need a honest answer about next patch

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jihm.2315


lets say that next patch the game is still unbalanced and 1-2 classes dominate will it take 6 months again to try and balance the game out?

action combat made mmos better lol

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


It takes 9 months to let the meta settle. d(‘-’d)
No need to worry about them changing things too quickly for you.

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ramorambo.6701


Dude that’s how MMOs works, they will always be imbalanced, if you seek balance play an fps/moba not a casuals oriented mmo like gw2.

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Pteor.6421


Dude that’s how MMOs works, they will always be imbalanced, if you seek balance play an fps/moba not a casuals oriented mmo like gw2.

Actually, let’s be realistic here. Balance has nothing to do with genre and more to do with iteration cycles.

Meaning WoW patching every couple of months will remain more balanced than GW2 at every 6-9 months. LoL and most mobas will destroy that with patches every month or so, and that has nothing to do with them being mobas.

Moba companies are just more comfortable releasing balance tuning patches without releasing new content at the same time. MMORPG companies push content because they think that’s what more players want. Probably rightly so. But its not a limit based on genre. Its the company’s policy that’s at fault.

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: jihm.2315


Dude that’s how MMOs works, they will always be imbalanced, if you seek balance play an fps/moba not a casuals oriented mmo like gw2.

Meaning WoW patching every couple of months will remain more balanced than GW2 at every 6-9 months.

wow when i was playing had terrible balance remember cata frost mage? lol

action combat made mmos better lol

need a honest answer about next patch

in Profession Balance

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Im not sure about sPvP, but I think the end result in WvW will be thieves falling out of favor unless they go p/d, a decent rise in hybrid builds, and stun-cheese Mace/shield Warriors + hybrid Mesmers becoming the apex classes for roaming (though the zerg meta wont change).