What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I’d like to have these patchnotes. If any of my ideas is too op pls tell me :o


  • Illusionary Leap: Fixed a bug that caused the clone not to reach its target.
  • Swap: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to be a stunbreaker.
  • Counter Blade: Reduced cast time from 3/4s to 1/4s to make this skill be a more reliable interrupt.


  • Spatial Surge: Merged the damage tiers of this skill to be 0-600 units and 600-1200 units. Also fixed a bug that caused this skill to hit over the range of 1200 units.
  • Mind Stab: Changed this skills radius to 360. Now this skill will cause 5 meteor-like impacts on up to 5 foes in the target area. Impacts will have 3 targets as cap.
    Now mesmers are able to cast this skill while moving.


  • Chain: This chains cast time has been reduced from 2s to 1.25s (from 0.5|0.5|1 to 0.25|0.25|0.75 )
  • Confusing Images: This skills cast time has been reduced from 3s to 2s.


  • Temporal Curtain: This skill now stacks swiftness.
  • Phantasmal Warden: A bug has been fixed that caused this skill to block unblockable attacks. A bug has been fixed that prevented this phantasm from attacking.


  • Blink: A bug has been fixed that caused this skill to be equipable underwater when the trait Far Reaching Manipulations was used.
  • Arcane Thievery: This skill now redirects 4 boons and conditions instead of 3.
  • Mimic: This skill was reworked to …?…?…???
  • Power Lock: This skills cooldown was reduced to 2.5 (from 5s) to grant the ability to interrupt more precisely.
    Time Warp: This skills cooldown was reduced to 150s (from 210s)


  • Crippling Dissipation: This trait can no longer be caused by the mesmer through overwriting clones.
  • Rending Shatter: This trait has been changed in functionality. Now this trait causes Diversion to deal damage. This trait has been moved to master tier.
  • Confusing Enchantments: This trait has been moved to adept tier.
  • Power Block: This trait can now set skills without cooldown on cooldown. This does not apply to autoattacks.


  • Furious Interruption: This trait now grants 5s of quickness instead of 3s.
  • Triumphant Distortion: This traits ICD was reduced to 6s (from 10s).


  • Debilitating Dissipation: This trait can no longer be caused by the mesmer through overwriting clones. This trait now inflicts torment instead of vulnerability: Torment 2x 5s.
  • Bountiful Disillusionment: This trait has been changed in functionality. Now this trait grants one of the following boons when illusions are killed. Aegis: 3s. Might: 5s. Swiftness: 5s.
  • Prismatic Understanding: This trait has been changed in functionality. This trait no longer grants boons while in stealth. Now this trait causes to spawn a clone when being revealed or leaving stealth. This won’t happen out of combat. This trait still causes cloaking skills to last 1s longer.


  • Vengeful Images: This trait has been changed in functionality. Now this trait grants 3s invulnerability to new phantasms.
  • Disruptors Sustainment: This trait has been changed in functionality. This trait now heals the mesmer and up to 3 allies on interrupt. The mesmer is healed by 750+Healingpower. This skill now has an ICD of 5s.


  • Master of Misdirection: This trait now increases the duration of confusion by 50% and increases all confusion damage by 25%. This trait was move to Master tier.
  • Illusionary Elasticity: A bug has been fixed that caused this skill not to apply to illusions.
  • Illusionary Invigoration: This skill was moved to Adept tier.
  • Maim the Disillusioned: This trait now applies 6s of torment (from 4).
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


I see what you did there.

Nerfing PU setups. But what about clone death builds, that have been nerfed to uselessness already, you just kill them off.

We need some clear buffing in regards of PvE, which you totally neglect. Shatter would need some serious fixing to be competative in this game mode.
Right now, build diversity in PvE is Phantasm with mantras, or Phantasm without mantras. That is not enough.

I hope, the devs look further than PvP, because this game has more to offer than being a failed eSport.

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Swish.2463


I’d rather see

Mesmer – Taken back to the drawing board. Complete class code and mechanics overhaul and redo.

I’d rather relearn my class than have all my bugs fixed and find out that my class still has 0 traction on the Warrior dominated hill of balance…

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I see what you did there.

Nerfing PU setups. But what about clone death builds, that have been nerfed to uselessness already, you just kill them off.

We need some clear buffing in regards of PvE, which you totally neglect. Shatter would need some serious fixing to be competative in this game mode.
Right now, build diversity in PvE is Phantasm with mantras, or Phantasm without mantras. That is not enough.

I hope, the devs look further than PvP, because this game has more to offer than being a failed eSport.

Well in some cases it’s rather what I expect than what i want it to be :o

To be honest I don’t know how to buff mesmer in PvE without changing the whole class o.o … phantasms are not really good in pve since they get killed over and over again.
Why nerfing clone death? To buff them afterwards. I’d like to have them more skillbased but more powerful.

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Mesmer – Taken back to the drawing board. Complete class code and mechanics overhaul and redo.

This is what I’d like to see too but I think Anet won’t overhaul any class. So I’m trying to be realistic here.

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


I see what you did there.

Nerfing PU setups. But what about clone death builds, that have been nerfed to uselessness already, you just kill them off.

We need some clear buffing in regards of PvE, which you totally neglect. Shatter would need some serious fixing to be competative in this game mode.
Right now, build diversity in PvE is Phantasm with mantras, or Phantasm without mantras. That is not enough.

I hope, the devs look further than PvP, because this game has more to offer than being a failed eSport.

i rather devs make more interesting encounters. Classes are already complex as it is. PvE encounters are not.

If they manage to make mob more pvp like with much less health and dmg, the game will already be harder.

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Azo.5860


i can add repeat some stuffs, for mesmer balance, to make them more viable for wvw zergs, instead just having seat if mesmer have veil(veil bots).. so it ll require some adaptation to mesmer for large scale organized groups without lowering/oping in other types excatly for tpvp..

Veil issue, =
if it become elite? or
change its function? (dunno what gonna be happen if mesmer has no veil anyone would prefer mesmer over other 5classes)? (i skipped eng and ranger dont have idea about them enough)

Phantasms: or making phantasms available to hit at least minimum required of efficient(minimum cant be `0` )
as i do some compare about izerker vs phoenix in terms of aoe damage.. i see still phoenix is much more better.. as izerker cleave(3 attack/hits) whirlwind (x4) so it is 12attacks/hits.. its coefficient is 0.55 × 12 = 6.6 phoenix pierce attack (thinks it hits 3 ppl in zerg avarage x 0.75 coefficient) + (aoe cap 5 × 1.70skillcoefficient) total = 11skillcoefficient so difference is Phoenix is %66 more damage than izerker(if phoenix done 10k total damage sum in cap, izerker only make 6.6k damage if both hits max) [ and guess what is the possibility of geting max hit risk izerker vs phoenix :P ]
so as these izerker or other phantasms request at least 1 hit before die is fair ? make them invul or let them prepaid damage , while dont give away from its counter play.. if it can want it can be make objective fair balance or adaptation..

BF: maybe let it only take half trigger or damage from retal.. probably will let mesmer more viable to use their shatter which has IP builds, u know what, i ll be thief and useing pistol whip as bf use would better maybe :P and it was the biggest issue of mesmers that become veil bots, (they are not efficient/suxing on melee train presurrer) or make BF invul with -%20 less invul time than evade, (so it will be more challenging skill but fair from my side, kitten after invul u ll have time non evading non invul time that can take all damages regularly so it can let player shorten theit BF challenge will let todo BF -%20 damage as well in terms of less risk in profit of -%20 damage) but player can easily interupt their BF i mean they should not have to press escape or staking as ram building etc, movements or other skill triging can interupt)

MIndstab: they were talking about buffing it, i am still not sure buffing will include wvw zerg philisophy, they were talkng about channeling, it sounds good to me, but channeling should not change that skill play style on tpvp as well,
so using mindstab as regular but then it can start channel so pulses while imbobilize and last pulse can make final hit or blast, so if skill ended its channel it can become double cd maybe ? or skill will channel but will give delayed big damage as staff ele earth2 water2 or scepter fire2.

these are some stuff i hope but ofc need objective theorycraft, which can let mesmer more viable in zergs without making it lack or op in other modes styles environments..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


What I hope for the Mesmers Skillbar

This thread is not what I hope for, and I hope ANet understands this is a single person’s opinion and not the one of the community.

To me, the list looks more like a mess of changes based on what you have troubles countering, and not cross-profession balancing changes. “Fixing” a stunbreak on an already unviable weapon? Removing PU condi spam? It’s definitely the hate of newbies, but no one’s taking it seriously in tPvP.

What I as a person who have mained a mesmer (until recently) need in reworked mesmers:

  • AoE damage options for equal loot ba88in8, preferably as utilities.
  • Non-stealth mobility solutions to counter unstoppable runners and to break out of Traveler runes, like a speed signet, a no-illusion speed trait, leaps.
  • Personal damage build options which do not rely heavily on clones or phantasms which can often be a liability (like a ranger’s pet). Proper sigil/rune effects transfer to illusions which are a significant part of our damage.
  • Non-utility, damage-type utility skill(s). Rework of rarely used weapon skills. Blast finisher.
  • Real fixing of 40+ bugs and rework of many QoL annoyances. As a supplement, not as a replacement for balancing.
20 level 80s and counting.

(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

What I hope for the Mesmers Skillbar

This thread is not what I hope for, and I hope ANet understands this is a single person’s opinion and not the one of the community.

To me, the list looks more like a mess of changes based on what you have troubles countering, and not cross-profession balancing changes. “Fixing” a stunbreak on an already unviable weapon? Removing PU condi spam? It’s definitely the hate of newbies, but no one’s taking it seriously in tPvP.

What I as a person who have mained a mesmer (until recently) need in reworked mesmers:

  • AoE damage options for equal loot ba88in8, preferably as utilities.
  • Non-stealth mobility solutions to counter unstoppable runners and to break out of Traveler runes, like a speed signet, a no-illusion speed trait, leaps.
  • Personal damage build options which do not rely heavily on clones or phantasms which can often be a liability (like a ranger’s pet). Proper sigil/rune effects transfer to illusions which are a significant part of our damage.
  • Non-utility, damage-type utility skill(s). Rework of rarely used weapon skills. Blast finisher.
  • Real fixing of 40+ bugs and rework of many QoL annoyances. As a supplement, not as a replacement for balancing.

Hey. As mentiond earlier I did not only suggest what I hope for but also what is realistic for Arena Net to do. I know them many years now.

I wouldn’t consider me as a newbie. I am a mesmer main since the 25th of August 2012 and I really want this profession to be buffed. The “nerfs” I want them to do are logical if you consider what they just did in the last few balance patches. And “fixes”.

Let me explain why I want the changes:

Sword: They took away the thieves stunbreak. It’s not fair if we keep ours. Same issue as with perma vigor. Was nerfed on other professions -> was nerfed for us.

Clonedeath traits: My change wouldn’t really nerf the mesmer but make him rely on something called skill. The mesmer would need to know the placement of his clones. Also this would make the sword a good choice for clonedeath builds because the swordclones go meele and get killed.

PU: I just dislike that trait and I thought that a few other options to spawn clones would be great. So I decided to change this one.

For your suggestions I just go right through them:

  1. I wanted to implement that with Mind Stab. Other options would be great as well. But it’s a step into the right direction.
  2. Unrealistic. Anet didn’t give us good mobility in 2 years. Best buff for us was the traveler rune. I really don’t beliefe that they’d change it now. Would be great though.
  3. Also not realistic. The clones/phantasms are one of our core mechanics. Anet wouldn’t rework a class mechanic. They would have done that with the ranger already if they thought it’d be needed.
  4. Which skills are you refering to? I use all weapon skills.
  5. Yes the bugs need to be fixed so much -.- pls anet fix our profession. -.-
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


I love the idea for PU. I feel it will allow mesmer to be played in a way that confuses the enemy. Infact I would even suggest that a clone is released randomly instealth. This would function to confuse foes.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

(edited by Zelulose.8695)

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


I really don’t think that clone death proc via clone overwrite is that much of an issue. I’d just like to see clone death explosions become blockable etc.

My only hope is that Anet nerf PU before anything else. I’d love to see it completely change to something less silly, but probably the most realistic preliminary nerf, would be removing the +1 second of stealth, which would equate to one less boon proc.


What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Clownmug.8357


Why ask for PU nerfs? Do mesmers really need another garbage GM trait?

What I hope/expect for the Mesmers Skillbar

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


illusionary leap: give this skill 900-1200 range like other illusions, but keep the leap range the same. if your illusion fails to land the leap because it’s out of range, it just runs to the target, business as usual.

just gives the mesmer more thief-esque mobility. aim at a bunny, leap, port, shatter, repeat. not much of a buff in combat though, but i always thought it would be a neat quality of life change.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell