Beaten Bloody Bugged
Nobody else experiencing this? Are you all getting your achievement just fine?
Wouldn’t it be likely that this is due to the very fact that he does not go through all his “phases”?
The fight is supposed to have several phases after all and bypassing them might very well break the achievement.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Our group defeated the prince in 5 seconds with no door summons and still couldn’t get the achievement. This achievement is definitely bugged. Anyone else getting this?
Did you not just retry it? Takes all of 30sec to try it again. And, with “no door summons”, sounds like your instance bugged. You HAVE to have door summons during the fight, it’s a mechanic that triggers automatically.
P.S. 5sec is hardly believable. Maybe 15,…20, 30…but 5? Come on, be honest with yourself on that one.
I can easily believe 5 zerkers could stunlock him and take him out in 5 seconds. The hard part is just getting him into the goo because he likes to use a range attack for a bit, making this hard to complete solo.
Did you try, uh, going slower? I got the achievement with a group of random people found in map chat. We didn’t kill him in 5 seconds.
Rangers lay traps to stun him and he can be damaged immediately.
That said, we didn’t just try this one time. Our last try was the 5 sec run. We had anywhere between 30-60 sec for a number of runs before that, with doors spawning as usual. The only common thing was using the traps at the beginning. I know others have done that, so has that caused other players to fail to achieve as well?
my group had the same thing happen with now rangers we got the rewards but no achievement tracker shows 0