Since last balance patch there are a number of warrior builds, that are insanely strong in wvwvw roaming. Warrior always had quite a good trade off between damage and survivability, however for the builds I’m talking about at the moment it feels out of bounds.
what is the build I’m talking about?
mainly warriors with great sword + x/shield (most of them use a mace at the x). However it might also count for certain other builds, I did however not face not enough warriors playing this to give a proper opinion about it.
Why does it feel out of bounds?
Okay basely I don’t consider myself a bad player and against most professions while roaming I notice if I do low damage to them, they do low damage to me, if they do high damage to me, I do high damage to them. This making the odds to win while facing an player that is around the same skill level about 50/50. However when facing a warrior with the build pointed out above, I notice I can hardly do any damage to them, while they can pomp out allot of damage on me. Than if you actually manage to get them to low health, the movement speed on great sword makes them actually able to outrun me as a d/d elementalist, specced in such a way I have a very high movement speed.
What are the problems
one of the problems with warrior is, when they proc the -40% condi duration food (combined with runes of melandru), they basely are about nullifying one of their big weaknesses, which is cripples, frozen and immobilize.
And other problem is the amount of blocks and invulnerability a warrior can use. They can get 2 from utilies, in the spec I’m discibing they have a shield block and if they use a mace they have a block form that also. In most cases they also have a damage invulnerability also form traits.
Possible sulution?
I have been talking to a few warriors and one of the things the mentions is turning both condition duration foods form +/-40% to +/-20%. Why, because this would make warriors more vulnerable to cripples, frozen and immobilize.
I do not really play warrior myself, but I could see it working to actually lower the amount of invulnerability and blocks that are available in one spec, since they are scaling to good with the healing signet.
Last thing is actually to lower the gs movement speed, if a d/d ele specced on moment speed already does have great trouble to hold up with that while chasing (that does mean only 20 sec cd on ride the lighting instead of 40 sec cd), how can most other profession actually keep up with it.
The problem with warriors is not necessarily their damage is out of bound or their survivability. The pain is they can get all without any real sacrifice. This does not go for every build, if I’m facing for example a hambow they are still strong, they however are way more in balance even though their damage to survivability trait off is still good, they do not have the ridiculous movement speed, allowing them to reset combat en hit back in on you and even though most still have some invulnerability form utilities, it’s way more into balance, because of the CD on those.