Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deathmond.7328


Why It can`t work like in WoW\Rift\Swtor or other MMO game?
WHen we fight world boss\dungeon creatures\open world content – some dragon or something else take condition damage from me and all players who damage him? He suffer from my bleed+burning and from others players bleed+burning or poison or torment. Those condition effects should not replace each other – it’s just absurd!
I understand the state of sPvP or WvW but in PvE it need to work in another way!

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Why you hate on ANet?

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deathmond.7328


Why you hate on ANet?

I only said that this is broken part of game.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


It is a technical problem that Anet is either unable or unwilling to spend the time to fix. Until they are nothing will change.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


Why It can`t work like in WoW\Rift\Swtor or other MMO game?
WHen we fight world boss\dungeon creatures\open world content – some dragon or something else take condition damage from me and all players who damage him? He suffer from my bleed+burning and from others players bleed+burning or poison or torment. Those condition effects should not replace each other – it’s just absurd!
I understand the state of sPvP or WvW but in PvE it need to work in another way!

Trying to use conditions in open world is like trying to stick a brick in to a plug socket, you’re using it for the wrong type of content.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


The game is balanced around PvP where players cleanse conditions and use stun breakers. This can drastically reduce the impact of conditions and effects. PvE mobs do not have the same mechanics for cleansing so need something to stop conditions from being dominant in PvE and therefore we have the condition limit and unshakable/defiant. Both of these are unpopular but no other solutions are obvious.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deathmond.7328


Why It can`t work like in WoW\Rift\Swtor or other MMO game?
WHen we fight world boss\dungeon creatures\open world content – some dragon or something else take condition damage from me and all players who damage him? He suffer from my bleed+burning and from others players bleed+burning or poison or torment. Those condition effects should not replace each other – it’s just absurd!
I understand the state of sPvP or WvW but in PvE it need to work in another way!

Trying to use conditions in open world is like trying to stick a brick in to a plug socket, you’re using it for the wrong type of content.

Wrong type of content?
State of this game – “Play as you like\want”
Even games that state about “best gear”, ’best build"(WoW etc.) never say you "this wrong type of content " for condition\DoT builds.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


What it means by play as you want is that you can do any content you like and be rewarded for it, not run the wrong builds for content.

You could have at least looked up the context of it before quoting that.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


What it means by play as you want is that you can do any content you like and be rewarded for it, not run the wrong builds for content.

You could have at least looked up the context of it before quoting that.

Conditions are never the “wrong build”, one condition user in a group is awesome for dungeons and conditions are great in solo PvE. The biggest issue is zerg PvE and multiple condition users in a group.

It is a technical flaw that Anet has not been able to fix. Condition users were designed to be viable in ALL content, and they would be if the computational flaw can be fixed and the cap moved to a personal one instead of a group one.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Well, hopefully they invent some thing that works for PvE.

There have been suggestions tho:

Vulnerability would also increase condition dmg inflicted.

Critical conditions, that use Crit dmg to boost condition dmg.

“Stacking power up”, inflicting powerful special condition on set amount of specific condition stacks.

In my opinion tho, changing Vulnerability to boost condition dmg too would be least harmful on overall, but I might be missing something important…

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deathmond.7328


What it means by play as you want is that you can do any content you like and be rewarded for it, not run the wrong builds for content.

You could have at least looked up the context of it before quoting that.

As I understand – you think that only viable builds for PvE in grp(dungeons\FoTM etc.) is power based(mostly berserk) and all others wrong builds…but If some ppl wants that condi builds can make such damage in PvE like power builds – it is bad?

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dace.8019


As someone has already said, it’s not a design decision based on balance, it’s a compromise based on technical limitations.

There have been suggested many interesting solutions that would allow multiple condition sources to still be useful that would not make this any worse (or in some cases decrease server load) and ANet has either said, and done, nothing since they first admitted it was a technical problem that they would continue to work on.

I think given how long the game has been out, and how much of an impact this has (particularly in group instanced content, but also open world) on class dynamics and is completely opposed to a mantra ANet has that the more the merrier (in the case of condition builds, just one will do AND NO MORE K THX) you’d think it would have been settled to at least majority satisfaction by now.

(edited by dace.8019)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


Conditions are never the “wrong build”, one condition user in a group is awesome for dungeons and conditions are great in solo PvE. The biggest issue is zerg PvE and multiple condition users in a group.

Great in solo PvE, not so great in group dungeons. Other party members are passively applying their own so you lose a lot of your damage, plus your conditions don’t scale with vulnerability or damage modifiers, so in an ideal situation you’ll cap out at like 6,000DPS while direct damage players will cap out at 11,000 – 13,000DPS.

It is a technical flaw that Anet has not been able to fix. Condition users were designed to be viable in ALL content, and they would be if the computational flaw can be fixed and the cap moved to a personal one instead of a group one.

And conditions are viable in all content, just not optimal.

As I understand – you think that only viable builds for PvE in grp(dungeons\FoTM etc.) is power based(mostly berserk) and all others wrong builds…but If some ppl wants that condi builds can make such damage in PvE like power builds – it is bad?

I want condition builds to be on par with direct damage for group content, but it’s never going to happen because of technical limitations of condition/boon stacking.

To reiterate: any build is viable, but only some are optimal. People complain builds X, Y and Z aren’t viable, but you can link me literally the stupidest build possible and I’d be able to call it viable.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xenon.4537


I think something that would help in a small way would be to remove conditions from weapon skills and put them on traits. Either that or allow us to select from 2 versions of a given weapon skill; one for power and one for condition. Also remove DoT conditions from minor traits. This is basically aimed at removing “side effect” conditions from power builds, thus removing low-duration and low-damage conditions from power builds, and allocating them to “real” condition builds.

This way a warrior trying to get some precision from Arms won’t ruin a necromancer’s bleed stacks from the bleed proc. Of course this won’t completely solve the issue, but it might help…

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Pibriamal.8719


Conditions are never the “wrong build”, one condition user in a group is awesome for dungeons and conditions are great in solo PvE. The biggest issue is zerg PvE and multiple condition users in a group.

Great in solo PvE, not so great in group dungeons. Other party members are passively applying their own so you lose a lot of your damage, plus your conditions don’t scale with vulnerability or damage modifiers, so in an ideal situation you’ll cap out at like 6,000DPS while direct damage players will cap out at 11,000 – 13,000DPS.

It is a technical flaw that Anet has not been able to fix. Condition users were designed to be viable in ALL content, and they would be if the computational flaw can be fixed and the cap moved to a personal one instead of a group one.

And conditions are viable in all content, just not optimal.

As I understand – you think that only viable builds for PvE in grp(dungeons\FoTM etc.) is power based(mostly berserk) and all others wrong builds…but If some ppl wants that condi builds can make such damage in PvE like power builds – it is bad?

I want condition builds to be on par with direct damage for group content, but it’s never going to happen because of technical limitations of condition/boon stacking.

To reiterate: any build is viable, but only some are optimal. People complain builds X, Y and Z aren’t viable, but you can link me literally the stupidest build possible and I’d be able to call it viable.

Exactly. Totally agree with you. The reason why condis are limited is because of server loads. They tried to remove the cap and it crashed the server.

The “Play how I want” crowd doesn’t seem to understand that this game IS play how you want. But that doesn’t mean every playstyle is the most efficient. You can run conditions in PvE. You can go full Cleric and be a “healer”. Will it get the job done? Sure. Will it be the best way? No. But that’s the price you pay for playing how you want.

I run a meta zerker Staff Ele in PvE most of the time. Sometimes I wanna see my Incinerator, so I pull out my D/D WvW build. Can I still get things done? Of course. Not as fast/efficient as a glassy staff build, but I’m playing how I want. Would I run a dungeon with my D/D gear? Probably, but definitely not in a group that asked for a more DPS build.

Nothing wrong with playing how you want, it works. But that doesn’t mean you can make other people play with you. Cause they don’t want to. Can’t they play how they want as well?

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xenon.4537


@maha and Pibriamal

Yep, you guys got it. People hear “play how you want” and forget that there are such things as consequences. A person in real life might “want” to grab a gun and kill random people at the store. That doesn’t mean cops won’t come and shoot him or throw him in prison.

People read one thing and apply their own context without thinking. This is but one of many things people misinterpreted from the manifesto.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mesket.5728


It is a technical problem that Anet is either unable or unwilling to spend the time to fix. Until they are nothing will change.

Its not really technical… if I design a system so bad it takes up many more resources than it should, it shouldn’t be right to call it technical. They just did it wrong and can’t figure how to redo it right without budget.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Xenon.4537


It is a technical problem that Anet is either unable or unwilling to spend the time to fix. Until they are nothing will change.

Its not really technical… if I design a system so bad it takes up many more resources than it should, it shouldn’t be right to call it technical. They just did it wrong and can’t figure how to redo it right without budget.

What you described as “just did it wrong” is actually a technical problem, lol. It’s a technical problem as opposed to an aesthetic problem. The technology is at fault here. It’s faulty programming and/or a faulty system under the hood. But you’re right. At this point they need to allocate significant budget to redo it. The problem is so far-gone they would need a complete overhaul or an entirely new mechanic, both of which present serious problems in game design. One little change can throw everything out of whack. Just look at what happened to reflects recently. I’m not even sure what they were trying to fix, but it threw reflects across the game into disarray.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Afya.5842


Conditions are never the “wrong build”, one condition user in a group is awesome for dungeons and conditions are great in solo PvE. The biggest issue is zerg PvE and multiple condition users in a group.

Great in solo PvE, not so great in group dungeons. Other party members are passively applying their own so you lose a lot of your damage, plus your conditions don’t scale with vulnerability or damage modifiers, so in an ideal situation you’ll cap out at like 6,000DPS while direct damage players will cap out at 11,000 – 13,000DPS.

It is a technical flaw that Anet has not been able to fix. Condition users were designed to be viable in ALL content, and they would be if the computational flaw can be fixed and the cap moved to a personal one instead of a group one.

And conditions are viable in all content, just not optimal.

As I understand – you think that only viable builds for PvE in grp(dungeons\FoTM etc.) is power based(mostly berserk) and all others wrong builds…but If some ppl wants that condi builds can make such damage in PvE like power builds – it is bad?

I want condition builds to be on par with direct damage for group content, but it’s never going to happen because of technical limitations of condition/boon stacking.

To reiterate: any build is viable, but only some are optimal. People complain builds X, Y and Z aren’t viable, but you can link me literally the stupidest build possible and I’d be able to call it viable.

Exactly. Totally agree with you. The reason why condis are limited is because of server loads. They tried to remove the cap and it crashed the server.

The “Play how I want” crowd doesn’t seem to understand that this game IS play how you want. But that doesn’t mean every playstyle is the most efficient. You can run conditions in PvE. You can go full Cleric and be a “healer”. Will it get the job done? Sure. Will it be the best way? No. But that’s the price you pay for playing how you want.

I run a meta zerker Staff Ele in PvE most of the time. Sometimes I wanna see my Incinerator, so I pull out my D/D WvW build. Can I still get things done? Of course. Not as fast/efficient as a glassy staff build, but I’m playing how I want. Would I run a dungeon with my D/D gear? Probably, but definitely not in a group that asked for a more DPS build.

Nothing wrong with playing how you want, it works. But that doesn’t mean you can make other people play with you. Cause they don’t want to. Can’t they play how they want as well?

You sound like it’s how it should be. A technical problem is a problem. And part of Anet’s job is to fix the problem. Failing to do so is simply incompetent. However they said they were looking into and addressing that. I think it’s over a year already? If they came down to a conclusion of condition cap not possible or too hard to fix, and decided never to fix, I think we deserve an answer so people can just delete the gear not wasting bank slot nor hoping someday they will fix it.

Also balancing. Yes I know the game is mostly balanced around pvp. And they refuse to split pve/pvp because that would increase their work load. That is understandable. But does that mean it is fine to leave PVE like that? That because of stack limit in open world, they have to put the same limit on dungeon bosses. And dungeon bosses have the unshakable buff/born with stability/regular cleanse that makes condition sucks more. Yet some class is so built around manipulating condition, they deserve to do crap in pve?

It is funny because from last November I also played another buggy game which is called Buggyfield4. People bash it to death, but you really see the dev try to fix problems. They listed the largest issue of the game and use it like a check list to fix bugs. They how have a community testing environment basically an open beta. Also they improved the netcode, the biggest core problem of the game. It was an unfinished game when it released, but as a player, I can see their effort to fix it. Sadly, I don’t see the same from Anet.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Nick.6972


They can’t buff conditions because they’re already “overpowered” in WvW/sPvP.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Saint.5647


However they said they were looking into and addressing that. I think it’s over a year already?

Dude, it took them about two years to add a WP into Arah P1. Two years to add a waypoint.

One True God
Fashion Forward!
Guild Wars Dinosaur

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


The devs addressed this topic multiple times.

Jon Peters addressed it here

Colin then talked about it during a four part Q&A.
The relevant quote comes from part IV

Comment and question about how conditions only stack to 25 and if you have more than one condition stacker that it becomes useless and if anything is being done to address it.

Colin: Currently, no. Interesting statistic for you – every condition in the game costs server bandwidth. We have to track how often the condition is running, what the duration of that condition is, and what the stack is at. So the more stacks we allow, the more expensive it gets because we’re tracking every additional stack on there. So, we could say that you could have infinite stacks. Number one, that becomes really imbalanced. But number two, it’s really expensive for us on a performance basis. That’s one of those weird, kind of backend server issues that can help make game design decisions regardless of what you want to do with it.

Comment and question on how if everyone has their own individual stack on a mob instead.

Colin: Yeah, it’s tough. It’s certainly something that we can look at. It does drastically change the way the professions play. It does say that you can no longer stack all of one type of condition. It might change the skills on each weapons if we were to do that. It would encourage more group play to a certain extent. It’s not really something that we’re talking about, but it’s an interesting idea.

Jon Peters posted again and then again and also brought how condition damage doesn’t affect objects

So long story short, they are aware that the current method is not the best.
Whether or not they plan on trying to fix it or how long it takes them to find a solution, and an individuals reaction to that amount of time, is up to them I guess.

Disclaimer: Those quotes / responses are fairly aged at this time.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: spoj.9672


Even with the stack limit fixed. Conditions would still be bad for group content. Theres really no point in changing it since it wont solve anything overall.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: maha.7902


What conditions need to be good in group content is to be able to reach their peak damage basically at the start of a fight. Berserker builds can stack 25 might and get vuln quickly up to 20+, but conditions need to ramp up first.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: spoj.9672


To make it viable they would have to remove conditions from auto attacks and put them on burst skills. So the idea is you burst the conditions and then you are safe to do other things while you wait for condition burst to come back. At the moment optimal condition damage comes from spamming auto attacks mostly so if you stop you lose damage. The whole idea of DoT damage is to sustain damage even when you cant attack which doesnt happen with the current way skills are in gw2.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: nopoet.2960


Vulnerability would also increase condition dmg inflicted.

Critical conditions, that use Crit dmg to boost condition dmg.

“Stacking power up”, inflicting powerful special condition on set amount of specific condition stacks.

This is a really good summary of the proposals from the players. I just want to add one.

Conditions get consumed by certain attacks allowing more conditions to be applied.

This can work two ways:
1. Certain attacks do extra damage if there are say five or more stacks of a condition consuming the conditions in the process. So basically a new way to spike.

2. Certain attacks convert stacks of regular conditions to special conditions. For example five stacks of bleeding can be converted to a condition called gash that mathematically is just five stacks of bleeding sped up a little bit. Vulnerability could be converted to a condition that causes all attacks to crit. And so on…

Though I suspect that Anet is not short on ideas. There must be some other reason for them not addressing this “problem.” Maybe they think it’s fine the way it is.

(edited by nopoet.2960)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Mesket.5728


In many games, conditions (or debuffs, hexes, curses, DoTs, however you like to call them) are actually better than direct damage for long duration fights as they are more constant and let the player move, dodge and do other things while maintaining damage. I don’t see how direct damage being superior to condition damage is considered here as an irrevocable truth impossible to argue and not subject to change. Some people are just to square to think beyond what they can see online right now.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

The title of this thread does not promote any type of meaningful discussion…

Condition damage is broken in terms of Zergs vs 1 enemy. Other than that, it works fine.

Should they try to fix it? YES. Does the manner the OP starts this thread in any way allow for that….NO.

If you have a reasonable suggestion (other than, “It should work like these other MMOs……”), make them.

EX: My proposal is to allow for some scaled direct damage packet to be applied to any enemy with maximum stacks of a condition. Getting this to work both technically (so this does not overburden zone servers) AND in a balanced manner (so Condition damage from 50 players does not become the new OP meta), is the challenge.

GW1 used HEXES and Anet spent 7 years trying to balance them (with wildly divergent degrees of success). They obviously felt the challenges of keeping them from being OP or useless was not worth the trouble in the new game (can’t say I blame them, but I do love me some GW1 Spiteful Spirit, Assassins Promise and Panic…..)

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Afya.5842


Armor ignoring.

If you played GW1, you know the end game is all about armor-ignoring damage because hardmode mobs have too much armor. Gw2, armor-ignoring damage comes in the form of condition but there is no point to use it in that aspect, especially after vuln and other modifier boosting only direct damage.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Kobal.5234


Personally, I’ve never understood why bleeds in this game work like they do. 25 stacks of bleeds? Why?

Why not a single stack per player that gets overridden by applying a new stack. You’d have to decide wether to overwrite the condition due to buffs, etc or risk applying a weaker version. It also does away with the, what I view as stupid gameplay, condition spamming gameplay. Instead you have to make a concious choice wether to (re)apply them or not.

To balance out the massive event zergs, you could place a stacking resistance buff on the mob that would diminish all (including direct damage) for every condition applied above 25. As in, if more then 25 players apply a bleed stack, the enemy builds resistance to damage inflicted.

No more useless conditions overriding better ones unless you make a personal mistake, but it wouldn’t affect other people’s DPS nearly as much. And the stacking debuff decreases damage across the board to prevent DD characters from still having a big advantage. Yet the large amount of conditions that would trigger such a debuff would still even out the relative damage done, because there’d be more conditions applied then currently possible.

Just thinking out loud here. I’m sure there’s a lot that I haven’t thought of. Just thought I’d give my 2c :P

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dace.8019


It’s really disheartening to see how we’re assured that they’re investigating, working, and planning a solution to put in ASAP from posts dated “about a year ago” and there’s not a peep since. A year? I like the game, but sheesh.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Naevius.3185


Some things aren’t worth fixing, as in the solution causes more problems.

If changing the way conditions work causes every class and weapon to need re-balancing, it isn’t worth doing. Suck it up, soldier.

As a side note, I think they implemented the back-end inefficiently – they should have had each new incoming condition re-weight the damage per tick and re-calc the (weighted) duration of the existing ‘stack’ on the target. (So the server tracks a single stack, not 25.)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The main thing to consider is that in most other games, conditions are fire and forget. Once cast they do their at cast damage each tick until they run out.

With GW2, each tick gets recalculated for each unit of the condition stack. That means that each of those 25 bleeds gets to see if the caster have any might stacks or anything else that changes the damage output since the last time they ticked.

Never mind that stacking conditions usually are just a multiplier on the base damage. If the icon has a number on it in most games it means it does its base damage times the stack size.

In GW2, each unit of the stack is a independent condition. Complete with its own timer etc.

And then comes the issue that each zone instance runs as a process, and that each entity in a zone (mob or player) can have some 50+ conditions ticking away. A instance is limited to about 150 players, so at worst you are looking at ca 7500 conditions that needs to have its math done each second on players alone.

The constant dueling of conditions may make sense in SPVP, and have somewhat of a link back to GW1, but the way it is handled mechanically is design (looks “cool”) over engineering (pain in the kitten for the server to work with).

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Darox.8069


Anet does not hate conditions in PvE. Anet hates PvE.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deathmond.7328


The devs addressed this topic multiple times.

Jon Peters addressed it here

Colin then talked about it during a four part Q&A.
The relevant quote comes from part IV

Comment and question about how conditions only stack to 25 and if you have more than one condition stacker that it becomes useless and if anything is being done to address it.

Colin: Currently, no. Interesting statistic for you – every condition in the game costs server bandwidth. We have to track how often the condition is running, what the duration of that condition is, and what the stack is at. So the more stacks we allow, the more expensive it gets because we’re tracking every additional stack on there. So, we could say that you could have infinite stacks. Number one, that becomes really imbalanced. But number two, it’s really expensive for us on a performance basis. That’s one of those weird, kind of backend server issues that can help make game design decisions regardless of what you want to do with it.

Comment and question on how if everyone has their own individual stack on a mob instead.

Colin: Yeah, it’s tough. It’s certainly something that we can look at. It does drastically change the way the professions play. It does say that you can no longer stack all of one type of condition. It might change the skills on each weapons if we were to do that. It would encourage more group play to a certain extent. It’s not really something that we’re talking about, but it’s an interesting idea.

Jon Peters posted again and then again and also brought how condition damage doesn’t affect objects

So long story short, they are aware that the current method is not the best.
Whether or not they plan on trying to fix it or how long it takes them to find a solution, and an individuals reaction to that amount of time, is up to them I guess.

Disclaimer: Those quotes / responses are fairly aged at this time.

Thank you for the links!

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Other way would be to add more diverse hostile NPCs, instead of just keeping it on “ARMOR<HP<DMG” (Low ARMOR, medium HP and high DMG) types.

Should include like:

“HP<DMG<ARMOR” (Low HP, medium DMG and high ARMOR)

and so on…

Also perhaps include more types for objects, so that they too can be inflicted with conditions.

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: EgonVenkman.1907


It is a technical problem that Anet is either unable or unwilling to spend the time to fix. Until they are nothing will change.

Definitely unwilling. Time + Money fixes nearly all development problems. Instead, they are taking the EA approach to the issue. It is the customer’s perception, not our problem.

It isn’t a bug/problem, its a feature and user perception.

Colin Johanson: "Everyone, including casual gamers,
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.”

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Wow, work like in WoW?

Were you around in WoW’s early days? Back when there was a cap of 8 conditions total on a mob at any given time, including all binary debuffs?

That was fun! Had to very carefully control who in your raid casts what, when. Or you’re screwed. Did I mention that you needed one of those slots just to see what buffs a mob has? :P

That being said, maybe “just” removing the caps would be a good idea. Cheat with the computation update tick if necessary, as if we’d notice in PvE.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

(edited by Carighan.6758)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Some things aren’t worth fixing, as in the solution causes more problems.

If changing the way conditions work causes every class and weapon to need re-balancing, it isn’t worth doing. Suck it up, soldier.

As a side note, I think they implemented the back-end inefficiently – they should have had each new incoming condition re-weight the damage per tick and re-calc the (weighted) duration of the existing ‘stack’ on the target. (So the server tracks a single stack, not 25.)

While the suggestion make sense in terms of the game, the REAL issue here is available resources to do the additional calculations for EVERY stack of conditions being tabulated within a zone. Would probably work fine in a Dungeon instance, but what about prime time Frostgorge or Orr? The 25 stack limit was put in place because there ARE limits on what the Server can calculate and keep up with at any given time and your solution would just exacerbate that issue. They would need a solution that either uses LESS computational power or at least doesn’t use more that the current limitations that are in place. I’m guessing they HAVE tried to fix it, but just have not been successful.

I’m speculating, but that is the most reasonable explanation of why nothing has been done to try and fix it. I think that the change to combine the DoT damage packets displayed is proof they HAVE worked on the issue, but just haven’t found a better solution that is acceptable (both in terms of game balance and technical feasibility).

In terms of not hearing anything about it, I’d guess they are less than eager to admit they have so far come up empty handed. Also, I think the manner in which the community generally twists and misquotes ANYTHING a Dev comments about the game is a decent reason to say nothing about any improvement not slated for the next release.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Meh, ANet has a stick up their behind about design.

One reason for getting crap tells rather than castbars are “play the game, not the UI”.

And the way the conditions function reeks of a design over engineering approach, where arbitrary limits have been set to not compromise the basic design of the conditions.

Never mind that the issue only really reveals itself in group PVE, in SPVP you pretty much melt shortly after getting anywhere near the limit. Ergo they can’t really be bothered because it does not impact their precious SPVP.

/rant out

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dace.8019


because it does not impact their precious SPVP.

How precious is SPVP? Websites that support it are dwindling, and GW2 does not have a large e-Sports presence in the gaming world. That’s not strictly down to the game, but ANet’s catastrophic lack of nurturing and the rare trickle of meaningful updates (including balance fixes) to it.

I see the LS as a huge hint as to what the majority is up to, since ANet is catering to the biggest slice of its revenue pie. I’d argue (casual) PvE is where their focus is firmly set simply by indication of the volume of content released for it.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: digiowl.9620


because it does not impact their precious SPVP.

How precious is SPVP?

their patch changes seems to be focused squarely on SPVP issues at least.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Conditions take up bandwidth apparently, which creates lag. Do you really want to experience more lag?

Until conditions become something other than fire and forget they will never fit in this game’s balance.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Never mind that the issue only really reveals itself in group PVE, in SPVP you pretty much melt shortly after getting anywhere near the limit. Ergo they can’t really be bothered because it does not impact their precious SPVP.

Yeah, I agree.
Doesn’t seem to matter how few players play sPvP and how many play the PvE content or run around in WvW, nope, balance has to be focused on sPvP because e-splurts.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

give condition removal abilities to PvE monsters.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Carighan.6758


give condition removal abilities to PvE monsters.

Hrm, that’d be the tip of the iceberg IMO.
We need… complexity. Or rather, we have this interesting system where mobs show abilities under their nameplate. And some mobs have generic shared abilities, but this can be capitalized on.

For example, some types of mobs would be able to cleanse. Others to purge. Others yet to heal themselves or apply regen to others (strong regen, mind you). Bandit-type mobs would have a tag “Avoids attacks”, meaning they always run out of AE and dodge away from slower attacks, you can only hit them with simple attacks. Pirates could have “Opportunistic attacks”, they interrupt you, and if a target is CCed in the party they all beeline and gank that target while continueing to CC it.

And so on.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Why It can`t work like in WoW\Rift\Swtor or other MMO game?
WHen we fight world boss\dungeon creatures\open world content – some dragon or something else take condition damage from me and all players who damage him? He suffer from my bleed+burning and from others players bleed+burning or poison or torment. Those condition effects should not replace each other – it’s just absurd!
I understand the state of sPvP or WvW but in PvE it need to work in another way!

it should work like that, BUT also be effected by damage mitigation like toughness, protection, armour, dodging, invulnerability etc.
also poison would need a cap on its healing reduction.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


There definitely needs to be a solution to this. I shouldnt have to switch to power based gear for open world combat because of a technical limitation. Surely there is a solution that makes these stats/builds viable that doesnt tax the system into the dirt.

As has been said multiple times, many other MMOs (almost all over MMOs) get this right – it is sad that GW2, which does almost everything better than all of those games – drops the ball on this important point.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dekou.6012


What I don’t understand is how between these two scenarios:

1) Necros A and B attack monsters C, D, E and F, stacking 25 bleeds on every one of them


2) Necros A and B attack monster C, stacking 50 bleeds on it

2 is disabled because of its taxing nature. After all, in 2 the server has to keep track of 50 bleeds, while in 1 it has to keep track of 100 bleeds. It doesn’t make much sense.

Why ANet hate condition in PvE?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

GW1. Degen had a cap of -10. or -20 health a second. poison/bleed was already -7, Conjure phantasm was -5? Burning was -7 byitself I think. So long story short, its always worked this way in their games.

Cause honestly, if they removed the cap, GW1 would be degen wars, cause -30 degen would be easy to nab on Me/N for example, and would net you HUGE dps. And honestly, if we could stack 200 bleed on a mob, it would be kittenED how fast we could down it.