if they didnt over do ele/engie then why...
I mostly see thief/ranger/mesmer
odd =\ the last game I had was 3 eles each team an engie thief and Mesmer as well as me on Mesmer lol… gave up on necro till they actually give it sustain >.<
Yup, I see rangers, mesmers, thieves. Then again, I do not assume my experiences represent the entire GW2 community.
By the way OP, what balance discussion are you trying to create?
I do not assume my experiences represent the entire GW2 community.
lol one that cant have a lengthy argument that has constant counters over and over again over the smallest of things imaginable oh and they over did the sustain these 2 classes have with not many drawbacks other then much much clicking involved thanks to the sigil and cele updates =| especially the burst healing from ele on top of everything else bleah.. supply crate can turn the tide of battle for a point easily giving way too much even for an elite.
lengthy daze
aoe healing
and bandages.. geez
ps I forgot to mention the duration this just sends it over the top
(edited by unlucky.9285)
I cant fathom how they can see necro sustain as op and thus have nerfed ds twice in recent months refuse to give actual healing in death shroud that isn’t just regen for a grand master
but the ability to heal to full from almost dead over and over is fine …….
I cant fathom how they can see necro sustain as op and thus have nerfed ds twice in recent months …….
Do you have any proof the changes to DS were because They thought Necromancer’s sustain is overpowered?
If not, then I will tell you again, because I cannot fathom why you do not understand this simple thing:
To do.
The Balancing Team!
Just because those “bugs” were fixed at the cost of the survivability of the Necromancer, does not mean that this has any relation with the people who actually work on class balance… Unless you got solid proof that they made these changes because “Necromancer’s sustain is overpowered” I would kindly ask you to not make assumptions…
Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
I cant fathom how they can see necro sustain as op and thus have nerfed ds twice in recent months refuse to give actual healing in death shroud that isn’t just regen for a grand master
but the ability to heal to full from almost dead over and over is fine …….
If you are struggling to win against D/D Elementalists and Engineers you could just tell us the classes you enoy playing and we could give you some advice.
That is unarguably a much better approach to the problem then “omg OP nerf pl0x”, regardless of what I think on the matter.
refuse to give actual healing in death shroud that isn’t just regen for a grand master
just to quote myself…………. to make sure you read the entire thing and I don’t remember it saying fixed a bug that enabled a necro to use deathshroud immediately after it expires naturally.. will have another look
I cant fathom how they can see necro sustain as op and thus have nerfed ds twice in recent months refuse to give actual healing in death shroud that isn’t just regen for a grand master
but the ability to heal to full from almost dead over and over is fine …….
If you are struggling to win against D/D Elementalists and Engineers you could just tell us the classes you enoy playing and we could give you some advice.
That is unarguably a much better approach to the problem then “omg OP nerf pl0x”, regardless of what I think on the matter.
well at the moment im playing (shatter) Mesmer so not having much trouble actually when its a 1v1. mostly because of the range and stealth factor. until they start to run away and reset or that lucky 5 hour stun gets me lasting just long enough to pile everything on top of me -.-… it does become a problem when they pair up tho >.<
necro I find it hopeless tbh everyone says you should just own them on a necro… that might be true if you build specifically to deal with them but then you get squished by everything else =s and that build might work for one but not the other so either way you are stuffed with the increased numbers of them.
it doesn’t help the shocked replies when I say necro is ruined horrible terribad when I then go on to kill most of the necros I come across with ease -.- (they rely heavily on spectral utility and your stupidity to hit them during it lolz..).
cant say much about the other classes yet, only been jumping on them occasionally, but from what I see when other people play its not much fun for them either
and yes I have been using engie myself and have seen what it is like from their end.. not so much ele too much clickity click but enough to know what to look for
Anyone see the list for the American qualifiers for this upcoming tournament?
See anything strange?
(pulled off front page; https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/citizens-of-tyria-meet-your-champions/)
Representing North America: The Abjured
Heavily favored to take the North American Invitational Qualifier, the Abjured showed up on Sunday in full force, taking the final series against the The Uncivilized Rough Boys in a 3-0 sweep. Can the Abjured help bring the first international tournament win back for North America, or will Europe take their third consecutive event?
•Phantaram – Elementalist – United States
•Ostrich Eggs – Engineer – United States
•Magic Toker – Thief – United States
•Wakkey – Elementalist – United States
•Five Gauge – Engineer – Canada
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
The Abjured were saying that Nos would not be going to the TSI right after the ToL. Seems to me that he had prior commitments, but no reasons were actually given. So we knew they wouldn’t have a necro.
Given Nos and Ostrich Eggs would usually pair up to assault a point with condi/hybrid pressure, it makes sense that a replacement would be an engineer, if not a necro.
Anyone see the list for the American qualifiers for this upcoming tournament?
See anything strange?
(pulled off front page; https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/citizens-of-tyria-meet-your-champions/)
Representing North America: The AbjuredHeavily favored to take the North American Invitational Qualifier, the Abjured showed up on Sunday in full force, taking the final series against the The Uncivilized Rough Boys in a 3-0 sweep. Can the Abjured help bring the first international tournament win back for North America, or will Europe take their third consecutive event?
•Phantaram – Elementalist – United States
•Ostrich Eggs – Engineer – United States
•Magic Toker – Thief – United States
•Wakkey – Elementalist – United States
•Five Gauge – Engineer – Canada
lol… gave up on necro till they actually give it sustain >.<
Having a top tier Necro on our team would greatly improve our skirmishing battle strength over a 2nd Engineer. Clearly some are reading into the comp too much to support opinions on balance, too. That’s a dangerous path. Something to note is that all 5 of us are playing our mains and tend not be at our peak when multi-classing, except Wakkey’s Warrior.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
I played a whole THREE soloq games the other night and all of them had at least 2 mesmers but no eles.
That much evidence proves irrevocably that eles need buffs. Maybe up the range of lightning whip to 1200, thatd be a good start
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Not that anecdotal evidence really proves anything, but honestly a majority of my matches have at least 1 warrior on each team, sometimes several. Correlation does not imply causation. I usually see a pretty fair mix of classes but if I have a match where there are no eles does that mean eles must be underpowered because no one in that match is playing one?
I think the nerfs dps warrior took has made these other classes too strong. I never see dps warriors anymore and the ones I do see are not helping their team much. They are the one class that had uber stability and could really hurt them. Could say the same about Rangers too. Now these Ranged classes have had a major counter removed.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
So what you’re saying is, you got killed in PvP and think that the devs ought to fix it?
playing bunker engineer because I can chill out and watch movies on yt.
Yes, celestial builds are really (too?) strong, and ele and engi have the best celestial builds. However, my bet is that the Abjured will be crushed by TCG in Beijing. Playing on strong, bunkerish builds might work in North America, but in Europe you actually have to have a team with different dedicated roles to win. So other professions still have their part to play. I wouldn’t mind a slight nerf to strength runes and sigil of battle though, just to see a little change in the meta.
playing bunker engineer because I can chill out and watch movies on yt.
Sadly, it will work in soloq. Far from OP, but when your team makes no effort to play collectively whatsoever, even the dumbest builds become good.
Yeah, loading into a game and seeing 2-3 engineers on the other team practically every game makes me want to kill myself.
Engi has taken it’s place next to warrior as easiest pvp class.
I mostly see the class I get owned by, because I’m but* hurt… QQ
It is funny. Obviously they overdid engi and ele. The question is when will they fix it? Based on how close ANET handles balancing issues, my guess is March.
Don’t judge balance by how many people of a certain class just happen to be playing at a certain time of day. That is a thing called “coincidence” and happens for more than just elementalists and engineers.
Yeah, loading into a game and seeing 2-3 engineers on the other team practically every game makes me want to kill myself.
Engi has taken it’s place next to warrior as easiest pvp class.
Only in this case, easy don’t equal good. I love turret engies in PvP. They are so easy to deal with.
I don’t get why these forums assume turret Engi is so potent.
I must be missing something because I’ve never encountered a Turret Engi worth mentioning in tPvP.
I get QQ for being turret from the rare forumite who actually PvPs between rage posts though, despite having always played 3-kit.
My opinion is that it’s all about blaming something other than oneself for a loss.
The Abjured team comp is not ideal.
I’m actually amazed that they got as far as they did, ever seen an Elementalist with 25 stacks of might get hit with Corrupt Boon? That new necro trait that transforms 3 boons into conditions, also shreds engineers and ele’s, not to mention a bunker guardians worst nightmare. You don’t even have to go condi to wreck players that rely on boons.
Hell, two thieves can easily focus fire, land two steals and that ele will be looking at freaking 20 seconds of Chill.
Two hambows with an elementalist supporting is beastly, my buddy told me I buffed him so high that his autos with Hammer where hitting 4k per hit with soldiers amulet.
I’ve been on teams that had ideal team comp yet one random Terror necro spamming 2+ seconds of fear on everyone just wrecked us in tPvP.
Are Elementalists and Engineers OP? Yes. Are the a problem? Not really, as I said, The Abjured got by because everyone played the safe meta game, focusing on good builds rather than good team comp.
Engineers Gear Shield has a 10 second shorter recharge than Warriors Shield Stance and Elixir S is 15 seconds shorter recharge than Mist Form. It’s one thing to clone existing skills but it’s another to make them even more powerful.
As for Elementalists, burning. Way to much AoE burning applied way to easily.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
The Abjured team comp is not ideal.
I’m actually amazed that they got as far as they did.
Hell, two thieves can easily focus fire, land two steals and that ele will be looking at freaking 20 seconds of Chill.
Two hambows with an elementalist supporting is beastly, my buddy told me I buffed him so high that his autos with Hammer where hitting 4k per hit with soldiers amulet.
I’ve been on teams that had ideal team comp yet one random Terror necro spamming 2+ seconds of fear on everyone just wrecked us in tPvP.
My brother, you have been sitting at 141 wins in team queue, with a win rate in the 50%’s, ranked 68th percentile, pretty much identical to when I looked you up last year.
I think that ‘buddy’ of yours who plays Warrior, and everyone else playing in your ideal team comp must be imaginary friends of yours.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
The Abjured team comp is not ideal.
I’m actually amazed that they got as far as they did.
Hell, two thieves can easily focus fire, land two steals and that ele will be looking at freaking 20 seconds of Chill.
Two hambows with an elementalist supporting is beastly, my buddy told me I buffed him so high that his autos with Hammer where hitting 4k per hit with soldiers amulet.
I’ve been on teams that had ideal team comp yet one random Terror necro spamming 2+ seconds of fear on everyone just wrecked us in tPvP.
My brother, you have been sitting at 141 wins in team queue, with a win rate in the 50%’s, ranked 68th percentile, pretty much identical to when I looked you up last year.
I think that ‘buddy’ of yours who plays Warrior, and everyone else playing in your ideal team comp must be imaginary friends of yours.
My brother, I don’t have a team for TeamQ and every team I applied weren’t good enough. The only time I do any TeamQ is with a couple guildies or friends who invite me. You try carrying an MM necro holding home, it’s not easy.
Oh, I’ll be happy to teach Eggs and Phantaram how to play Ele and survive without 3 Cantips.
If YoloQ wasn’t a joke I can boast about how I went from unranked to rank 19 in a single evening. Then I was reminded why I don’t YoloQ a lot, I went from unranked to rank 19 in a single evening. 8 Winning Streaks = Top Tier player, legit.
My ideal team comp?
My ideal team comp is when 4/5ths of my team can’t be hard countered by a single player. Protip.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
I don’t have a team for TeamQ and every team I applied weren’t good enough.
Did you consider the possibility that your delusions of being the Elementalist messiah might be causing teams to dismiss you as a weirdo?
Oh, I’ll be happy to teach Eggs and Phantaram how to play Ele and survive without 3 Cantips.
Oh, well, I don’t remember anyone asking for your expertise, but if you wouldn’t mind, please disclose your superior Elementalist build, forged in the fiery depths of a single night in Solo Q.
Though it appears from what you say that the success of the build is only made possible by transcending human reaction time, as you have done. Because of this, I fear it may be out of Phantaram’s grasp. Futile as it may be, I accept, and ask that you start the training immediately.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I mostly see the class I get owned by, because I’m but* hurt… QQ
I don’t have a team for TeamQ and every team I applied weren’t good enough.
Did you consider the possibility that your delusions of being the Elementalist messiah might be causing teams to dismiss you as a weirdo?
Oh, I’ll be happy to teach Eggs and Phantaram how to play Ele and survive without 3 Cantips.
Oh, well, I don’t remember anyone asking for your expertise, but if you wouldn’t mind, please disclose your superior Elementalist build, forged in the fiery depths of a single night in Solo Q.
Though it appears from what you say that the success of the build is only made possible by transcending human reaction time, as you have done. Because of this, I fear it may be out of Phantaram’s grasp. Futile as it may be, I accept, and ask that you start the training immediately.
LOL, this spamgineer.
My elementalist build is basically the same as cheese Celestial D/D except with Powerful Auras for team protection, Glyph of Elemental Harmony for burst healing, Arcane Blast for ranged fire, chaos, smoke or frozen field blasts, Lightning Flash because obvious and Arcane Shield.
The difference is I actually have to time my auras and healing instead of just spamming them. It’s a bit sad to see top tier Elementalists still relying on spamming
What am I saying? Your ENTIRE team relies on spamming XD even the thief! LOL
I’m going to laugh if Made in Meta brings a bunker necro back from pre-Dhuumfire and just wreck your entire teams face. After all, bunker nerco was designed to remove boons, spam fear and tank damage as the answer to bunker guardians. Against an entire team comp that RELIES on heavy boon stacking, it’s a bunker necro dream XD
Where are all the top tier Necromacers at? They were everyone during Dhuumfire.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
I don’t get all of the unoriginal buzz word regurgitation like “spam”.
As you suggesting your teams players spend time in a fight being idle? If so, that is probably a bad idea. If not, they are “spamming”, as you would put it, attacks as much as anyone else then.
I don’t get all of the unoriginal buzz word regurgitation like “spam”.
As you suggesting your teams players spend time in a fight being idle? If so, that is probably a bad idea. If not, they are “spamming”, as you would put it, attacks as much as anyone else then.
Spam is using skills carelessly yet not punished for it, instead you are rewarded for it.
Wait, what, was it not a few weeks ago that longbow rangers were on all teams running around being OP? Lol
This board.
(edited by Vikkela.7261)
My elementalist build is basically the same as cheese Celestial D/D except with Powerful Auras for team protection, Glyph of Elemental Harmony for burst healing, Arcane Blast for ranged fire, chaos, smoke or frozen field blasts, Lightning Flash because obvious and Arcane Shield.
The difference is I actually have to time my auras and healing instead of just spamming them. It’s a bit sad to see top tier Elementalists still relying on spamming
Oh, you play downed state Elementalist, ie: no condition removal? Haha. Oh, you know how to survive on that build? Nice, man.
Well you can laugh at the actual strong Elementalist mechanics like Signet of Restoration, and Cleansing Water all the way to the graveyard.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I don’t get all of the unoriginal buzz word regurgitation like “spam”.
As you suggesting your teams players spend time in a fight being idle? If so, that is probably a bad idea. If not, they are “spamming”, as you would put it, attacks as much as anyone else then.
Spam is using skills carelessly yet not punished for it.
Um, Google (no it’s not the All-Mighty, but it does have a good dictionary for all the terms) thinks otherwise:
noun: spam; plural noun: spams; noun: Spam
1. irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.
unwanted or intrusive advertising on the Internet.
“an autogenerated spam website”
2. trademark
a canned meat product made mainly from ham.
verb: spam; 3rd person present: spams; past tense: spammed; past participle: spammed; gerund or present participle: spamming
1.send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
:| So I think what you’re trying to describe falls closely under the 1st/3rd definition.
“Carelessly yet not punished for it” – that’s very vague. For instance… in sc2, you can do a 6-pool rush as a zerg, that’s where you “spam”/create nothing but zerglings after you’ve created a spawning pool at 6 supply (gist of it)… Now that tactic is considering “cheesy” and you “spam”, it can actually get you into platinum pretty easily (at least I was able to in 3v3’s)… BUT even if it’s “spamming”, the very bad thing about it is if the opponent counters you, it sets you up for a world of hurt – punishing you for it a bit or losing you the game (if the opponent knows what they’re doing). So I guess by your definition doing 6-pool isn’t “spamming” zerglings since it does punish the player that’s doing it (provided the opponent knows a way around it).
This “balance” forum is the most troll forum out of all the GW2 forums… This is the place where people come to QQ… that or the specific class forums by which they got owned by. It’s a fun place to screw around.
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
I don’t get all of the unoriginal buzz word regurgitation like “spam”.
As you suggesting your teams players spend time in a fight being idle? If so, that is probably a bad idea. If not, they are “spamming”, as you would put it, attacks as much as anyone else then.
Spam is using skills carelessly yet not punished for it.
Um, Google (no it’s not the All-Mighty, but it does have a good dictionary for all the terms) thinks otherwise:
noun: spam; plural noun: spams; noun: Spam1. irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.
unwanted or intrusive advertising on the Internet.
“an autogenerated spam website”2. trademark
a canned meat product made mainly from ham.verb
verb: spam; 3rd person present: spams; past tense: spammed; past participle: spammed; gerund or present participle: spamming1.send the same message indiscriminately to (large numbers of recipients) on the Internet.
:| So I think what you’re trying to describe falls closely under the 1st/3rd definition.
“Carelessly yet not punished for it” – that’s very vague. For instance… in sc2, you can do a 6-pool rush as a zerg, that’s where you “spam”/create nothing but zerglings after you’ve created a spawning pool at 6 supply (gist of it)… Now that tactic is considering “cheesy” and you “spam”, it can actually get you into platinum pretty easily (at least I was able to in 3v3’s)… BUT even if it’s “spamming”, the very bad thing about it is if the opponent counters you, it sets you up for a world of hurt – punishing you for it a bit or losing you the game (if the opponent knows what they’re doing). So I guess by your definition doing 6-pool isn’t “spamming” zerglings since it does punish the player that’s doing it (provided the opponent knows a way around it).@Vikk
This “balance” forum is the most troll forum out of all the GW2 forums… This is the place where people come to QQ… that or the specific class forums by which they got owned by.It’s a fun place to screw around.
Yeah no, I don’t think a dictionary definition is appropriate for what it means to
spam abilities in an MMO.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Yeah no, I don’t think a dictionary definition is appropriate for what it means to
spam abilities in an MMO.
:D Definitions of things may vary from person to person, context to context…
Mine for instance, for spamming, is just repeatedly using and re-using the same skill/action/small set of actions. Which is more in line with the dictionary definition, I would think. Whether the person is punished for it or not, is another story on it’s own that doesn’t fall into the definition of “spamming”… And this little bit here shows emotion from nova, not to make his definition of it any less true (for himself or for whoever accepts it).
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
My elementalist build is basically the same as cheese Celestial D/D except with Powerful Auras for team protection, Glyph of Elemental Harmony for burst healing, Arcane Blast for ranged fire, chaos, smoke or frozen field blasts, Lightning Flash because obvious and Arcane Shield.
The difference is I actually have to time my auras and healing instead of just spamming them. It’s a bit sad to see top tier Elementalists still relying on spamming
Oh, you play downed state Elementalist, ie: no condition removal? Haha. Oh, you know how to survive on that build? Nice, man.
Well you can laugh at the actual strong Elementalist mechanics like Signet of Restoration, and Cleansing Water all the way to the graveyard.
LOL, you probably never been with a skilled Elementalist I understand. Don’t get me wrong, those are good skills, for 1v1 maps.
kitten , if I only gotten a team together
I would so bring back the bunker necromancer. People forgot how good that was.
Now I can see why you’ve gotten so far, Radioactive with 3 power necromancers and assuming Lich Form wins team fights. Power necromancer isn’t even a hard counter! Not only did they fail to being a soft counter but they took 3 necromancers with an elite that is easy to play around.
My elementalist build is basically the same as cheese Celestial D/D except with Powerful Auras for team protection, Glyph of Elemental Harmony for burst healing, Arcane Blast for ranged fire, chaos, smoke or frozen field blasts, Lightning Flash because obvious and Arcane Shield.
The difference is I actually have to time my auras and healing instead of just spamming them. It’s a bit sad to see top tier Elementalists still relying on spamming
Oh, you play downed state Elementalist, ie: no condition removal? Haha. Oh, you know how to survive on that build? Nice, man.
Well you can laugh at the actual strong Elementalist mechanics like Signet of Restoration, and Cleansing Water all the way to the graveyard.
LOL, you probably never been with a skilled Elementalist I understand. Don’t get me wrong, those are good skills, for 1v1 maps.
kitten , if I only gotten a team together
I would so bring back the bunker necromancer. People forgot how good that was.Now I can see why you’ve gotten so far, Radioactive with 3 power necromancers and assuming Lich Form wins team fights. Power necromancer isn’t even a hard counter! Not only did they fail to being a soft counter but they took 3 necromancers with an elite that is easy to play around.
Phanta and Wakkey are pretty awesome Eles.
Strong 1v1 pressure is always important.
Radioactive had a terrormancer. Lich form and banners do win team fights. It’s the subsequent teamfights that they do not win. Because long cooldowns.
You will not bring back ‘bunker necromancer’.
I’m pretty sure you don’t know what a ‘bunker’ is.
You just aren’t on the same wavelength as PvPers.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
My elementalist build is basically the same as cheese Celestial D/D except with Powerful Auras for team protection, Glyph of Elemental Harmony for burst healing, Arcane Blast for ranged fire, chaos, smoke or frozen field blasts, Lightning Flash because obvious and Arcane Shield.
The difference is I actually have to time my auras and healing instead of just spamming them. It’s a bit sad to see top tier Elementalists still relying on spamming
Oh, you play downed state Elementalist, ie: no condition removal? Haha. Oh, you know how to survive on that build? Nice, man.
Well you can laugh at the actual strong Elementalist mechanics like Signet of Restoration, and Cleansing Water all the way to the graveyard.
LOL, you probably never been with a skilled Elementalist I understand. Don’t get me wrong, those are good skills, for 1v1 maps.
kitten , if I only gotten a team together
I would so bring back the bunker necromancer. People forgot how good that was.Now I can see why you’ve gotten so far, Radioactive with 3 power necromancers and assuming Lich Form wins team fights. Power necromancer isn’t even a hard counter! Not only did they fail to being a soft counter but they took 3 necromancers with an elite that is easy to play around.
Phanta and Wakkey are pretty awesome Eles.
Strong 1v1 pressure is always important.
Radioactive had a terrormancer. Lich form and banners do win team fights. It’s the subsequent teamfights that they do not win. Because long cooldowns.
You will not bring back ‘bunker necromancer’.
I’m pretty sure you don’t know what a ‘bunker’ is.
You just aren’t on the same wavelength as PvPers.
You’re right I’m not on the same wavelength as PvPers, I’m better
1v1 pressure is important, it’s great on a tanky team that can split well. But with 3 Cantips you are sacrificing to much offense for defense, Ele’s already have plenty of healing and condition removal, having more offensive capabilties makes a world of difference. Plus Phanta and Wakka’s element rotations were LOL, playing like Engineers, swapping around everything and see what was off cooldown instead of actual planning. I don’t think either of them reached 25 might stacks in a team fight.
Terrormancer is NOTHING without support, terror necros can’t shutdown without help but when they do have help, they can just casually shutdown time after time again.
If they honestly thought they could keep 2 glassy necromancers alive is beyond me. Not sure what Radioactive was thinking…
You’re right I’m not on the same wavelength as PvPers, I’m better
1v1 pressure is important, it’s great on a tanky team that can split well. But with 3 Cantips you are sacrificing to much offense for defense, Ele’s already have plenty of healing and condition removal, having more offensive capabilties makes a world of difference. Plus Phanta and Wakka’s element rotations were LOL, playing like Engineers, swapping around everything and see what was off cooldown instead of actual planning. I don’t think either of them reached 25 might stacks in a team fight.
Terrormancer is NOTHING without support, terror necros can’t shutdown without help but when they do have help, they can just casually shutdown time after time again.
If they honestly thought they could keep 2 glassy necromancers alive is beyond me. Not sure what Radioactive was thinking…
Elementalists are largely responsible for staying on point during skirmishes and stomping. If our Eles played trashcan double Arcane D/D Ele and gave up 75% of their condition removal, we wouldn’t stand a twinkie’s chance at fat camp.
You aren’t going to ever know what you’re talking about. That’s because all you do is hype yourself while you think you have it all figured out
New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Nova it sounds like you have an easy way to make 80 bucks a week. Hop to it. We need more good teams on NA.