offensive utility, what if they made the active work kind of like the Elementalist’s glyphs where you get a unique skill depending on the weapon you have selected?

If you have a Hammer equipped, your activated attack is a banish which knocks the target back XXX units.

If you have a Greatsword equipped, you pull up to 5 targets to you and chill them.

Something unique for each weapon that may fill in some void the weapon currently has but doesn’t aid in a Warrior’s defense or mobility.

Yeah because hammer needs MORE knockbacks…
It is a 8% “nerf” that is like 38HpS. The active doesnt need to be changed at all for such a low “nerf” which it barely is. Most warriors wouldn’t even notice the “nerf” anyway.

How about something crazy – The active is left alone because it is such a low “nerf” that ANY change to the active will be a buff. It is a mere 8% “nerf” its not like it has been decreased by 50% or anything. It wouldn’t even be noticed.

If the active MUST be buffed, then the Passive needs to be nerfed by more than 8%.

Question: Is the 8% nerf enough? Given from your incessant crying, I’m assuming not. Thus the point of this thread and ANets comments… find a reason to activate the signet so the regen is actually stopped for 16 seconds and see if that is enough to nerf it. If 16 seconds of inactivity plus the 8% nerf isn’t enough, then go from there.

I have a feeling though that if the Warrior were given a realistic reason to actually use the signet, even you’d consider the class fine. As hard as that is to believe…

And no, the Warrior doesn’t need another stun or knockback. But why don’t you stop being a troll for 2 seconds and come up with either a.) an alternate option other than QQ or b.) a suggestion to tie into the post you quoted but is more reasonable.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


The only way to make people actually use that skill would be make the active even more overpowered – whatever the actual effect is – than the passive.

It just shouldn’t have such a powerful effect as a passive effect to begin with, that’s the problem.
Tie the passive with the adrenaline bar, make it work alike the mesmer’s one – more adrenaline you have, more hp you get – then raise the active heal by quite a bit and raise the cooldown a bit as well. Something like 25s base cooldown, 5200 hp + 0.7*healing power, for example.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: havoc.6814


. You are also forgetting that if they want to run they can…

It always kills me when trolls come here and QQ about how incredibly super OP warriors are, and then also cry that they are running away. Why should a class that is so OP run away? That’s just so funny, but hey, it’s ArmageddonAsh, the original warrior-hate guy, so we have to expect him to troll the thread with dumb stuff rather than hold a constructive discussion about the actual topic.

On topic, I think there are some good ideas here. Keep in mind that the actives should not improve the warriors sustain in any way.

What about adding a small AoE poison (melee range only) to the active to sabotage everybody’s healing while also putting his own on cooldown – kind of a put up or shut up mechanic?

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: runeblade.7514


How does healing signet counter 1500 dps and poison that melts them very easily? By actively fighting to survive. Actively fighting to survive takes skill.

I only knew of a few classes that can Perma Poison people. So that one doesnt really count. Silly me – Pressing a block or immunity takes REAL skill. You are also forgetting that if they want to run they can…

Plus it will do a better job that people that can have perma regen due to it being 4 times as strong add on Adrenal Health and thats even more regen. Combined that into the class wit the Highest health and Highest armor with plenty of ways to block or invul damage while still healing AND still being able to damage. They could also go the Hammer route and just spam CC….Not everyone has easy access to stability.

Healing signet is probably 4 times stronger because there is weak busrt healing. What healing signet counters is low Dps, which most whiner are probably playing.

A warrior has to survive 30 seconds to regen his HP back up, any other class just needs to press one button for one second.

Shield stance last 3 seconds, that is 1200 HP restored. A thief auto attack hits 1500 damage in one hit, that HP restored is lost. Healing signet is balanced. What is not balanced is the other warrior heals.

If you think warriors are playable without healing signet, then use any other heal, come back and tell us your success, show us how that invulnerability, high armor, high HP is making you overpowered.

You will probably tell us, if truthfully, that you keep dying left and right.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Seetoo.9316


I liked the idea of marking your target.

“If I can’t heal, you can’t either”

Prevent up to five targets 300? 500? range from you from healing for x secs.

The warrior loses his healing skill, and so does everyone else (really close to him).

Hint hint, not serious.

[Warrior] Healing Signet Active Ideas

in Profession Balance

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


How does healing signet counter 1500 dps and poison that melts them very easily? By actively fighting to survive. Actively fighting to survive takes skill.

I only knew of a few classes that can Perma Poison people. So that one doesnt really count. Silly me – Pressing a block or immunity takes REAL skill. You are also forgetting that if they want to run they can…

Plus it will do a better job that people that can have perma regen due to it being 4 times as strong add on Adrenal Health and thats even more regen. Combined that into the class wit the Highest health and Highest armor with plenty of ways to block or invul damage while still healing AND still being able to damage. They could also go the Hammer route and just spam CC….Not everyone has easy access to stability.

Healing signet is probably 4 times stronger because there is weak busrt healing. What healing signet counters is low Dps, which most whiner are probably playing.

A warrior has to survive 30 seconds to regen his HP back up, any other class just needs to press one button for one second.

Shield stance last 3 seconds, that is 1200 HP restored. A thief auto attack hits 1500 damage in one hit, that HP restored is lost. Healing signet is balanced. What is not balanced is the other warrior heals.

If you think warriors are playable without healing signet, then use any other heal, come back and tell us your success, show us how that invulnerability, high armor, high HP is making you overpowered.

You will probably tell us, if truthfully, that you keep dying left and right.

I agree.
Play a greatsword/ longbow berserker warrior w/ frenzy/bull rush in utilities and the signet feels fine.

Play hammer/longbow w/soldiers and all stances and it feels OP. The Signet itself is fine, it is how the signet can be manipulated so heavily that gives it the min/max feel.